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Hey guys, this is going to be the first installment of a MASSIVE Persona 5 Commission. Hope you all enjoy!

--- A Super Sloshed Birthday ---

“Ann. . .don’t you think this is a bit much? Makoto Nijima asked, looking at the drinks arrayed on the table in front of her. Her plaid skirt swished as she approached the table, helped by her chubby buttocks. It was rather impressive what her blonde friend and fellow Phantom Thief had whipped up for them. She had spent all day on the phone, calling various places and putting orders in. Ann seemed to know every menu in town by heart, effortlessly picking through their listings for the perfect dishes. Deliveries had flooded in, arriving at the house all day. Makoto and Ann had taken turns arranging them on a singular table. Food of all sorts lined the table. It was a spread for a party of 20. The comparison was further cemented when Makoto put her two wine bottles at the far end of the table, her contribution to the party. It was highly ironic that, when she had picked up the bottles, Makoto had felt like she was the one overdoing the preparations. There was a time when she would have wondered if the two of them could make it through one of the wine bottles. Now, however, she was mildly worried that she would have to find a way to stop drinking and eating. Ann was a bubbly, infectiously happy woman and her attitudes often found their way into the people around her. Makoto was ever worried that Ann’s penchant for rampant indulgence and gluttony would spread to her as well. It had already consumed Ann, surely it might leap to a new host

“Ooooff. . .courssch. . .not!” Ann wheezed as she made her entrance into the room. It could easily be said that Ann’s appetite had taken over for the better part of 3 years. The blonde had always had a rather ravenous appetite, but she had always had the metabolism to match it. However, the grind of years upon her had stolen her model’s metabolism. Every meal had seen her metabolism and willpower shrink, whilst her gluttony and measurements had grown. The hedonistic march had transformed the model, pushing her into morbid obesity.  She had a heavy gut which flopped out and over the lip of her pants. Even when tucked in, her gut noticeably swung back and forth, knocking into chair-smothering thunder thighs. At the moment, it had shoved its way out and over her red spanx. Her jacket had also given up trying to contain her stomach, instead focusing on trying to keep her breasts in order.

Ann’s breasts had surged with growth, greedily sucking up any spare calories sent their way. Her jack was permanently unzipped zipped to accommodate them, acting almost like a girdle to push them skywards. The blonde’s round chins sometimes drooped low enough to tease her breasts, usually when she was looking down at a meal. Her stick thin thighs and calves now looked more and more like bunched up couch cushions. Ann had a waddle all her own, with her ass fat sloshing back and forth behind her. No matter how often she tugged her jacket down, her luscious booty found a way to be noticeable. Ann was lucky, many fat women could not boast a figure as curvaceous as her own. She was fat, but it had a nice and even distribution. It was easy to point out that she was out of shape, but one could not say she was ugly with the same ease. Her unnatural cuteness shined through even when covered with a layer of fat. She waddled up to the table, placing a fat hand on it for balance and smiled at Makoto

“No. . .better. . .way to. . .celebrate.” Ann wheezed, answering Makoto’s question. She finished completing the party setup by putting a single cherry on top of an overloaded ice cream sundae. Wine glasses, mini burgers, chocolates, and a plethora of other confections were piled on the table. As she leaned over the table, her belly-slab rested on the dark wood. When she leaned back up to look at her friend, her breasts and stomach swang with the same momentum. Ann looked from her friend to the food, innocently expecting Makoto to understand the fun of letting an appetite run freely. She was slightly disappointed to see that Makoto did not share her feelings. While not hostile to the idea, Makoto obviously did not understand. Few people really did.

Registering Makoto’s shock, the obese woman stared at the table with new eyes. She supposed there was a lot of extra food. But she hadn’t intended them to finish it all. . .unless they were really hungry. One had to account for such possibilities. Ann turned back to Makoto, brought back to the reality of what her own appetite was like compared to a normal person’s. “Ok. . .maybe a little. . .sorta?” She followed up lamely, shrugging her shoulders with guilt in her eyes. Her body sagged a little in the realization that she had gone overboard, making her fat that much more noticeable. She seemed like a walking bowl of vanilla pudding, formed into a cherubic face with vivid blue eyes. Yet, awkwardness and sadness only lasted so long with Ann.

