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Maybe not explicit in the traditional sense, but with all the udders and udder suckling, I thought it'd be best to make this $5 exclusive. Hope you all enjoy!

"Uuuhh, Tohru?" Kobayashi said from the bedroom. "Can you explain what the hell this is?" She appeared from the darkness of the bedroom. At first glance she looked normal, but closer inspection revealed little horns popping out of her head. The red haired woman walked further into the kitchen, revealing more of her strange transformation. To Tohru's eyes, Kobayashi’s stomach had gotten bigger, becoming noticeable even under her iconic turquoise hoodie. Kobayashi was more annoyed than anything else, having become used to the insane magical pranks that befell her on a regular basis. It was, perhaps, a sad commentary on her life that growing horns was an annoyance on par with a head cold.

"Oh my gosh! Kobayashiiiii, look at how cute you are!" Tohru ran forward, patting her misstress on the head and nuzzling her face. "My master has turned into a widdle cowgirl and has the most adorable horns." Tohru felt the swish and light smack of Kobayashi's tail, the appendage reacting out of instinct rather than its masters conscious thought. Tohru squealed and giggled. "Horns and a tail. . .must mean. . ." Before Kobayashi could react Tohru was digging her hands into her tan pants. Tohru gasped again, finding what she sought. She lifted her arms, bringing with it Kobayashi’s belly. Except, esther than a belly it was a small, pink udder. "Wooow! You really *are* a cowgirl." Tohru said in amazement.

"Sure, but not for long. I'm not going to even bother asking how it happened. I just need to know how to fix it." Kobayashi said, crossing her arms, blushing, and pretending that Tohru wasn't playing with the udder that had sprouted just below her abdomen over night.

"Oh, Kobayashi! That's no fair at all!" Tohru stated bluntly. "You ruin all the fun. Can't I have Cow-bayashi for at least a little while?" Tohru ignored the lashing from Kobayashi's tail, instead continuing to feel up the adorably soft udder. It was plump, but not too large. Perfectly pocket sized. "I wouldn't even know what to do to fix it!"

"Tohru, that would maybe work. . .if we didn't know other magical creatures." Kobayashi knocked a hand against Tohru's head, reminding the wayward dragoness about their mutual and magical acquaintances.

"Fine. . .I'll call Lucoa." Tohru said, pouting slightly.

"Thank you! Also, would you make me some breakfast? I'm starving." Kobayashi said, patting her stomach. She grimaced as she felt her udder bounce in time with her patting. She ambled over to the couch, not exactly liking the sway of her udder in time with her hips. As uncomfortable as it was, she felt marginally better having it out in the open, rather than trying to tuck it into her pants. She plopped onto the couch and waited for either a solution to her current predicament or breakfast.

--- Cow-bayashi Rising ---

"Scho. . .mmpgh. . Tohwuu, wha-did. . .mmmph. . .Lucoah. . .schay?" Hours later, Kobayashi was enjoying her breakfast. It had been a large and long lasting breakfast punctuated by talking with Tohru or listening as her maid tried to dial anyone in order to get a cure. Kobayashi had eaten much, much more than she usually did. Bacon, eggs, toast, muffins, and nearly a gallon of milk had all made its way into her growing gullet. Further the food had a slight dulling effect on her senses. At first she hadn't paid attention to the meal because she had been more concerned about Tohru's conversation with Lucoa about a cure. However, as Tohru's calls went under answered, Kobayashi had picked more and more at her food. It tasted good, truly a meal that Tohru had done well on. Kobayashi had found the meal harder and harder to ignore as she munched, being drawn in.

However, it was becoming noticeable what kind of effect the food was having upon her. She was digesting it quickly, her bovine body processing the food faster than she ever could as a pure human. Bit by bit her face and body began to fill out. A but of chub had begun to take root on her formerly slim body. Tohru had noticed it instantly, highly keyed into any changes that her misstress went through. Yet, thanks to her dulled senses, Kobayashi couldn't tell. Her two priorities were finding a cure and finishing the breakfast, and those were stealthily switching places of importance. Kobayashi did not feel at ease, per say, she just felt comfortable in the fact that she couldn't do anything but make sure Tohru did what she was supposed to. Tohru dialed and dialed, taking breaks to fry up more bacon or pour Kobayashi more milk. Kobayashi was pleased either either action. However, as the lunch hour drew near, Tohru had finally gotten Lucoa on the phone.

