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* What anime/game character do you want to see next? Vote now! The one with the most vote will be my next priority.

* Feel free to message me if you're a $5 , $10, and $30 patron and ill include them next week.

Ex. [Name of the Character] from [Title of Anime or Game]

* For the Tied vote characters, i will pick the one who's on the top of the poll.

* I will to remove the lowest character vote counts next week. 4 characters maximum will be remove as long as they have the same lowest votes. So choose wisely guys.

* You can recommend a character who won the Weekly poll before after 3 months.

End of voting : Thursday @ 12am UTC +8:00 Singapore

No limit for the votes so you can vote everything.

No Under-aged shit guys :)



i removed the least votes last week since I received multiple request for this week's poll. So if ever you wanted to re-enter the removed characters, feel free to slide a DM. We have a full poll right now, good luck!


Looks like Rise... didn't rise up to the occasion this week...