Moments later, when her optimism reasserted itself, she puffed back up immediately.  “But this was supposed to be your birthday celebration! How could I not go at least a little overboard.” To relieve her guilt, the now plus-plus-plus sized model picked up one of the small cheeseburgers and bit into it. Freshly prepared by a new burger shop, they were a delight that Ann had yet to explore fully. They were full of cheese, meat, grease and calories. The perfect things to enjoy during a party where booze was in high supply. Ann thoughtfully worked the burger over in her mouth, enjoying the taste heartily. When finished, she dabbed a little bit of grease away from the corners of her mouth. She was eager to have more but did not want to seem piggish in front of Makoto. It was, afterall, her party.

Makoto laughed, a sign to how much she had grown over the course of knowing the other Thieves. The perfectionist had begun to actually enjoy her life, even the things that were not completely perfect. “Well, as long as you brought some baggies for all of the leftovers.” Makoto was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth nor was she one to pass up someone's hard work. Echoing Ann’s earlier indulgence, she reached down and picked up a glass of wine. Her delicate fingers grasped the slim stemmed glass. She brought the sharp, bitter drink up to her mouth and sipped. Her lipstick, understated but noticeable, was left on the glass when she brought it back down. She smiled at Ann, who had polished off another burger in secret. It was funny to see her gluttony on full display, especially now that it was being reflected on her body properly. For all the world she looked like a squirrel who had spent too much time prepping for hibernation. The two laughed at the situation and then went to work loading up the food onto their party plates. They had decided to hold the “party” in Ann’s apartment, which was the cozier of the choices.  Ann had a touch for all things feminine. She knew how to make a room cozy and comfortable. With their plates, they made their way over to the sofa. Makoto sat first, trying to squeeze herself as far into the corner as she could. She knew that Ann would need as much space as possible. The huge woman waddled over to the couch and prepared to ease her bulk into it.

Ann’s life as a fat woman was interesting. While she rarely referenced her weight, but moved in such a way that showed she knew exactly how heavy and fat she was. Upon reaching the couch, Ann turned in a tank-like fashion. Her heavy thighs rubbed against one another, the friction plainly audible to Makoto. Her butt cheeks, each bigger than soccer balls two times over, lifted and dropped with the steps, rubbing her spanx further towards threadbare status. Of anything in Ann’s closet, pants had the shortest shelf life. The reason was made manifest as Ann started to lower herself onto the couch. Her hips and ass spread her pants wide, flaring the poor fabric as far as it was willing to stretch. Ann’s ass could have engulfed a chair with little trouble. Now, its weight and mass bore down upon the remaining two and a half couch cushions. She landed with a loud whumph. Makoto bounced slightly, the seat under her shoved up by Ann’s repose into the couch. Ann, shocked that the couch hadn’t given way, placed her plate of food onto her gut. The food warmed her belly, whilst her bulk warmed the couch.

The birthday girl took a sip of wine, trying to compose herself. It was always fascinating to see Ann move. Makoto didn’t judge her friend, but she would not deny that it wasn’t fascinating. Her attention was always drawn to the movements of Ann’s blobby body. The brunette’s sip was followed with another as she tried to get her mind back on track. Makoto couldn’t help but replay the moments of Ann waddling and then sitting back in her mind. What had once been a skinny, even athletic woman, was now a moving pile of lard. It was like bags of ice cream or jello had been shoved within Ann’s spanx and jacket. When Makoto did finally speak, her voice was a little distant.

