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Tags: Rapid weight gain, strong fat, giantess,

Welcome to the newest evolution of our favorite gym leaders! Bea and Nessa's adventures are going to be continuing throughout the month of February and March in this exciting, 12k word sequel! I will be posting a part per week here.

 If you need to refresh yourself on what happened previously, check out: https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-bea-and-gain-72169466

--- Growth Spurt ---

“Bea! Don’t you dare!” Nessa said, her fat face looming down from the clouds. She fixed her monstrous gaze upon the smaller, yet still tank-like gym leader. Corded steel arms the size of most buildings flexed and rippled as she tried to reach down for the smaller woman. Her size and weight meant that she had to move slowly. The slowly advancing behemoth did not deter Bea for an instant, she gulped the package of curry down and waited eagerly for its effects to take hold on her. Nine feet and easily upwards of 1000 pounds of muscle and fat had not been enough for Bea. She wanted to be more, she wanted to surpass her limitations in grand fashion. In truth, Bea had always been a little jealous of her pokemon that could Gigantamax. Those lucky creatures were given a taste of truly divine power with no repercussions. Finding out that she could tap into that same power had been nothing short of reality smashing to her. She, small and underdeveloped Bea, could become a titan. She shivered as a burning sensation took her body. It was time to become what she was always meant to be.

“I CAN’T believe you!” Nessa said, grabbing and lifting her friend. The smaller woman was wiping the curry spread off of her round face with a broad, girder thick arm when Nessa caught her. The massive woman brought Bea up to her face, feeling the need to lecture her friend. She tried to shove her own hypocrisy out of her mind. Sure, she had caved. . .but that had been after a long period of struggle. Bea had gone back on the deal with no pushback. The tanned giantess grimaced, thinking of the future. Despite the rubble around them and the swirls of dust, she could see the people of Hulbury fleeing. “This was bad enough when I was the only blob. How is Hulbury going to handle the two of us?” Nessa’s body jiggled by the sound of her voice. Now gigantic, her voice had a confusingly deeper undertone to it. She still spoke with a cute, clear, high pitched voice. Yet, there was a reverberation to it that went into the very ground. Nessa slowly brought Bea to look her in the eyes. She could already feel the growth starting to take root in Bea’s body.

“Ooooh, come on, Nessa.” Bea said, smiling with a cocky grin. Her arms, widening and thickening with muscle, slowly worked to pull the brown fist that held her apart. “I don’t think the town will mind having two giantesses around, especially if one of them is super cute.” She winked at her bigger friend, playing to Nessa’s vanity. There was not much to be done anyway, her body was being affected even stronger now. Her stomach bulged out, forcing Nessa’s fist open. The growing titaness fell into open air, rushing towards the soft space between her swimmer friend’s breasts. As she fell her body rushed to grow and make contact. Bea grew taller, rushing past 12 feet in a matter of seconds. Each nano second did more to stretch her legs, arms, and torso to truly magnificent proportions. Likewise, her limbs broadened with muscle. As she raced towards skyscraper hugeness, Bea’s legs and arms took on absurd proportions. Her legs seemed like semi trailers, her arms now possessing the circumference of sedans. Corded muscles rolled through her body. She had the kind of strength that could crush geological formations. Her belly was as round as a cannonball, though sized bigger than a sailboat. Bea landed on Nessa’s gut, the two large women jiggling against each other.

“Bea, you are too much.” Nessa rolled her eyes, as she felt her friend continuing to grow.

“Just keep pretending you don’t love it!” Bea called, her own voice starting to adopt the bass undertone that Nessa’s possessed. The two could be heard across the city without even trying. Nessa’s voice came through as a movement of thunder through the air, a goddess making her presence known. Bea’s were smaller and sharper, like lightning between the rolls of drum-thunder. “I don’t. . .mmmm. . .how you can. . .AAAHH. . .pretend this isn’t fun.” Bea had to pause her speech as her metamorphosis deepend. Rather than adding pure size, the curry was starting to change her body structure and composition. The wonderful, terrifying compounds were rebuilding her from the ground up. The smaller woman continued to ripple with expanding muscle and fat.  The muscled martial artist was truly coming into her own now. Her body straddled Nessa’s, smaller still but comparable. It was reminiscent of their old difference in height, though now spread across a city. Bea spread Nessa’s breasts, pushing the titanic monuments to womanhood out of the way so that she might grow properly.

