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Tags: GTS, Rapid Weight Gain, Personality Shift, Sex, Light Dragon TF

Hope you all don't mind more Zelda stuff. . .especially Zelda stuff that's a little different. Fun to write some GTS/Fats though! A more Traditional prompt will be done by tomorrow or Tuesday for folks that just want fats. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Zelda walked through the fields of Hyrule, feeling the sun beam down upon her horns. Though she had been returned to normal life, she still bore hallmarks from her time as the dragon of light. Thick horns ran out of her head, large mountains that rested above the fields of her golden hair. They were part nuisance and part charm, but entirely unique. She was the dragon princess of Hyrule now, a being that had been both primal spirit and normal woman. It was fitting, Zelda thought, she was now connected to Hyrule more deeply than even the other sages. Sunbeams seemed to seek out Zelda’s horns, making the light brown protrusions glow faintly. She would feel the warmth, smiling as her head was pleasantly heated by divine energies. Such was the case on that particular day. Zelda’s hands could not stay away from her pointy horns, constantly playing with them.

“My goodness, I swear you both have grown.” She spoke with a smile. “As if it wasn’t difficult enough to get into my clothes.” Tugging on shirts and dresses had become a challenge, with the fine fabric she was used to catching on her new headwear. “Soon I shall have to have Link dress me!” Zelda squeaked at the thought, trying to keep her mind chaste and innocent. Those thoughts had been coming more frequently too. She longed to feel his strong arms around her, maybe even as they plummeted through the sky together. She relieved the thrill of him holding her over and over. The young man had gotten taller as of late, his training strengthening his arms. He was growing into a man, rather than just a sandy haired boy. Zelda supposed she was also growing, though it was hard for her to notice the changes. Overcome by emotion, Zelda sat down in the soft grass. She put her hands to her cheeks, almost trying to massage the romantic thoughts out of her lips. “Oh, I so wish to be the woman he would want.” As she spoke, her horns began to shine.

“I suppose he must already love me. His dragon princess, horns and all! ” As she spoke, the spikes upon her head started to thicken. They forked and branched like tree limbs, ending in little points. Some stuck straight, whilst others curled inwards. Zelda’s horns were thick and magnificent, more treasured than any game animal. While light brown in color, vibrant golden light shone through them. Zelda did not notice the growth, too busy with her thoughts of love. She spoke further, still casting the impromptu spell. Tapping into magic that had laid dormant within her. “He’s so kind, he would probably love me even if I had a tail!” Zelda spoke the words, thus bringing them into reality. A thick, reptilian tail slithered out just above her round buttocks. It was white with the same blue crystals that had grown on her draconic body. The grass parted and bowed, worshiping the divine from Zelda unknowingly assumed again. It was like slipping into a glove, so natural to her she did not notice. Her tail flicked and wagged as she excitedly spoke of her love. “Oh, Goddess Hylia, please let me be the kind of woman that Link would love most!” She implored, unaware of what sort of request she was making.

Light from the heavens shone down even more strongly upon Zelda. Holy forces infused her body, granting her pleas and wishes. “Strong enough to protect Hyrule by his side.” She grasped her hands together, squeezing them tightly. A ripple passed through her body, working through her from tip to literal tail. With her eyes shut, she did not immediately notice her growth. A lengthening took place, same as with her rack of horns. Zelda grew steadily bigger, her shapely body taking up more and more of the world around her. Her clothes grew tight upon her, not able to keep up with her growth. Her large, perky breasts started to strain at her blue top. Likewise, her dark leather pants were filled by a bouncy butt which could easily crush a chair. Her arms rushed out of her sleeves, with the fabric only able to cover some of her forearms. The sounds of rips and tears got Zelda’s attention. She looked down, stunned into silence by her growth. The world was falling away from her as her head rushed towards the clouds. In record time she was the height of a large statue, able to tower over all but the largest Gorons. Shortly after that she was as tall as the small cottage she and Link vacationed in. Yet, Her body continued to grow.