“It really is strange.” Makoto said, taking another sip of wine meant to focus her. “When you think of everything that happened to us. I’ve kind of wanted to write it all down, just to sort through my own thoughts, but I have no idea where to begin.” Makoto sighed. The wine was strong, but quite good and it helped to stir old and fond memories. Since graduating and moving into the world of adulthood, Makoto had tried to develop a taste for wine. She was still a lightweight, but she was at least beginning to understand why so many women, refined or otherwise, enjoyed it. She took another sip, longer than the others, before following it up with a bite on one of the cheeseburgers. Odd as it might have sounded, the combination of expensive alcohol and greasy food was quite delicious. She finished the rest of the burger quickly. It was nice having Ann around for company, especially when food was involved. While afraid that she might catch the other’s gluttonous curse, Makoto did have the comfort of knowing she would not be the one to eat the most.

“Oh I. . .mmmph. . .know!” Ann said, a burger in either hand. She bit into one of the burgers, savoring the taste of the calorie dense, nutrient deficient meal as only a true foodie could. She chewed thoughtfully, working the tender meat over in her mouth. Ann had always suspected that her love of food had come from extra sensitive taste buds. She could detect the most minor differences in meals. For instance, she could taste that the burger in her right hand had been left on the grill longer. Its texture had a satisfying crunch that gave way to the softer meat below. The other burger had a smoky sauce on it. Though strange to say, it was like enjoying a burger cooked over a campfire. This sort of hyper-taste carried over into everything that she ate or drank. Food was a pleasure all its own to the blonde woman. She broke from her stuffing only to drink the wine that Makoto provided. Ann had never quite taken to alcohol, being even more of a lightweight than Makoto was. It was funny, despite the parties and social media gatherings that she was invited to because of her modeling, Ann had spent more time on the appetizers than she did on the drinks. While other women were getting drunk and trashed on champagne, Ann was stretching her stomach from the mini-sandwiches.

All the same this particular evening, the two women had their fill of wine. Every couple bites of food were chased by polite sips of wine. Ann might eat to painful excess, but neither woman wanted to be the first one drunk or tipsy. Nonetheless, they did drink and alcohol worked its curious effects upon them. They found themselves talking more and more about old friends, with one in particular.“Oh come on! You have to miss him a bit?” Ann said to Makoto, a rosie blush touching her cheeks. “Especially after all the time you spent together. I would have thought you two were going to be hitched.” Ann said, sighing. Her happy memories of the Phantom Thieves were flashing before her eyes stronger than ever before, especially those of Joker. For such a quiet man, he had left deep impressions upon every member of the team. Ann had never known someone who could lift her spirits, stoke her passions, or provoke deep reflection with a simple sentence and tilt of his head. She could hardly believe it when her question about Makoto potentially missing him had been met with a simple “no. . .not really.” It was inconceivable to the porky model.

“I mean, we had fun.” Makoto blushed and looked down at her plate of food. She popped a couple cookies into her mouth in order to gain more time to think. Ann, waiting still with a flabbergasted look, drank more wine. Finally, Makoto made her response. “Well, I just mean that I enjoyed the time we spent together. . .but that things ran their course.” She sighed. Makoto remembered walks along the beaches of Hawaii, Big Bang Burger runs, and riding the subway with Joker. In truth, as her mind was free to consider them, she remembered hoping desperately that each of those little moments could last forever. Yet, they had met their end. . .one by one. Makoto gave another long sigh and took a longer sip of wine. It was freeing both her mind and tongue in a way that she wasn’t used to. She felt a pressure that hadn’t existed before. Seconds clicked by on a clock in the room, measuring the time it took for Makoto to be honest with herself. “Ok, ok!” She exclaimed. “I do miss him.” She smacked one of the pillows sitting next to her. It felt nice to admit it, even though her heart felt heavy.

Ann, gracious in her victory, munched on a handful of chips before responding with a quiet “me too”. The two girls sat in heavy silence, each remembering romantic moments that they thought would end up treasuring as the beginnings of a lifelong love, rather than bittersweet memories of flings gone by. Ann had to chirp up, needing to do something before she exploded. “Gosh, he just had to pick her, didn’t he?” It was a rare moment of bitterness and resentment from a woman who usually was a beam of sunshine. Yet, it was understandable. Of all the women in their circle, Joker had absconded with Sumire. She was a leggy, slender gymnast; exactly the kind of threat that could measure up and surpass a model and a class president. “Sorry. . .gosh that was rude.” Ann tried to cover her barb quickly, even if she didn’t want to take it back fully. Ann considered, briefly, putting her glass of wine down. She decided against it because it was helping her to wash down some particularly salty pretzels.

