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Tags: Blob/Immobile, Pregfat

The last of the birthday comms! Thank you for all supporters.

Tsuyu felt the other girls scaling her bulk. Even through her deep sleep she felt their soft chubby bodies and pregnant bellies pushing into her folds. They used her butt as a pathway, climbing up the sides and standing on the back. The path was chosen to avoid Tsuyu’s pregnant belly, which filled most of the room. The frog hero was a monument to motherhood. The severe influx of blubber and babies had turned her into a gigantic pagan idol to fertility. Ceaseless hunger and cravings had formed her into a hill of fat which overtook most of the room she rested in. The floor had been covered with pillows and mattresses to provide the immense woman a soft resting place. Tsuyu could have filled the shallow end of a pool with her thighs and butt alone. Her thighs were the bedrock of her perpetually wobbling body. They supported her heaving baby bump and the fat that had formed around it. Her feet had long been lost amongst an avalanche of leg fat. Her stomach, blessed by a constant series of kicks, rose well over six feet. Tsuyu rested naked, the heat of her massive body more than enough to keep herself comfortable. It was apparent to the ladies climbing her bulk that Tsuyu was happy.

Tsuyu snored a little, drowsily coming in and out of sleep. Her hair had been tied in the usual ribbon-like pattern, making use of its generous length. When she was not snoring, Tsuyu smiled through her sleep; tongue peeping out of her mouth. Momo, Ochaco, and Mina moved carefully in their attempt to not disturb the sleeping behemoth. Their own pregnant bellies stroked Tsuyu’s, visible belly buttons poking into the thick back rolls. The girls were chubby and well into their pregnancies. Their climbing was stopped with momentary bouts of kicks from their wombs. With fits of moans or uncomfortable giggles they would stop to rest on Tsuyu’s bulk. There was more than enough space for them to rest, as they were pebbles compared to Tsuyu’s mountainous form. Tsuyu rested in the main living room of the house, filling a space meant for couches and chairs with her fat alone. When the girls did summit her fat, they found positions all around Tsuyu’s wide and flabby face.

Nowhere was Tsuyu’s weight gain more pronounced than her face. Though the rest of her might have been physically larger, her face seemed to be wholly comprised of blubber. Chins, cheeks, and jowls had all merged into a thick platter of fat that encircled Tsuyu’s face. Her lolling tongue, which twitched as she snored, dribbled down between the rises of cheeks bigger than human heads. Her wide mouth and nearly noseless face slipped lightly into the sweaty morass of facial folds. Thanks to the press of her cinder block sized cheeks, Tsuyu’s face was almost permanently pressed into a smile. This uniform distribution of face fat was the first place the girls went to as they stirred the immense woman from her slumber.

“Tssssuuuu. . .time to get up!” Momo whispered into one ear. Her hands sunk under the side folds of Tsuyu’s face, tickling the sensitive fat. Momo said, having eased her way around Tsuyu’s ass to stand on one of her thighs. Momo’s baby bump pushed into Tsuyu’s breast. Though rather thick and plump herself, Momo’s body was incomparable to Tsuyu’s. Momo was dwarfed by the single breast she leaned on. The milk tanker could have doubled as a family couch, comfortably seating four or five fully grown adults. Tsuyu was so large that she could only be rationalized through measurement of her component parts. Her hugeness was understood by how small a person was compared to a single breast, one of her asscheeks, or sagging biceps.

“Hey sleepy!” Mina’s exuberant cry and beaming expression appeared on the other side of Tsuyu’s face. She stood on her tiptoes, almost trying to reach her protruding baby bump over a wall of arm blubber. Tsuyu’s bicep was a mass of fat, warping and coddling whatever was pressed into it. Though she could no longer move her arms, they were more than capable of hugging still. Mina shivered with pleasure as she felt fat oozing around her large belly. Her babies kicked and moved, sending further jiggles through Tsuyu’s padded appendages.

