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Tags: SSBBW, BBW, mobility issues

Story time again! this was a prompt submitted in the $5 tier, but it is vanilla enough that I think it can be posted to everyone. I really like the first Atelier Ryza game, though I'm not very far. 

"Klaudia! Where. . .is.  . .my favorite. . .taste tester?" Reisalin Stout said as she waddled to the top of the stairway. The young alchemist wheezed and puffed, struggling to carry the large tray of snack cakes nestled in her pudgy palms. Her forearms and biceps battled her expanded breasts for positions of prominence. Further down, her shorts were assaulted by both her stomach and thighs. The button had long since split open and a tidal wave of belly fat was pouring forth. It swung pendulously as she thumped and waddled forward. Meanwhile, from behind, her dimply asscheeks did their best to swallow her vivid red shorts. No chair was safe from the destructive power of Ryza’s bottom. She would sit in a chair and her butt would hang off several feet in either direction, with the seat being swallowed entirely by where her cheeks met. She was a decidedly bottom heavy woman, though possessing more than enough fat on the rest of her body. Her bare arms and shoulders attacked her bright yellow vest whilst her back fat overwhelmed her bra straps. “I. . .hoooo. . .have a new. . .reciepe for you!” Ryza called, taking the first of many ponderous steps down the stairs.

Ryza, even when totally skinny, had always possessed a special kind of shape. She had the kind of shapely thickness that promised to bloom into full on fatness if her eating or exercise habits were left untended. Her shapely thighs had gently touched at their apex, but fell away quickly thanks to youthful slimness. However, a body was as much of a alchemical mixture as anything else. The right amounts of food and exercise were needed for the proper outcome. Even one unnecessary addition could change the outcome. What had tipped Ryza’s balance into full gluttony had been simple aging and the discovery of cooking alchemy. The girl was free to use simple ingredients and come up with sweet and delicious pastries. Not given to restraint of any kind, Ryza had indulged in her new creations; glutting herself to extreme proportions. As the transition to adulthood was set in and her metabolism slowed, Ryza's cute thickness had bloomed into pure obesity. 600 pounds of woman tried to descend the stairs.

Each step groaned and screamed under the weight of the waddling alchemist. Ryza’s breasts played amongst her treats, big enough to rest on the platter. Her hips, normally fat enough that they had an obvious sag to them, were held in a perky position by being smooshed against the walls of the stairway. Ryza, however, noticed none of this. She smiled and hummed as she could, though there were noticeable gaps as she tried to catch her breath. Mentally, Ryza told herself that she was tired because of her unceasing work over her cauldron. Whilst living up to the "Stout" part of her name, Ryza had yet to totally realize the state her body was in. "Klaaauuudiaaa! This. . .will. . .be. . .so. . .tasty!" Ryza’s words were breathy and slightly deepend thanks to her voice. She may have been the same in many aspects, but there were obvious changes. However, she was not the only one who was changing. Sitting down below was a certain blonde woman who had also found a love of sweets.

Klaudia Valentz heard Ryza's heavy footfalls more than she heard the small, panting calls. Ryza came down the stairs like one of the larger monsters. Each step resulted in a hundred different noises: the rubbing of her thighs, her overtaxed outfit straining, and the sound of her huge hips hitting the walls of the stairwell. However, the most distressing sound was the creaking of the house. The Stout family house was well made, but well made for normally sized people. Someone with Ryza’s girth seemed fit to break the charming little cottage. Klaudia, sitting down stairs reading, was given a perfect view to watch Ryza’s hefty descent. The blonde winced as each stair bent visibly under the brunette's weight, threatening to crack entirely. Yet, Ryza seemed to pay none of it any mind. She happily hummed and pressed the tray of cookies to her stomach. She was excited to present the new batch of goodies. Once she touched down on the main floor of the house, her eyes alighted on Klaudia. Ryza hustled her way over, gigantic hips knocking some boxes over.

"Stop. . .mmmgghp. . .hiding from. . .mee!" Ryza said, sneaking a cookie to recuperate the strength she lost waddling down the stairs. She might have considered the signs and signals that she was grandly overweight, had she not been so focused on feeding her best friend; the ever polite and fetching Klaudia Valentz. Klaudia sat at a table, reading a book and lightly massaging her belly. A woman possessed of more dietary temperance, Klaudia had only ballooned to 300 pounds. Her weight spread more evenly than the ponderous alchemist. Klaudia's plump figure filled her leggings, skirt, and white top with simple grace. Thanks to her father's wealth, she had been able to keep her outfits in order. . .mostly. her breasts now filled her top, exposed more than a young lady should truly allow. The pillowy softnesses bounced with a glee that was at odds with their owner's shy and reserved nature. Likewise, there was the matter of how her butt lifted and held her skirt up. Klaudia had accidentally provided the young men of the village a view that was altogether too tantalizing and scandalous.

