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Pyrrha sighed as she was rolled down the hallway towards the dance. Her dress was stretched to its absolute limits, filled by her dark blue, juicy filled skin. It would be her luck to have a berry-breakout right before the big dance. . .and while her juicer was broken. Utterly stuck and bereft of a way to fix it, Pyrrha had been forced to bloat out over the course of the day. She had felt it coming on early in the morning, her stomach had been just a bit pudgy and bloated when she woke up. Throughout the rest of the day she felt her juice building and filling her body up. By lunch she looked like she was close to 350 pounds, waddling into the mess hall. Her skin had turned light blue then, already taking on the aspects of a berry. Yet, it had not stopped there. The rest of the day had been spent watching her body fill with juice. She could audibly hear it sloshing as she waddled her way down the halls. Her arms soon had to be held at odd angles, in order to manage her increasingly spherical body. Finally, by evening time, she had become a full berry. Her face was puffed out, her body completely round, and reduced to being rolled by her friends. Pyrrha normally didn’t mind her berry episodes. Such was life for a berrygirl like herself. She spent time in constant boom and bust cycles of juicing. Normally, she would hole up in her room  and listen to the comforting sounds of her juice sloshing. However, tonight was the night of the dance. The worst night possible to be a berry.

“Thanks again, Nora.” Pyrrha sighed, tucking her chin under into her fruity mass. She almost whispered her next words, feeling particularly vulnerable. “No one’s going to dance with me. . .” She sighed, trying not to descend too far into teenage angst. She could already see how the evening was going to go: her rolled into a corner and having to watch all the other happy couples dance with each other. Pyrrha was not a particularly vulnerable person, but she had her moments. It was hard being a berry in a non-berry world sometimes. People, her team especially, were supportive but in a way that lacked true understanding.

“Oh, Pyrrha! Come on now!” Nora slapped and patted her berry-buddy’s body. A deep bowmb, bowmb issued forth. Pyrrha cringed, reminded again of the strange biology of her body. Nora plowed ahead though, unaware of her friend’s feelings. “Someone will ask you to dance. . . or roll! Something like that!” She said, trying to roll Pyrrha as best she could while talking. It was hard to see around Pyrrha’s roundness. She took up most of the hall in width and height. Nora had laid her blue friend on her side at the start of this venture. It was hard to know the correct way to roll a berry. End over end? Side to side? It was confusing for a simple girl like Nora. Moreso, the moodiness that sometimes came with Pyrrha’s transformation. She got it, it was awkward to be kind of huge and round. But. . .Nora thought to herself. . .at least Pyrrha would catch the eye of everyone at the dance. Who could look away from a nearly 8 foot tall, blue boulder in a fiery red dress! “If nothing else, I’ll dance with you!” She offered.

Pyrrha sucked air in, sighing it out again loudly. “No, Nora. . .you need to go have fun with Ren.” Pyrrha said. However depressed she was about her current situation, she could not stand in the way of another couple’s happiness. Nora and Ren were picture perfect. The kind of romance that only happens when two souls destined to be together interact. She hoped to find something like that someday. As unlikely as it seemed, that why she had forced herself to go to the dance. Pyrrha, while not desperate, was always searching for her “one”. Though, in her current state, she seemed more likely to roll over him than she was to marry him. Confirming this, Pyrrha realized that she had arrived at the doors leading to the dance. Her large stomach bounced against the metal doors, threatening to roll back and on top of Nora. Phyrra felt the thumping of the speakers and bass in the next room, her juice bouncing in time with the beat. She shuddered with a spike of pleasure. There were some things that a berry could just feel on a more intimate level than other people. Pyrrha’s face flushed a deeper blue color. The music thrummed, shaking her blueberry body.

“Jeeze. . . ugh. . .oh man.” Nora said, trying to push Pyrrha through the door. The double doors would open slightly, then slam backwards. Each push made Pyrrha’s flush deeper. It was part embarrassment and part unrestrained sensuality. Nora was too busy pushing to notice. Despite her training and strength as a huntress, trying to lug so much berrygirl  through a door was proving to be too difficult a task. “Jeeze. . .sorry. . .Pyrrha.” Nora grunted, turning around and putting her back and legs into her shoving. It helped a bit. Nora could feel the larger woman starting to roll further and further into the dance hall. “Yes! Oh thank goodness!” Nora cheered, once again forgetting that it might hurt Pyrrha’s feelings to be treated like so much heavy luggage. However, the success was too sweet to not celebrate. It was almost like another person was helping to move Pyrrha. That was when Nora turned her head, slowly realizing that there was another person next to her.

“Ladies. . .” Jaune said, as cheesy as ever. Nora might have rolled her eyes or playfully smacked him, had she not been trying to push Pyrrha into the dance. Pyrrha, perhaps because of the sentimentality she was going through, had an even more happy reaction. She flapped her hands, slapping them against her spherical body. She wanted to tousle his blonde hair, just something to let him know that she appreciated his strange yet knightly chivalry. Jaune was an interesting young man, but one that Pyrrha had always found very charming. There was something buried deep in him, a dashingness that only she could see at times. Of course, the same probably held true for her at the moment. Who would believe that she was a huntress in her current condition? Unable to even move herself around, Pyrrha couldn’t imagine what Juane thought of her. She was a far cry from the chilling and arresting beauty of Weiss.