“Come on, Big Mama, let’s get you up and going.” Ochaco stood on a thick back roll and teased Tsuyu’s hair. Having relaxed into a permanent state of semi-slumber, Tsuyu liked her hair to be arranged as if she were about to sleep. She, meaning her pregnant caretakers, kept it tied in a large bow arrangement. The bow of hair had grown in proportion to her body. Tsuyu hated to see it cut and trimmed, only allowing maintenance trims. As such, the bow had become massive in size, winging out over her dimpled rear. Ocahco tightened and fluffed the intricate hairdo, making sure that it was as perfect as possible. Her belly brushed and pushed against Tsuyu’s drooping back fat. Nine months worth of Ochaco’s pregnant belly was coddled by blankets worth of rolls. Each deep and sleepy breath by the adorable frog tickled Ochaco’s large baby bump more. Tsuyu had a body meant to receive and give hugs, even though her arms were no longer usable. Rather than embrace her lovers with her arms, Tsuyu now relied on her thick folds to hug for her. As often as not, the other girls came rushing to her for “hugs”, wanting to be buried in the warm folds.

“Your adoring fan club awaits.” Momo said, trying to balance herself as well as reach the bigger woman’s blimpy cheeks. Seeing Tsuyu’s eyes begin to flutter, reached from her spot on Tsuyu’s upper thigh to grab at the frog girl's face. Momo’s chubby body wedged itself under a breast that was bigger than she was. Full and engorged with milk, Tsuyu’s boobs had become veritable monsters. Fatgum and other large heroes would have been dwarfed by Tsuyu’s breasts. The excess movement within her tingling, sensitive breasts woke Tsuyu more than the active efforts of her friends. The immense woman’s big eyes fluttered open, slightly obscured by her rising cheeks. Her tongue, nearly always hanging out of her mouth, flipped up in excitement. The big woman stirred as much as she was able. Her body rocked and quaked. Tsuyu tried to move her arms, succeeding only in moving her buried hands within the flabby caves of fat. She yawned, her stretching expressed as a series of tidal movements within her fat. “We’ve been dying to give you a little attention.” Momo knew how to reach the immobile mother-to-be, hooking her with future promises.

“Kero?” Tsuyu blinked and blushed, embarrassed at being made the center of attention. “I don’t. . .need. . .much.” Tsuyu remained modest and humble despite her queenly proportions. Though nearly every part of Tsuyu had grown to gargantuan proportions as her pregnancy progressed, her ego had remained small. She was a humble woman resting inside the body of a goddess. “It’s just. . .BBBLOOORRRUUP. . .nice to see. . .you all.” Tsuyu belched, her face wetting a little as spittle flew from her lips. The other girls made cooing noises, overcome by the boisterous cuteness of their friend and lover. They swooned, falling over her body.

“Tssssuuuu, burp again!” Mina rubbed her face into a shoulder built like a hoard of pillows. “Let me feel it through your fat!” Mina had to angle her belly sideways in order to get closer.

“Don’t let her pressure you, Tsu!” Ocahco patted the top of Tsuyu’s head. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” The brunette was resolute in trying to keep the mass of babies and froggy blubber from becoming a sideshow. However, even she had her own perversions. “But. . .It is pretty cute.” Ochaco blushed, partly from lust and partly from embarrassment.

Tsuyu blushed and melted under the attention. She would otherwise be horrified at the request, knowing how much it violated good manners. Yet, with the pressure applied from her friends and lovers, it was easier to ignore. Besides, she had plenty to give. Her stomach rumbled, full after digesting her midnight meal. “BBBBLLOOOORRRRRRUUUUPPP.” Tsuyu let the blech fly, her face-fold flapping up and down. The other girls squealed, hugging and kissing Tsuyu as she belched. “OOOOORRRRUUUUUP.” Tsuyu belched again, letting the deep rumble travel through all of her folds. Years of ribbiting, croaking, and making a whole host of amphibious noises had taught her how to use her throat. “Wasscch. . .UURRUP. . .that good?” She asked, shyly fishing for compliments. Even Tsu was not immune to wanting attention from time to time.

“The best!”


“Too cute!”

The other girls all gave their opinions, matching them with massages from both hands and mouths. Momo sneaked the closest, her chin leaning on Tsuyu’s rotund mass of face fat. “That deserves a reward for sure!” Momo rubbed her hands on Tsuyu’s face. Her fingers tilled the field of fat, with blubber slipping between each of her fingers. The frog woman’s mouth quickly fell open under the soft pleasures. Her tongue lolled out, a long chord of red atop the shifting plane of fat. Momo massaged Tsuyu’s fat, teasing and pushing it around. The other girls joined in, each playing  with what they could reach. “You’re just too cute, Tsu! How did you become so wonderfully soft?” Momo said as she pushed a meaty fold up. Tsuyu’s jowls were fat enough that they could fold over her cheeks. No space went untouched, with all of Tsuyu’s heavy face getting massaged.