"Oh! Hello, Ryza." Klaudia said, politely pretending that she did not hear the hefty woman's struggle down the stairs. She turned, facing her chubby face and fat body towards Ryza. Klaudia's gut lay in her lap, providing her a decidedly comfortable place to rest a book. For the moment, however, Klaudia closed her book. She still let it rest on her stomach, the leather bound tome soak up the heat which welled from the point where her breasts met her belly. With her bodily affairs in order, she then sought to guide Ryza into a conversation not about food, which was easy considering that it had become their main topic of discussion lately.

"How has your alchemy gone this morning?" The blonde asked, hoping that Ryza would take the bait. She did, though in an unfortunate manner.

"It's. . .been. . .going. . .so well!" Ryza huffed, surging the rest of the way forwards. The obese woman filled her taxed muscles with excitement and friendship, completing the waddle by force of personality. She set the tray down with gusto, an emphatic jiggle spreading through her body. Klaudia smiled weakly, watching Ryza's gut shove against the assorted snacks. The fatter woman's titanic stomach roll pushed the cookies to the very edge of the tray. It was like Ryza's very fat was willing Klaudia to eat more, to indulge with her friend. The young Valentz mistress winced as Ryza straightened up, her belly having left little imprints on the fine silver. The thoughts of Ryza's fat and her gluttonous tendencies had been weighing upon the chubby blonde's mind. She knew she was getting close to the point where she had to say something. Ryza had started to use her incredible alchemy powers for self indulgence, which was an endless spiral. "Look at. . .mmmpggh. . .all zha. . .new treatsch!" Ryza ate, talked, and smiled all at the same time. She stopped only to grab a cookie and tease Klaudia's lips with it.

Klaudia smelled and almost tasted the sugar. It mattered little that the cookie had been the product of strange and arcane alchemy, it still had a pleasant sweetness to it. Klaudia grasped the ruffles of her skirts, knowing that she needed to tell Ryza the truth. It was hard for Klaudia to be anything other than pleasant and supportive to her friend though. She was drawn into the young woman's orbit because of her charming and constant warmth. Klaudia wanted to be nothing but supportive. However, that support had cost the two of them their curvaceous and youthful bodies. Klaudia looked down, feeling her double chin pressing against her breasts. Enough was enough.

"Ryza," Klaudia said, raising her hands and catching her fat friend's hands. She pulled the bigger woman close, the two resting their fat on one another. Both women gasped as their bellies and breasts bounced together and rubbed happily. Their faces blushed in minor embarrassment as their bodies remained in contact, piles of adorable softness warping around one another. Already strained buttons and belts on either of them grew ever more strained as their folds smoothed together. Klaudia almost sat back down, but powered through her awkwardness. "We need to talk about our weight. You've been cooking a lot of treats and. . ." Klaudia paused, massaging Ryza's. She wanted to comfort her and slow the shock as best she could. ". . .we've both gotten so big lately. You especially." Klaudia summoned all the courage that she had gained since meeting Ryza and reached out a hand to grab her belly fold. The blonde woman lifted the slab of belly flab. She drew it all out of where it had been tucked, letting it fall and swing laterally along Ryz’s thighs. Hoping she hadn’t been too mean or forward, Klaudia grabbed her own belly and jiggled it. “I’m getting pretty big too! I think we need to talk about weight loss.” She finished, letting her words hang in the air like their flab.

“Klaudia. . .I. . .” Ryza looked down, her bubble completely burst. Whilst the alchemy empress had clothes, they were ruined by flab that she had only vaguely noticed before. The big girl took a step back, almost scared by how much she felt her butt jiggle. It was like someone had strapped sandbags to her belt. “I guess I never noticed.” Her mouth gaped, her flabby arms traveled backwards to feel her monolithic asscheeks. Ryza was startled to find that she couldn’t fit her fingers into her back pockets anymore. She was equally started to find a hold dead center in her shorts, with her frilly panties being exposed to the world. “I’m so. . .soo. . .huge.” The brunette looked down, feeling her chins compress into one. She couldn’t see her feet, only her vast belly and thunder thighs. Her gut rolled in and out with her breathing. Ryza discovered her body like she had just woken up in the suit of someone else. Things were familiar but vastly distorted. Features she had her entire life had shifted slightly, moved thanks to her expanding chub. Still caught off guard, she looked back at Klaudia. “What are we going to do?” She asked, eyes wide.

Klaudia had little answer. It had taken all her strength to get this far. She had no plans for how to actually approach the topic of fixing their predicament. “Ryza, it's ok. . .” Kaludia said, waddling forward, further pressing their bodies together. It was like two icebergs trying to dock. Klaudia worked her arms around Ryza, nestling them deep into her back folds. “We will solve this together. Maybe we could find a diet plan? Or have Lent come up with an exercise plan?” Klaudia offered her suggestions hoping that Ryza would take them. Instead, she heard a small whisper.

“Klaudia, what if we used alchemy to lose weight?”


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