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Help me to decide on which small project I shall work next week, you came with awesome ideas, and I don't know by what beginning! (Don't worry, I don"t give up bigger projects like sewing room or such)



Vending machines sound fun but I'm digging the back to wild theme. :3


Je maintiens mon choix "cérémonie" hahahaha


I like all of these! I had to go with the wild theme, though, because my sims didn't even know they needed a waterfall shower and a leaf tent, but they do. <3 your creativity.


Ne t'inquiète pas, je réaliserai tous ces projets, c'est sûr (enfin, les distributeurs, je ne suis pas sûre d'y arriver, mais je suis sûre de passer des jours à bosser dessus! :D). Vernissage il y aura! ;) (in english, for the ones who would be curious: I'll work on all these projects for sure anyway, (not sure I'll succeed with the vending machine, but I'll spend days at working on it!)