“Ooooh. . .GIIIRRRLLLSSCCCHH. . .keeerrrooo. . .hooooo!” Tsuyu tried to talk her friends down, but soon submitted. Tsuyu felt Ocahco nosing under her neck roll, kissing the uncovered cave of blubber. Tsuyu’s bow of tied hair waved like a flag in the wind, provoked into movement by Ocacho’s loving pestering. With three other girls upon her fat,Tsuyu felt larger than ever. Even with their large pregnant bellies and soft fat, the physical affirmations of her friend were so small upon her gigantic body. The big woman writhed in pleasure, unable to do anything to express it back. Tsuyu was both pampered and held prisoner by her body. Her arms could no longer even flap, having devolved into a series of increasingly large and circular rolls. Her submarine shaped belly jutted forward, pooling into heaping fat at the bottom. Momo’s hands sunk deeply into her cheeks, just as the smaller woman’s breasts pushed into other rolls. The blush spreading through her flabby face only deepend, even coloring parts of her distended fat.

“Look at her blush!” Mina exclaimed, hugging the bigger woman as tightly as her belly would allow. Mina’s own fat became an extension of Tsuyu’s constant jiggling. The waves of rolling fat on the frog woman became smaller ripples on Mina’s puddles of fat. Mina turned her  9 month belly to the side, anchoring it alongside Tsuyu. The two traded soft experiences with one another. Tsuyu gave Mina a massage via her wobbling back rolls in exchange for feeling the kicks of Mina’s many children. The pink haired woman pushed her hand on the wide of her large stomach. “Everyone’s happy to see you, Tsu!”

“I do. . .They’re. . .kero. . .kero. . .so active!” Tsuyu could not contain her ribbits nor her excitement.

“How about mine!” Ochaco, using her quirk, floated up into the air. She hovered just above Tsuyu’s flapping neck rolls. “What do you think, Tsuyu?” She rested her protruding belly onto Tsuyu’s neck rolls, letting her breasts droop down as well. Relieved of having to balance, Ochaco continued to toy with Tsuyu’s hair. She played with the bow of hair, coyly using it as a way to make her belly and breasts dance around Tsuyu’s flab. Ochaco’s 250 lbs orbited Tsuyu’s immeasurable flab, an asteroid lovingly entangled with a planet.

“Uuuh. . .aaahh-mazing.” Tsuyu spoke through eyes heavy with lust and a tongue which draped down her body. She was overcome by the feeling of fat but vastly smaller nakedness about her bulk. She felt every inch of the women atop and around her. Their hands and toes pressed into her wealthiest deposits of fat, working to tickle the big woman even more than their bellies. She felt several storms of kicks and movements. Tsuyu was at a loss for words. She sank further into her flab, treating it like a beanbag which surrounded her. Her vision was taken up by her jiggling facial blubber as Momo continued to massage her. The other girls found little places, hidden fatty caves in which they could further tickle Tsuyu. “Haaaaaaah. . .kero. . .kero!” Tsuyu sighed, her stomach rolling even further forward as she exhaled. She lived a tension free life, which had in turn turned her to butter.

“Feeling like breakfast yet?” Momo asked, already manifesting the tip of a feeding hose from her body. Her words were muffled as she spoke from several feet below where Tsuyu had sunk into her own fat cheeks. “Gotta keep those babies healthy and kicking.” Like a party trick, she pulled a feeding out of a glowing portion of her body. Momo was not solely responsible for the state of Tsuyu’s body, but she had contributed greatly. Feeding something through a hose created by her body had only made Momo more excited. It was like Tsuyu was sustained directly through her, a level of care that went beyond simple hand feeding. The plump woman tapped the nozzle of the hose on Tsuyu’s gigantic belly. A deep gurgle came back, eradicating any chance of Tsuyu trying to lie.

“Well. . .keeerrroo. . .maybe a. . .little.” The blob of fat and babies wheezed. She licked her lips, making them shine. Another deep gurgle sounded. It rumbled through the foundations of the house, making everything shake. The other girls laughed and kissed Tsuyu, wordlessly trying to encourage her to further acts. Tsuyu tried to hide in her bulk. Though, when Momo arrived with the nozzle, she opened her mouth readily. It would take only seconds for the feeding tube to be set up, but it would last for hours.


