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--- Destiny Manifested ---

Lady Albedo, high servant to Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, writhed in her bed chambers. Her body quaked with imagined pleasure. Her wings flapped and fluttered as if to literally fan the heat away from her body. Something was happening, someone was coming. She had flashes of pleasure and foretelling, of a destiny that was about to be hers. Yet, there was a veil about her visions. Magic and powerful as she was, she could not divine exactly what her foretellings were showing. She could only turn and toss in her bed as a victim to the winds of passion. Her dark hair streamed about her shoulders, tracing lines that ran past her shapely curves. She was naked in the bed, befitting a succubus. She gasped and moaned, gripping the bed sheets with strong but thin fingers. She wanted desperately to call out for her love, Ainz Ool Gown, but could not manage the strength of will to calm her passions. Though a succubus, she had never felt such intensity before. Her nipples tightened whilst a heat rose between her legs. She felt like she was going to explode with passion. Her heart thumped and thundered between her breasts. She snaked a hand down between her thighs, pushing her legs together. She screamed in pleasure, feeling destiny pulling close to her.

The door to her room opened and closed quietly, though it did not go unnoticed by the demoness. She possessed sight beyond mortals, able to perceive things even beyond the terrestrial world. She noticed the slim bodied person entering her chamber. He walked confidently, though quietly. He was dressed in dark robes, a mixture of darkest black and a royal purple. A wave of pleasure raced through Albedo, her eyes widening and her breathing accelerating. A sort of madness took her. Destiny was upon her and she would not turn away from it. Each step brought the man, a human judging purely by appearance, closer to her bed. Yet she knew. She could feel his power in the very air. It radiated throughout the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Ainz Ooal Gown had finally come to her bed chamber.

“Albedo.” His voice was commanding even when whispering. Albedo stopped her trembling though her passion continued to rise. She rolled over onto her side, staring at her lord. Despite taking the form of a human, she could see a ghostly after image of the towering skeleton that he actually was. She reached out a hand towards him, crossing it over her large breasts. She breathed in slow, strong breaths. Her eyes were wide with madness, lust, and love. She had waited for this moment for years. She had been aching for this since she had taken form. Her love for Ainz reverberated throughout all time and history. She had, contrary to the existence of a succubus, stayed a chaste maiden for him. She would allow and forgive any trespass against her by him. Simply put, she was devoted to her lord. Now he was addressing her. “Might I share this bed with you?” He asked, taking another step.

Albedo could not remember what happened next and often told the story in different ways. Sometimes, she pulled him into bed with supernatural strength. Other times he rushed her. What mattered was that Ainz mounted her. With his arms planted above her shoulders, he began to pump his hips. His cock, mighty and strong as she knew it would be, thrust deep within her. She mewled and gyrated beneath him, tears of joy streaming down her face. She was complete. Her lord and master had finally chosen the time. She would not turn it down. She grasped his strong arms, moving her own body faster. Her crotch grew wet. She begged him to savage her. She wanted to feel the true passion of such a strong and capable lord. Rather than let the moment pass, she took it by the horns. Albedo gasped, her back arching in pleasure that she thought she would never know. She wanted to spend her time in this bed chamber forever. She never wanted Ainz to leave. Let the world burn and time itself end, she wanted to make love to Ainz for the rest of eternity. She said little during the night, allowing her body to speak for her. However, as the sun was rising and she felt her intimacy with Ainz ending she gave one whisper.

“Ainz, please. . .never stop. I love you.”

--- Wishing and Hoping ---

“I. . .I can’t believe this.” Albedo said some days` later. She stared into a mirror, looking at herself. Like a girl trying on a dress for the first time, she whirled around whilst trying to catch a glimpse of her body. Her wings fluttered back, revealing a baby bump. Albedo, devoted succubus to Ainz, was finally no longer a pure maiden. Moreover, she was heavy with child, or possibly children for how noticeable her bump was. Slim, pale fingers traced the outline of her belly. She was amazed at how beautiful her bump was and how well it fit her body. With her stomach nestled by her wings, Albedo looked like a work of art come to life. “I’m carrying Lord Ainz’s children.” She walked carefully over to her bed and sat down, resting her larger tummy on her still slim legs. She caressed her stomach, gliding her fingers over her baby bump. Her wings fluttered with latent excitement as she explored her tummy. Albedo felt alive in a way that she never had before. Prior, it had been enough to simply share the same space as Lord Ainz, yet now she was so much more. She was filled with his love and carrying his children. “I shall not let you down, my endless love.” Albedo spoke, treasuring her belly.

A pang of hunger broke her concentration. Albedo stood immediately, treating the small rumble as urgently as one would treat a heart attack. “Oh, how selfish I have been. Simply cuddling my belly whilst my babies cry out for nourishment. What a horrid mother I am already.” she walked towards the door, trying to keep her emotions in check. Albedo was hardly a stable woman prior to her impregnation, but the slight trickle of hormones had not certainly not helped her stability. She opened the door and exited into the long corridor. She spread her wings over her stomach protectively, wanting to act as guardian to her children at all times. She also did not want lower servants to look upon her gravid form. She was a beautiful maiden, reaching the full bloom of her beauty and fertility; such servants as roamed the grand tomb were not fit to stare at her. While knowing it was impossible, she wanted only Lord Ainz to view her stomach and even then not until she was ready to show him. Though noticeable and in record time, the pale woman wanted her belly to be unmistakably pregnant before she revealed the news to her lover. She sighed, hoping the days would pass both slowly and quickly.

Upon entering the dining hall, she ordered the lesser minions out. The beasts and minions scattered, unwilling to anger Albedo. Pregnant or not, she was a powerful demon capable of untold destruction. Yet, she would have no destruction today. It was simply about enjoying her developing body, resting in the knowledge of confirmed womanhood. She sat lightly in a well polished chair. Her curves filled out the chair slightly. She had not yet put on any motherly weight, instead maintaining her slim figure. She sat, waiting for the servants to attend her. They would bring her food and she would enjoy it. Albedo dreamed of the soft cakes and pastries that she would enjoy, filling her body with the calories requisite for gestating living beings. She sighed, leaning back in the chair. Her posture was ever ladylike, even when relaxed. Looking around first to confirm that the room was empty, she began to pat and play with her exposed tummy. Puffing her cheeks out, she forced her belly out further in an effort to look even more gravid and swollen. Needing air, she let the strange but adorable posture go. She was so eager to be in the throes of pregnancy. To be huge pregnant and forced to waddle about slowly. It seemed to her that a woman should have to earn her children. A small, adorable bump wouldn’t do for her. She wanted to prove that she was the one fit to carry all of Lord Ainz’s children.

