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It has been a bit since I've done one of these, so I wanted to check in real quick and go over what I am currently working on:

Current project -

1. Write some personal audio scripts (I have 3 'major' ones to do, including a vampire girl!)

2. Work on the Futa vers of the wolf captain audio

Right now I am going to focus on the scripts. I am going to an IRL event for this week but I'll write a bit in the evenings. I think I'm also getting sick, I went to bed with a sore throat and woke up feeling icky in my throat today. That means no recording (and maybe it will affect streams) if I AM sick and not just feeling bad from the cold weather, but I can still write.

Next week I will work on the poll winner and get her complete ASAP.

My Panda girl model is finished but has a few issues that need to be resolved by the modeler, so she's not quite ready for use. But I'm thinking about VR asmr scenarios!

Also, on a personal note, I finally went ahead and got healthcare set up for myself. The first thing I am going to do once it is active in February is see a psychiatrist about getting ADHD medication. I think that will help me a lot!!

Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot to me!



Enjoy your self at your irl and hope you feel better soon


Good to hear, take all the steps that you need to keep yourself healthy. I'm looking forward to what you make next but not if it comes at the cost of your own wellbeing.