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What's this?! A new YouTube video?! AHHH!!! I'm breaking my 7+ month silence on YouTube and you guys here on Patreon get to watch first. This video means a lot to me, I hope you enjoy :,)

"Dear Mia,
I admire your courage. Your courage to have an open, soft heart in this often hard world. I admire your capacity to love. Love so deeply that you sometimes forget where they end and you begin. I admire your creativity. Your ability to turn your highs and lows into art. I admire your vulnerability.

Thank you for holding me. Thank you for always being gentle with me. Thank you for being patient with me when I fall out of touch. I’m sorry for ignoring your gut feeling sometimes. I’m sorry for ever doubting you. I am here now, and I see you. Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for forgiving me. 🖤  

You are the embodiment of the divine child. I love how you see the world, full of magic and possibilities waiting to be explored. Always staying curious and in awe. Always seeing the good in people. Always looking for new people, places, things.. Your ability to adapt to every environment you find yourself in. Your yearning to soak up the entire human experience. To dance! Sing! Play! Laugh! Eat! Make love!! Create! 💃🏼🎤😻🍱💕🎨🎭  

I’m so proud of you! I’m proud of you for following your intuition and taking massive leaps of faith. I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself. I love seeing you glow. I love seeing you succeed. You’re a boss ass bitch!! Self reliant, self driven. I’m proud of the amazing, loving community that YOU created #LUVSQUAD. You’ve magnetized some pretty epic people into your bubble. 🤟🏻  

I love all the things you sometimes dislike about yourself. I love your laugh, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your missing tooth, your monkey ears 🙉  

You are capable of so much, and you know it. I am so excited to watch where you go next. You grow more confident in each step. I feel the shift in you.  

You may be smol but girl you are POWERFUL.
A Multifaceted Kitten Fairy. 🐱🧚🏻‍♀️

Keep loving. ♡

Luv, Mia"


Love Letter to Myself

Hey YouTube, long time no see. I am back. I missed you. Dear Mia, I admire your courage. Your courage to have an open, soft heart in this often hard world. I admire your capacity to love. Love so deeply that you sometimes forget where they end and you begin. I admire your creativity. Your ability to turn your highs and lows into art. I admire your vulnerability. Thank you for holding me. Thank you for always being gentle with me. Thank you for being patient with me when I fall out of touch. I’m sorry for ignoring your gut feeling sometimes. I’m sorry for ever doubting you. I am here now, and I see you. Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for forgiving me. 🖤 You are the embodiment of the divine child. I love how you see the world, full of magic and possibilities waiting to be explored. Always staying curious and in awe. Always seeing the good in people. Always looking for new people, places, things.. Your ability to adapt to every environment you find yourself in. Your yearning to soak up the entire human experience. To dance! Sing! Play! Laugh! Eat! Make love!! Create! 💃🏼🎤😻🍱💕🎨🎭 I’m so proud of you! I’m proud of you for following your intuition and taking massive leaps of faith. I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself. I love seeing you glow. I love seeing you succeed. You’re a boss ass bitch!! Self reliant, self driven. I’m proud of the amazing, loving community that YOU created #LUVSQUAD. You’ve magnetized some pretty epic people into your bubble. 🤟🏻 I love all the things you sometimes dislike about yourself. I love your laugh, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your missing tooth, your monkey ears 🙉 You are capable of so much, and you know it. I am so excited to watch where you go next. You grow more confident in each step. I feel the shift in you. You may be smol but girl you are POWERFUL. A Multifaceted Kitten Fairy. 🐱🧚🏻‍♀️ Keep loving. ♡ Luv, Mia All my socials/links can be found at https://miaslinks.com :)



I admire your authenticity and openness, Mia, and your willingness to put it all out there for everybody in your orbit, and everybody else too. I'm tired of all the masks and filters and fictions in the world. You are some kind of beacon of love and hope and freedom. My life as it is might fall away and be left behind like an abandoned shell if I were half as brave and optimistic as you are. As people get older they are supposed to live more stable lives, but sometimes that stability is just a function or form of despair. You seem to allow the Spirit to carry you where She will, the changes tell a story. It's kind of beautiful, and it hurts too, and the Spirit talks to me too, and I try to pretend I don't hear, and She quotes Rilke: "You must change your life."


Awww. Thank you for your reflection. It’s never too late to start living.