--- An Overlord’s Burden ---

Albedo hummed to herself as she walked along the hallway leading towards Lord Ainz’s throne room. Today was the day she was going to reveal herself to her lord and lover. Albedo had been quiet thus far, a couple weeks of torture, about her pregnancy. She wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong and, moreover, that she properly looked the part. That morning, as she had checked herself in the mirror, it had become apparent that she was ready. Her stomach was full and round and had developed from bump to belly. Albedo considered her belly to be immaculate, the perfect representation of what a mother should look like. In point of fact, she was even bigger than what a normal woman would be at that particular stage of pregnancy. While not grossly huge, her stomach filled her lap and was getting beyond the point where her black wings could cover it. Albedo could wrap her arms around her belly’s underside, enjoying how her silky smooth skin had filled out in order to hold her babies. It was most certain that she was carrying multiples, there was no way that she could be so large and fecund.

Albedo smiled at the servants she passed, eager that they were looking upon her pregnant form. It was time for all the Tomb of Nazarick to look upon her, love her, and despair. She was radiant pregnant energy put into a curvaceous form. She was particularly happy when the guards at the door to Ainz’s throne room bowed to her. It was custom, sure, but to Albedo they seemed to bow lower now that she was heavy with children. She smiled and nodded to each and waited for them to open the door. Albedo entered, her black hair swinging behind her, and did her best to contain her wild excitement. She could hardly hear her name being announced to Lord Ainz. His gigantic skeletal form was bent over a table, looking at some battle plan no doubt. However, when he heard her name he turned immediately. It was ever hard to read his expression, little could be gleaned from his pale white skull, but Albedo swore he had a twinkle that he had not possessed before. “My Lord Ainz. . .my love and dominator, I have come to present myself.” Albedo spoke whilst bowing as low as she could, one hand wrapped protectively around her stomach. She felt her breasts, larger from the influx of hormones, swing and almost pop the stitches in her dress. Abledo rose, once again feeling her breasts jiggle heavily. “And to also present your future progeny.” She smiled, baring her stomach. Albedo was not above theatrics to gain attention from Ainz so it was little surprise when she purposely forced her stomach out further to look bigger.

“Aaaahh, My Lady. . .” Ainz started. Though none in the throne room could tell, there was a bead of sweat that ran down the Lich Lord’s skull. While great and powerful, Ainz was still only a gamer stuck in the body of a lich, a gamer that had little idea of how to handle a pregnant woman. He made the attempt still. Rising from his chair, Ainz walked slowly towards Albedo, his flowing robes drifting across the floor. “. . . You look. . .beautiful indeed.” Ainz said, hoping not to set the love struck succubus off. However, even the slightest compliment from Ainz set Albedo off. Her grin spread, becoming lopsided. Her eyes widened, pupils unfocused and wild. Her hands clutched at her enormous chest. She breathed in and out in a flurry of breaths. Albedo couldn’t control her flooding hormones and emotions, she was drowning in a sea of love. Ainz realized that even that small compliment had been too much for the succubus to handle. She flew towards him, racing across the marble floors.

“Lord. . Ainz. . .you. . .I. . .you. . .do me such kindness!” Her words seemed plucked at random, struggling to find any response through the haze of lust that clouded her judgment. As she came within reach of Ainz she made ready to jump. She wanted to be held, carried, coddled by her lover. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her, surges of magic coursing through his bones. She made ready to lead, but was stopped by a force beyond her control. Magic enveloped her, a purplish haze entrapping her. She might have been provoked to anger, had not she seent the spell emanating from Ainz’s hands. Instead she mewled. While not his embrace, she would take his magic all the same. She wormed and rocked in the spell’s bindings, pretending that it was Ainz who was holding her. Her breathing again picked up pace whilst a bit of drool formed on her lower lip. “Aaaaaiiinnnnzzzz. . .”, she called in her most seductive voice. “Please, wrap your own arms around me.” She finished, still wriggling seductively.

Ainz, sighing to himself, walked the rest of the way to Albedo. He tapped her forehead with his boney finger, getting her attention. “There is no need for theatrics, Albedo. I am more than happy to comfort you in any way you see fit. But . . .”, he put his hands to her swollen stomach. “We must think of things other than our own desires. You have the future of the Tomb to think about.” Albedo’s wild heat passed, draining from her as she thought not only of herself and Ainz but also for their children. Seeing sanity return to her eyes, Ainz let Albedo free from the spell. She dropped, cradling her stomach in a submissive and mindful gesture.

“I am sorry, Lord Ainz.” She seemed so weak and tender, Ainz had a hard time not reaching for her. Yet, he remained firm and stoic. While he wanted to touch her, caress her soft hair, and feel her pregnant belly he knew that would only set her off again. What she needed was a task, something to keep her occupied and settled. Albedo was one who benefitted from being busy and active with something. Were she to be left idle, her mental state began to degrade; such as it was at the moment. “Truly, I’m terrible! An awful misstress and a deplorable mother. I am not fit to. . .” Even a simple apology lead to lovestruck romantics and self-abuse. Ainz sighed, wondering just how to keep his mistress’ mind and body focused on something. She was clearly devoted to her pregnancy. He rarely saw her so interested in something that wasn’t him. That seemed a logical place to start. Ainz thought more, letting Albedo continue to spin herself into teary fits while he pondered things. Finally, an idea came to him. “The worst, the worst, the worst! I am unfit to. . .”

“Albedo! Dear, Albedo. . .” Ainz said, once again snapping her out of her hysterics. “I think all that you need do is focus your energy on your pregnancy..” He wrapped an arm around her, praying that she would listen to him rather than pant and heave more. For the moment she obeyed. “You are the lady of the Tomb now. A bride of Ainz Ooal Gown. It would not do for you to be rushing around and putting yourself to unnecessary stress. Instead, focus on treating your brood with care. Enjoy some luxuries.” Albedo looked at him quizzically, pondering a world in which she thought about herself instead of Ainz. Anticipating this, Ainz started speaking again. He reached a hand slowly down her curves, stopping to feel her large belly. “It’s not for you. You need to calm yourself for the babies. Take every luxury so that they can have an easy time!” He said, squeezing her side lightly. The Lord of the Tomb took a moment to enjoy being close to his succubus. She was a beauty without compare. A woman with such ravishing looks that men would throw themselves into the sea rather than live apart from her. And she was devoted to him and all his causes. “Does that make sense?” He asked finally.

