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Hello Everyone. Just letting you guys know that I'm taking a break for a week. This is because I've lost my mom and I will be needing some time to mourn the death of my loved one. Nevertheless, I will still be posting the Poll later which you will be able to vote until Next week. Thank you for your support and understanding. 




I'm sorry for your loss. Take the time you need.


Take longer if you must, I’m sorry for the loss of your mother, I hope you have a great recovery and thank you for all the amazing art you’ve drawn for us. Get well 🙏


I'm so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need to mourn

Anthony Perry

One day at a time man, we'll all still be here when you're ready


Sorry, for your loss. I wish you to get well soon. 😥🙏


Sorry to hear this, Dannex. I lost a loved one recently as well, so I can imagine how you must be feeling. Don't push yourself, okay? If you need more than a week, that's totally understandable. We will all be waiting for your return. Stay strong and come back with a clear mind. We will support you in making the year the best it can be. Much love. ❤️


Please don’t rush your grief. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


My condolences. Take as much time as you need.


Take all the time you need. Your mental health is more important. Good luck


I imagine you must be feeling a lot of emotions and memories during these difficult days. It’s okay to take your time as you need to, and we will support you through your hour of need.


My condolences. Take all the time you need and get back when you feel like it.


take all the time you need, I send my condolences


Sorry for your loss

jacob obara

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose a parent. take all the time you need.


I am very sorry for the loss of your mother. Take the time for your mother, your family, and you.


Omg I'm very sorry for your loss, take all the time you need


I´m so sorry for your loss... please take all the time you need with your family


Very sorry for your loss... Please don't feel pressured to come back if you still need more time

Yael Salcedo

I'm really sorry for your loss, take all the time you need to recover.


Take a month off if u have too, healing is what is important.


Sorry for your loss Take as much time as you need mate