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Tags: Drow OC, Bratty woman, Blob fats, rapid weight gain, sex. 

Did it! Was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to get out another prompt before the end of the month. Hope it's good, if it's not I'll rewrite it or something because I really like these characters.


“Princess Yasne! How did you get such soft skin?” One of the twins asked, draping her slim arm around gigantic folds of dark indigo skin. “Tell us your secret!” She said, snaking up the side of her immense mistress. Her pale, Light Elf skin contrasted with the deep and somber hues of Yasne’s own skin. The twins were every stereotype of Light Elves brought to life. They were youthful despite nearing their 800th birthday. Their bodies were slim but curvaceous, better used to being entirely nude than clothed. Further, the pair were twits with half a brain between them. They lived to serve Yasne, pouring over her endless bulk with their nubile bodies. It was their job to whisper sweet nothings in Yasne’s ears whilst pinching and massaging her bulk. They were to feed and fondle their master, making sure her darkest desires and impulses were carried out. “It’s not fair! You have everything: wealth, power, and beauty. Girls like you should leave more for the rest of us!” The light elf pouted in the ear of her lover, her nose ring bouncing as she spoke. Her sister, meanwhile, sucked a breast that weighed nearly twice as much as she did. Yasne herself began to giggle.

“You talk too much!” A deceptively sweet voice dribbled out of a round and heavy face. Yasne might have been the fattest creature to ever exist, barring hill giants. Certainly, she was the fattest elf. Her naked bulk spread across a mattress that had once been commissioned for a giant empress; she filled it even more than the empress had. Her body was naked, dark skin melding into the gloom of the room. She took long, slow breaths which made her rolls seethe in and out. She had a stomach that needed a full team of horses to pull. It has fallen into a series of increasingly fat and heavy rolls, drooping al the way down past her legs and onto the floor. The bulk of her stomach was matched by the width of her legs, which had become wide as church pews. Boulder sized breasts hung down upon her chest, so heavy that her breathing had long been labored. From atop this series of building rolls was her face. A cascade of dangling chins led to a mouth turned into a permanent pout and blood red eyes that had not lost their sharpness even after decades of indulgence. “Put your mouth to better uses!” Yasne snapped. Her tongue and eyes were the only sharp things that remained to her.

“Sister, Princess Yasne wants your body. Not your commentary.” The other twin slithered up Yasne’s corpulent form. She planted wet kisses on her mistress' thick neck, burying her lips between the fatter woman’s neck rolls. Whilst she kissed, the light elf concubine brought her hands through Yasne’s hair. Like every Drow, Yasne had shimmering silver hair. Yasne had grown it long, to both revel in her natural beauty and make things more difficult for her servants. It had taken hours to weave the fine strands of hair into a complex bun, but hours worth of sex-play had half undone it. Now, shimmering moonlight colored strands draped down Yasne’s folds whilst some was still tied back. She was half a mess, but that was normal for Yasne. “Is this good, my Lady? Do I please you?” The other sister broke from her kisses only to make sure she was properly serving her lady. The consequences for failure would be as big and weighty as Yasne’s body. Afraid of the answer, the twin did not wait for an answer before returning to her work. She kissed and sucked at the expanses of blubber, alternating between light pecks and more sloppy passes.

“No!” Yasne grumbled, trying and failing to cross her arms. Her black blubber shook as she tried to bring her arms up. It was a doomed task. Yasne’s arms were as fat as full grown pigs. It was a testament to Drow strength she could even move them a little bit. Even if she was able to lift them, they would have never passed the blockade her breasts represented. Swinging anvils of fat, Yasne’s breasts would brook no passage save for hands that wished to stroke and tease them. So, Yasne was forced to lay her body back into the wall of enchanted pillows which kept her upright. They conformed to her ample back, coddling her rolls just as her servants coddled her face. “You both. . .bore me.” Yasne wheezed, her face turning darker as her frustration grew. Hours of sexual stimulation without any release had made her angry. Even at the best of times the Drow princess was prissy and self-centered. However, as her needs and desires went unmet, her mood grew even more tumultuous. “Try haa-harder!” Yasne fumbled over the word, caught up in a small thrum of sexual tension which spread upwards from between her legs. She was too horny for her own good, revved up by the constant attention. These moods made her begin to dream up strange wishes.