Albedo mulled the question over in her mind. It seemed contradictory. Take care of herself? Ahead of Lord Ainz? The thought made no sense. He was her everything. She had to care for him and his wants! Yet, a small movement in her stomach made her reconsider. The kick was small and ahead of schedule, yet it was welcome beyond all measure. Albedo considered the position again. He had said “his” children, hadn’t he? She was carrying his children. So, by taking care of herself, it was like taking care of Lord Ainz. While it was strange, Albedo began to come around to the idea slowly. “So. . .so what should I do, Lord Ainz?” She put the question forward slowly, pressing herself into Ainz.

“Well, how about we start with getting you some food?”

--- A Succubus’ Burden ---

Albedo danced in the large feasting hall. She moved up and down the rows of long tables, arranged for feasts that never came. Yet for the first time in years the tables were stacked full of food. Dishes of unimaginable taste and quality were stacked on on top of the other. The undead servants in the kitchen pumped them out with supernatural quickness. The chefs were allowed a modicum of intelligence not normally granted to undead servants. They had an important task to carry out. They were feeding the royal lady of Ainz Ooal Gown. lesser able servants came and went, depositing full servings and removing that which had been eaten or half eaten. Through it all weaved and bobbed Albedo. Much in the same way that the cooks and servants had a sacred duty to serve, so did she. It was Albedo’s job to feed and nourish the lives growing within her. She needed to make sure that her children, the same children that filled her growing tummy out, were nourished. Every bite of pastry, every hunk of meat, and every spoonful of broth helped accomplish that goal. Moreover, Albedo would happily dance and sing through the process; even if it meant a war against her waistline.

Albedo had quite the sway to her now, and not simply from the children she was carrying. There was a growing layer of fat that rested upon her body, expanding her curves to ludicrous proportions. In a world that saw starving peasants and supernaturally fit warriors, Albedo’s body was a curious marvel. A stomach both full and fat bloomed out from between her lacy top and ruffled skirt. Almost as pale as her scanty, baroque dress, her belly was reminiscent of a snow covered hill. It was the fulcrum on which the rest of her body swayed. Wherever the belly went, the rest of Albedo was soon to follow. Though it was not her only growing attribute. Luscious and milky breast fat pooled and pulled at the spidersilk top she wore. While never small, Albedo’s breasts were once only teased behind her top. Now, they seemed sure to burst out at any minute. All of Albedo’s costume was beginning to look a little tight. Despite her beauty, the succubus had demonstrated little interest in changing her style of dress. She had first attracted Ainz in her white, obviously wedding styled dress so she would remain in it forever; save for when the skeletal lord craved her naked curves.

“Please tell lord Ainz that I have made lasted almost an hour at this meal!” Albedo said to a messenger as she sat her plump hips into an ornate chair. Her thighs, now forming into dimply saddlebags, pushed through the cut outs on the side of her dress to reveal their full softness to the world. Her stomach filled her lap, easily preventing her from scooting her chair fully to the table. Were one to look across the table at her, they would see a rising stomach with voluminous breasts resting atop it. Further above, they would see the round face of a chubby fallen angel. Albedo’s face had been getting delicious round with each passing day of pregnancy induced eating. She had quickly developed a second chin which had further grown to a halo of fat that encircled her entire face. “Oh. . .UUURRRP. . .alscho! Tell scha cooksch to bring more pie!” She waved a round arm after the servant, her forearms stretching her ivory-white gloves. Were her fingers or arms to get any fatter then the rich gloves would begin to look threadbare. Yet, for all these potential damages to her richly designed clothing, Albedo was happier than she had ever been. She was finally proving her use to her lord beyond the shadow of a doubt.

The beauty ravished a plate of fried squid, sucking the breaded rings into her mouth with gusto. It was strange to see Albedo eat. She ate as a lady would, with her back straight and a napkin tucked just between her upper thigh and lower belly roll. Yet there were moments where she would almost forget herself. Her eating would speed up and she would begin sucking down food at a terrific rate. The fried squid disappeared, vanishing off of her plate. She eagerly searched for more, tearing into the plates around her.  Her arms, though flabby, began to blur as she picked out the tastiest morsels of food. Noticing the state she was in, her drink pourers would simply bring and leave pitchers of sweetened, sugary milk for her rather than try to fill her cup. Abledo upended the pitchers, pouring the milk into her mouth and then tossing them aside. The madness deepend within her as she ate. The whirlwind of stormy, electric emotion would spin faster and increase to a fever pitch. She would eat and devour everything placed before her, eager to fill her stomach as much as possible.

Thoughts and deeply ingrained senses of superiority appeared to Albedo during these feeding frenzies. She couldn’t help but compare herself to the other women, those not fortunate enough to be chosen by Lord Ainz. They were pitiful creatures. A normal woman could never handle the kinds of feeding frenzies that Albedo went through, just as they could not handle Lord Ainz as a lover. She, Abledo, stood alone in these aspects. Certainly, the love drunk and stuffed succubus told herself that. Even other women of monstrous origin could not handle her most gleeful ordeal. The chubby succubus paused her eating to lean back and rub her belly. Her form has grown so motherly, so full, so round. There was a glowing radiance to her that lit up the room around her. The constant pump of hormones had made her skin smoother than silk, despite there being more of her than ever. She sighed, contentedly. There would be more eating today, more growing. She needed time to mature into her pregnancy. However, she knew the time would come soon to show her body off again. Show the love that was building inside her so that the other women could truly know who it was that won Ainz’s heart.

--- Albedo Gushes ---

Shalltear Bloodfallen wandered the corridors of the Great Tomb, feeling lighter than she had in many days. The gothic, lolita fashioned woman tapped her parasol on the ground with each step. She smiled as the echoes spread up and down the dimly lit corridors. It had been weeks since she had seen her rival, Albedo. The break had been nice, giving her uninterrupted access to her skeletal object of devotion. She was not unaware of the present circumstances. She had been thrown into a rage when she first heard that Ainz had planted his seed within the detestable demon. Yet, once she had gotten done smashing every brittle object within reach, Shalltear had begun to realize the benefits. The succubus was practically nonexistent, hovering only in her room and in the dining hall. Ainz, for the little he talked about it, swore that nothing was amiss and that Albedo needed her time away for the babies. Yet, Shalltear had begun to wonder if something had gone wrong. The vampire had trouble containing her excitement at the idea that Albedo had been confined somewhere in the tomb, never to return.