Izuku Midoriya walked into his house feeling confident that he had made the world a better place. Lives had been saved and those that would threaten the safety of the world had been imprisoned. Though it had taken every last bit of his strength, he could return to the house with pride and comfort. Those feelings only magnified as he entered the house, hearing the voices of happy women and the pump of a feeding machine. He was pleased to have arrived back home during Tsuyu’s feeding time, his favorite portion of the day. Though he loved all his wives, it was hard to deny that Tsuyu’s condition afforded unique situations. Putting his coat aside, he straightened his shoulders and walked through the house. Much of it had been renovated in order to accommodate Tsuyu’s size and needs. The kitchen had been expanded, now possessing industrial equipment to keep her army sized appetite sated. Their living room, once capable of housing the five of them, now worked to keep Tsuyu comfy. As the proud husband and father of many, many, many children, Izuku walked into what had become Tsuyu’s bedroom.

“Hello everyone!” Izuku said. His voice had deepend as the years had gone by, but it had not totally lost its boyish nature. He spread his arms, looking at what awaited him. Tsuyu was as mountainous as ever, spreading to almost all corners of the room. It would have been impossible for anyone to pass without touching her in some way. Even Ochaco could not float past her, given that Tsuyuy’s left arm-pile now filled most of the doorway to the stairs. Tsuyu was only a couple feet away from her head or back fat hitting the ceiling. Her stomach stretched outward, forcing her ample pools of thigh fat off to either side. The tautness which defined her baby bump and gut was reaching towards the machines that were currently pumping sugary sludge into her mouth. The two hoses which fed her ran between breasts that were many times bigger than Izuku’s tall and muscular body. “How are you today?”

Mina, Momo, and Oacho were all quick to answer. They chirped from their positions around Tsuyu, each working to keep the massive woman fed and in a state of bliss. Momo held one of the hoses that she had created. She sat on Tsuyu’s padded shoulder, her own soft butt sinking into the bed of fat. The hose in her hand pumped out fluid at a strong and quick pace, though she could still hold it in one hand. Her other hand massaged and squeezed Tsuyu’s flabby face. Ocahco took the other hose, floating above her lover like an angel. Mina, meanwhile, amused herself by squeezing one of Tsuyu’s immense breasts. Izuku shook his head in wonder at the scene. It was like three nymphs tending to a grand but sweet goddess. At the center of the action, Tsuyu was slow to speak. She worked her mouth, the hoses slowing just enough to give her a chance. “Hello. . .BBBLOOOORRUUUP. . .Izuku. . .kero. . .welcome. . .BBLOORRUUP. . .home.” She said, sounding sleepy after all of the food and sexual attention.

“I’ve been missing out again!” Izuku scratched the back of his head. He wandered into the room, trying to look nonchalant. However, his mind was already turning. His quick and studious eyes flitted over her body, making mental notes on what to measure and compare. It was hard to keep his analytical nature quiet. His hand moved to his chin as he studied the feeding machine and Tsuyu’s belly. “Looks like she’s already gone through one tank, with a 24% increase on stomach mass.” His hands found Tsuyu’s stomach, pressing into the doughy but tight expanse. Strength filled his limbs as he gently eased into his quirk. Izuku gently tested his wife’s pregnant belly, easing it off the ground. The floorboards bent as Izuku pushed against gravity and the weight of his wife’s belly. The thick covering of fat around Tsuyu’s belly sloshed as Izuku hefted it. Izuku flexed and squatted his legs, testing its weight. Throughout the process, he mumbled to himself and took mental notes.

“Oooh. . .Isscchuku. . .that’s. . .keewoo. . .tender.” Tsuyu’s eyes rolled backwards as hands grasped the underside of her belly. The vast multitude of babies in her stomach began to kick and move. Izuku and Tsuyu both were buffeted by the wave of movement within her stomach. Tsuyu gasped, her blubber now jiggling from a new source. Her enormous belly felt ever more strained, pumped ever fuller by the tubes in her mouth. She tried to speak, but her mouth was pulled wide by the dual hoses. Every bit of her wide mouth was filled with either nozzle or creamy liquid. Her ever present hunger did not allow for stopping, only slowing her feeding. “Can you. . .mmmgghpph. . .keeewwoo. . .wait?” She asked politely, gulping down food between words. Drizzles of fattening cream and nutrients ran down her face from several sources. Izuku only continued his work.

