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Attached at the bottom are FULL RES versions of the bonus art. Embedded in-line art is not full res.

UPDATED FEB 1st 5:51 PM - added futa4F version, fixed some bad sounds in original release

Here's the poll release! Sorry for the delays, I've finally gotten over covid enough that I can record again. This isn't COMPLETELY done, I still want to release a FUTA version as well.

I'm finally revisiting the forest elves again, after having not done so since the elf doctor. I thought this would also be a nice chance to lightly tie-in to Clara's audio since she mentioned being a forest elf originally herself.

For now, just the F4M version is here. I plan on releasing a Futa-on-Female version tomorrow. I  just need to re-do the audio lines for the NSFW and it's good to go, it's just slow to do because I keep stopping to cough. Once this is done, I will re-send out notifications.

I know a few people may be disappointed that the futa version is only futa-on-female, but I felt it was appropriate since this is meant to be a breeding audio. Someone's gotta get properly bred!

As soon as the Futa vers is done on this, I will go back and do the futa vers of the wolf captain that I've been promising for a while. If I hadn't gotten sick, both would be done already. I don't like being behind on projects!

Feedback always appreciated, especially on this one since I was sick while working on it! Otherwise, see you later this week for the February news post.

Contents: F4M, Futa4F, elf, MILF, breeding sex, whispering, affection, teasing, romance.

For $5+ patrons, the MegaUpload is already uploaded with .flac and .psd files! The psd has a lot of toggle layers to mix and match options.

Art is by @pride_kun on twitter. Full res and alt versions versions in attachments!




Yoooooo new character looking good


She looks tasty and thick. And I actually will look forward to the futa version too. Nice audio, Sasha. And I have a surprise for you too. 😏😏👋🏾👋🏾😎😎


Excited for the futa release! 😊 Hoping it mentions her cock size 🤞


Yes! I was waitng for this one, thanks for your hard work!

Brian M

Guess I picked a good day to become a member

Daisuke Kisame

Extra thicc, extra seductive and extra breedable, couldn't ask for more. We replenishing the Elf population with this one~


The focus on thiccness and breeding elevates this to one of my favorites. The fact that you made such a banger while sick, shows how talented you are.


This heavily appeals to my breeding kink and natural male instincts holy hell

Ronald Green

Plants that induce lust? Panda referance?


I'd give this a like but it's at 69 ha.


Beautiful audio and beautiful art to go with it! Can’t wait to hear the futa version. Also hope you get well soon Sasha❤️

Darth Zayexeet

Please take your time and go slowly Sasha. The Artwork and Audio is really great, but please don’t jeopardize your health for it


you sound kind of sniffly at the beginning

Carmelo Marrero

Glad to hear you're feeling better, but don't push yourself too hard. Also I enjoy the audio.


Very much enjoyed the Futa audio! Great work as always. Was hoping for a mention of her size, but I can estimate it myself I guess. As this elf is quite tall, I'll put her shoe size at women's 11s, which is 10.5in. Her penis is maybe 30-35% longer than her foot? So I'll go with a solid 14 inches. nice... 🤤

Olivia Crowley

i made a mention of her being very large, enough so to cause tummy bulge on listener, plus the included art

Brant Burrows

6'3" here If she's taller than I am than we're talking Lady D size... and that's the kind of BIG LADY I can get behind. Excellent work ma'am

Vocal Rhapsody

I just wanted to let you know that in the Futa4F version at 33:22 there is a good boy instead of a good girl.

The dv demon lord

Love your work but when is the futanari alt for wolf captain coming out/ why is it taking so long

Olivia Crowley

1. I am literally working on it RIGHT NOW, as you sent that message, I was in the middle of working on it. 2. Legacy work is ALWAYS lower priority than new releases and personal audios. New release > personal audio > legacy work 3. Read some of my other posts, I've been doing new major releases, working on people's personal audios, and had IRL things going on AND I've been sick. I JUST recovered from COVID.

The dv demon lord

Sry i’m just wondering since it was five months ago and even back then it was labelled soon and curious


By the spirits, these forest elves are a workout. Also amazing cover art by Pride there, just want to dive face first into that delicious ass and pussy.

Tom Ristenbieter

Love you Work but listenibg with Headphones makes the Sound only almost come only Out in one side


Wonderful. Thank you very much! I wonder if we'll see more breeding adventures of this human with the other elves. Not any time soon, I know you're working on so much right now.