“Ah, the poor dear.” Shalltear said, faux emotion touching her voice. “I do hope that everything is. . .” Shalltear had to stop short, a deep shadow descending over her from behind. It was large and round. Shalltear turned, wondering if she had sprung some sort of boulder trap by accident. While the tomb had more advanced security systems, there were still some classic dungeon diving traps scattered around too. She could have, in her blissful daydreaming, stepped on one of the pressure plates that lined the halls. It was unlikely. Shalltear was as light and skinny as she appeared. Her dress added the illusion of curves to a naked body that was cute but decidedly twiggy in form. It could have been a monster servant, one of Lord Ainz’s strange creations allowed to wander the tomb. Yet, something pulled at the nape of Shalltear’s neck. She turned slowly, almost afraid of what she was going to see. White filled her eyes, shades of pale snow and creamy flesh. The small, pale vampire was almost overpowered by the rising bulk that filled her eyes. It was outline with black, both in a set of wings and a torrent of black hair. Understanding came to Shalltear just as the creature began to speak.

“My. . .huff. . .my. . .look who's. . .out.” Albedo huffed, tired from lugging her body around the darkened hallways. She had taken the afternoon off from stuffing under the auspices that the babies needed fresh air, but she really had been looking for exactly this encounter. Albedo had deemed herself sufficiently far along in her pregnancy to show her body off to Shalltear. She wanted the now vastly smaller woman to understand the magnitude of what she was doing for her love. Albedo had continued to grow, packing on fat and size quickly. She had the kind of roundness that only could come from excessive pregnancy mixed with unrestrained gluttony. Her stomach dominated her form, stretching down past her thighs and to her knees. Words that previously worked to describe the size and motion of her stomach now seemed inadequate. Rather than jiggle, it undulated. Instead of large, mountainous fit more. This upgrading of descriptors happened for her entire body. Abledo’s breasts had reached a point where they were larger and softer than most women’s entire torso’s and stomachs. They were unrestrained sexuality, spreading over the curved plane of belly fat. To complete the picture of bodily abundance, a thick roll of neck fat strained at the necklace around Abledo’s neck. “The barren. . .lamprey. . .” Albedo’s voice was thick from exertion as well as self satisfaction.

“Al-Albedo?!” Shalltear gaped, unsure of what she was looking like. A fertility idol stood before her. Albedo looked less like a succubus from the planes of hell and more like some dark goddess that ancient tribes people would have worshiped in smoky huts before the dawn of time. The massive woman took a heavy step forward, her large stomach pressing into the ornamented ruffles of her dress. The vampire took a step back, pressing her parasol between her nonexistent breasts as a defensive action. It was almost a shock to see such a womanly figure. Hips that could crush all but the most sturdy couches sashayed back and forth as Albedo waddled forward. Shalltear’s dress made a sound like rustling leaves as it was pressed against the wall of the hallways and as Albedo’s stomach pushed further forward into it. “You’ve become so. . .” Shalltear struggled to find the words. She would never, never compliment the harlot that clamored for Lord Ainz’s attention but she was so taken aback that her usual stable of insults did not spring to mind.

“Dignified? Motherly? Radiant?” Albedo’s extra chin flapped with each word posed to her rival. She felt amazing, bathed fully in a righteousness that she had not known before. It felt so good to impose her body upon Shalltear, to rub her pale face in the fact that she had become the embodiment of fertility and life. “Such. . .nice words. . .from a blood sucking harlot.” Albedo felt herself getting worked up on her own sanctimony. Her arms, now fat enough to rip and tear her gloves, slowly drifted up to her breasts. It took a demon’s strength to lift them now, fully bigger than many of the pumpkins that farmers grew in their fields. Shalltear reared away as much as she was able, but still had the immense milk-balloons in her face. Albedo stroked them, both for her own pleasure and to show Shalltear what a real woman’s chest looked like. “Lord Ainz has. . .oooh. . .made me. . .such a. . .OH!” Albedo’s pleasure reached a climax. Her hands, sinking into the deep softness of her breasts, put enough pressure on her tits to produce a stream of milk. Cascading out of her breasts and between the siderwebbing of her top, a torrent of sweet milk flowed from the succubus. She was so taken aback and pleased with herself that she relaxed her pressure on Shalltear, who promptly slipped out.

The vampire began to trot away, sacrificing a little dignity for speed. Behind her, Albedo began to indulge her new found pregnancy development. She took turns squeezing her breasts, pouring more and more milk out. She had to sample it as well, eager to know what her milk tasted like. Perhaps because of the sweets that she ate as part of her diet plan, her milk was sugary and delicious. It was almost too delicious to be believed. Thick cream ran from her fingers as she brought it up to her mouth. She took deep, heated breaths as the glutton in her came to life. She was pregnant, she would indulge any craving her body gave rise to. Taking one of her massive breasts, she lifted it to her mouth and began to suck. Milk torrented into her gullet. She was not quiet about enjoying the meal, either. Lapping, sucking, slurping, and moaning, Albedo imbibed her breast milk. She was rendered ignorant of Shalltear’s existent, unable to see the vampire stop at the end of the hall.

Looking back at the shameful display, Shalltear Bloodfallen gripped her parasol in a furious rage. She twisted and mangled the maroon accessory, shattering the heirloom into a thousand pieces beneath her undead strength. Yet, in her anger, she began to find words to describe the thing that Albedo had become. “Disgusting tit-cow. Full, fattened, breeding swine.” She muttered, still not wanting a confrontation with large woman. “Gorge yourself until you can’t even stand, then we shall see who Lord Ainz loves most.” She spat the words before throwing her parasol to the ground and walking away. Yet, as she walked down the hall, a hand drifted to her small and inconsequential bust.

--- The Lady’s Measurements and The Lord’s Affections ---

“Lord. . .Ainz. . .My. . .huff. . .love!” Albedo’s face was red as she waddled into the throne room. She had not seen her Lord in several weeks and wished to display her progress. Moreover, she wanted to do it in front of everyone. Her fat, flushed face smiled as saw the other servants of Ainz look at her. To Albedo, the women looked at her either with awe or jealousy, unhidden or unrestrained in either case. The men, with desire. Albedo absorbed all of the attention. It nourished her soul as much as food nourished her body. Her body continued to be well and properly nourished. Her stomach had fully passed her knees and had taken on a roundness that was almost too perfect to exist in nature. The only hint that Albedo’s stomach was not a conjured image was the thick roll of fat that underpinned it, shaking and jiggling as she moved. Her dress was now rendered well and truly obscene. Overfilled with fat and babies, Albedo’s dress had little left to give its owner. Her top was almost non-existent, a thin strip of wispy-white fabric that serve to do little other than catch the milk which regularly poured from Albedo’s breasts. Her long skirt had served a little better, putting up a braver fight against the constant pressure of Albedo’s thigh’s and calves. Her ass, however, was given complete reign over the dress. The little holes in the areas around her hips had become so warped and distended that they looked like rips, rather than clever designs to accentuate sexuality. Her buttcheeks swamped and devoured the remaining bits of fabric, allowing the two large, pale moons to jiggle and clap freely; such as they did when she waddled to her love. “I wanted. . .to. . .present. . .your. . . children!” Her face was radiant, though it might have been sweat from the strain of moving.

