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Hello! Here with a weekly update! I skipped last week's because it was so close to the start of the month anyway, and I opted to just focus on work.

First things first! The next release is Orca part 3! I'm hoping to have it up soon! I was aiming for last week, but ADHD crushed me so I wrote some personal audios instead. I'm working on it tonight and basically just need to do the NSFW parts and then minor edits.

As soon as that's done, I am going to be pushing through a batch of personal audios (including long ones!)

Next, I have some new characters on the way that I want to show you!

First up is a horse girl, drawn by Pride as usual! I'm very excited for her! Expect to see the design done soon. In fact, I sent Pride concepts for a BUNCH of characters!

Next is a dragon girl! I actually purchased this from another artist. I saw her design and I fell in love with her instantly! I hope you like her as much as I do. The artist is @BarbarianK on twitter, and I will share her character sheet at a later date, along with a higher res of this art.

Beyond that, I don't have much else to say currently! I am just trying to get these releases done. Thank you for your patience!



The dragon girl looks so good.


Ayo got some pretty neato characters in the works I see, definitely excited for them come to fruition