“I should be mad at you, for having fun without me!” Bea, normally stoic and reserved, was driven to chattiness thanks to her continuing evolution. Her already beefy shoulders broaden, giving more space for the dense sinews and muscle to take root. Muscles worked their way up her shoulders and trapezius muscles, layering a thick and juicy stepladder that led to her chubby face. Her belly bulged forcefully against Nessa’s own, becoming a true contender to the tanned planetoid. Bea’s stomach was purely round, thousands of pounds of fat held in place by equal or greater amounts of muscle. Bea’s head slowly sprouted between her friend’s breasts as her legs intertwined with Nessa’s own chunk-muscled thighs and calves. Bea had officially overcome the height difference between the two, finally creating a monumental tie. She was able to stare her friend eye to eye, Bea’s steel gray eyes meeting Nessa’s own lagoon blue ones. Bea rocked back and forth, trying to balance her own jiggling body on Nessa’s. She planted her arms on the ground, shaking the surrounding countryside and cracking the earth immediately surrounding her hands. “See, even now!” She smiled tilting her head. Despite her gargantuan proportions and world breaking capacity, the gym leader was every bit a school girl at heart.

“Beeeaaa. . .” Nessa fell onto her back fully in frustration. Her frustrations came out in a sigh that had enough force to blow a large hole in the cloud cover above the two women. Every move that the ladies made, even innocuous ones, had consequences for the world around them. They were simply too big to not impact things on a macroscale. Nessa carried this thought with her as she studied the miles wide hole her sigh had made in the clouds. Bea’s large, chubby face was framed just below it. Sunlight and god rays streamed in from the meteorological disturbance, bathing Bea in an angelic glow. “People are going to hate us.” Nessa’s thoughts ran quickly. The two of them were as big or bigger than the gym she had burst out of, they literally had outsized a coliseum meant to house hundreds or thousands of people. With an embarrassed glance sideways, Nessa looked towards the town, working to peer around the herculean arm that was planted to the side of her. In Hulbury, sirens made mournful cries, cars and trucks were streaming out of the town, and chunks of rubble from the gym littered the ground. Nessa groaned again, thumping the back of her head on the ground. Large waves formed in the normally still water off the coast. “We destroyed the town.”

Bea glanced, curiosity framing her face rather than guilt. The small turn made her body jiggle, her fat rubbing sensually around Nessa’s own. The Hulbury gym master was slightly damp, covered in water from the breaking and twisting from the pipes in her gym. Lubricated well, the rolls of the two women slid off of each other easily. Bea did not exactly hate the feeling. Delicateness and strength mingled in their bodies, acting as a strange but inviting composite of opposing elements. Not totally muscled and not entirely fat, the two were just simply huge. Bea found it hard to truly survey the town. The once tiny woman found it hard to concentrate on anything other than her and Nessa. There was such a wealth of similarities and differences to compare between their bodies. The curry had affected them so strongly, yet so differently. Bea’s body flexed and rippled where Nessa’s jiggled and clapped. Being in the literal, thick of it she could not compare as intelligently as she wanted. Rather, differences between the two were communicated by primal, sensual feelings of touch and sensation. Bea glanced at the town, her eyes quickly glancing over the minor damage done. It would be fine. Besides, there was much more to talk about here. She turned back to Nessa, her vision taken up by a face with many chins and puffy cheeks and large blue eyes.

“I think they will be fine.” Bea’s voice was meant to be soft, but it still sent reverberations through Nessa’s chest and the ground. Being this close to Nessa was exhilarating. The gray haired woman could feel the tanklike mass spreading out below her as well as her own monumental weight contented with it for dominance. There was a playful competition between her and Nessa’s fat and muscle. Bea stretched out of instinct, wanting to feel more of her tightly packed body rolling against her friend’s own bulk. As she moved she felt a bulky, tendon laden calf kick over a tree. It was a large oak, which had stood tall for hundreds of years. It was plucked from the earth as easily as a dandelion flower, roots ripping and leaves scattering as Bea’s flexing calf bumped it. The terraforming capability of her new body further inflamed Bea’s passions. She wondered if Nessa’s buttcheeks, doubtlessly large and well-thickened, had crushed imprints into the soil below her. She wanted to ask, but knew her friend would not take kindly to the question. Bea still wanted to push the envelope a bit though, nudge her friend into the correct way of viewing things. “Once they see the two goddesses they were blessed with. I think they will understand.” She smiled, head still hovering above Nessa’s.

“ Uh-huh. That always what happens in the monster movies.” Nessa rolled her eyes. “The people realize just how cute the gray haired monster is, then they feed and worship her for the rest of time.” She made a petulant raspberry with her lips. The feelings of worry and frustration were being replaced with something else, perhaps an acknowledgement of the situation.