“Albedo!” Ainz jumped from his throne, though quickly settled himself. “Should you be moving yourself so freely? I would hate for any harm to come to your personage.” He recovered, sitting himself down. He watched as Albedo ambled slowly. She had to stop every quartet of steps, stopping to rub her belly and check in on her children. Her arms, fattened to the point of resembling bags of suet, worked over her immense stomach. She had begun to feel the glorious kicks and movements of her babies. Little jabs of love spread through her, causing her to wince and shudder. Ainz could not help but be a little proud at his own potency as he watched Albedo tend to herself. Breathing heavily, she continued her waddle. The thought of how proud Ainz must be of her caused her breasts to dribble excited milk. She wiped it away with sausage fingers hardly covered by once pristine gloves. She suckled her fingers as seductively as she could manage, staring straight at Ainz. She cared little for her own being, less for her clothing, and not at all for anyone who would critique her save Ainz himself. To help aid her final steps, Ainz walked down and put a hand around his lover. His bony arm, covered by his flowing robes, sunk into her back fat. He could feel the strain her fat and his children put upon her. She had to lean back to compensate from the change of gravity, a ridiculous parody of how a normally sized pregnant woman might walk. Yet, with strength aided by unknown magics, Ainz guided her forward. “Albedo, my love, you should have called me first. I would have sent someone.”

“I would. . .have. . .OOOHH. . .sent them. . .aaahh. . .away!” Abledo spoke through the kicks of her children. “I carry this. . .with. . .love!” She would be strong for Lord Ainz, no matter what. She also longed for just this scenario. While she loved her lord, she was not above using some trickery to engineer scenarios to deepen their affection. The two crossed the remaining parts of the throne room together, with Ainz waving away his other attendants and servants. The room emptied by the time that he and Albedo reached the throne. Ainz sat, about to raise a throne from the very earth so that Albedo could sit. However, before he could muster the magical energy, Albedo was already in motion. She turned faster than most women her size and then let gravity take its course. It pulled her heavy body down. She landed with a thud, knocking non-existent air out of Ainz’s nonexistent lungs. Though a skeletal lich, Ainz could sense everything. The weight of Albedo’s massive body, the jiggles as her fat settled into place, the soft and inviting smell of her hair. She rocked backwards, pinning him down with her full weight. “Aaaaiiinnnnzzz, I have been looking forward to this!” She cooed, apparent tiredness gone. She stroked his robes, wiggling what she could of her rotund body. “Please, Lord Ainz! Stroke my body, feel my motherly curves, appraise me to the fullest. I wish to know how you view me and my pregnancy.” She breathed heavily, milk spurting from her breasts in excitement.

Ainz sighed, it was hardly a small task to keep Albedo in check under the best of circumstances. Now, full of children and hormones, her desires ran rampant over her tenuous sensibility. Summoning magic to himself he began to change. Muscle and sinew grew over his bones, soon cloaked by human skin. Brown, shaggy hair grew from his head as human eyes gleamed from his once empty sockets. “I would love to appraise every inch of you, Albedo. Mistress of the darkest pits.” Words more smooth than he meant poured from human lips. Ainz’s human form was complete, same as it had been the night that he had impregnated Albedo. The change excited her even more. She loved her lord in any body, but she certainly loved flesh and blood. It was natural for a succubus to crave the flesh of a human. “Where shall we begin?” Ainz said, hands tucking under Albedo’s large bust. It was decidedly warm and cozy. The softness of her breasts and upper stomach comforting him. He felt the movements in her stomach, large kicks from her gestating brood.

“I. . .I could. . .we. . .where. . .hhhaaaahhh. . .Ainz.” Albedo was beside herself, unable to even think properly. She shifted, trying to stand so that the two might do their work together. Yet, she found herself trapped, both by her girth and her heart. Breathing deeply, she summoned as much of her wits as she could. “Tell me. . .aaahh. . .Lord Ainz, has my body become too big?” She put the question to him, partly wondering and partly because she just wanted him to talk about her body. “I have been nourishing myself as requested. Has it been too much?” She asked and waited with bated breath. She didn’t know what she would do if Ainz even hinted that he did not find her attractive anymore. He considered the question, never one to speak without first considering his position thoroughly. He felt her breasts, lightly squeezing them. While a big man in his human form, her breasts were many, many times larger than his hands could hope to hold. She squealed as milk poured from them, dousing the front of her naked body again. Creamy trails wound down her body as did Ainz’ hands.

He stopped next on her upper stomach, the furthest point he could reach with his long arms; there were still vast swathes of belly he could not reach. Albedo moaned again, her pitch changing from deep to high in her extreme pleasure. Ainz continued feeling her taut belly, marveling at what must have been a legion of children within her. Albedo couldn’t help but arch her back as she was able, burying Ainz in upper back fat. Her mountainous stomach rose higher, further showing just how pregnant she was. After a moment of enjoyment, Ainz continued his body tour. This time his hands found her lower belly, the fatty folds on which her preggo belly rested. Ainz teased a roll, pinching and jiggling it. It was fascinating to see the duality between the areas of her stomach. Soft and taut, jiggly and firm. It was wonderful to play with and Ainz could have played for hours. Yet, he had other work to do.

Snapping his fingers, a measuring tape appeared out of thin air. One end wrapped itself around his hand whilst the other began to snake across Abledo. She shivered, hips dancing and and falling like fluffy meteors on Ainz’s lap. Her weight was crushing and Ainz felt his throne, made out of a material that no mortal knew the name of, start to bend and sink lower. She settled a bit when the magical tape measure strung itself fully around her stomach. “Tighten it, Albedo.” Ainz said, tapping one of his succubus’ meaty forearms. She happily obliged. Though it was not communicated with words, Albedo could feel the approval from her lord. She took the tape measure, hoisting it up to her massive breasts. She bounced them up and down. The tape measure did its best, but there was simply too much boob for it to handle. Her breasts bounced lethargically for a moment, but then simply folded over the tape measure. She wiggled the tape measure once or twice, but only so that Ainz could hear the wet smacks of her milky tits hitting her stomach. The sound filled the empty throne room, followed quickly by Albedo’s uncontrolled giggling.

