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I don't know much. . .or anything about this game series, so I will rely upon you all to tell me how good or bad I did for this commission lol. Hope you are all doing well after Thanksgiving. 

--- Taking a Chance ---

“Well. . .what do you say?” Tiffany Mae said, still resting on one knee. Within her delicate hand was a ring. The diamond shone brightly, sparkling with a light that seemed to come from within itself rather than merely reflecting the world around it. Tiffany shivered, the fall weather was starting to get chilly. She wore her usual outfit: pristine white button up, short red skirt, and high knee stockings. She was the model image of an innocent but beautiful college girl, complete with twintails that fell almost down to her waist. The autumn wind picked up, rustling her skirt, shirt, and twintails. Tiffany shivered, not moving a muscle. She held eye contact with the object of her affection: Nikki Ann-Marie. “For the rest of our lives?” Tiffany said, nudging the little ring box forward. She wasn’t sure what Nikki would say, but she couldn’t stop now. The feelings within her had built up over years. Visiting the coffee shop where Nikki worked had been a chance thing, but every meeting thereafter had been very intentional.

“I. . .Tiffany. . .of course!” Nikki’s voice filled with rare excitement. She was a quiet, reserved woman. Dressed in a long sweater, artfully pulled down over one shoulder, and white short-shorts, Nikki was faring better in the cold weather. Yet, as the wind gusted over her, she felt the desire to be close with Tiffany. Nikki pulled Tiffany up and hugged her. They made quite the pair. Tiffany the blonde and traditionally good looking woman and “nerd-cute” Nikki with her blue hair and glasses. It was the highest form of opposite-attract. Tiffany slowly switched the hug into a deep kiss, pressing her body into Nikki’s. The two felt a heat and glow spring up in their chests. It felt good to be in love, finally united. They stopped kissing only long enough that Tiffany could slip the beautiful ring onto Nikki’s finger.

When they eventually left the little park that they had been in, Nikki ventured a question. “What do you think things are going to be like?” She slipped her hand in Tiffany’s own soft one.

“I dunno. . .but it will be nice regardless! White picket fence, nice house, and maybe some kids.” Tiffany said, swinging Nikki’s arm. “No matter what though, it’s going to be comfy and cozy.” The two girls smiled, resting on each other as they walked.

--- Reaping the Rewards 19 Years Later ---

Whew. . .how’s it. . .going today. . .Ladies?” Tiffany huffed as she waddled heavily across the soft grass surrounding the sidelines of the soccer fields. The summer sun beat down upon her, baking her soft fat and causing beads of sweat to form around her softened face. From tip to tush, Tiffany was a heavy woman; titanic even. Bearing no less than 600 pounds upon her 5’4 frame, she had a slow and ponderous waddle. The enormous woman was dressed for comfort, swaddled in a suede tracksuit. Her face was round, sagging down to rest upon the collar of her hardly-zipped jacket. Enormous breasts lolled back and forth in her white tank top. One heavy step would send a large violent jiggle through them which would produce a chorus of smaller ripples that lasted until the next step reset the process. Her soft jacket whipped about her tank top. Unfettered by buttons or zippers, it slapped at her sweat-moistened blubber. Below her large, hardly covered breasts, was a mountainous stomach. Fattened to the point that it could only be described as a slab of fat, Tiffany’s stomach surged out from under the too-small tank top. “Sush. . .a. . .nice. . . day.” She dabbed at her neck rolls with a cloth, trying to swab up the beads of forming sweat. She had to huff and puff as she finished her waddle to the benches, which squealed as she lowered herself into them.

Time had passed for Tiffany and Nikki with quickness and happiness in equal measure. They were officially married soon after the proposal. They settled into domestication and began to explore what married life held for them. Surprisingly, it held a lot of food. The two found that their happiest moments together were when they were cooking and enjoying the fruits of their culinary labor. Pies, cakes, cookies, strudels, and other pastries became their favorite things to make and sample. They would spend days and weekends making and sharing food between each other. When they couldn’t make the goods themselves, they would buy them from the many quaint stores that lay around their house. Of course, this little quirk to their relationship was not without its consequences. In addition to their love, Nikki and Tiffany had found their waistlines expanding with sugar filled rapidity. However, they had settled into the weight gain rather than fight it. There was something fun about being that couple, the ones who married and immediately let themselves go that induced a strange sort of pleasure. This feeling was only magnified when they adopted their daughter, Amelia. Then it was even easier to excuse themselves from staying in shape, having to chase after their child. Now, almost two decades after the proposal, she was almost unrecognizable.

“Heeeey, Tiff! Good to see you.” She’s even bigger this year. . .

Teams looking good this year!” How can she even stand at this point?

Love your earrings!” Pig.