“Goddess!” Zelda cried, tilting her head towards the parting clouds. Her hair shook amongst proud, well shaped dragon horns. “What is happening?” She asked, receiving only more divine light and growth as a result. She grew not only taller, but wider as well. Her thighs thickened, taking on proportions similar to castle towers. Her pants burst at the seams, allowing plush fat to flow freely. Zelda’s butt, already round even before her growth, fattened to hill-like proportions. “Is this a punishment for vanity?” Zelda asked, worried that she had offended Hylia. When the fattening and growing continued, another idea entered into her mind. “Or is this a reward?” As if in answer, her breasts gushed forth, shredding open her top. They bounced out into the light of day, so big that they had to rest on her belly for support. Zelda bit her lip, trying to suppress a pleased and lewd smile. It was not only the women in Gerudo Town that could boast about their exaggerated figures. Now, the Hylains had a woman that they could point to. . .despite her head being lost in the clouds.

“Change me further, Goddess!” Zelda said, her voice echoing through the sky as her bulk mounted upwards. A plump, fat stomach rolled out to provide more support for her breasts. Her tail, longer than drawbridges meant to span over mountain abysses, thumped upon the ground in pure joy. “I would be everything you and Link desire.” She smiled, opening her arms out wide as if in embrace. She felt the light hold her, sinking into her body. Her breasts grew ever bigger, able to sink entire fleets of pirate ships with their weight. Her gut folded forward, a singular planetoid of fat. Meanwhile, her hips ripped through the remaining shreds of clothing. She was left with little more than a blue loincloth the size of a castle banner, though much of it could not be seen through the rubbing of her thighs. The dragon princess gave out a loud and throaty roar as she reached her full height, nearly as tall as Castle Hyrule’s tallest tower. Her strong, almost birdlike call broke over the plains. Hyrule had its dragon of light back, and she wanted to announce her presence.


“Oh my. . .I hope he likes me.” Zelda said, clutching heavy arms to her breasts. Though bigger around than many of the trees in the haunted forest, the princess’ arms were swallowed easily by her boobs. Despite being a living incarnation of the goddess and tall enough that the lowest sky islands were in reach, her concerns were decidedly girlish. She waddled along, blushing lewdly at the feel of her hips bouncing. Her footsteps shook the earth, down to the very depths below. The columns and fountains of the deep shivered at her passing. For many miles people heard the resonant BOOM, BOOM of their ruler’s stride. “What am I going to say?” She asked, her tail curling around her thighs in a protective measure. “Good morning, Link, guess who’s a dragon again? Ooooh, I’m just going to scare him!” Frustrated, Zelda stamped her foot. Tremors ran through her fat and the ground, the earth got the worst of it. Sheets of bedrock cracked above the surface around Zelda’s slim and proportionally tiny feet. Mushroom clouds of dust billowed around the impact. With ignorance that was terrifying and adorable, Zelda continued towards the castle. She tried to make sense of her new proportions and how her loverboy was supposed to fit into them.

“I’m so huge too. If I hug him he will disappear into my bre. . .” Zelda panic swallowed as a lewd thought occurred to her. “It’d take hours. . .days to find him.” She tugged at the pathetic remnants of clothes that kept her mighty mammaires confined. “They’d maybe have to send scouts after him.” She moaned, worried and romantically frustrated in equal measure. “Oh that would be HORRIBLY embarrassing.” She roared again, ending it with a puff of smoke and crackling energy. Against her conscious wishes, her tail slapped against the fields worth of butt fat which protruded behind Zelda. With each landing of the tail, there was a loud slap followed by a deep thrrruuum as ripples started to spread. It only heightened her embarrassment and pleasure. “Stop that! Link. . .and the other. . .will not appreciate their princess playing with herself like that.” Zelda blushed, trying not to think of her accidental wording. She slapped at her tail like it was a mischievous dog, unknowingly exposing her breasts as she bent down.