She took the measuring tape and shimmied it around her tummy. The tape was stretched to its absolute breaking point. The yellow and black measuring tape worked itself over the pale expanse, leaving an impression in Albedo’s carefully cultivated fat. Albedo looked back at Ainz and smiled, hoping to catch her lord’s expression. It was hard to see past her shoulder and back fat, but she thought she caught the hint of a smile. “I shall measure myself for you, Lord Ainz.” She said as she pressed the tape deeper into her own fat. She tried to hoist her belly up using the tape. Working the magical thread under her stomach she lifted up and down. Ripples spread through her body, making all of her dance playfully. Her shoulders, now broadened with fat, bounced up and down as she worked the measuring tape. For all her struggles, her belly did not once leave contact with her massive thighs. Just once, she thought, it might be nice to see if she could fully lift her stomach. Albedo wondered if she would ever be able to again, the future was certainly unsure in that regard. With one terrific heave, she flexed what muscle was left to her. For all the magic that went into its construction, the tape snapped under the weight of so much fat. Albedo’s hands went back in surprise and it felt like the throne might tip back as well. Yet, Ainz was ready.

He grasped her tightly, leaning forward to balance her weight out. His head, still beautifully human, leaned against her shoulder. For a moment the two hung in their embrace quietly, but then Ainz spoke. “You have done well, Albedo. We shall measure you again next week to make sure your progress has kept up.”

--- Heated Bodies on a Cold Floor ---

“Haaaah. . .haaaah. . .don’t. . .aaah. . .hold back!” Albedo cried out in the darkened room. Her body heaved back and forth as she felt Ainz’s cock thrust between her massive asscheeks. “Rougher. . .HARDER!” She cried, putting her fat hands on the stone floor. Sex, especially passionate and rough copulation, made her feel more like a woman and succubus than almost anything else. She had remained a pure maiden for Ainz, rejecting all other biological drives for the love of her master. The years of waiting had begun to take their toll upon her. She had worried that she was losing her luster. That the infernal spark that made her the most radiant, fertile, beautiful creature in existence was fading. Yet, now that she was pregnant and that Ainz was still excited to copulate with her, she realized how untrue those thoughts were. She lay on the floor, arms and legs splayed out to balance her massive form, and received Ainz’ cock gleefully. His human form pumped away furiously, making her body quake and jiggle. She was bloated and pregnant enough to the point that her stomach rolled upon the ground, fat pooling in all directions. Her porky knees, buried under pillowy fat, rocked back and forth. She felt Ainz’ throbbing cock slide between her ass cheeks. To further the pleasure for both of them, he grabbed what he could hold of either asscheek and pushed them together.

Albedo flashed back to moments before, when she had waddled into the throne room. She had been hoping for another measuring session. She had continued to grow, her belly now reaching the very floor. Her clothes were in complete tatters, held on only because the thin strands were wedged in her folds. She had pushed the door open, her vision dyed a purple-pinkish haze. She wanted to be loved, she wanted to be held, she wanted to be fucked mercilously. Ainz, busying with plans spread over a large table, had realized instantly what was happening. Albedo had thrudded her way over, stroking her puffy and engorged nipples. Her breasts, in their wobbly glory, were hard to describe. While at least her stomach, with its taut center filled with gestating children, could be compared to boulders; Albedo’s breasts seemed to have no point of comparison. Few things on earth were as soft, heavy, and warm. They swayed back and forth as she slapped her pillar-like legs on the floor. “Aaaaiiinnnzzzz, pleeeassseee,” she cried. “Take your loveeeerrr!” Though dramatic, her words were full of genuine sincerity. She needed to be fucked like her life depended on it.

The pair had started on the table. Albedo worked to heft her belly onto the table. Her arms, fattened now to the point of looking like christmas hams, had little strength left in them and certainly none to negotiate the pure mass of lard that she hefted before her. She tried twice, her arms visible shaking as her arms folded under her gut. Her stomach, not to be defeated or manhandled, simply folded over top of her forearms and pressed them down towards the floor. In the end, Ainz had to use magic to hack the legs of the table down far enough for Albedo to push her plush belly on top. It wasn’t perfect, but it was enough leverage for Albedo to lean her ass back for easy access. Ainz took the opportunity. He had spent a moment kissing her chipmunk cheeks and stroke her hair, until she had reached a hefty arm behind her to grab his cock. She hadn’t been able to reach as her pack and arm fat bunched up thickly, a failure as beautiful as it was pitiful. “Aiiiinnnzzz, don’t waste time with me!” she had moaned, settling for jiggling her ass. Her cheeks spread as wide as they were able, though they clashed like waves meeting each other. Ainz’s cock acted as a large, but woefully outmatched, buoy.

The table had lasted a couple pumps. It creaked violently but was downed out over the sounds of two bodies slapping into one another. Ainz’s human form was muscular and lithe, like a statue without the bulk of a real warrior, and was almost lost between the folds of Albedo’s mass. Yet, it felt so good to fully express themselves physically. The light tickle of her asscheeks as they slid across his member, before the pleasing tightness as he penetrated deeper. Albedo would lose blanched from time to time, unable to keep her arms in a position that would stabilize her. She wanted to grasp her tits and squeeze her nipples, anything to force herself to higher planes of sexual release. Their bodies were supernatural, able to give and take so much more than a human’s could. Yet, the table was only wood and could not bear the weight put upon it.

It cracked in the middle, pitching the two lovers forward. Even in the midst of fucking, Ainz held his wits. A spell made them weightless. For precious, seemingly infinite moments, the two lovers fucked in open air and empty space. Albedo felt the burden of motherhood be removed for a second, eagerly taking the opportunity to gyrate like only a woman freed from gravity could. The two floated downwards slowly, Albedo hissing softly as her warm fat touched the cold floor. Ainz guided her arms and legs, making her stable. Then returned to his proclivities. The spell couldn’t last forever and eventually the two returned to normal gravity. Yet their session endured. They made love for hours, taking only small breaks to lay on the cold, stony floor and catch their breath.

The two were so taken with each other that they didn’t notice the presence of another. From behind a pillar, cloaked in invisibility as much as an ornate dress, Shalltear watched the two. She gritted her teeth in fury, hating to see her lord taken in by such a harlot. Surely, there was something going on. Lord Ainz would never fall for such a common breeding sow. His tastes had to be much more exquisite and refined. Why should he make love to a gluttonous demon, when he could romance a woman of purest moon and twilight. The lovestruck vampire gripped her new parasol with a strength that could crack stone. Her face turned flush, the only time her cold blood knew heat was either in love or fury. She would have her day with Albedo. . .though it would not be today. Amidst the sounds of the happy couple making love, she turned and trotted out of the hall.