“Ann! You can’t talk that way!” Makoto said, putting an arm out as if to stop her friend. She would have moved over to physically touch her, but something held her back. There was something about touching Ann’s rolls and folds that made Makoto nervous and giddy. With a friend as big as Ann, contact was unavoidable. Everytime they stepped into an elevator together or walked down a small aisle at a store they would end up meeting physically somehow. Each time sent nervous sparks of energy and sensation down Makoto’s spine. It was exciting but weird, and she was afraid that her touch might somehow hurt Ann’s feelings. Yet, this time, she was able to push past the boundary. She leaned forward putting a small hand on her friend. Her hand sank into Ann’s fleshy arm, feeling just how close to popping the threads on her jacket were. Makoto had to fight the impulse to jump back, afraid that her touch had been too much. Yet, judging by the girlish smile that her friend gave, she assumed not.

“Oooh, fair enough!” Ann said, leaning her massive frame over onto Makoto. “You have such a good heart. Thanks for steering me right.” Makoto smiled as Ann’s bulk fell upon her. It was like a cloud heavy with rain was rolling over her. Again, the awkward bolts of nervous energy flooded where the big woman touched her. Yet, thanks in part to how tipsy she was, Makoto relaxed into them.

“Oh, it's probably fine!” The former class president Makoto was finding very quickly that being with Ann in such an intimate setting pushed all sorts of boundaries. She had never eaten so much in one setting, her stomach forming a round food-baby. The buttons on her vest were strained in a way that was painful. . .but also kind of pleasurable. It was funny to see herself so bloated. A birthday night of indulgence in food. . .and a little catty behavior. “They were in love. . .though he could have stood not to play around so much.” Her thoughts, buried once under pure subconscious, came tumbling out. “I mean, how many dates did he take you on?”

“Hmmmm. . .” Ann found it hard to count at the present juncture. She couldn’t decide if more booze or more food would help with that, something in her mind suggested both. “. . .It was like 5.” She tossed the number out, feeling satisfied that she had been able to keep a notorious playboy interested in her for that long.

“Aaahh. . .well he had me for 7.” Makoto said, taking a bit of birthday girl joy in beating Ann. It was especially sweet given that was when Ann had been in her prime.

“No way!” Ann’s eyes widened and her mouth went slack in tipsy shock. “That’s so not fair! What did you do that I diiiiidn’t?” She slurred her words slightly, though couldn’t stop from tipping back more wine. Her own stomach was getting at least partially full. Within the soft roundness there was a taut core being formed. Whilst Ann still stayed remarkably soft no matter how stuffed she was, there was a part of her stomach that could become rock hard with food packed into her. Ann was listing back and forth, shifting her weight from one thigh to another. As the weight shifted, one of her meaty thighs would compress out a bit and spread its fluff further over the couch; the other rounding out. She was like a pudgy, particularly round metronome, shifting back and forth on an internal, drunken rhythm.

“Hey, don’t be mad. . . mad. . .at me!” Makoto retorted, trying to defend herself. “Miss Kawakami got even more than I did.” Makoto tipped her drink back and then looked down sadly, upset at reliving missed opportunities and potentially making her chubby friend mad at the same time. Wine made Makoto more timid, sensitive, and emotional. “Besides, it's not like any of ussch really made it anywhere.” She sighed, too focused on the past to notice the slight drunken lisp attaching itself onto her words. She leaned back on the couch, sitting completely still in comparison to Ann’s constant movement. She considered her fat friend. Ann looked heavier than she had in many months. There was a time when her weight would yo-yo, springing up and down with little rhyme or reason. Now, however, it looked like the yo-yo was running out of steam completely. Ann had just been getting fat, with no regards towards her figure. Silently, Makoto wondered if Joker’s leaving had anything to do with the current state of Ann. Surely, even if subconsciously, an important man leaving would have a big impact on one's psyche. Makoto shivered, wondering what Joker’s departure had on her own.

