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To say thank you for all the support i gained these years, ill OPEN again the poll once every year for all of my patreon pledgers. From the Bottom of my heart, Thank you again for the Undying Support on this page and I commend you guys keeping yourselves 100% safe this pandemic. -Dann

* What anime/game character do you want to see next? Vote now! The one with the most vote will be my next priority.

* Feel free to message me if you're a $5 , $10, and $30 patron and ill include them next week.

Ex. [Name of the Character] from [Title of Anime or Game]

* For the Tied vote characters, i will pick the one who's on the top of the poll.

* I will to remove the lowest character vote counts next week. 4 characters maximum will be remove as long as they have the same lowest votes. So choose wisely guys.

* You can recommend a character who won the Weekly poll before after 3 months.

End of voting : Thursday @ 12am UTC +8:00 Singapore

No limit for the votes so you can vote everything.

No Under-aged shit guys :)



What does the special poll actually mean? I can't make out any difference compared to other weeks. 🤔


I hope Mona would win, but doesn't look like it


What are everyone's thoughts on having one week a month where a Fire Emblem Character can't be picked?


Here's an idea: How about we decide on 4 winners in this poll (the 4 entries with the highest vote count) since everyone was able to vote this time? That way the true four most wanted characters from this community would get illustrations this month. This would also mean no more polls this month. How does that sound?


It might be a good idea mate, but i have to consider the new patrons also since some of them just pledge to vote every week. Some of them also trying their luck every week for their character of choice. So ill consider this idea in the future. This will be good if i decided to take a break for atleast 1 month (vacation out of town) lol.