--- Shalltear Has Her Say ---

Albedo dozed. Her body seeped and spread itself over a field of pillows. They had been plump and sturdy pillows once. Now, however, they were shadows of their former selves. Few things constructed without the aid of magic had any chance of withstanding the weight of Albedo’s body. She was massive, a blob. The succubus had reached the very end of her pregnancy and eaten herself immobile. Hardly able to lift a finger, she was fed by winged cherub servants and tubes that dropped from the ceiling. Yet, even now, her hunger did not abate. She ate around the clock, greedily sucking down any and all bits of food presented. When she was not eating, she was calling for her Lord to pleasure her, or she was sleeping. It took a lot of rest to keep her body nourished and beautiful. Often, she would load up on as much food as she could, then sleep it all off. It was comforting to relax into her own piles of fat and physical abundance. It was like floating on a cloud or the ocean, save that Albedo herself was the large and soft object. It was the most intimate sort of pleasure. Adding to feelings of being an oceanic figure, Albedo rocked back and forth, feeling little sharp kicks hitting her belly. Her thick arms and sausage fingers could no longer reach her bloated torso, despite the constant increase of size. While she would have loved to stroke and rub every part of her pregnant stomach, she settled for being a conduit for jiggles and kicks. Her eyes began to close, lulled to sleep.

She was not asleep long. “Albedo!” A small, peevish voice called out. “You grand, stupid, breeding hog!” It was more than evident that the voice belonged to Shalltear. The vampire’s ire had finally gotten the best of her. Drunk on exquisite blood, she had worked up the confidence to try and assert her dominance over her rival in love. The small woman, made even more diminutive next to the hill of babies and blubber, tried to launch the usual assault of barbs at Albedo. “Fat hog, how dare you seduce and trick Lord Ainz. Taking his seed only to let your body become a disgusting parody of a mother.” Her small heels tapped on the floor as she reached Albedo. Despite Albedo’s permanently seated posture, Shalltear had to look up at her rival. Far above her, perched at the pinnacle of the meaty hill of fat, was Albedo’s boulder-round face. Her long black hair fell in a disorganized yet sensual way across her cheeks and many chins. She seemed to give no notice of the vampire. “Is it not enough to disgrace him by carrying children out of wedlock, you must also become a decadent beast?!” Shalltear worked up every insult she could muster, wanting to dig herself as deep into her rival as possible. Albedo merely glanced down at Shalltear, slowly shifting the small proportion of her fat that she still could. Chin folds fell over breast fat and shoulder rolls.

“Oh. . . if it isn’t the barren wasteland.” Albedo sniffed, a lock of hair freed itself from one of her rolls and drooped over her face. “Lord Ainz needed a real woman, not some doll that can only sit on a shelf and look pretty.” Albedo sucked in air, making her mass of fat seem to double or triple in size. She then exhaled in a long, satisfied breath. She rolled her shoulders to further show off her body, hundreds of pounds of soft bulk moving in turgid motions. Shalltear took a step back. The movements were so visceral that she felt the weight and majesty of the immense woman the same way that someone might feel a drastic barometric pressure change. Shalltear wondered if her small, tiny frame could stand up to such a grand display of fertility and decadence. Moreover, she wondered if it would break her mind as well as her body. Spreading out in every direction, feeling nothing but your own soft, plush, warmth and constant movements of gestating progeny. It was almost unthinkable. A flush crept over the blood-drunk vampire’s face. There was such immensity and grandeur to Albedo now. “A pitiful leach like you could never hope to understand.” Albedo sniffed, turning her chubby face away.

Shalltear, though, would not be dissuaded from her anger. Albedo had only paused the vampire’s wrath. Shalltear Bloodfallen would not be done in so easily. She shook her head, slapping herself to instill anger and drive away doubt. She would not be scared by the monolithic woman resting before her. Instead, she would tell her straight to her face. Shalltear, ignoring how unsuited her lolita dress was for climbing, began to scale Albedo’s fat. Her small hands sunk into a roll that was, presumably, Albedo’s thigh. It was hard to tell where pars of her began and ended. She was so packed and buried under abundance. Most of her arms had been turned into rolls, with only her thick fingers sticking out; her feet fully buried in fat. Shalltear rocked back and forth, unsteady on the heaving ground. To make matters worse, Albedo was moaning and sighing; deriving obvious sexual satisfaction from someone climbing on her bulk. To try and counteract, Shalltear started to talk again. “Such decadence. Are you a common harlot? Taking pleasure from a person simply touching you?” Shalltear spoke with disgust. Yet, Albedo continued to moan and pant, her tongue lolling out to lick at her cheeks and lips. Shall

“Shall. . .oooh. . .yeeesss. . .” Albedo felt a sweaty heaze rise up from her folds as her body flushed. Breast milk poured from her person-sized tits, torrents of cream running down her stomach to pool in her folds. She would have to be scrubbed later, lathered and soaped by other hands. She could do nothing for herself. She needed the world to cater to her, taking so much time for her. Only a princess. . .or goddess had that sort of treatment. Her rival was reduced to climbing up her fat in order to even make attempts at talking to her. She was almost unreachable, on her own level. Albedo’s eyes swum as she felt the kicking in her womb increase. She began to laugh uncontrollably, spurred further by incredible pleasure. “A goddess. . .I. . .aaaaahhh. . .amm. . .a. . .” The most intense climax that Albedo had ever felt took her. Her body shook with incredible sensual energy as she felt her thighs grow slick. Fat mashed against fat as Shalltear continued her foolish climb. The haughty vampire was only feeding the beast, letting her grow in sexual power. She was a succubus, her domain was sexuality before aught else.

Finally, Shalltear arrived atop Albedo. She stood in the space between Albedo’s breasts, where gravity pulled the great orbs apart. The rushing of liquid could be heard as Albedo’s breasts emptied themselves in excitement. Shalltear was ready to say something to Albedo, but was caught off guard by the pure madness in her rivals face. It was Albedo who spoke. “Haaahhh-aaaaaahh!” She squealed, eyes open fully in a wild eyed look. “I’m complete! A full fledged goddess taken mortal form! I. . . .aaaaahhhh. . .cannot contain my own beauty and fertility!” She heaved and panted, chest rising with strength that even Albedo was surprised at. She was giving herself fully to her lust and sex craze. She could feel her womb going crazy, kicks and movements aplenty to shake her fat further. At that moment she truly believed that she was a goddess. She had transcended being a simple succubus, instead forming fully into a fertility idol. She should be worshiped and praised, sucked and fucked as needed until she was ready to give birth. “Ooooohh, Shalltear. . .you could never. . .aaahhh. . .understand this. . . pleasure.” The words that Albedo spoke were laced with sex magic, something deep and primal. Shalltear was knocked back by the force of them.