“Zala!” Yasne called, her brooding interrupted by sudden thought. “Where. . .are. . .you?” Yasne called, struggling to sit her bulk up. It was only the pillows behind her that allowed for Yasne to be even slightly mobile. They read her thoughts, following her every move. With their magical power they could push the princess in whatever direction she wanted to go. “Come heeeere. . .I need you.” Yasne whined, hands flexing pathetically. “I tire of. . .these. . .whores.” The immobile Drow whined, not even bothering to look at the twins. Their mouths hung open, offended at the title given to them. Though they quickly worked through their offense and began to try and pleasure their lady again. Yasne gasped as two mouths popped over her breasts, tongues working on her puffy, pink nipples. While the gesture was nice, it was too little too late. Yasne had other fun brewing in her spoiled mind. “Zaaaawwwwaaaaa. . .come. . .here!” Yasne cried, on the verge of tears. Finally, the chamber door opened.

“Princess Yasne,” A tall and lithe drow stepped into the dark bedchamber. She strode across the room, her dark boots clicking against the floor. Zala Zespala rattled her saber as she moved, irritated that she had been summoned away from her post. “I live to serve you, but if I do not guard the door those days will be numbered.” The older Drow bowed, her short silver hair swishing down into two jagged points. She looked up for a moment, a scarred but fiercely beautiful face showing between the points of her bangs. Zala had lost an eye and wore an eye patch in its place. She spoke with a smooth and mature voice, one which held back reserves of more carnal emotions. It was hard to look upon the young woman without feeling a stirring in her small bosom. She had been the primary force for turning Yasne into the greedy beast she was today.

When she rose, Zala whipped her crimson cape over one shoulder. She was the swordmaster of Yasne’s house, sworn to protect the lives of the noble line. Her sword had tasted the blood of foes both foreign and domestic. With dispassion she had brought any who would oppose the house of Yasne’s foremothers to utter destruction. However, it was Yasne that Zala made sure to guard as often as she could. The two had a strange bond, one that had flourished over decades. “Shall I fetch your other concubines.” Zala cast a disapproving gaze over the twins. “There must be better choices than these two trollops.” She sniffed, always ready to instigate things with her racial rivals. Yasne’s fascination with Light Elf sexuality made her something of a progressive within the reaches of Drow society.

“I want you. . .though. . .Zala!” The spoiled princess did not abate for a second. “Just a moment. . .all I want. . .some kisses.” She begged, once again trying to stretch her arms. She was the most powerful woman in the Drow Labyrinth Kingdoms, save her mother, but acted with none of the grace. Yasne’s verbal charisma peaked with mewling whines and ended with petulant threats. Most followed because they had to, but there were a select few who were charmed by the belligerent brat.

“Fine. Please promise to make this short.” Zala looked most feminine when she was annoyed. She tapped her boots on the ground, running a graceful hand through her hair. “You must be guarded.”

“Uuuugggh. . .so rude!” Yasne bullied back. “I’m. . .your. . .princess!” She was so angry that her words were cut off by her tightening chest. “. . .must. . .ho-BEEEY!” The gigantic mass of dark elf fat wriggled, doing anything it could to physically manifest impotent rage. Zala was what happened when you trained an Drow in martial arts and warfare for 500 years. Yasne, meanwhile, was what happened when you spoiled one for 376. Hardly a day had gone by after her 100th birthday that she had not gotten every single demand met to the exact specification laid out. Largely, this had all been done by Zala’s direct orders. She had made sure that her princess was the picture of greed, selfishness, and cruelty. Unfortunately, however, Yasne’s targets were often chosen at random. “Pleeeascch. . .Zala. . .I need you!” The living roll of fat said, begging as if her very life depended on it.

“Fine. But it will be short.” Zala said, her tone taking on a schoolmarm characteristic.

“Yessch!” Yasne giggled, pleased she had gotten her way yet again. As befitting one of her corpulent greed, she started to take the extra mile as well. “Naked. I. . .desire. . .naked kisses!” She huffed, lust already overtaking her body. A heat rose in her and she ached desperately to feel Zala’s arm’s sinking into her bulk. The older elf was strong, but lithe like a panther. She moved with ease and grace, a killer’s saunter. Zala wore her sexuality close to her chest, unlike the light elf tarts. Whilst they had tits and ass to spare, they lacked the subtle sexuality that Zala had. To feel such a powerful, sexy creature upon her folds was more than Yasne could bear.

“My Lady. I cannot remove the markings of my-”

“Naked!” Yasne bellowed.