“Thanks, Jaune.” Pyrrha put a little pause between her words as she was finally rolled into the dance and set back on her “feet”. Her body squished and squelched, thickened to the inth degree with sweet tasting juice. “You always know how to come through in a pinch.” She smiled for the first time that night, her chubby face lighting up for a second. Light from the disco ball played on her expansive form, the colors appearing strange and even exoctic against her blue tinted skin. Pyrrha looked almost mysterious in the light of the dance, half hidden in the darkness. Her blue skin didn’t stand out as well in the dark of the room. She she was there all the same, a vivid picture of loveliness when spotted. “I’m sure you’ll need to get back to your date.” Pyrrha tossed out, self sabotaging herself again.

“Uh. . no. . .no date tonight.” Jaune said, kicking the floor with his hands in his pockets.

“Oh, did Weiss shoot you down?” Pyrrha asked, perking up a bit. She still fully expected Jaune to say that he had other plans lined up or that he was going to cruise the dance as a single man, looking for any unattended woman he could find. Instead, she found Jaune putting his hands to what he could reach of Pyrrha’s sides. He walked her backwards, shuffling her along the floor with as much dignity as could be afforded to the berrified woman. The flush crept back into her face. She looked anywhere other than at Jaune, afraid to stir up feelings that had laid dormant for a long while. She felt her juice slosh back and forth, like water in a bottle. It was calming, natural. There was something to be said for the rhythms of her juicy, berry form.

“Something like that.” Jaune said. He had not even attempted to ask Weiss. Instead,  Something else had come to his mind. The music had slowed to a more romantic song. Jaune adjusted his hands, without saying anything, and swayed Pyrrha in time with the music. It was difficult at first. He had to work to time and account for the juice roiling around inside Pyrrha. However, he started to get the hang of it. She didn’t look at him, at least not right away. She blushed and pretended that the ceiling was the most interesting thing she had seen all day. He couldn’t exactly blame her. Before helping Pyrrha and Nora, Jaune had overheard bits and pieces of their conversation. Must be hard to be a berry girl. He had thought to himself before approaching. Jaune just quietly danced with his round, rotund not-date. As the songs continued, he found his skill at manipulating her body improving. Less wild sloshing and more controlled, elegant maneuvers. The fabric of Pyrrha’s dress was tight on her body, not so much as a fold to slip between his fingers.

“Uhh. . .Jaune.” Pyrrha ventured. His hands were pressed tightly into her side, about halfway up her body. It was where the pressure of her juice was most noticeable. Pyrrha both loved and hated the feeling. Regardless, it was not quite the right mood for dancing. “My hips. . .or whatever. . .are just a bit lower.” Pyrrha ventured softly, whispering just loud enough for Jaune to hear. She tried to look down at him, ignoring the curve of her body and peeking over top. It was hard to see him, but she could just catch his hair and eyes. The parts that mattered most to her anyway. She could tell that the message was received by the way Jaune stood stock straight for a moment, surprised at being told to grab a girl's waist. She giggled, feeling her body jump in response. Slowly, his hands circled her body, dropping lower and lower. “Jaune. . .Jaune! Too low!” Pyrrha corrected, getting the boy back on track.

“Sorry. . .that’s a line I AM used to hearing from women.” Jaune said, the two breaking into laughter. Jaune dipped Pyrrha a little lower, bringing her face just a bit more in line with his. She was still taller than him, owing to her stature as Beacon’s biggest berry, but it was a little bit less noticeable at the moment. As they danced, Juane noticed something. “Pyrrha, hey, what’s with the tears?” He said, risking disaster by taking his hand off of his dance partner to wipe at her eyes. Little blue smears decorated his suit jacket as he pulled it back. “Am I that bad at dancing?” He followed up with lamely.

“Sniff. . .No, Jaune. You’re great!” Pyrrha said, letting her big body get swayed and rolled around the dancefloor. “I’m just. . .really happy right now. I did not see this night happening for me.” She sniffled again, though smiling through it. Her heart felt fit to burst. It was especially full when Jauned stood on his toes and kissed her. Pyrrha almost couldn’t comprehend what was happening as Jaune started. However, she quickly kissed back. Her hands flapped again, wishing she could hold him. Yet, Jaune did a good enough job of that on his own. His body, surprisingly strong, pressed into Pyrrha. Jaune didn’t mind the smears of blue that were left by Pyrrha’s juice infused skin. All part of her charm. The two kissed, unwilling to pull away. It was the catharsis that they had both been looking for so long.

When they finally did pull away, Jaune wiped Pyrrha’s eyes again. “This was exactly the night I wanted.” He said before returning to swaying her back and forth.


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