The heavy silence continued for some more minutes, with only the sound of eating and drinking to break it. Neither girl wanted the celebration to take this kind of turn, but were too far gone to do anything to fix it. Yet, they continued to pour alcohol on their problems. It certainly had its effect.The girls were reaching a strange point of tipsy, one where their thinking wasn’t quite right and they had the energy to pursue those thoughts. Both wanted to fix what was going on, each of their sloshed brains coming up with any way of fixing it. Ideas slithered into their minds, their defenses too low to bat them away. It seemed like anything would be preferable than the current state of things. It was Ann who finally broke the silence, sharing the absurd idea that had come into her mind. “We should. . .” she started but stopped, needing her words to catch up with her thoughts or vice versa. “We should get Kawakami over here.” Ann said, matter of factly. “See what her, uuuh, thoughts on Joker are like.” She smiled, her chubby face taken over by a cherubic, drunken glow. “Joker once told me what her number was.” Ann winked.

“Get her over here?” Makoto asked, unsure of what Ann meant. “How do you have her number?” For all Makoto’s work as class president and high achievements through school, she had never been given the personal phone number of any teacher. There had always been an impenetrable gap between the students and teachers. Given her own history of abuse at the hands of Kamoshida, It was hard to believe that Ann would put herself in the hands of another teacher. Not for the first time since joining the Phantom Thieves, did Makoto realize that the personal secrets of others went deep.

“Oooooh, I jusssccht happen to know a little bit of extra information.” Ann said, teetering between playful and smug. “Joker wasn’t quiet all of the time. As it. . .turns out. . .Miss Kawakami was doing a little. . .” Ann swayed back and forth happily, her massive body rocking the couch. She smiled to herself, looking like a particularly fat cat that had managed to get a canary. “Moonlighting!” Ann finished, drunkenly surprising herself with how loud her exclamation was.

“Don’t we all.” Makoto said, wondering if somehow Kawakami was more involved with the Thieves than she had known about.

“Thisscch is. . .totally different!” Ann leaned over, putting her full weight onto Makoto. It was like a snowpack was rolling its way overtop of the smaller woman. The thin woman felt herself slowly sinking towards the free armrest, needing any amount of support to maintain an upright position. She smelled the alcohol and fast food on Ann’s breath, it having mixed with her perfume. “Truuusccht me! You are gonna want to see this.” Ann giggled, her body rubbing against Makoto’s in a soft and very pliable manner.

Makoto knew that she should probably say no, but found it hard to speak that aloud. Both because of Ann’s weight squeezing air out of her lungs and the temptation to know something scandalous. Her mind seemed more liquor than gray matter and she was having a hard time arguing against the dwindling voice of her conscience. She tired one final time to summon the courage to gainsay Ann’s suggestions, but ended up with a particularly meager “Yeah. . .I think that will be fine.” Makoto paused for a moment, the last vestiges of her rational brain trying to come up with a way to back out. She and Ann could do anything else in the world: watch a movie, eat more food, go out for a snack run, or just call it a night. Yet, for whatever reason, Makoto couldn’t offer up any of those ideas. Ann looked at her, giving a thumbs up before slowly trying to dial.



Love the character writing hear, the more naturalistic style works very well for a slow burn! Yet burn indeed it is, as our new guests arrive, there’s a sort of underlying tension that seems to be bubbling. I wonder in what risqué fashion it will bubble over! And your descriptions of Ann here are really fleshed out, it’s fun to take this “presence” in through the lens of Makoto. She’s noticing all the new details in how Ann’s growth affects her, one can’t help but wonder if she’ll want to explore more closely as the women get more inebriated.