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Hello! Here with a weekly update! I've got some cool things to show you guys in this post, so please check it out below! I skipped last week's update since it was largely just me releasing something and trying to get more releases done while other things progressed in the background.

First, let's talk about progress on projects.

  • I finished the first audio of the month last week. The second audio is almost done, I will be finishing it today and then waiting on Pride's art.

    I was hoping to finish it a lot sooner, but I wasted a lot of time last week because of my youtube video getting a strike. Not just due to general stress, but talking to people and trying to get a resolution, and then spending time planning on how to handle things going forward outside of Patreon. I've moved past that and largely figured it all out, so I've got things going again.

  • I don't plan on doing any F4Fs this month, I will resume them next month, I lost a lot of time and I need to...

  • Get more personal audios done, I've got a mix of half done and unstarted personal audios that need to get wrapped up.

    Right now I plan on getting this new release out and then spending a little time getting more of my public-facing audios crossposted to other places in case YT gets nuked, then I'll be hammering out personal audios again. I've got some very long ones in the pipe that will come to Patreon as well, so expect some additional releases near end of month.

  • For those in the $10+ tiers, new animations are coming along well, there have been a few speedbumps here or there (artist communication, irl obligations, etc.) but an animation to go with the earth dragon is nearly done. I've also got some 3d animations in progress, but I am waiting for WIPs from that animator.

    Here's a work in progress shot of the current 2D animation! Note that the futa on here is an optional toggle.

  • Lastly, I have a BUNCH of progress on 3d models! The Wolf MILF model is 100% completed and has been given to an animator!

    Now, for slightly bad news, the Orca model got cancelled and refunded. But I immediately turned it into a good situation by giving her to the same modeler that just finished the Wolf MILF, and it will be started VERY soon!

    Finally, the dragon girl model has gotten some immense progress. For now, I'll just be including one new pic of her, but he's got some more stuff for me very soon that you'll likely see this month.

    Also, here's a screen cap of the Wolf MILF model in VRChat! Got a few tiny kinks to work out with the model but overall happy! The camera is a little weird here, but VRC is just weird as a whole.

  • Finally, Pride has done a few more characters for future releases. Here's the character art! I still need to get their PSDs up on MegaUpload.



    That's all for now! Back to work I go! Thank you for your continued support.



Hell yeah

Cristian Estepa

Good evening. Im havind difficulties joining thr discord server. Does anyone know how to get a new invite. Thanks 😅

Olivia Crowley

The easiest way to do this is to go into your patreon settings and link your discord to your patreon account. This will join you and give you permissions.