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Filmed at 5am, no sleep, emotional bean


TMI TUESDAY 7/14/2022



The mushroom light is incredible 🦖


I feel I understand the work part. At once you feel blessed to have things that you love to do, but at the same time, it requires energy. And you want to do so well because you are blessed, so you want to give it the attention it deserves. But it takes energy to do that. It's like having a sweet dessert. It's wonderful, and you enjoy it, and in moderation, it's great. But when you are overflowing with dessert, it can be too much of a good thing. Do NOT feel guilty feeling bad about this. Your feelings are valid (You know this). For me, what worked best, was learning to give myself permission to rest and relax. And making it part of my routine. Making it a daily/weekly/monthly thing. And being rigorous with it. And if you take a break, and then make content for it, you aren't taking a break. Even if you LOVE making content. It's still going to sap energy from you. It's going to take. I know you pride yourself on your work ethic. Consider that your best work is done when you make proper rest and recovery a part of your routine. <3


Thank you so much, your words are very validating and helpful <3 I'm really happy you have learned that balance yourself