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I'm going to close the poll out a little bit early and start work on it! The winner is 'The Elf Queen's Reward'. I'll be starting work immediately! I'm going to be honest, I need a little break from the shadow demon/angel pair audio. The new format I'm trying out is taking more time than I planned.

I will work something else into this month's rewards alongside the Elf Queen audio, as I have some other ideas in my pocket that I think you'd enjoy.

Additionally, I really enjoyed the succubus queen prompt from the other month. I am thinking about creating a new original character with that in mind and creating a full length audio for her. I really like the lipstick play implications, so that has stuck with me...

I recently had a chance to try some ADHD medication for a few days and that was immensely helpful for me getting work done. I'm going to see if I can talk to a professional and get a regular prescription. I typically won't post too much 'personal' stuff like this, but I think it's good to talk about because it helps a lot with getting things done.

I also noticed how MANY people voted on the poll and it fills my heart with joy to see how many of you care about providing your input. Thank you as always for your support & patience. I truly appreciate it.

(character design/art is by @pride_kun on twitter)




Eyo ADHD gang rise up