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I don't often do force feeding, so this was a little experiment! Hope you all enjoy this. Let me know your thoughts :)

“Robin. . .I think. . .ummghph. . .this is. . .ooohmmp. . . crazy!” Nami said as food from many hands was piled into her mouth. A loaf of sweet bread, a pie, and a bowl of pudding all made their way into the navigator’s open mouth. Each of the items of food was brought by a disembodied hand, a perfect copy of the two owned by Nico Robin. Nami tried to run and get away, despite knowing escape was a remote and largely futile endeavor. Yet, she ran all the same. More hands and arms sprouted from her thighs. Soon, Nami was sailing through the air thanks to the interference of the ghostly arms. Cobblestone spread underneath her. It was going to be a harsh landing. Yet, the landing never came. Instead, Nami was held up by a waving thicket of hands. They squeezed and hugged her soft rear, just like Robin had playfully done hundreds of times before. They even had the same manicured nails and bright red polish as the Thousand Sunny’s archaeologist. Nami was caught in a very aesthetic, beautiful, and decidedly human spider web.

“Come on, my skinny, little navigator, let’s just talk a bit.” Robin said, her heels clacking on the stone pathway. Seeing Robin, it was almost a wonder to Nami that the floor wasn’t cracking under Robin’s weight. The formerly skinny archaeologist had spent too many days sampling Sanji’s addictive food. Robin retained her tall and elegantly poised figure, despite the weight that had piled onto her. Her well defined nose now rested between puffy, full cheeks. A second chin waggled as she spoke. “Maybe we should discuss what’s polite for ladies to joke about?” She asked calmly, strutting forward with the kind of menace that only a former operative of Crocodile could manage. She wore little other than a bikini and fluffy white hat. Her bikini tried it’s best to cling to her rotund figure. The top was strained by two enormous breasts and the bottom was buried between her pillar thighs and voluminous booty. Nico Robin almost looked like a parody of herself, like a fatter woman had taken her powers and wardrobe for her own.

Robin strode up to the trapped woman, hardly impeded by her nearly 300 pounds of bulk. A light smile touched her face. Nami might have said something, but a donut was shoved in her mouth. It was quickly followed by a twin and then a friend. A long trail of pudgy arms led back to some other, unknown point where the food was stored. Robin’s power allowed those hands to all work in unison, bringing food from a great distance away straight to Nami’s mouth and stomach. “We were just talking about how cute you’d look with a couple extra pounds.” Robin smiled widely, patting a rounded belly that hadn’t been there moments ago. The red head tried to look past her breasts, big and growing as they were, in order to see her belly. She caught sight of a little pile of forming dough, equal parts stuffed and fat. Robin patted and rubbed it slowly, making a little clapping sound with each pat. “I want to give you a little perspective on what talking about a Lady’s weight can do.” She tilted her head to the side and beamed. Robin’s smile was just as terrifying as any other face she could make.

“Thisch. . .mmmpggh. . .UUURRRP. . .can’t. . .PLEASCH stop!” Nami was aghast at the lengths her friend and crewmate would go to teach a lesson. Food piled into Nami’s gob. She had little choice but to chew and swallow, lest she be smothered by the cuisine. Foods of all kinds found her mouth. Sloppy, cheesy pizzas were the next course. The cheese melted into strands as Nami ate, Robin’s hands waving the pieces back and forth in a taunting manner. Nami filled her mouth until her cheeks bulged and then swallowed them. She must have eaten two or three full pizzas, the kind that could serve an entire crew of pirates. Yet, for as much as she ate, her stomach never totally filled. It grew, rounding out like a slowly inflating balloon, but she never reached the point of getting stuffed or unable to continue. With a sickening realization, Nami became aware that her body was processing the food almost as quickly as it was poured into her. Her stomach was round, but starting to sag as fat flew onto it. Her breasts, always her finest features, visibly softened. Nami was in her standard bikini top and jeans. For the first time, she wished that she had worn a less revealing outfit. “Wobin! I’m. . .UUURRRP. . .schoorry.” She said through stuffed cheeks and plumpening lips. Her objections fell on deaf ears.

“Oh my, I think you had better slow down a bit.” Robin said, pinching Nami’s gut. It was filling out fast. In a matter of seconds it went from looking taut, like she was nine months pregnant, to the sort of fat that only well retired naval officers could cultivate. Further, Nami’s arms had begun to round out. Her elbows quickly started to be covered by fat, the sharp joints sinking into a well of bicep fat. “Goodness, Nami, you’re becoming something of a pig.” Robin shook her head, trying to mask her delight with false concern. It was nice to see the thin woman on the crew blimping out. It had been hard being the fat one on the ship. Sanji still loved her, but she was still subject to comments from Luffy or Brook. That was to be expected, though, they were always rather classless. What was unexpected and intolerable, was Nami’s own decision to join in on the fun. “You’re so heavy, fatty, I can hardly hold you even with my Trienta Fleur.” Robin waved her arm and more hands sprouted up underneath her widening butt. Nami shifted uncomfortably as she felt the plump clone-hands of her crewmate fondle and smack her ass. She could feel her jeans coming closer to ripping apart. The redhead blushed as she felt her belt snap. She was now nearly as big as Robin, well on her way to being bigger.

“Ooommpggh. . .mmmpggh. . .pleeasscchh. . . scchoorry. . .” Nami said through mouthfuls of chocolate. Her stomach and breasts surged outwards, fattening faster than ever before. Quickly, her flabby belly divided into two rolls. Robin’s arms sprouted up, filling the growing gaps. When they were not handing food to her, they stroked and teased the ever growing pile of fat. Red hair streamed down between breasts, which were now larger than watermelons. Nami started to say something else, but found a hose being held to her mouth. She could see the rush of liquid running up the tubing and her eyes grew wide. She could only guess what was about to hit her. Her mouth filled instantly with a strong fizz. Cola, the sweet and sugary substance that powered Franky, was pumped into her. She gulped the cola down as best she could, with some leaking out of her puffy cheeks. She was growing faster than ever now, her body fattening at a tremendous pace. Her face flooded out into a series of chins and cheeks. Meanwhile, her stomach rolls continued to advance like a flood of lava. Nami was becoming heavy, almost too heavy for her to move her arms. Her legs were woefully fat at this point, having burst out of her jeans.

“Quite the blimp you’ve become. I don’t know how many more hands it will take to hold you, fatty.” Robin said, smiling from ear to ear. “Why don’t we try to rest you. I’ll find the perfect position for a whale like yourself.” Nami’s arms moved in slow, useless circles as she tried to balance herself. The field of hands below her was shifting, moving her torpid bulk in a slow procession. Through it all, the massive navigator grew and grew. Her porky arms receded into piles of blubber. Her breasts, now the size of individual people, flopped forward and pooled on the cobblestone. Her ass rose high into the sky, a monument to forced gluttony. Quietly, the hands underneath her dissipated slowly. Nami was officially too fat to move. She could only lay on the ground and try to jiggle her way to freedom.

Her body shoved forward and back like a waterbed, her fat moving with its own internal ripples and undulations. Robin walked around her friend, poking and slapping at random folds of fat. “I think this will do for now. . .” She said, finally coming around to face her friend. Robin knelt down, grabbing and massaging Nami’s plump cheeks. “If you’re good and learn your lesson, I will talk to Chopper about a cure for this.” She laughed, enjoying her little bit of revenge. “If not. . .well. . .there’s always plenty more food.” Robin shoved a final pie into Nami’s mouth.


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