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“Hey babe, are you ready for a charge?!” Denki Kaminari’s voice was charged with confidence and power as he knocked on the door to the support studio. He had gotten a text from his girlfriend, Mei Hatsume, earlier in the day. The text had, rather suggestively, implied that Denki’s electricity quirk was needed for Mei’s current tests and equipment builds. Come over quick! Me and my babies need a shock to get things going! The text had read, little hearts and wrenches floating next to the words. Denki had wasted no time. He would never pass up the opportunity to work with Mei. She was one of the few people who could match his own limitless energy beat for beat. The tech-wizard and the living battery made an excellent team up. Denki knocked again. “So we starting big or small today? I’m feeling pumped, how about we save the battery charging for later and get me hooked up to something big!” Denki grinned, flexing his muscles and running a light electric current through them. It felt amazing to be a livewire. Electricity and lightning were such incredible forces and harnessing them made Denki feel incredible. He was so invested with his own power that Denki missed the footsteps coming to the door. Were he listening more, he might have been able to hear the thumps, feel the vibrations in the floor, and react faster when the door burst open.

The door flew open, knocking Denki back several steps. Before the young student could react he felt his body become constricted. A substance hard yet pliable swamped him, wrapping around him in a steel vice grip. He was blinded by being pressed into the substance, his face buried in the warm material. It was like a being made from heated metal had engulfed him. Denki struggled, trying to figure out what had happened. A test gone wrong? An enemy attack? Both were equally likely with UA. Denki was lifted off the floor, still trapped in the coils of whatever had grabbed him. It seemed to be living or close to living, the movements were much too fluid. There was a ringing in his ears, but he thought he heard someone speaking in the background. Denki wormed his body, inch by inch upwards, trying to free himself in order to better understand what had happened. As he worked, he saw and heard more; the blindness and deafness from the initial assault on his senses leaving him. Yet, even as his senses returned, he seemed to understand less. The only thing that he could truly comprehend was that Mei was talking to him, though her head rested well above his.

“. . .and then we’re going to put every last bit of charge you have into my newest darling.” Mei spoke, her head rest well over top of Denki’s. She beamed, tapping his head. “I’m gonna drain you today, Shocky.” She tapped his head and Denki felt the coils binding him release pressure slightly.

“Aaaw, that’s great, Hon. How about you get whatever this is to let me go and we can get started.” Denki, for as confused as he was, could use Mei as his focal point. If she was alright, then he was as well. “I dunno what it is, but this hero containment device is incredible. I can hardly breathe.” He smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh my gosh, silly!” Denki felt himself dropping to the floor, Mei’s head getting even further away from his own. “There’s no device, it’s just me!” She said, raising her arms. The sense of confusion rushed back into Denki, his world swamped again. The arms that rested next to Mei couldn’t have been her own. They were massive, full pythons of threaded muscle and sinew; bigger than Denki’s thighs. He stumbled backwards, realizing the full truth of what had happened. There was no device, no invention, no coils. He had been held, lifted, and restrained by nothing other than Mei herself. A much different Mei as his eyes revealed to him. Stepping back revealed the full truth. Mei was 7 feet tall, her clothes stretched over an impossibly muscular frame. Ripped, shredded, yoked; Denki had heard all of the synonyms for strong and well built bodies but they did not sufficiently explain what he was looking at. Spread over Mei’s now immensely tall body were hundreds of pounds of muscle. Her pink locks of hair fell on broad shoulders with deltoids big enough to be used as bowling balls. Biceps were as thick and knotted (with muscle) as tree branches. Her Triceps bulged out similarly, flush with power. Mei’s stomach was exposed, her tank top unable to compete with her growth, and showed a set of washboard abs. Below her belt line were thighs and quads that had the diameter of car tires. Simply moving sent a shower of ripples through her body, each muscle giving a hint of what was possible. “Time to get that power of yours pumping!” Mei said, reaching forward to grab Denki.

Denki wiped his eyes, comically unable to take in the information being fed to his brain. Mei rushing forward did little to help him. Despite her bulk, she moved quickly, latching her large hand onto his own and pulling him in. It was like getting dragged by an undertow, an inexorable force that simply overpowered no matter what it tried to pull. Denki found himself getting folded under Mei’s arm, his head right next to her bobbing breast. In addition to her muscles growing ten times in size, Mei’s breasts had their fair share of growth applied. They bobbed, equal parts muscle and fat making the gargantuan wrecking balls swing. They were nicely sized beach balls, in need of at least two hands to be manipulated or played with. The blonde boy was excited and terrified by the prospect of them hitting him good and hard. The ground thudded under Mei as she turned and walked back into the room she had burst out of, stooping low in order to fit her muscular mass through the door. Denki, his mouth somewhat muffled by Mei’s huge tit, tried to ask what had happened. The words were halted and stuttered, but Mei understood all the same. “Oh yeah! I guess I forgot to explain that I was testing a strength amplifier.” She beamed, looking down at him. It was easy to see how much Mei was enjoying her new body.