The other women thought venom but spat compliments at their massive woman. They loved to fawn over Tiffany, hiding their jealousy behind candied words. Tiffany soaked it all up, enjoying both the compliments. . .and the whispered words of scorn. It was part and parcel of being fat. Besides, Tiffany did not get her self-worth from random soccer moms. Instead, she knew that she had a loving, equally huge woman waiting for her back at home. Tiffany drew her sustenance from Nikki. “Oh, goodness.” Tiffany fanned her neck and breasts, trying to cool herself down. Though, she didn’t hate feeling her breasts quake. The fat boulders undulated back and forth like water balloons. “Traffic was so horrendous today. . .was hardly able to get lunch. . .and make it here with. . .Amelia.” Tiffany said, indicating her adopted daughter who was taking the field. Amelia had been adopted a year into the marriage, completing the picture of a family. While she was unrelated to Tiffany and Nikki, the two loved her as if she was flesh and blood.

“Awwwe, doesn’t she look cute with her hair like that. Such a cute bun!” How is she even going to play?

“The best college freshman goalie around!” She only weighed 100 pounds last year. . .she’s a whale now!

“You must be so proud.” She needs to be locked up.

Amelia took to the field slowly. She had gray hair, despite being young which gave her an air of maturity. Her eyes were a vivid green, like a freshly tended lawn. She favored short shorts and crop tops, despite her growing figure starting to push her out of them. A freshman in college and a girl of 19, it was mind blowing that she was as fat as she was. She looked less like a scholarship winning soccer player and more like a porcine mascot that had been cleverly dressed up as a player. Her shorts were hiked up over a divided stomach, thick rolls of fat jiggling like mad despite her slow gait. The back of her shorts were tucked firmly between her massive asscheeks, the weighty cheeks rubbing it to threadbare status. What should have been a loose jersey had become almost restrictively tight. Easily pushing past 300 pounds, Amelia was emblematic of her mothers’ ethos and changed worldview. While Tiffany and Nikki had kept her skinny throughout her childhood and teens, upon reaching adulthood, they had let Amelia make her own decisions about her size and weight. Amelia had certainly made her choice and she had made it good and hard; even at the cost of her own sporting ability.

“Come on Ameliaaa!” Tiffany called, clapping her pudgy hands together. Her biceps swung back and forth, little more than sacks of blubber. “Make momma proud!” Each clap of her thick hands sent hefty jiggles through her body. Tiffany leaned further forward on the metal bleacher bench, her weight seeming to warp it a small amount. She was excited to watch her baby girl play, no matter what her size or ability level was. She was just as excited to watch the rotund, slow Amelia as she had been to watch her when she was quick as lighting. Tiffany simply wanted to enjoy a nice afternoon, cheer her heart out, and work up a good hunger for dinner. The match started and the two teams began their fight up and down the field. Amelia, thanks to her mass, had been made goalie. If nothing else, she could plant herself and stop the ball as it came in. While maybe not great, the fat girl could certainly do some work. Each ball saved made Tiffany cheer all the harder. There were even a couple times when she found herself trying to jump up and clap with the other parents. Granted, her weight prevented her from actually jumping. Rather, Tiffany bounced in her spot, shaking the entirety of the bench. Hearing the shaking of metal more than the cheering, Amelia would look over and give her mother a thumbs up. By the end of the first period, Tiffany was hardly able to move her arms. . .but she did her best to cheer anyway.

--- Family Dinner ---

“So, how was the game, you two?” Nikki asked as she waddled from the kitchen and took her seat at the dinner table. She had to walk slowly, accounting for the many jiggles and ripples that spread throughout her body; especially her ass. Nikki was every bit as slow as Tiffany, if not slower. Tiffany at least needed to be on her feet through portions of the day. As a streamer, Nikki was free to sit for hours and simply let her bulk spread. And spread it did. Nikki’s immense ass filled three seats without any issue. Ponderous, dimpled, and cushioned, Nikki’s ass was in the running for the softest thing in the house. . .save maybe Tiffany's own. Though, her fat was not simply there to fill out her hips. Nikki boasted a large bust, only slightly smaller than Tiffany’s own. Tiffany’s breasts were watermelons and Nikki’s were  She had progressed down the same path as Tiffany, enjoying food and fatness with absolute abandon. Nikki and Tiffany were tied pound to pound, a sign of their love. 1200 pounds split between the two almost perfectly evenly. “Amelia, did you. . .uhhhff. . .win?” Nikki asked, trying to situate herself on her chairs. The other two women at the table simply smiled and waited for the blue haired woman to get comfy.

“Well. . .we won, but I let a lot of goals go by.” Amelia said, remembering her performance. It had been shoddy, even for someone new to the position of goalie. Amelia had quickly found that her bulk did little against the more agile girls on the opposing team. She was bad at predicting where the ball would go and did not have the reaction time to make up for it. She had spent much of the game diving onto the ground and then trying to force her 300-plus pound body back up. It was a far cry from previous years and seasons, when Amelia had felt her body move smoothly and lithely towards whatever end she directed it. “The other girls did ok though. . .” Amelia looked down at her food, a platter of heartily prepared and fattening food that Nikki had ordered. She was both excited to eat it and a little scared. She wondered if she had made the right choice. It was not too late to turn back either.

