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Now that a while has gone by and I've received some great suggestions, the work continues! I've already figured out and implemented making the sprites bigger! The wrong names have been fixed, and story re-writes have begun. 

The next things I'm going to focus on is changing up the buttons, I'll remove the talk button as it's superfluous right now. I'll also make it so that when you get into the apartment all room buttons are available. The original intent was to make it feel as if you were navigating through the space, but that seems tedious with the kitchen being the only place action happens.

This is the main focus of the next (Dec. 15-20ish) update. There will also be a new weight stage and updated character sprite for either Rachel or Kim (I'm leaning towards Kim).

Thanks for the support everyone!

- HH



I was wondering if in the next update you could add shoes to Danielle's spirit. I see all the other spirits had shoes. I know its a small detail but I thought adding them to Danielle's spirit would be good for similarity with the spirits. Just a suggestion.


To be honest, I'm surprised someone hasn't said something sooner lol. I thought about when first developing the game. I just never found a pair of shoes I liked for her day-to-day outfit. But you're right, it would make sense, seeing as how everyone else has shoes. She may eat like a hobbit, but that doesn't mean she has to be barefoot like one! Let the shoe hunt commence!