Traveling farmers watched the scene, their eyes popping out of their heads. Zelda thumped and shook, trying to reach her tail. Meanwhile, her butt clapped like a bursting thunderhead. She spun, hair a mess, trying to grab her scaly tail. “They do NOT want a princess that is a sideshow!” Zelda scolded, her body continuing to run off of instinct. It wasn’t until one of the farmers’ horses whinnied that the draconic princess gained control of herself again. She straightened all at once. Breasts, belly, butt, and thighs all jumped at once before sagging back into place. Her tail straightened, sharp and pointed as a lightning bolt. Zelda turned towards the farmers, eyes hovering towards the piles of raw meat and produce. She tried to speak through a watering mouth. It had been so long since she had eaten, and her extreme curves required such sustenance. “Oh! I. . .uhm. . .apologize for myself.” Her voice boomed out, shaking the farmers. “It’s just me, Princess Zelda. Uhm. . .dealing with a slight. . .magical occurrence.” She tried to explain, taking small and timid steps towards the farmers. Unable to handle her immense new form, they quickly abandoned their wagon. With shaking hands, they unhitched the horses before the giantess could seize them.

“Waaaait!” Zelda called, jogging after them. Thunder filled the air as her breasts thudded against her gut. “I’m so sorry, I just need time to adjust!” She yelled, her voice shaking the very foundations of the earth. Her foot caught the wagon, tossing it high into the air. It was crushed upon impact, but the food contained within rained down upon Zelda. Thick melons, truffles, and prime meat fell into her breasts. Her stomach gurgled as the little treats landed rolled deep with the trench between her breasts. “I’m so sorry!” She called to the farmers, little more than dots beneath her at this point. “Visit the castle and I will replace this all!” Zelda started to fish the food out. Fingers which were bigger than juvenile trees pushed down into the expansive boundaries of cleavage. The gigantic, heavy princess’ breasts were matched in their size only by their sensitivity. She gasped as her chubby wrist slid into them. Her tail again straightened in surprise. She located a little morsel of meat. Before thinking, she popped it into her mouth. What had once been too much for her to eat in a single sitting was now but a small snack. “They certainly knew their craft.” Zelda said, trying to fight a rising urge. A new desire was rapidly developing within her. “I caaaaaan’t.” She moaned, trying to still her wayward thoughts. “People will think I’m some gluttonous beast.” Zelda pouted, arms at her sides. Her breasts sloshed atop her belly, both of assets begging for attention. She gave in quickly.

“Oh, I hope I’m. . .ssccchlllurrp. . .too big to be seen.” Zelda spoke as she pushed her breasts together and into her face. They were so huge that reaching her softened chin was little issue. Beast-like, she dipped her tongue into her cleavage. Her soft, long tongue lapped at the food. She gobbled it up, bringing it towards her waiting maw. Happiness stole over her, burying any feelings of awkwardness about the feeding. Her tail wiggled happily, echoing the little rock lizards she had seen in the past. Zelda walked and ate, shoving her face deeper into her boundless breasts. Her tongue lapped at the food. She moaned at the delightful sensation of eating, at the tickle that spread through her chest. Goosebumps raised on her arms as she became erotically excited. Overfilling her strong but soft arms, her breasts shook like immense jelly-blobs. Their bouncing and jumping grew ever more intense as she licked faster. Her face and chest flushed as she orally explored the chesty caverns. A fixation grew within her, filling her mind. Zelda was too lusty to debate whether it had come from Hylia’s blessing or her own repressed mind.

--- Rude Awakening ---

Link was high up in one of the towers of Castle Hyrule enjoying an afternoon nap when he felt the tremors. They started out as a low and distant rumble, like someone moving furniture in a nearby room. They were easy to ignore. He could turn over, hug his pillow, and dream of Zelda. However, the tremors only grew stronger. As he slumbered they picked up strength and intensity. They changed from distant tremors to obvious shaking. It felt like one of the great beasts that he had fought through his travels was moving under him. Oddly though, his dreams only grew stronger. Rays of sunlight started to fill them, dousing everything in a golden color. Beauty that went beyond the natural world blossomed in his dreamscape. Moreover, the image of Zelda in his dream only grew stronger. Her horns seemed real, able to be touched and felt. Dream Link reached out, eager to once again put hands to them. He would serve Zelda in his dreams or in the waking world. Dream Zelda laughed, shyly turning away as his hands approached the sharp points. Link loved those horns, those little remnants of her time as the dragon of light. With all his heart he prayed and wished that those new bits of Zelda did not fade. They were the symbols of her love and protection of the realm and the power which resided in her. He wanted nothing more than to feel them.