Zala smiled, her face pointed down at the ground. She was proud of her young princess. Her sense of worth had grown all these years, blooming into the toxic and unstoppable ego which filled the room. She had little choice but to obey, finding herself excited at the prospect of being humbled by her ruler. Slowly, Zala began to remove her garments. Her cape was pulled off and folded. Next, Zala pulled her leathers off. She revealed a body mature but still more than fit. Scars ran the length of it, the markings of brutal wars and endless plots. Each motion, big or small, made Zala’s muscles dance. She moved like water, or moonlight shining into a chamber. She stood in her bra and panties, naked but proud. She fingered her eyepatch for a moment. “Would my princess see me entirely without covering?”

“Don’t. . .be. . .gross!” Yasne huffed, callously dismissing the most important wound Zala had ever gotten. To Yasne it was a blemish, but to Zala the loss of her eye was a badge of worthiness. She had gotten it in service to Yasne many decades before. “Keep your. . . musty old. . . eyepatch on!” Both women felt their thighs wet at the abhorrent rudeness which the drow blob displayed. Their courting was absolutely shameless. The twins, still dutifully sucking and fondling Yasne’s fat, had to pause at the exchange. They sense the rising lust within Yasne. Her body was heating up, a flush creeping over her. Her large folds radiated anger and sexual tension. Everyone in the room was falling victim to Yasne’s emotional tide. It was magic that went beyond simple spells and incantations. Her aura bled from her many folds, seeping out into the closed chamber. Bathed it in already, the twins went back to nosing through Yasne’s fat. They returned with greater intensity though, gyrating their hips upon her folds. Zala was next to fall.

“We can’t all be cute.” She shrugged and started to approach her princess. Zala found it hard to keep her feet on the ground, a strange desire to skip coming over her. She felt a thrill running between her legs, one that was rare even when around Yasne. When she did reach her mistress, Zala bent low and planted a deep kiss on the lowest fold of belly. It was like kissing a carpet which led up to a high priestess. Zala soon started to climb, slinking up Yasne’s bulk like a mountain lion returning to a favorite den. “Some of us girls have to learn how to work for things.” She continued to speak, purring as she went. Every so often she would stop and stretch, wiggling her fit form. She was hardly curvaceous, but the way she moved her body made up for the lack of size. Yasne watched the approach of her subject, trying to peer past her own fat in order to see the show. She saw a dark shape moving up a sloping mountain of constantly moving terrain. Zala was all deadly femininity, a flower with poisonous thorns.

“You’ve wasted a lot of time, Young Princess.” The older woman growled as she passed the twins. They were moaning, hands reaching down between their legs whilst they nuzzled the obscene udders above them. Getting out a little anger, Zala reached over and clapped one on her rear. The woman yelped, but scooted away from Zala. None would get in the way of a lioness hunting. “Spent your time with penny concubines from exotic lands when you should have looked closer.” Zala spun a pretty web, ignoring all the other times she had mounted her protege. It was not just greed that Yasne had learned from Zala. Once a maiden had begged for the attention of her protector. She left the training room with nibbled earlobes and a handprint on her left buttock. Not long after, the situation had reversed. “But I’m here now.” Zala cooed, reaching Yasne’s round and flabby face. The princess’ mouth hung open, ready to receive what she was so desperate for. However,  Zala held back. A tortured stillness filled the room, sweltering heat building.

“Za-zaa-zaaalllaaa. . .pleeasseeccch.” Yasne moaned. “I want. . .you. . .so badly.” The enchanted pillows started to rock their immobile occupant, letting her fat stimulate her buried sex. Her hands tried to stretch downwards, wanting to plunge into her aching pussy. “Give me. . .oooh. . .more. . .everything.” The greedy hog of the Labyrinth begged. As she was reclined, her breasts slid down, knocking the twins from their posts. They scampered back, having to stand on tip toe in order to reaching Yasne’s dangling mammaries. Yasne licked her plump lips, tongue gliding over lipstick laced with crushed diamonds. Her hair shone, half a mess from lesser women running their hands through it. She begged and pleaded with her mentor, earning only thin fingers running under her chins. Yasne panted as her fat was toyed with, feeling like her chest might burst from the pressure. She could see only her fat cheeks and Zala’s sardonic smile. The enervated princess looked up into sharp bangs, an eyepatch, and a gleaming set of teeth.