She continued to stroll through the support studio, sometimes using her huge arms to shift an even bigger crate or piece of machinery out of the way. Massive Mei was stronger than any industrial press or crane now, and almost as tall as some of them. They reached the back of the lab, where a very spent piece of tech lay. Covered in soot, ash, and burn marks, the machine and its purpose were totally indecipherable. Mei set Denki down, skipping over the machine. It was strange to see a behemoth like Mei skip, but Denki couldn’t deny that it was cute. For all her strange improvement in size and muscularity, Mei was still herself. Her soft skin, pink hair, excitable and flirty personality were all intact and unchanged. It was a strange sort of pleasure to see her towering over the “baby” machinery that she used to be dwarfed by. “I didn’t really have a test subject. . .so I thought I’d give it a whirl. Should be temporary, but useful in the meantime!” Mei tilted the machine, rocking its massive bulk back and forth. Her muscles tensed and flexed, twitching with pent up strength that begged for release. Denki watched as a calf the size of his head tensed, striations of muscle being shown. Her back flexed as well, a river of muscles cascading down from shoulders the breadth and strength of iron construction beams. “The only downside is that my outfit’s a little. . .well. . .ruined.” Mei turned, showing her glorious body off again.

She was right, but it was hard to notice given the physical perfection which lurked beneath. Her baggy sweatpants were no longer so baggy. They rose to her midcalf, obviously too short now, and hugged her thighs and pert buttocks. Denki noted that Mei’s lower curves had fared as well as her upper ones. Her butt and hips still had a pleasingly feminine shape to them. She boasted buttocks that were easily the size of a human head, and it would not take too much more training to grow them bigger. Even though she was lathered in muscle, Mei was obviously still every bit a woman. Her hips were the most exposed, with the muscles congregating there ripping her sweatpants and her tank top being pulled away. All in all, Mei looked like she was wearing a crop top and highwater joggers in the style of her normal attire. Denki smiled, a strange sensation passing through him. It was obviously attraction and love, but it was mixed with something undefinable. Fear of the unknown or rapid change seemed to amplify his feelings and thoughts. Mei was simultaneously the woman he had known for years and fallen in love with, but someone else as well. There was a curious balance between these two conflicting appraisals which gave an intoxicating high. Thus, Denki could help but say: “Hey, I never minded seeing more of you.” He smiled goofily, wondering what a love tap from her would do to his body.

“Oh, you would say that!” She flapped an excited, embarrassed, treestump-thick arm at him. Denki’s shirt ruffled and his hair flapped from the wind pressure that she generated. Mei quickly turned back to her work at the ruined machine, obviously some experiment that had failed and needed cleaning before running again. She scrubbed at the machine with a beach towel that seemed much smaller in her hands. Her breasts also helped, rubbing against the machine because of their massive size. The blonde boy quickly went to help his girlfriend, picking up a towel. Denki and Mei made a great team, him going low while she went high. He rose only to about her chest, his face right at bust level, so it was easy to get the lower parts. The two scrubbed for a bit in relative silence. Mei would take quick glances down at her boyfriend, sometimes having to heft her massive boobs out of the way in order to see him. He was so adorable, a pocket sized battery charger.

The work continued, with the two of them silently enjoying the others presence. Mei, given her excitable and flirty nature, felt emboldened. Being around Denki always made her want to act out. She loved him and was constantly trying to think of different ways to show it. Most often, she dropped into the physical touch category of love language. She finished scrubbing the top of the machine clean. She leaned against the machine, her weight pushing it off the floor slightly and watched Denki work. She just had to do something. Her feelings finally overwhelmed her and she made a move. Taking one of her large hips, she “accidentally” knocked it into him. Her buttcheek nearly toppled him over, the initial softness being carried by unyielding muscle. Denki sprawled on the ground, hearts filling his eyes; giving Mei the perfect opportunity.

“Sorry Shocky! Still getting used to this whole. . .”I’m huge” thing!” She straddled him like she used to, though now filling his vision and blotting out lights behind her. She was heavy and powerful, but Denki didn’t mind. It now seemed like Mei had the body to match her energy and ambition. “You still good? Gonna need all that power you got in a bit!” She traced a finger down his chest, leaning forward a bit. She was so good at playing the innocent, haphazard seductor that Denki rarely knew what was real and what wasn’t. . .though he was quite sure this time. It didn’t take him long to think of a response. He raised his hands and cupped her large butt, his hands easily overpowered by the wealth of booty meat. He felt both the padding and muscle beneath, enjoying it immensely. Using only a fraction of his power, he gave a quick but thorough shock. Mei yelped in surprise, reaching back to clutch her ass. Her muscles flexed, making her swell in size. Denki laughed, enjoying his little prank.

“I got plenty of power to do whatever you want, babe.” He smiled, putting his hands behind his head.

Mei rubbed and slapped her butt a final time and then leaned forward. Her large, vascular frame loomed over Denki. Her breasts filled his torso as she leaned down. She planted her arms to either side of his head, denting the metal floors easily. She could fold steel beams for hours and not get tired, some measly flooring wasn’t going to stand up to her newfound might. She brought her knees inward, trapping Denki between walls of calf and thigh muscle literal feet deep. She brought her face inches away from Denki’s, her hair falling onto his chest. She was so much bigger, so much stronger it was hard for her to even comprehend. Yet, his calm complexion never changed. He had gotten over his shock from earlier, accepting the new and currently temporary form of hers. She whispered to him, beyond excited to hear his response. “Good, cause I’m gonna need every last drop of power you got.” Her voice was husky, clearly turned on. “We’re going to charge this baby up.” She nodded to her broken machine. “Then make this arrangement a little more than temporary.” She kissed him, scooping him into a very tight, musclebound embrace. She was going to be his wall of muscle and he was going to be her infinite battery.


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