"Well. . .good new and bad news. . ." Tohru said, sitting down on the couch next to Kobayashi. She could really see how much her.master had parked up. Her belly now rest on her lap while her thighs had expanded to fill the whole cushion she sat on. Most of the red haired woman's fat could be hidden by bulkier clothing still, but it was obvious that she had put on a good 20 or 30 pounds. Strangest still, Tohru could see that Kobayashi’s udder had grown. Fuller, rounder, and with a heft all its own; the pink organ was looking more and more like a traditionally sized milkbag rather than the pocket sized cutie it had been earlier. Tohru doubted that Kobayashi could fit it back in her pants at this rate. Further, she wondered when the fat little teats might begin pumping milk of their own. They seemed to be plumping up quickly.

Tohru grimaced as she started to deliver her news. "Sooo, it looks like Lucoa accidentally gave you something with divine bovine milk in it. Maybe the chocolates from last night." She reached forward to hug her master, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. "She doesn't know the cure, but she swears there is one." Tohru hugged her master tightly, feeling the nee pudge that had taken root on her body. It was quite the immaculate sensation for Tohru. Kobayashi was even more soft and huggable than usual. "We promise to help you through this, Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru squeezed her master again, both to comfort and to get a good feel of her belly and udder.

"Thanks Tohru. . ." Kobayashi lightly patted her maid's back. She sighed as they broke apart. The two women made quite a pair as they sat on the couch together. Both with their little telltale nods towards inhumanity. Tohru with her large, scaly tail and brightly colored horns. Kobayashi now matched her maid, now boasting a thin tail with a bushy end and little horn nubs of her own. The two were picturesque in their adorable strangeness. Rather surprisingly, Kobayashi tucked her hands under her udder, letting them rest under the unusually warm milkssck. She put her head back on the sofa, sighing again. "I'm not going to say this is fun. . .but it's at least comfy. Maybe a bit more food and I'll take a nap. . .I can at least sleep this off." She jiggled her udder, Tohru's sensitive ears could hear a sloshing noise. It was hard to maintain her composure.

"Absolutely, Kobayashi! Let me get you an after breakfast treat. Then you can just relax." She patted and rubbed Kobayashi's hair. Normally, Kobayashi would have fought back. . .but she was feeling rather docile after her meal. Her tail twitched in a languid, pleasure motion as she basked in the soft attention from her maid. She couldn't tell if she was looking forward more to the snack or her nap.

She hoped that a solution would present itself quickly. The ways of magic were strange. Some things were as easy as flicking a light switch while others. . .were not. She hoped this was more of the former. Whatever the solution ended up being, she knew that the longer they delayed the more she was going to change. Kobayashi sighed and pushed the thoughts from her mind, Tohru was on her way back with a tray of sweets and Kobayashi wanted to enjoy them. She felt a grumble of hunger in her belly and a strange tingle of excitement in her udder.

--- Days Later ---

"Tohruuu, it's happening again. Better bring the mop and bucket." Kobayashi said, lurching and swaying into kitchen. She was larger, far larger. Kobayashi had, in the span of 3 days, bulked up to a 300 pounds. The food she ate, nearly constantly at this point, digested and packed on at alarming rates. It seemed that after every post meal nap she woke up noticeably heavier. Often, the slow creeping of fat over her body was noticeable, like a balloon being slowly filled with water or air. Her face now sported a permanent double chin and jowls. Her ass now took up the majority of the triple seater couch, doughy and heavy to move. Kobayashi's gut hung in one singular, semi-stuffed glob. It cascaded down her body, only prevented from sagging further by her udder. "Seems. . .uffh. . .like uh. . .geyser. . ." Kobayashi panted as she waddled, her stomach and udder sloshing back and forth in slow, ponderous swings.