“These girls fail because they don’t make you work for it.” Zala said, tickling her young lover’s folds. She gyrated her narrow hips, shaking a butt that had little to no fat on it. Buried in all the tits and ass in the world, Yasne desired only Zala’s thin and muscular body. She longed for the older woman to drop low enough that those small breasts might grace her fat folds. “You have to bellyache all day, whining for a real woman to come and fuck you.” Zala said, letting Yasne’s thickest chin drop with an audible slap. She then moved in for the kill. Their lips met in a loud squelching. Zala kissed with sharp precision, working little maneuvers in between Yasne’s greedy gulping. The older woman kissed with her whole body, thrusting her hips against her mistress’ fat. A steady slapping noise filled the room. Yasne tried to speak, wanting to mewl little commands, but Zala paid them little attention. Instead, she worried about pulling out the rest of Yasne’s bun; she wanted the torrents of silver hair to flow freely. The two women kissed, enraptured in each other. Zala did not notice the changes until her panties snapped.

Thwap! The noise went off like a broken bowstring. Sensing potential danger, Zala rose quickly. However, she saw and felt nothing other than the jiggles in her ass. The jiggles in her round, fat ass. Her remaining eye blazed and she turned back to Yasne. “What did you do!” She whispered, all sense of hierarchy and position gone. Zala put a hand back, feeling her butt continuing to expand. It grew wider and fatter, already having surpassed the booties of the twins. Likewise, Zala felt her stomach expand, slowly flowing down towards Yasne’s fat. “Yasne! You little fiend!” The swordmaster was fire and brimstone, rounding on her immobile lover even as she fattened up.

“You were going to leave!” Yasne defended herself. “I wanted. . .sssssooooo much. . .more than some kisses!” The princess smiled greedily, proud of the trick that she had played. Zala had been so focused on satisfying her that the cyclops had missed her chanting spells. Using the carnal magics swirling in the room, Yasne had cast several spells on Zala. The kinds of spells that ensured that a lovemaking session was long and fruitful. Already it looked like one was finishing. Zala now had an ass that could fill a couch. It bobbled and bounced, overly joyful even though its owner was not. Yasne giggled, enjoying the sight of her former teacher with more meat on her bones. No matter which way Zala twisted and turned, immense buttcheeks followed. The older woman had planted her hands on either side of Yasne’s neck, her hands sinking into what should have been shoulder blades. Yasne was able to appreciate the fuller arms, muscle now replaced with hanging fat. “Love you. . .Zala!” She chirped, happier than she had ever been. Her kiss sealing the final spell.

“Oh you little bit-” Zala was cut off, unable to speak the insult. Instead, she felt something else welling up in her chest and rolling onto her tongue. When she spoke next, the grumpy swordswoman had a different tone. “You little schemer!” Zala gushed, leaning down to lick Yasne’s neck fold. “A clever little living pillow of fat! Azage, Goddess of Lust. . .how I want to FUCK you all night long.” Zala’s head was a confusing storm of emotions. She said nothing that wasn’t true and nothing she did not feel. Never a day went by without her wanting to bury herself in Yasne’s deepest, most moist roll and fuck until she was pulled off. However, it was now the case that Zala could not turn that emotion off. Everything seemed to feed her lust, rising up from within her gut and psyche. Rather than speak more, Zala began gyrating on the space between Yasne’s breasts. Her glistening thighs ran along smooth, onyx colored fat. Zala shook her hair, making her breasts bounce. Whilst still small, they had picked up enough mass to jiggle. “Make my ass bigger! I would smother you. . .aaahhh. . .with it!” it was impossible to tell what was a threat and what was a sexual promise. Yasne cared very little.

“Happy to. . .oblige!” She said before opening her mouth, ready to conduct more magic. Zala rushed down, locking lips with her wicked lover. As they kissed, the older woman’s ass grew even more. It quickly became disproportionate, a couch for her to lug around behind her. Yasne could hardly kiss, she was so deliriously happy. It was rare that a scheme went off so well. Zala was an animal, ravaging her with kisses and hugs. Her enormous ass, now bigger than she was tall, thundered claps out for the room. The older woman nibbled on Yasne’s sharp ears. Zala was a whirlwind of sexual energy, flitting about from one task to another. Yasne gasped and climaxed out of pure surprise when Zala kissed her with tongue. Yet, the kiss did not last long. They broke apart, with Zala needing to catch her breath. It was then that Yasne started to guide her lover. “Zala. . .aaah. . .kiss me. . .down there.” the greedy, immobile sex fiend offerend.

