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Meant to do this yesterday but I fell into a timewarp and lost the entire day!

Here's a rundown of progress:

 - Delivered a BUNCH of personal audios, got more to do, but I did some good work on catchup. My goal is to empty this backlog out this month still.

 - Started recording Kitsune Village 6 and Earth Dragon. I want to release one this week.

 - The first full length NSFW animation is up on MegaUpload for $10+ patrons. It took us a while to nail things down due to rendering issues, but we've got a workflow now. The next animation (earth dragon) has been delivered to the animator already.

- Released another fun VA thing on my twitter, go check it out if you like horny anthro characters.

- Gave Pride a bunch of OC design work, some of which she finished. It's on the $5 patreon channel and MegaUpload. Later this month, I'll post some of it on here too

- Wrote another script for a new character.

Month's going good so far! Today I'm going to be prepping a youtube video release and continuing work on recording things above.

Now, let's talk about cool NEW things!

Wolf MILF is getting a 3d model! The same modeler that did my current vtuber model is doing one for her too. Here's a shot of the body work so far. 

I am IMMENSELY hype for this as the modeler is fuckin' amazing and she did a great job on my oni model!

Aside from that, I spent a lot of last week talking to artists, and animators, and setting up some future collaborative efforts! I'm going to discuss those below.

So, first things first, let me say, I was surprised at the reaction to the poll I posted regarding my story-heavy format. I didn't realize how many people were into my narrative and world building, and that makes me feel really good! I will keep working on that.

But, I still wanted an outlet for when I just had a horny idea I wanted to make with less story to go with it... I never wanted to REPLACE the format entirely, mind you, just supplement it. So, I started thinking... and I thought about the recent NSFW VA stuff I've been doing on twitter for fun, as well as the Live2D animations we've started doing.

So, I reached out to a lot of artists I've known over the years, as well as a friend who does 3D animations, and started planning things out with them. The 3D models I've gotten for VR work can also be used for 3D animations in blender, with my voice and sound work attached to them.

I can't give a list of everything I started talking about with these artists yet, but we've already lined up some very cool things. Most of it focuses on MY characters and work, and some are just outright collaborative efforts with my voice going to their characters.

Once things are more locked in, I'll post more news about it. Much like the other animations, these will go into higher tiers. I'll continue to do my best to create cool things for all of you!

Now, on one final note, while I have asked Pride to design all of the art going forward as being ready for Live2D animation, there's a lot of older releases that aren't suitable for animation.

That means, I have a question for all of you...

Which of my older characters and/or specific audios would you like to see possibly animated in the future?

I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you again for all your support.



Easy, Yuki Onna of Hell hound, those two (alongside goblind fortune teller) where the firsts audios that peakes my interest hearing the sfw versions on YouTube and made want to follow you here.