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Hello everyone, First of all thank you for the support you have given to me and my family. No one could have expect the untimely demise of my mother. I understand if most of the people knows me to rest and take my time. Yes, i'm depressed and sad but I'm pretty sure my mom would understand why i want to resume working because this is the only thing i can do to cope up with my emotions (can't go outside that often, it's still pandemic guys).

I might be slow finishing the pending drawings but bear with me everyone, I will stand again.

So, the poll is open to all patrons this week. Thanks again guys. I love you all.



Hope you're feeling better man. Just remember, if you ever still need more time to heal, I'm sure most of here will understand


So sorry ... Be strong and hope you will be able to regain your strength and mental state. And yet work will help you with this.


Take care of yourself please. :(