“I’ll feed like a fat hog at a trough.” Zala grunted, lust-rage thickening her voice. She really, wanted to strangle Yasne. . .but wanted to fuck her equally as badly. She turned, but then turned back again, worried that her words would be taken as an insult. “I love you. . .and your pussy.” Zala purred, leaning in close. “It’s remarkably cute and small. I’m sorry.” She kissed the top of Yasne’s hair. The princess was in shock, never having received such an open compliment. She was still stunned as Zala turned and crawled her way down. Yasne recovered with enough time to see the older woman’s massive asscheeks slid against one another. She could crush a three person couch with her buttocks easily. Yasne made a mental note for later. She hoped that she would be able to hold onto it through the fucking she was about to recieve. The marriage of Zala’s anger and lust had been an exquisitely beautiful, powerful thing to witness.

“Entering!” Zala called from far below Yasne was about to respond, but was silenced when she felt her gut being lifted. She began to moan shortly after. Her entire body bounced as it was born aloft by Zala’s gigantic ass. Heaps of paunch were spread across a booty almost as wide. Zala shifted and shimmied her ass, making both of women’s fat dance. Yasne felt her pussy gush, unable to stop her emotions from pouring out of her in sexual form. Zala gyrated and tunneled further, making sure to shake her mistress with as much passion and fury as she could manage. Yasne tried for the third time to raise her arms, need to grasp her breast and play with them. She was aching for any possible release. She was even weaker on this attempt. She had long been drained of her strength. She was prisoner to her and Zala’s lust, forced to accept any gifts and cum in return. She moaned long and low when Zala’s tongue teased her sex. Her master was soft and tender, but quickly picked up speed and intensity.

“Zaaallaaa. . .oooh. . . too much! Too. . ..OOOOHH good!” Yasne moaned as she felt her clit teased by the smaller woman. Zala was unstoppable, not slowed by the raw tonnage crashing down upon her. She lapped and licked, easily finding the perfect spot to frustrated the blobbish drow from. Both women ached for more, getting what they had desired for so long. Yasne was further satiated when, working in conjunction, the twins pushed one of her breasts up to her mouth. Yasne took her own puffy nipple in her mouth, suckling at it with glee. Down below she felt Zala kissing and licking her throbbing pussy. The immobile woman was played like a fiddle, with no string left untightened. Nonsense words and phrases burst from the fat woman’s mouth, muffled by her own breast. She tried to suckle the intense pleasure away, lacking the mental wherewithal to process the bliss. Deep, deep blow her Zala’s new ass bounced as her tongue flicked in and out. Yasne’s mind, body, and soul were all in delirious agony. She realized how stark the difference between 376 and 800 was. Zala had not spent the time only training with weapons. Yasne swooned, overcome by the sheer intensity of her orgasm. Her last conscious thought was that she should have made Zala’s ass even bigger.


Later, Yasne awoke with a blade at her throat. The room was dark. Even with her dark vision, Yasne could only see half forms. She saw Zala, her ass still humongous, curled in a corner. The twins were nowhere to be seen. Feeling the tip of the dagger poking into her thick folds, Yasne tried to pull away. However, she was held by strong hands. She wanted to call for help, but was stopped by her assailant. The would-be assassin shifted a hand up, clamping it down on her mouth. Yasne tasted a strange spice. She could see that the attacker’s nails were painted. It was an odd detail to pick up and she hoped that it was not the last sight of her life. She was too fat to struggle, only able to relax into whomever was grasping her.

“Enjoy your little orgy?” The assassin spoke, her voice sharp and low. “Hope it was a fair trade for not listening to her.” The hand with the painted nails pointed to Zala. “She would have been a real problem for me. Gotta thank you for making my life a little less painful.” The voice laughed. “Anyway, better finish the job.” The assassin said before pulling the knife back. Yasne started to chant a spell, hoping it would come out in time.



A really solid character dynamic, that really sets a history almost just as much as we are told it. Def something I’ll come back to to fully appreciate, you’ve got some proper alluring world building here with your cast! (People often construe that term to referring to what the audience is “told”, but proper world building is how the actions characters take in a setting help to inform us of the social dynamic in place. THAT is what I feel you pulled off very well here!)


Kino, dare I say it. Thanks!

James Duke

Originally, I was going to include a scene before this that sort of set up the changes we see. But that had to be scrapped because I couldn't get it right. Glad that the sense of history was able to be translated naturally. Haha I was afraid that it might come across as the George Lucas "member that time when we fell into that nest of gundarks" writing.