While the programmer was undoubtedly fat, that may have been the less noticeable elements of her wide reaching changes. Kobayashi's cow like elements had only grown stronger and more noticeable as well. Her horns had fully sprouted from nubs into little miniature horns. They were still small and adorable, but had the promise of future size. However, what truly held the promise of future size was the poor woman's udder. Full, fat, and engorged, Kobayashi’s udder was like a second stomach or fat roll that slapped against her thighs. Worse, or better depending on perspective, it had finally begun to produce milk. A requisite size had been reached and fatness level had been reached, which had been the starters pistol for her milk production. "Tohrrooooo, it's starting. . .ugggh. . . to f-feel a bit tight." Kobayashi moaned her maid's name, it coming out more like a moo than anything else. Kobayashi stopped and panted, milk leaking out of her teats and onto the floor to quickly create a puddle.

"Coming! Coming kobayassshhhiiii!" Tohru spun into the room with her typical exuberance. A mop in one hand, a bucket in the other, and a chair held aloft by her tail. "Just sit on down, my milky-master!" Tohru scooted the chair under Kobayashi’s massive asscheeks. It took a single, light tap for the 300 pounds woman to fall back wards. Her puffy, fat swaddled knees broke apart as her thighs spread out to let her overstuffed udder and stomach fall between them. Milk dribbled further, her udder fat and round enough to almost touch the ground. Tohru wasted little time in mopping up as much milk as she could before turning her attention Kobayashi’s udder proper. "We probably should have milked you before your nap. This poor thing fills up so fast now." Kobayashi groaned in minor embarrassment as she felt Tohru's soft hand pat her bulging udder. Yet, she couldn't help but enjoy it as tohru took one of her teats and softly pulled on it.

"Hhhhaaaaaa. . .Toh. . .Tohrrrrooooooo. . ." Kobayashi moaned openly, unperprared for the extremely sensual feeling. She kicked a flabby leg, almost upsetting the milk bucket below her. Tohru steadied her with a head rub, making the obese woman docile again. The dragonesses shoulder was pressed into the rotundity of Kobayashi's underbelly, keeping the doughy waterfall of fat from drooping too low onto her udder. Kobayashi moaned again, widening her fat, pillar like legs. She had been getting huge lately, a literal ball of sought and milk for Tohru to take care of and dote on. The milk pan filled quickly, Kobayashi’s udder pumping out pristinely white milk with a golden afterglow. The milk of the divine bovine. It was an impressive and delicious sight, practically begging to be drained by Tohru. She held off for the moment, instead focusing on relieving the pressure continually mounting within Kobayashi’s milkbag.

Kobayashi, on the other hand, was being carried aloft by alternating waves of pleasure. A right teat would be squeezed and a gout of milk would shoot out and she would feel the right side of her body radiate pleasure. With each squeeze she felt higher, lighter, and more sensual. Her hands curled around her bottom most stomach roll, lifting it up. "Oh. . .oh. . .aaahh. . ." She couldn't help but moaned and gasp. Milk shot out of her in great bursts. Tohru had to switch her buckets put several times, milk puddling under the massive woman in the meantime. Yet, Kobayashi didn't mind. She was far away from such earthly thoughts as what a mess she was making, what Tohru thought, and even about turning back. The closest to terrestrial thought she could manage was what she wanted to eat next.

The pressure built and built within her, it seemed that for every ounce drained out of her another two were produced by her milk glands. Further, even her breasts, fattened by food and milk production, began to stream with the gold-white liquid. Kobayashi thought to tell Tohru, but instead lifted her pudgy hands to her breasts. She cupped her hands around her large, sensitive nipples and grilled them with milk. In a bovine, hungry stupor she drank deep mouthfuls of sweet and sugary milk. Her body responded in kind. Tohru felt a heaviness form over her as Kobayashi’s belly grew out more and more. Fat piled on the bovine coder faster than it had previously. Her breasts exploded in size, spraying milk in all directions as she adjusted to her new size. Kobayashi feasted in a daze, simply feasting to Feast and growing to grow. Her body pushed out further and further.

"Uuuggh. . .Ko-bay-ashi. . ." Tohru strained to speak or continue milking as she was swamped by warm blubber. Above, her cow continued to slurp, her tail flipping about excitedly. Kobayashi wanted to eat and get milked, she had no other thoughts. Tohru felt Kobayashi’s udder growing too, expanding with fat. She was becoming more and more the cow goddess that Lucoa's accident had made her. Kobayashi finally lifted one of her breasts to her waiting mouth to suckle, it having finally grown fat enough for the maneuver. Size really took her then.