End over end she tumbled down Albedo’s fat, landing in an undignified heap at the bottom. She looked up, seeing Albedo’s pale fat lurch forward and back in unrestrained sexual pleasure. With the words and moans ringing in her ears, Shalltear quietly left. She was unable to best her rival. Meanwhile, Albedo simply continued to enjoy herself.

---Epilogue: Shalltear Hears Albedo’s Reprisal ---

“Lord Ainz, my everlasting love, I cannot present myself to her.” Shalltear said, stomping her foot. It had been a week since her brave, though foolish, stand against Albedo. She had remained quiet about the incident, though word had gotten out anyway. Shalltear gritted her teeth, thinking about the her blobbish rival. Albedo gossiping whilst continuing to fatten and explode in size was too much to bear. Practically the whole tomb had to hear her moans of ecstasy now. Shalltear had seemed only to spur the gigantic woman into further indulgences. While she had not seen Albedo, the reports were unnerving. Even now, in the floor below her chambers, Shalltear could feel the presence of the mother-to-be. Ainz had called her here in order to force an apology to Albedo. He, like the dignified man he was, wanted Shalltear and Albedo to play nice. This was something that Shalltear would simply not do. Her pride would not allow it. She folded her hands over her stomach, waiting to hear her lord’s reply.

“Shalltear. . .” was all Ainz said in response. He hoped that he could bring her to heel with his presence. The last thing he needed was two of his trusted servants fighting. The destruction alone would be terrible, to say nothing of the rivers of distrust it would sow in his court and circles. He needed their cooperation. If anyone could budge, it would be Shalltear. Albedo was. . .a bit unreachable these days. Entering the waning weeks of her pregnancy, her size and ego had ballooned to such proportions that it was like talking to a particularly soft and round wall. She simply would not hear suggestions given to her. While not disobedient, it was hard to disobey when a person couldn’t walk under their own power, she was resistant to ideas of apologies and restitution. Further, it was hard to say that she had done anything wrong. Perhaps from paternal instinct and glimmers of love, Ainz couldn’t help but side with Albedo. She had been a wonderful mother so far, eager and willing to do anything to raise his children. Yet, at least a facade of impartiality was necessary. “For the good of the Tomb, you must reconsider. While this has not been easy for you. . .” Ainz continued on, trying to find the proper combination of words to reach the vampire.

As the two talked, high above them in another chamber rested Albedo. She now fully took up the room she was laid in. A hall that had once been able to accommodate lesser feasts was now growing tight. Her ass filled a full wall, while her hips almost touch the adjoining walls. Her belly rubbed and bumped against the entrance door. All servants had to open the door and then clamber up her bulk in order to speak with her or feed her. Folds of back fat now covered her pitifully small wings. She had outgrown every bit of herself. Her arms and legs long since buried under folds of arm and leg fat. She was truly a birthing blob.  In the center of it all lay her baby bump. It was inappropriate to even call it a bump. It was a mountain, and nothing less. She spent her days begging for food and sex, wishing to fill herself in every capacity over and over again. She was joyously unsatiated, needing constant attention. Days dragged on with only her pleasure and thoughts of her children coming to her mind. She only had to grow and wait for the birth to happen. It had been days since anything other than her weight had changed. Yet, today was going to bring something new. She felt a sudden disturbance running under her massive ass.

Below, again with Ainz and Shalltear. The vampire walked in little circles around the room, pacing in an effort to control herself. He, meanwhile, stayed perfectly still. Shalltear could not bear to go against her lord. Yet, she found herself equally unwilling to speak to Albedo. “She has insulted me, she has insulted you, she has insulted the tomb. How, Lord Ainz, can I possibly forgive that bloated. . .woman.” She stopped short of saying something truly unforgivable. She moved her hands away from her stomach, clenching and forming them into little fists. They rested at her sides, while her face turned into a pout. She longed to hold Ainz, wanting to be near her undead lover-hopeful. She craved his affection. Yet, her pride held her in place. She stomped her feet a couple times, brattily showing her anger. Ainz was about to respond, but his attention was caught with something else. “The thought of speaking to her turns my stomach. I wish to vomit rather than look at her again.” Shalltear was too frustrated to notice Ainz’s distraction.

Above, but less so, Albedo felt the floor beginning to give way. The disturbance she had felt under her immense, pregnant mass had been revealed fully to her. Beams in the floor were beginning to crack. Stones that had stood for hundreds of years untouched warped and bent under her motherly fat. Albedo was sinking lower in the floor as she bent it outwards. Unable to do anything, save savor the feeling of her fat overpowering magically constructed stonework. “Aaah, my body is so. . .powerful.” She whispered. Reaching out with her magic senses, she found that Ainz was below her. Her brain, clouded by pregnancy hormones and ego, pushed her towards him. “I wish to shatter anything that would keep me from my love!” Applying only a bit of magical pressure, she forced her multi-ton body down further on the floor. She simply nudged her tonnage downwards, allowing gravity to do the rest. One beam broke, then another, and finally the floor was giving way. She laughed and giggled as her butt broke the stone, falling into open air. Her wings flapped pathetically, only tickling her back fat. “I’m coming Ainz! Catch me, my lord!” She called, swooning.

Ainz, now fully aware of what was about to happen, summoned magic quickly. Though little could prevent what was about to happen. Even the strongest antigravity spells needed some time to warm up. Albedo was falling like a runaway moon, her body jiggling as wind whipped by her folds. A pillow of purple magic wrapped around her, slowing her quick descent. Albedo felt herself slowing, but certainly not stopping. Shalltear, looking up, gasped as she saw the underside of Albedo’s naked, continent sized ass plummeting towards her. She wondered if this was how she died. In something resembling stark terror, Shalltear grasped the middle folds of her dress. She wanted to run, but there wasn’t time. Soon, her open mouth was filled with warm and soft booty-blubber. Her body, strong and resilient, was pinned against the floor by fat that outweighed her by incalculable magnitudes. Ainz too felt himself fall victim to his pregnant lover. Fat crushed him to a surprisingly soft carpet. Fat jiggled and bounced over the top of Ainz and Shalltear. While muffled, they could hear the insane giggling and moaning of Abledo. The two were far too dazed to call for help or remove themselves from the soft tomb of fat.



I love overlord. Great story!

James Duke

Thank you! I'm glad that it pleased a fan of the show. I've seen a bit of it, but I'm hardly an expert!