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Hello! It's time for another monthly news update! Hitting the ground running this month! I've got some more good stuff lined up for you!

First things first, let's discuss this month's releases & plans!

My current immediately plans for this week are:

  • Do more personal audios! I have already written some, and I'd like to drop another batch of them before Monday if I can.

  • Do general upkeep (MU password/$25 DMs).

  • Add sound to the current animation I've received.

  • Write more scripts for major releases! I've actually been COOKING on these. I hadn't initially planned on even writing any this week and was going to focus on other things, but I've already finished one entire script (Cow girl cleric) and am working on another.

  • I have three major releases I want to work on this month: Cow girl cleric, Drow priestess (former poll option), and the Rattlesnake Lamia that won the $5+ tier 'design a character' poll.

For those in my $5+ patreon tiers, I am actually going to skip this month's poll! I hope this doesn't disappoint you guys too much. I have a lot of stuff I want to focus down on currently, including last month's poll reward. I will see about making it up to you in some way, but at the very least you'll have the rest of the tier benefits! Thank you for participating and providing feedback on the create-a-character poll. I WILL do these again in the future and I will plan better. I've already set Pride on the task of designing the character based on your votes. Once her visuals come together I will start writing her script, though I've noted a few ideas for it.

For those in my $10+ patreon tiers, I have a finished animation from the Live2D animator. This is the Earth Dragon animation, and I need to add sound (VA+sfx) to it. If you've been keeping an eye on the discord channel, you've seen my updates about this. The shark girl animation is also closing in on completion, and we've delivered the art for Mammon to the animator.

Additionally, I've brought a guest artist on board to help me revisit the Cowgirl girlfriend audio from a few years ago! That's going to get a renewal, which I will post more details for later.

Regarding the 3D animation, I'm still waiting on news on it. I keep saying it, but this is largely just early growing pains, and I think long term we'll be able to get a smooth release schedule on it. Thank you for your patience, I promise you'll have something soon.

Now, let's talk about other projects on the table.

For 3D models: The Wolf MILF model was finished recently, although she currently needs some touchups (found a few issues post-release) and an export to Warudo, which she is receiving now.

The original artist for the orca girl cancelled the commission and is refunding me. I have instead given this project to Squiver, who created the Wolf MILF model and my 3d vtuber model. She is actively working on it right now, and I think there is a chance it's done this month, even!

Squiver is fantastic and I enjoy working with her, so I've also entered into a longer term agreement to bring more of my characters to life in 3D. I'm starting with a mixture of personal favorites and those that ended up being well received, and I'm hoping to get another 4-5 models from her over the remainder of the year.

Additionally, I am currently working on rebuilding my 3D/VR setup from the ground up, including new software. I am going to be moving into Warudo and away from VRChat, though I expect to still use VRC to some degree. Warudo, however, is better for making lewd stuff with! It has some INCREDIBLE tools built in and I'm really looking forward to working with it. I've already been testing it and may see about producing something that doesn't need full body tracking.

On that note, I am also getting a new body tracking setup. I've tested HaritoraX and Mocopi and they both SUCK! They're absolutely unusable! Instead, I'm getting with a third party creator who builds SlimeVR trackers. I think it's roughly a 2 month timeline on receiving them, and I wish I had ordered sooner, tbh! But, I'll be getting a setup that is basically a mocap suit worth of trackers (14 points in total) that I can assemble in a flexible manner depending on needs for the recording.

Once this is doing, I'll also be able to take more into my own hands regarding animations, and away from needing to wait on other people to produce for me.

To wrap up the 3D news, here's a picture of another WIP from the dragon girl model.


Next, I want to revisit a bit of last month's news! If you recall, I mentioned I was having Zanamaoria design a character for me. Her design is complete (name pending)! Next, I'll have working with Zana on creating a Live2D model for her, which will include lewd features! It'll be a while before you see this in action, as I need the model rigged/animated too, but she's underway nonetheless! Here's the character design sheet for her.


Now, to cap off this month's news, I've had Pride working on a special project alongside other major releases... I've posted this character in discord and on twitter, and I've been rather secretive about what she's for.


This is actually a fully separated Live2D model, with NSFW layering and other special, features. Not intended for a normal animation, but intended for being usable model with tracking for actively recording with! I plan on writing some scenarios for her, but also using her for other content releases, in a similar fashion to some of my other friends who make ASMR. I'd like to experiment with live ASMR, and she'll be the first foray into it!

The art here is completely DONE, and has already been delivered to a rigger who is going to start on it TODAY. I am hoping the ETA will be this month, as this is simpler in nature than a 'normal' Live2D model.

I will continue to share updates on these via future weekly updates. Or maybe I won't, and one day you'll just see the email that I dropped a new release and I use them. >:)

If it hasn't become apparent by now, my long term goal is to up the visuals on all of my releases. I think I've got my overall writing & vocal work in a solid spot (ofc always room to improve), but I want to improve the visual elements of every release!

That's it for today's news update! See you again soon with some releases.

(personal stuff below, making some space for people that don't want to read it)

p.s. on a personal note, I'm continuing to get mental health care through a psych and therapist, i'm hoping that medication will help me, both in personal life and in getting work done. i'm typically a pretty private person and don't like talking about this stuff, but hopefully i'll get ADHD meds soon and i might get treated for depression as well??

also weirdly even though i was really upset over my YT channel strike, i feel a bit less stressed now and the idea of not having to have a YT vid ready every week has lessened my stress. i think ill instead be spending more time posting to other sites where i dont have as much of a burden of schedule, like newgrounds or w/e, and instead be able to just focus on making good stuff for you guys, though long term i do need to figure out what to do outside of patreon.



Keep on truckin' Sasha! I love your stuff and I'm always impressed by your updates and uploads. It's inspiring knowing you're able to keep up with all your projects and personal life. I wish I commented more


Thanks for the update and take all my support for your mental health. Having been down that road a lot, I have nothing but love and support for you!

Diarys (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 04:18:21 It's absolutely amazing how you re reaching for new heights in your content creation journey and can't wait to see what you will come up with further down the line! Best wishes concerning your mental health and that whatever you're doing about it helps :)
2024-05-02 04:10:53 It's absolutely amazing how you re reaching for new heights in your content creation journey and can't wait to see what you will come up with further down the line! Best wishes concerning your mental health and hope that whatever you're doing about it helps :)

It's absolutely amazing how you re reaching for new heights in your content creation journey and can't wait to see what you will come up with further down the line! Best wishes concerning your mental health and hope that whatever you're doing about it helps :)

Ship waifu

Wait i get to do polls? Anywho great content keeps me coming back to old and new ones