Tohru pulled back, ducking out from between her masters pale and flabby thighs. She tucked the milk pail away, knowing it would be of little use at the moment. Instead she simply watched in awe as her master bulked up rapidly. From 300 to 400 to 500, Kobayashi continued to flow outwards. Her udder finally touched the floor, fatter than most people's entire abdomen. Tohru, speechless with delight and awe wondered if Kobayashi might grow forever. In the end, it was the chair that stopped the event. It caved, having been bent inwards by the weight stack mercilessly upon it. In a loud "RROOOOOOO" Kobayashi fell backwards. A milkbomb detonated. All of the poor cowgirl's glands seemed to.go off at once, spouting everything put in one surprised burst. Tohru and the rest of the room was covered in milk, with Kobayashi’s now nearly 700 body in the middle. The nearly immobile woman seemed to come to her sense briefly.

"Aaahh, thanksch. . .Tohwuuu." She mouthed, falling asleep in the ocean of milk. One hand fondled her breasts while the other reached for her swollen udder.

Thus, Tohru was left with the largest surplus of milk anyone had ever had. The maid slowly came out of her shock, her mind wondering what to do next. Kobayashi would sleep and grow, the magic in her deepening. When she woke she would need two things: milking and food. An idea bloomed in Tohru's head. She knew she could easily provide one of those things.

--- Cow-bayashi Confections ---

"Oookkaaayy, Kobayashi, whose ready for another tray?" Tohru backed into the room, her butt opening the door for her. She had to maneuver in order to make sure that her horns didn't hit the door frame. . .either pair of them. Just under her natural, dragon horns had grown a pair of small cow horns. They were nearly identical to the ones that Kobayashi had sprouted a week ago. The influence of the divine bovine had spread from one woman to the other, if only a little. While she had some cow features, Tohru had yet to pick up Kobayashi’s weight or moo-cow mannerisms. Yet, it was spreading nonetheless, and Tohru knew the reason. Kobayashi's milk.

Left with little other choice, Tohru had begun to cook with the milk that she pumped out of Kobayashi. It had made for wonderful dishes. Practically everything the milk was added to came out tasting incredible. Unbelievably so. The milk of the Divine Bovine had its price to pay for enjoying its rich flavor. For Tohru and Kobayashi both it had been the cow features. . . But that was not the only side effect for Miss Kobayashi.

"Of. . .mmmm. . .course. . .TohrrrrOOOOO." Kobayashi’s sentence cut off in an actual, honest to God moo. Tohru could only laugh, enjoying her masters descent into divine cowdom. Kobayashi now sat at the end of the bed, her flabby body taking up most of it. An immense, nearly person sized udder fell off and onto the floor. A milking machine was attached, pumping fresh milk away from the engorged organ at all times. The rest of Kobayashi loomed up and away from her udder. Kobayashi had grown by leaps and bounds, her body exploding outwards with the constant stream of calories. The latter half of the bed was covered by her ass and thighs. She would have been able to cover the whole thing in fat, were she sitting in it properly. However, in order to be milked, she had to be at the edge. A rigged series of towels stretching in a U shape from the ceiling helped, as best as it was able, to hold her stomach aloft so as not to interfere with her milking. Tohru had tried to do something similar to hold up Kobayashi’s breasts, but the ceiling couldn't support so much extra weight. From flat chested to blimp-breasted, Kobayashi had truly outdone herself in mammary growth. Her breasts were bigger than most beachballs, jiggling and listing heavily with fat and milk. "I've been. . .so hungry." Kobayashi said, raising a hefty arm to grab at air. Her other hand strained to reach her udder. Kobayashi always seemed ready to grasp and massage her udder, a fest that had been rendered impossible because of the sheer amount of fat in the way. Yet, in cow like simplicity, she kept trying as an idle habit.