“Babies are active. Good, Good!” The concerned father studied his excessively gravid wife. He rubbed his face on her stomach, mixing his research with pure love. He was immersed in soft fat and the struggles of the children within. However, he went without hearing his wife’s requests. More feeder fluid dripped from her mouth, running down her puffy face. As the measuring and groping went on her heart began to race. Her body was past the point of movement unless lifted by Ochaco’s quirk or Izuku’s strength. The rare burst of motion made her head spin with ticklish excitement. At the whims of her husband and the women around her, Tsuyu could only get excited and allow her body to react. As such, milk began to drain from her breasts. It poured out in great torrents, showering her belly. Izuku only added that into his notes. “Milk production is strong, increasing.” He noted, slowly setting her belly down.Though he was gentle, there was a light thud as he set her gut back in place. Without waiting, he moved on to her thighs.

“Deku!” Ochaco said, still hovering above Tsuyu’s head like a fairy. “Wait at least until Tsu is done with her breakfast!” She said, though the “breakfast” had dragged on well into the afternoon.

“Come up here and be with your wives!” Mina yelled, trying to get through to her husband. Instead, Izuku continued his mumbling and murmuring. He immersed his inquisitive mind and strong body in her pooling thigh fat, rummaging around to see if he could find her lost foot. Tsuyu tried to speak, but struggled under the weight of her facial folds and the feeding implements filling her mouth. Further, her babies’ kicking made her belly even tighter. Her world was split between fighting against the rolling waves of pleasure and surrendering to them. Her moans grew heavier, sounding almost like a large animal bellowing. Her sexually frustrated, deep ribbits and croaks filled the room. The other girls tried to yell for Izuku in order to break him out of his studious trance, but he remained consumed by research. He had moved from jiggling her thighs back around to her stomach. The young man was commenting to himself about his biggest wife’s breasts, thinking about the milk production. There seemed little that could get his attention. That is, until Tsuyu made her move.

With supreme willpower, Tsuyu ignored her cravings and pushed the hoses from her mouth. They trailed away, leaking and pumping food onto her stomach. The fluid meshed with her milk, creating a mess down her floppy rolls and protruding belly. It was through this mess that her tongue shot. The long and dexterous appendage wound through the torrents of milk and feeder fluid. Tsuyu shivered as she felt her own immensity from the perspective of her tongue. She had to stretch in order to reach fully to Izuku. Even then, she was only able to grab his hand. With whiplike speed and surprising strength, she hauled Izuku up her large body. Through cream and milk he was lifted, ending up lying on her plateau of facial fat. Izuku felt his wife shifting below him, her body a never ending series of jiggles. She looked at him happily, lost slightly in her own cheeks and jowls. Her blush had returned, love running through her body. “Muscch. . .better!” She smiled. “Welcome home. . .Izuku.” She huffed before kissing him. Izuku was sucked into a world of blubber and moving lips. The same tongue that had dragged him up now played tricks inside his own mouth. The other girls squealed, begging for their turn; ambiguous if that turn was with Izuku or Tsuyu.

When Tsuyu finally let Izuku go, he was cured of his studiousness. “Heh. . .sorry, Tsu.” He apologized, trying to find an excuse. “I suppose there are better ways to celebrate you being 6 months along.”

“I’m sure. . .we can. . .find a way.” Tsuyu winked, eagerly drawing him back in.



This was most certainly an enjoyable read! There’s a lot of fun and sweet dynamics between the Tsuyu and the other girls. And Izuku comes in and makes it more fun and hilarious by getting into an analytical trance and being oblivious to how he’s teasing his enormous froggy wife! It’s a fun setup that might possibly make for a fun series if it continues from here for sure!


Really loved the bisexual harem dynamic you’re got going on here. Tsuyu is the primary focus of the three girls, always working to keep their room filled mass of soft love in endless comfort. In turn, Tsuyu’s body acts as a sort of focal point of the harem, big enough to share her “love” amongst all of them. And then Izuku’s got a stake in all 4 of them with his kids, who they’re all taking care of, so they’re clearly enamored with him as well. It’s a very fascinating non nuclear dynamic, but also very endearing!

James Duke

Thank you! Lol I find the idea really interesting. Whether it's super suburban housewife or old school conqueror harem with sex politics.