“LIIIINK!” A soft but infinitely vast voice called through his dreams. Link turned, hugging his pillow. “COME ON, SLEEPYHEAD.” The voice boomed, following the words with a giggle like thunderclaps. Link breathed deeply in his sleep, comforted by the voice. “I GUESS YOU NEED A LITTLE HELP.” The voice rumbled again. Its courteous, feminine tone was bolstered by its hugeness. It was like the very sun had come to rest on the outedge of Link’s room. A pleasing, charming warmth filled the room. Link was lulled deeper into his sleep by the warmth and the voice. It was only when he felt his bed rocking that the swordsman woke fully. He stared at a giant, round arm with a soft hand. It reached into the room, grasping his bed and began to slowly pull him out. Link’s eyes widened and he was stunned into silence. An equally gigantic eye blinked in the window, an emerald iris shone at the small man. The shone shone behind it all, filling the bedroom with light. “LIIIIINNNK, YOU’RE SO LAZY.” The voice teased him as the arm slowly pulled him and the bed out of the room. Link’s heart beat wildly as he lifted out of the room and into the open air. His vision was filled with a blue sky, green eyes, and shining gold hair. Underneath him was a veritable field of hefty cleavage. Zelda had come to find her boyfriend.

“There you are!” Link adjusted to the sound of Zelda’s voice, beginning to perceive it as normal. While the castle and countryside around it was filled with her booming, royal resonance, Link began to be less affected by it. However, he still felt it in his chest. “Oh Link, something wonderful has happened!” The gigantic Hylian woman gushed. She brought her elbows together, flooding her cleavage upwards. Link heard the clash of city-sized breasts below him. A sound almost like the ocean came back to his ears. “I. . .uhhm. . .hope you don’t mind me.” Zelda said, shyness creeping over her. “I promise I’m still the same, just a slightly different coat of paint.” She pulled the bed back, giving Link a view of his majestic lover. She towered fully above Hyrule Castle. Her proportions were fit for a woman around 400 lbs, though her true weight was beyond calculations. She surpassed even the divine beasts in size. Her draconic tail slapped happily, whisking back and forth with a mind of all its own. “I suppose the dragon magic is still a bit strong.” She said, unable to keep from giggling again. Her body jiggled.

Link watched ripples spread across her gut, they were more than capable of swamping any pirate ship. In awe, the young man turned back to Zelda. Lacking ideas for coherent speech, he instead spread his arms out wide and smiled. The blonde woman blushed, shaking her hair and horns. “Stoooop it! I am not a goddess.” Her tail whipped even faster, beating her city-leveling asscheeks in time with her heart. “I’m just a girl whose. . .ahem. . .rather outgrown her clothes.” Her blushed deepend as she offered up the embarrassingly lewd thought. “I suppose we might need to stitch more?” Zelda’s words were met with a vigorous shaking and crossing of Link’s arms. “LINK!” Zelda boomed in surprise, her face was scarlet but her tail thumped the ground. The people below saw the underside of their princess’ stomach fold and asscheeks flap. “That is most certainly NOT an appropriate thing for a princess to do. Dragon or otherwise.” She let her mouth hang open in surprise, excited and terrified by the thought. Link shrugged, tugging at his own shirt. It was half open, exposing his own muscular chest. “The rules for men and women are different, it doesn't matter what the Gerduo do.” Zelda slowly pushed a hand to her heaving chest, reminding herself how sensitive it was. She sucked in air, her nerves firing with ticklish pleasure. Link looked down and then back at Zelda, wry smile on his face.

Zelda tried to change the subject, but struggling to overcome her own lewd thoughts made a suggestion. “What if. . .aah. . .instead I. . .” Her arm dropped, letting her breasts free to terrorize her paunch again. They jiggled madly, slapping and rubbing against any bit of fat they could find. “Ooohh. . .what if we took a walk?” She finally said. Without waiting for Link’s answer, she plucked him out of his bed. She tossed the piece of furniture away with the same ease a child might toss a dollhouse’s bed. She moved Link even easier.