Truthfully, it was not hard to see how she might have ingested something from a cow deity. Kobayashi's horns had finally come to full fruition. They were not huge or overly sharp, rather they seemed there to complete her image as a cow deity. Her eyes had gotten bigger and softer, doleful eyes that were incredibly loving. Gone was the pinched scowl she used to have. Cow-bayashi, as Tohru called her, was ever bit as docile and lovable as a cow ought to be.

"Okay, oookkkaay Miss Kobayashi! Let's see if this fills you up!" Tohru said, knowing it absolutely would not. Kobayashi was a hungry deity, needing constant food. It was a vicious, but adorable, cycle of feedings and fattenings. The new dairy treats and meals that Tohru had been making for her master had worked especially well at sizing the red haired woman up. Tohru walked around, got on the bed, and kneeled on Kobayashi's beanbag rump. Her knees sunk into the soft fat, and she felt herself bobbled up and down like a cork on an ocean. She leaned over the red heads naked shoulder and put one of her treats into Kobayashi’s mouth. It was milk chocolate, pressed into a cow's head shape. "Made with love! And your milkies!" Tohru said, shivering as Kobayashi ate from her hand.

"You know. . .Toooohrrroooooo. . .I don't need to be hand fed." Kobayashi’s sarcasm and sass nit having left her entirely, even if it was punctuated by moos and wheezes. For all her complaints, Kobayashi still accepted then next few treats. A rumble spread through her fat as she absorbed her milk back into herself. She grew visibly, spouting up and outwards. "Aaaah. . .muh. . .moooo!" She exclaimed, feeling her fat push back further on the bed, her stomach pull tighter on its holster, and her udder swell further. Her milk made her grow exponentially, each treat pushing her further and further into immobility. Further, she grew more excited, reaching a sexual climax in another few treats. Her udder gushed and poured milk into her milker, the machine raced to catch up. It was a poor thing, made for actual cows and not something divinely created. Not that Kobayashi minded, she kind of liked a sloppy milking these days. The kind where Tohru spent more time rubbing her udder while milk sloshed from her teats and breasts. It was a mixture of romance and worship that a Divine Bovine could enjoy.

Tohru, excited by everything taking place, simply upended the tray of snacks into Kobayashi’s mouth. The large cow demi-goddess gobbled them up, putting her face directly under the corner of the tray. As much as she would have liked to eaten all of them, the speed at which she devoured the treats sent the chocolates bouncing down Kobayashi’s blubber body and smeared her warm fat with chocolate food stains. Ingesting this much of her own milk sent Cow-bayashi into overdrive. Her body grew in quick, noticeable spurts. "To. . .toh. . .Tohruuuuu!" Kobayashi cried as three jumps in weight over took her. She feltnher udder explode in size, milk leaking out from the nozzles in her teats. Larger than a yoga ball, Kobayashi now truly had a monstrously large milk bag. The rest of her quickly size up. Tohru rocked and rolled on waves of fat which spread Kobayashi further over the bed. The frame cracked and shattered beneath her, throwing the impossibly large and certainly immobile woman to the ground. Her breasts fell to either side of her massive gut, fatter than any of the bushy dragonesses she knew. Milk poured from them as well. It was tempting for Kobayashi to dine and slurp the milk down. . .but she resisted for the time being. She needed to feel the rest of her body grow.

Her stomach now fell into three fat rolls, folding each on top of the other. The holster which had been tenuous holding her gut had broke, allowing her flabby stomach to flop into her pink udder fully. Milk sprayed out with even further intensity. The room before her was coated in the golden aura-ed lactate. Reaching a point of pleasure she never thought she would in life, Kobayashi threw back her head and moaned, sounding much like a moo, loudly. She longed to grab and massage.her udder, wanting to feel it's soft and wet bulk. "Tohru, aaaahhh, I'm. . .oooh. . .going to only ask this. . .uuuhffff. . .once. . .but I need you to. . ." Kobayashi said, fighting through immense pleasure as well as her own fat folds to speak.