“Hmmm. . .cute, gray haired monster. I wonder who that could be referring to.” Bea said, one corner of her mouth turning upwards. “I don’t watch monster movies a lot, but would she have a buxom, curvaceous leviathan to be friends with?” Moving on her own, she reached a powerful arm to lightly stroke Nessa’s streaming, blue and black colored hair. Old, tiny Bea would never have done something so playful and borderline flirtatious. Her new form granted other powers to her. She felt freer. Whatever she did was being broadcast to the world, so she might as well do what she wanted. “Maybe one with really nice hair?” Bea paused, almost unsure of the reaction she expected from her friend. The two were close, but maybe not in such a handsy way. The pause hung in the air, seeming to drag on forever. The two women slowly became aware of each other on a level deeper than they were used to. Further, they became aware of their heavy, warm, sensitive bodies pressing into each other. A strong wind from the sea blew over them, reminding each girl how naked they truly were. Sea breeze rushed over Bea’s exposed buttocks, making the supple fat bounce just a little.

“Uh. . .well. . .she might.” Nessa was unsure what to say. She had never seen Bea like this. Normally so serious, it was like the curry had melted her steel walls just as much as it had bulked her up. Seemingly, it might have done the opposite for Nessa. Once vibrant and expressive, she found it hard to say anything in her new and hulking body. She couldn’t let the heinous, awkward pause hang in the air anymore. At the same time, she could not come up with anything more intelligent to say than: “we. . .we should go check on the town! Let's go apologize.” She stammered, finally using her own vast power to move Bea off of her. Her arms flexed and doubled in size as every chord of muscle was activated. Ropes and chains of muscle thicker than suspension bridge stranges bulged and Nessa moved Bea off easily. The other woman landed on the ground softly, though the impact still sent tectonic movement through the area. Car alarms went off as Hulbury’s gym leader stood to her full and towering height. Naked and beautiful, her bearing could not help but be anything short of deific.

“Bea, I want you to walk carefully as we go.” Nessa said, turning slowly. There was a deep thoom, thoom to each of her small footsteps. She wagged a finger, her biceps and triceps flexing and relaxing with the small movement. Her stomach flopped down closer to her thighs, not quite as round as Bea’s. Nessa’s true wealth lay in her breasts and booty. Her breasts were the size of small moons, puffy nipples erect in the breeze. They clapped against each other with a deceptively soft looking motion. For as bouncy and jiggly as they were, the titanic orbs could easily crush any buildings placed in their path. Her ass had indeed left distinct depressions in the ground, Bea noted to herself. Nessa was impressively well built, strong where it mattered yet soft as well. She had retained her womanly figure, with it only being enhanced by the extra fat and muscle. “No running or jumping.” Nessa started to turn, slowly bringing her warship sized ass around. The two thick, immense piles of blubber clapped and jiggled as she started to waddle away. “Since this is my town, why don’t you just stay behind me.”

“No problem from me.” Bea said, smiling. As much fun as it was to be huge, it was just as fun to admire her friend. She slowly began to rise, feeling her own large booty jiggling and shaking. Once standing, she trotted after her friend, a hand eagerly rubbing and searching her new body.


Victor, future Pokemon master, stood on the roof of his hotel and gaped as he saw the two women coming towards him. He recognized them instantly, though his brain had a hard time rectifying what he was seeing. Nessa and Bea, two of the most accomplished and popular gym leaders, were striding towards him. They were naked, fat, and absurdly muscled. Each step saw them grow. Even from a far distance he could tell that they were enormous, bigger maybe than Gigantamaxed Pokemon. The two were of a height, though Nessa seemed so much fatter. Her curves spilled out, brushing against trees and buildings. Bea, a step or two behind, had less fat but far more muscle. The two picked their way through the emptied streets of Hulbury. Cars not used in the evacuation bounced on their suspension, windows broke, and manhole covers burst with water. What was a friendly walk for the two women was an apocalyptic event for Hulbury. The pair picked their way through the town, trying not to cause more damage than necessary. Nessa took the most care, trying to physically lift her gut or breasts out of the way of buildings. Bea, meanwhile, seemed to be enjoying the challenge of letting her gut press into buildings without knocking them over. They arrived finally, somehow picking him out. The giantesses stood far above the hotel rooftop, and victor saw more of their breasts than anything.

“Hey, I’m so sorry. . .” Nessa started, slowly bending down. She put her arms on her thighs as she squatted, bulky elbows working to contain her breasts. Nessa’s ass stretched out behind her, wedging a building between her cheeks. Bea giggled quietly, putting a hand in front of  her mouth. The scene was too perfect. The gigantic, terror inspiring woman trying to make contact with an innocent, young trainer. “We’re not sure where to begin. But we want to help.” Nessa said, smiling. Victor fainted.


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