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Time for the big monthly news update! But, this one will be a little shorter than usual. No pictures or anything in this one!

First things first, let's discuss this month's releases & plans!

My current immediately plans for this week are:

  • Working on a bigger personal audio currently.

  • Do general upkeep (MU password/$25 DMs/credits page).

  • Write more scripts for major releases! I am STILL chipping away at the rattlesnake lamia. I want to get it done this month, but as I said, western is not my forte. Aside from that, I have an Egyptian dragon girl I'm going to be working on. I believe I already showed her in the past as well, she was a character I picked up from another artist. Pride is going to do her art first (no anim on this one) this month.

  • Plan out another extra video (3D or 2D) + animations.

  • We're also planning out a cool titty fuck/oral sex animation that isn't linked to a character yet. I saw something that really inspired me and want to try it.

My long term goal is to reach a point where I produce 2 normal audios and 2 animated works every month. I met this goal last month, and I hope to meet it again this month too.

For those in my $5+ patreon tiers, I want to discuss the poll with you guys and ask for your feedback. So, I took a month off last month's poll to focus on other things. And it worked out, I was able to get a 3d video sorted out, for one. Plus other back end stuff as well. I had a feeling, but I wanted to check on it, and I confirmed it: The polls stress me out, and not doing it last month was a big mental relief. There's a lot of little factors in it that add up, but the biggest is that it feels like it's 'looming' when I have it running.

I am thinking of cutting polls entirely, OR just reducing them to a more intermittent thing, and simply focusing on producing as much as I can of the things that just fit my brain at the moment. I was uncertain because I didn't know what to give you guys in return for me dropping polls, but I got a great idea: Last week, a patron requested an audio-only version of the $10 animation. I think that's a great idea to replace the poll, and it will just add MORE overall audio content to this tier.

What do you think? Would you be OK with that?

For those in my $10+ patreon tiers, I am already planning out another 3D video. I also have more models on the way! See below! I also have Live2D projects & other animations progressing. The animator I was working with is steadily recovering and should be back in action soon.

For 3D models:

The Orca MILF model is very well underway, there is a great chance she is done this month OR early next. I will show her WIPs around the 10th probably?

The dragon girl model is likely to finally be done in June, BUT will need extra work to set up her tracking and be usable in other software. But, I can hand her over to blender animators right away while I wait on the latter. The modeler for this character ALSO wants to do more for me and make the dark elf version of Amalsandra.

For 2D models:

The succubus MILF model is progressing well and may be done in June or early July. I have plans for her already.

The shortstack model is being started by Zanamaoria this month and then delivered to the rigger immediately after.

For non-patreon content, I want to briefly discuss my twitch streaming and youtube.

I've decided to remove another day from my streaming schedule on twitch, to allow me to TRULY take a day off every week. This will allow me to better focus on work during my work days, by not requiring me to decide if I get a day off or if I work that day. If you watch me, you may have seen the announcement, but if not, my new schedule is as follows:

Wed/Thurs/Fri - 5 to 10 PM EST

Sat - 2 to 7 PM EST (possibly swap w/ sunday occasionally).

I would like to use my off day to relax, but also to take care of IRL things that need doing, or work on improving MYSELF, such as taking singing lessons or something like that!

For YouTube, I will be posting again on my main channel in JULY when my strike ends. For now, I am building up a backup YouTube channel and will be filling out that & Newgrounds with my audios to prevent the SFW releases from being lost if YT shuts down my main channel.

Lastly, I've had people ask me about merchandise. The only immediate plans are for merchandise of my vtuber (the oni ninja that I've featured in prior audio). This is almost done, BUT for the future we are discussing making stuff for other characters of mine that people like, such as the orca MILF and wolf MILF.

I think that's everything for this month's news! I hope to have more for you soon. Thank you again for your patience and support.

(p.s. look forward to some new OC designs soon too - one anthro, one midna-shaped)



No polls sounds perfectly fine, I'm here for your creatively so being free to do the audios you feel more passionate about is great.


Rest is very much needed