“Suuuh-stop. . .haaah. . .ooohh. . .squirming!” Zelda gushed as she walked. Nervous, awkward, and lusty steps had carried her quickly away from the castle. Each step was a little more manic and excited, spurred on by the wriggling within her canyon-like cleavage. Link scurried like a small animal through the bountiful hills of cleavage that he had been tucked into. His senses all reflected one thing: Zelda. He saw nothing besides jiggling breast fat spreading out in all directions. He felt only the rocking and buffeting of the soft hillocks of flesh upon her chest or the grand edifice of belly he stood on. He smelled Zelda’s perfume and innate-dragon scent, like being housed in a world of flowers lightly roasted by sunlight and incense. And he heard her resonant, booming, adorably lusty voice echoing above him. As an explorer and a lover, Link had never been so enthralled. He began to climb again, making his body sink into Zelda’s cleavage.

“You. . .HHOOOOOO. . .are the most. . .aaah. . .unmanageable man!” Zelda fumed and huffed as her body struggled to contain the overflow of emotions. A walking colossus, grander than any statues built by any race within Hyrule, Zelda’s lust was broadcast for miles around. Her tail crashed upon the ground, uprooting trees and breaking open hidden wells. She ran her hands through her shining hair, tugging at it in ecstasy. “Link if you do not cease your moving. . .I shall have to punish you!” Zelda finally said, stamping her food. Twin ripples and shockwaves spread through the earth and her fat at the same time. The world around her could hear the gelatinous sounds of her fat jiggling. “I mean it! A knight should. . .HHHAAAAA. . .OBEY his princess!” Size had inflated everything about Zelda, her emotions as well as her ego. Link, meanwhile, felt roguish defiance sweep over him. He continued to roll in his gigantic girlfriend’s breasts, going so far as to kiss her. The defiance both pleased and displeased Zelda.

“Since you. . .mmmm. . .insist on this. . .AAAHHH. . .IMPUDENCE!” Zelda yelled, her mind blistering with frustration and pleasure. “I. . .oooohh. . .aaah. . .LINK!” Cogent thought was stolen from her as emotions bubbled forth. Anger was as wonderful as pleasure and both fed the well of her boundless desire. Biting her lip but furrowing her brow, Zelda brought her hands up and pushed them into her breasts. She smooshed and bounced them, playfully trying to crush Link between them. He wanted playtime, then he would get every bit of it. Her nipples grew pointed and her knees grew weak. Blood seemed to rush from her brain, making her lightheaded. She was only marginally less sensitive to her own touch than she was to Links. Her hands sank into her breasts up to her chubby forearms. Her tail thwapped against her booty wildly, unable to tamp down the frothing carnal ardor which ripped through her body. The reptilian princess of Hyrule cast away her shyness once again, exploring this new side of her personality with groping hands. She moaned with an open mouth, the sound broken only by giggles. “I’m. . .HEEEE. . .going to teach. . .ooooh. . .you a lesson. . .LINK!” Zelda threatened, though Link could only hear every other word.

The small man tumbled and tossed through a literal beast-quake. The destruction caused by any of the giant foes he had faced now paled before Zelda. She shook and shimmied the tonnage attached to her chest. They were toys to be played with and he was but a little speck to be acted upon. She pressed and squeezed her breasts from all angles, searching out every little morsel of pleasure. Link was trapped, though he did not complain, in a storm of jiggles and shakes. Far below him, he could feel her gut pounding up and down. His only moments of relief came when Zelda spread her breasts, though this was always followed by even more intense periods of jiggling. After she tired of shaking her mammaries from side to side, Zelda then began to thrust them up and down. First by bouncing on her feet and then by scooping her hands underneath and lifting them. She applied every bit of her divine strength to the task, struggling to lift features of her own body. With each bound, Link was forced further and further up in her breasts. He fought against it, trying to remain in the nest he had built, but the princess would not be denied. “Come to me, my diminutive protector!” Zelda’s sweet, clarion voice shook the heavens. “No more of this carnal skulking!” The dragon princess of Hyrule’s lust was reaching proportions that matched her body. Link soon felt himself falling in the open air.