"Absolutely, Kobayashi! Tohru is on the case!" Tohru said, assuming that she and Kobayashi were of one mind. They were, in a sense. Kobayashi was so lost that she couldn't even recall what she was going to ask. She couldn't imagine Tohru picking a wrong option in the current scenario, the only wrong option being inaction, so she was content to let her maid surprise her. The red head leaned back as another series of growth spurts took her. Her body reaching truly mammoth proportions. She was like one of those women one might see on a daytime, shock television show. A woman so fat that she couldn't get out of bed. . .only with an udder attached. Truly, it wasn't so bad. Kobayashi had rarely felt so cared for and at ease. She merely had to lay back, get fed, have her udder pumped round the clock, and let Tohru do everything else. Now it seemed, as the dragon began to wiggle under Kobayashi’s heavy belly and udder, those job roles were expanding.

Soon the immense woman was rocking back and forth, unsure how to even describe the pleasures visited upon her while feeling Tohru's mouth and her udder getting pumped at the same time.

---Days Later Lucoa Tries to Present a Solution ---

Lucoa hummed as she walked towards Kobayashi’s apartment. She was in a good mood. Granted, Lucoa's bad moods were hardly different than her good moods. Just slightly less humming. However, she could honestly say that she had done well. A cure for Kobayashi’s predicament had finally come into her grasp. Much research through Shouta's arcane books had landed a concoction that could remove divine essence from a being. The perfect thing to divorce Kobayashi of her unfortunate cow problem. It was time to wrap the adventure up in a neat, little bow! She only could imagine how happy the overworked office worker would be once her dainty little horns were gone. Lucoas humming grew louder as she skipped up the steps, large breasts bouncing. Another job well done. . .if you ignored her causing the mess in the first place. She planned on not bringing that up to Kobayashi, instead focusing on how she was the answer to the problem.

"Koooobbbaaayyyaassshhhii." Lucoa sang as she knocked on the door. There was a muffled response from the other side, which sounded like the red head, but Lucoa couldn't tell well. She knocked again. As her surprisingly strong hand made contact with the door she noticed something: the door flexed. With each knock it bent inwards and then back outwards. Really, as Lucoa thought more about it, she realized the door was warped outwards. The whole apartment building was. Lucoa took a step back, putting a hand to her chin. "Well that's odd, almost like it's full. . ." Lucoa arrived at her guess moments before the answer was revealed to her. The door flee open, knocked entirely off its hinges. A pale, bouncy substance fled outwards. Fat, obviously so. In the midst of the fat lay Kobayashi. . .or at least her excessively chubby face. Gasping, lucoa realized that she was looking at the cascading chins of a truly blobby and enormous Kobayashi. One who had fully succumbed to the influence of the Divine Bovine. Utterly transformed, Kobayashi now filled the apartment with her fat.

"Oh. . .Loooocoa. Good to. . .moooo. . .see yoooou." Kobayashi said, her speech and even face now distinctly cow like. Her face was buried in fat, but Lucoa could tell that her friend now had a comical, cowlike muzzle. The immense woman mooed again, her body shifting and the apartment creaking in response. Her folds shifted and jiggled. The woman panted openly, long hair streaming down the sides of her fat face. "Could. . .could. . .aaahh. . .yoooouuu. . .come back in a bit? TOHRRUUUUU. . .and I. . ." Kobayashi couldn't finish her though properly. A surge of growth sent the bovine blob even more through the doorframe. Lucoa heard glass shattering as Kobayashi’s advancing blubber broke windows. The immense woman tried to speak, but was lost in horny, indulgent cow noises. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, licking her plump lips and sagging cheek folds.

What she was trying to express, but was unable to was that Tohrubwas busy draining her udder. Far below Kobayashi’s many folds and unrelenting chub, was her maid. Dutifully massaging, licking, and sucking her master's udder dry. However Tohru was experiencing growth of her own. Her stomach emptied as quickly as it filled, fattening her body as thickly as Kobayashi’s had. The dragoness was every bit the cow Kobayashi was, if smaller. She even had her own adorable, but growing, udder. The more she fed, the bigger she grew. Pinned underneath Kobayashi’s sedan sized udder, Tohru had little option but to suckle and hopefully grow herself out of the predicament. It was a solution that she and Kobayashi were more than pleased with.

"Ahhh, I better call someone about this. I dont think I have enough cure for this. . . " Lucoa put her fingers together, nervously trying to think of anyone who could help. As she thought, Kobayashi loomed larger and larger above her. A divine goddess built to spread milk and fatness to the world.


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