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Here is the promised lengthier explanation of what is on the cutting floor and why, but for those that want the spark-notes here we go.

 - Shelly's office interactions have been cut from this version

 - The "extra flavor" conversations have been cut

 - This image was from a test render that I was practicing with to "update" the beach scene at the end of the beach activity, which will be going into future updates

This begins the lengthy explanation:

Shelly's "expansion" and the extra flavor conversations were cut simply as a timing matter. I was able to get sprites for Shelly done and the structure of the code to more easily support expanding the work part of the game, but I ran out of time to actually code it into the game. Running out of time is kind of arbitrary but that brings me to my second point.

Ya'll have waited long enough, it's been six months(ish) since the last release and for that I am sorry. I know I have not been idle, but I feel like I fell short of fully delivering on expectations. This is my problem though, and I heard something that made sense to me. Perfect is the enemy of good. Meaning I can keep pushing the release date out farther and farther in hopes of attaining some far flung dream of perfection (nothing is ever perfect though), or I can realize that I have a good chunk of content here that is almost fit to release.

That's why I decided April, because it's been long enough and it's better to get something out. I have not abandoned Shelly or the extra flavor conversations. I will keep chipping away at those while the story moves forward. Expect big things for the cast.

Speaking of, here is what is going to be in the next update.

 - Hiking activity: This is structured like the gaming activity, repeating scenes with diffferent conversation overlays

 - You can now win video games!: This happens only at the later stages and randomly (the choices you make do not affect this, it's a random number generator)

 - Work update: You can visit Danielle at work, there are choices and scenes to see and unlock

 - Surprise visit: Danielle can come and surprise you at work

- Other: The code was separated into different scripts to make it easier to update in the future, a few backgrounds and sprites were replaced, some typos found and fixed. 

With all that being said, thank you being patrons and spending your hard earned money on this content of mine. Release date is aiming to be in the ballpark of 04/25.

Thanks again!





I think anyone who has followed this project long enough knows you have been anything but idle. I’m excited to see your work on this project and I think it’ll be apparent that you have worked your butt off between these updates. Keep up the great work!


Looking good. I hope that deck chair is up to the job!