Link had been shot from Zelda’s breasts like one of the Sheikah reconnaissance towers. Yet, he saw not the beauty of Hyrule, instead he saw the stunning vistas of its protector. Zelda had grown yet more, seeming to swell as the magic inside her fed on her lusts. She opened her mouth to speak and Link felt the winds of a typhoon. Even the smallest movement of her body caused distant mountains to shake, old peaks crumbling whilst new ones formed. Her head was crowned by the vaulted ceilings of the heavens, whilst her passing was felt by the cellars of the deeps. “LIIIIINK!” She cried, her mouth open wide with a noticeable smile. Link saw that her canines had become pointed dragon fangs. For one terrible, exciting moment he envisioned that mouth swallowing Hyrule’s monsters whole. “You stopped hiding!” Zelda put a hand out. Link landed on it, little more than a blade of grass in Hyrule’s great field. He stared into shining, multicolored eyes and sunlike hair. Zelda had truly come into her own power. “You’re so small!” She said, enjoying the comparison but not trying to demean him. “My LITTLE protector. Do you think you could still save me now? Do you think I could ever need saving?”

Link, man of few words, knelt and bowed his head. Big or small, he knew the duties appointed to him.

Zelda grew teary eyed at the devotion. “Oooooh you!” A tail big enough to smash the sky islands wrapped around thighs that could not have been hidden, even by the depths of the ocean. Zelda suddenly felt very weak and needy. “I very much want to be small again now.” She sobbed in happiness. Her body started to respond, magic bowing to its owner’s whims. There were times to be an earth shaking, dragon goddess. . .and then there were other times. However, just before she began to shrink in earnest, Zelda pushed her lips together and brought them towards Link. Plump, blue lips bigger than castle walls but softer than down pillows bore down on the small man. Link spread his arms, not in the least afraid to be a dragon’s object of affection.

--- “Small” Again” ---

“Hurry Link!” Zelda said, squirming on the many tables that held her weight. “Actually, don’t, I wish this to be perfect.” She held her tail, pressing it deep into her folds. While Zelda had lost much of her height, she retained much of the weight. Rather than being built like she was 300 or 400 pounds, the ruler of Hyrule seemed to rest over 800. Granted, it was far more given her height. Her shrinkage had stopped at 12 feet. Bigger than most anything save for the largest monsters, but more than capable of interacting intimately with her favorite knight. “First the blue, then the gold.” She instructed, rocking on the multiple feast tables which had been stacked up to hold her bulk. She sat with one foot pointed outward. While delicate and trim, it was nearly bigger than Link’s body. The young man held it in one hand, the other working to paint the toenails. Zelda had felt the need to pretty herself up upon shrinking, adorning her body with trinkets and decorations to match her new status and power. The artfully painted nails were the last part. “Now family crest! No mistakes now, we’re so close.” She begged and pleaded against chance, perfectionist tendencies fighting with open desire.

Through it all, Link continued to work; stealing glances at his massive lover on occasion. Her gigantic bulk threatened to cave the tables in, wapring them to their breaking point already. Zelda’s naked body flowed out over them. The scraps of clothing had been removed, tossed away as not being good enough for her body any longer. Eventually they would see to clothing, but Zelda was much more interested in other things. Gold, silver, finely painted nails, and Link. She had taken every opportunity to possessively touch and fondle him since forcing her body to shrink. Hands, feet, and tail had been used. She longed for constant contact, even mewling pathetically when she could not get it. Now, as the final touches were being made to the aesthetics of her body, she was insatiable. “You should be very good at painting the crest of Hyrule by now.” Zelda teased, tickling Link’s nose with her tail. “So much service. . .so much dedication.” Zelda purred, wiggling the large foot in Link’s arms. “Up for any royal challenge, no matter how small. . .ooorrrr BIG!” Zelda licked her lips, newly appearing fangs glistening.

There were few times Link worked faster or more carefully. Zelda’s words and tail prodded at him, seeing if he could keep his focus. This was the last test, the final stretch for the two of them. Zelda stroked her naked chest, feeling breasts that were fatter and bigger than wagon wheels. Her nipples were pointed. Though the light was low in the borrowed chamber, the torches caught bits of her glistening thighs. On occasion, she would lift up her lowest gut fold and give Link a view of the treasure buried within. It was tight and ready, perfectly sized despite belonging to a giantess. Link continued drawing the golden crest on Zelda’s last toenail, the paintbrush spreading vivid golden across the light blue field. Neither Zelda nor Link seemed to see the conclusion of the painting, instead feeling it in their souls. “Is it done?” Zelda asked, knowing the answer. Link nodded all the same. The dragoness applied a careful, wary eye. She could now sniff out value and artistry with the same practice that a dog could sniff out a hare. With a thump that cracked the polished stone of the room, Zelda set her foot down. “Done!” Zelda gave her pronouncement of the work, before pouncing from her seat.