“Hey, hey now. . .” Nikki said, reaching over and putting a plump hand on Amelia’s arm. It was a sincere and loving gesture and was not harmed in the slightest when Nikki’s breasts shoved plates and silverware out of the way. While not as gratuitously huge as Tiffany’s, Nikki had plenty of breast fat to sling around. “All that matters is that you did the best you could!” Nikki softly squeezed Amelia’s arm, shaking it a bit for extra comfort. Amelia smiled at her mom. It had been strange being raised by her and Tiffany, two women so dedicated to their fat that it was enshrined across the whole house. Art depicting fat women was a norm in the house and Nikki and Tiffany had never been shy about showing their bodies. Even now, Nikki was hardly wearing more that fluffy pajama shorts and a night shirt. Tiffany wore little more. Yet, for as weird as it was, Amelia couldn’t bring herself to hate it. It was probably why she had found herself eating more and more lately. Gradually adopting the lifestyle that she had been raised into.

“Well said, sweetie!” Tiffany exclaimed, patting and squeezing one of Nikki’s massive thighs. “Now, shall we eat?” She raised the question, knowing exactly the answer it would get. Soon, the women were tearing into their food. Fast food from several different restaurants made up the meal. Really, based on the food available, it was like 3 different meals shoved into one. It was more than normal for Nikki and Tiffany, it was becoming more normal for Amelia. Meals were always quick within the house. Tiffany and Nikki couldn’t help but stuff their food down quickly, in anticipation of more food. . .or other fun activities. Gone were the days when they would spend hours at a time making food and bringing it to each others lips, yet the love from those days remained as strong as ever. “Oh. . .UUURRRP. . .thisch. . .mmph. . .burger isch amazing!” Tiffany said, squealing out compliments between and during bites. Meals were certainly not silent affairs either. The ladies talked and commented on the food, punctuating sentences with deep and rumbling belches.

“Oh goodness, I should. . .urrrp. . .have worn more comfy clothes.” Nikki said, feeling her belly start to shred her shirt. The women at the table seemed to visibly inflate with the food. Their bellies, filled more and more each second, stretched further out into empty space. Shirts were always the first to burst. Less elastic made up their fabric compared to pants. All the same though, few pieces of clothing survived with the ladies decided to get their hog on. Nikki’s shirt continued to tear as she leaned forward to grab a piece of fried chicken, splitting up the middle. She blushed, still a shy and reserved girl at heart. She was always torn between making a mess of herself and being polite. Yet, her gluttonous side always won out. She finished the chicken and then tore the rest of the shirt off, leaving just her bra. Meanwhile, Amelia’s buttoned up pajama top burst open to let her gut free. Nikki reached a hand down to try and tug her pants up and over her stuff gut, managing to only get it halfway up. Tiffany, on the other hand, had burst out of her shirt long ago and was working on her pants. The meal continued, the sounds of eating and clothes ripping echoing through the house.

“I swearrrrUUUUUPPP. . .these meals are becoming messier every night.” Nikki said, when all was said and finished. She leaned back in her chair, slapping a meaty hand to her belly. Her pants were threads away from ripping, her belly painfully swollen. She wanted to grab her waistband and let her belly free, but couldn’t manage it. She instead slouched down in her chair, letting her gut rise up before her.

“I think it’s just you. . .”Tiffany leaned over and kissed one of Nikki’s bingo-wings. Both women were greeted with the noise of the back end of Tiffany’s pajamas ripping. Nikki giggled, the force of her jiggling belly causing her pants to rupture. The two had finally been reduced to little more than their bras and panties. “. . .as in, you keep getting messier.” Tiffany leaned further over, trying to kiss Nikki’s cheek. The chairs she was hoisted atop shrieked, not liking that their reinforced frames were being tested. Nikki aided her wife by shifting her mass as much as she could. The kiss, sloppy and excited, landed upon Nikki’s lips rather than her cheek. Tiffany was far more pleased, kissing harder than ever. Nikki returned, using an arm to grasp and tug at Tiffany’s exposed folds. Tiffany’s breasts swamped Nikki’s own, just as her tongue made its way past Nikki’s lips. It was like two pigs working at each other in a stye, pink flesh going out in every direction.

“Ugh, I’m leaving if you two are going to be gross!” Amelia said, rolling her eyes and trying to get away from her parent’s love fest. Amelia turned and rocked out of her chair, her own clothes tearing more as her bloated body was forced into action. Her blubbery ass jiggled as she ran up the stairs.  Nikki and Tiffany continued to kiss, rocking forward and backward precariously on chairs that could break at any moment. That would be of little concern to the two. Chairs or floor, they could show their love anywhere. It felt good to be fat, but it felt even better to be deeply in love.


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