She could move faster than any woman her weight and height should have been able to move. There was a cracking of furniture and shattering of stone tile as she pounced from her seat. The many gold and silver necklaces around her neck jingled as she moved and her breasts slapped upon her stomach. Link only moved to spread his arms wide. For the third time that day he was encompassed with the fat of his lover. Zelda wasted no time in pinning him. “Time to serve me again, my faithful knight!” She hummed, plump lips dropping quickly towards his face. No part of Link’s body was left uncovered, instead it was drowned in every bit of fat that Zelda had. Her blue painted lips, thick with plumpness and makeup, kissed his face and left large kiss marks. At the same time, she began to gyrate her hips. “Link, I’ve waited so long for this. Let’s make it perfect.” She begged, nibbling at his ears with her draconic fangs. “Let’s be everything we want each other to be.”

Link’s cock awoke, becoming stiff nearly instantaneously. Zelda rode him lovingly, but without mercy. She was no longer a meek Hryulian princess, given to fits of embarrassment. Instead, she was a being filled with divine presence. She was partially a dragon, though she would be slain with a different kind of sword. Her warm, throbbing pussy was entered into by Link. He might have been shorter and skinnier than her, but he was perfectly large enough for this task. Zelda rode him hard, bending her weight to the task. She was on her knees, tail and ass pointed towards the ceiling. Her tail whipped like a lasso, twirling in rapturous pleasure. Zelda panted, driven to craziness by the releasing of her lust. “Years and years and years of waiting.” She bellowed, long and painted nails gouging deep trails in the stone floor. Her hips thrust harder and faster. Link was swallowed by her hips and gut folds. Her gigantic belly flopped on his chest and stomach, pummeling him. It was wild but beautiful, Zelda more animal than princess. “Link! Ooooh. . .ride me! Like one of your steeds!” Zelda yelled before kissing and licking his face. The young man answered by grabbing ahold of her draconic horns and pulling her down.

Fat rubbed against Link’s short and slim body, he saw shining horns and hair and clapping fat behind it all. Zelda gushed in pleasure, climaxing with every pump of Link’s hips. She was a beast to be tamed, filled with wild magic that she was only starting to understand. Sex matched this, becoming a wild thing that often did not make sense. Zelda fumbled a gigantic breast, shoving it into  Link’s mouth. He sucked on the nipple, reveling in the cries and screams of pleasure. Zelda’s pussy throbbed. Link felt his own cock growing stiffer, building an unholy pressure within. Each clap of Zelda’s heavy thighs against his own was a countdown to the release. She squirmed and wiggled, dragging her heavy gut across his small body. Her tail intertwined with his legs. Even though her fat was held mostly by the floor, she was unbearably heavy. Link moved under her, matching the rhythm of her hips with his own. It felt like he was trying to lift a boulder with his hips. Meanwhile, though, his cock was coddled by the pillowy wetness of her pussy. “Come on. . .huuuh-hero!” Zelda sang, sweat running down her perfect face. “Finish me.” Link had no choice but to cum.

The pair finished in a huff. Zelda rolled off, thick arm still draped around Link. The two said nothing, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Zelda recovered quicker, flopping a fat leg over both of Link’s. Her tail swished in the air, more happy than it had ever been. Zelda kissed and sucked at Link’s face, slowly burning out the embers of passion that remained. “That was. . .wonderful. Her eyes shone in the darkness, radiating the divine and holy energy inside of her. “I shall need more of that soon, Link.” She whispered. “My body needs so much more now. My appetites are immense beyond reckoning. You have a giant, dragon princess to care for.” She was weak, some small part of her worried that she had been too much. “Can you handle that? Can you feed my desires?” Her voice was deep but sweet.

Link simply turned his head and kissed Zelda.

“I think I shall grow again soon.”



Haven’t read this yet, but super excited! Half dragon Zelda post Totk is a really fun concept, so I’m amped to see it explored


Officially my favorite version of Zelda in anything