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--- Seeing the Forest Through the Trees ---

Rumi Usagiyama walked leisurely down the streets of Musutafu. Her steps thudded against the sidewalk, shaking the nearby buildings and passing vehicles. To think, she was stepping lightly today. At 12 feet tall and nearly 1000 pounds, Rumi was by far the biggest and widest professional hero, discounting the ones with size changing quirks like Mt.Lady. Her body was almost as wide as it was tall, bulked up to supersized proportions by both muscle and fat. The “rabbit” hero seemed to be more of a boulder than anything else. Her arms were the size of industrial pipes and capable of crushing or bending most naturally occurring materials. While fat clung to them as it did the rest of her body, it was obvious from the slightest movements that chords of dense muscle lay just below the surface. Her stomach bobbed and wobbled, held in check only by the powerful abs that were buried beneath. Many a would-be villain had been crushed by her stomach. The impact was always momentarily soft, followed by the impenetrable  iron of her densely packed abdomen muscles. Of course, even more villains had been shown defeat by the crush of her thighs and ass. Monumental and absurd were the words used to describe Rumi’s lower half. She had an immense, sidewalk filling posterior. Her butcheeks jiggled and swayed like wrecking balls packaged together in black leather, threatening to smash anything that got too close. They were gluttons that drank up all of the calories and fat that Rumi poured into her body. Her ass drank up so much attention that people often forgot about her breasts, which were, individually, bigger than most people’s torsos.

Rumi had just finished with a 17 course sushi meal. Plate after plate of expertly prepared food had disappeared into her growing gut. Rumi had been forced to duck to enter the establishment, even going so far as to enter sideways so that her hips did not rip the wall out of place. The servers had been more than happy to serve the giant, gluttonous hero both for her accomplishments as a pro-hero and because of the raw unease that her form inspired. Rumi had been in high spirits for the entire meal. She joked with the staff about eating their entire stock, accidentally breaking their chairs, and musing if her gut could shatter one of the ornate tables that were used for large parties. Of course, she refrained from doing any of these things, but her desires were always made known. Rumi was in love with her size and power. Being the most immense pro hero had given her a zest for life that few others could muster or even understand. She was the first to leap into battle or try and test her strength against friend or foe. She grew, metaphorically, through challenge. . .and literally through food. She would certainly be growing over the next few days based on the meal she had just enjoyed. Rumi patted her exposed belly, belching lightly.

As she walked, or waddled, a sound came to her enhanced ears. It was like thunder, rolling claps of something deep and bassy. Her ears twitched as she listened. She remained calm, continuing down the street. The only betrayal of focus came when her ass came too close to a light pole, bending the hardened metal easily with one light tap. Rumi was too keyed into the distant sounds to notice though, trying to pick out what they were. They were familiar, in an odd way though. Something that she had experienced or heard before, but from a different angle. Her steps quickened, instincts drawing her down streets that led to the noise. She walked more and more intently, her pounding steps cracking the sidewalk. She craned her head, trying to figure out what the noise was. Clearly it was something worth investigating. Added to the noise fray were occasional booms, obviously sonic concussions of some kind. Yet, they were deeper and louder than even a canon blast would be. Finally, her curiosity breaking down completely, Rumi decided to take the expedient way to the fight. She was going to leap her way there. Hunkering down, her immense thighs and ass flexing and jiggling, she prepared to launch herself. She cared little about people knowing her identity. It was hard to hide being a 12 foot, half a ton woman. Rumi had long made peace with her identities being merged, especially since hitting 9 feet tall just before graduating from U.A. She reached the apex of her squat, belly reaching between her knees to touch the ground. Her ass split her jeans, which were not built for the deep  squatting motion, and exposed the adorable bunny panties she had on
(even a creature as fierce as Rumi had her soft moments). Judging her trajectory, Rumi finally launched her monolithic body high into the air. The world around her shook.

Two giant holes were left in the concrete, evidence of Rumi’s departure. Her landing would be all the more destructive. Weight such as Rumi’s was not meant to soar as high as she could jump. Though, despite her strength, she was still subject to the laws of gravity. However, there was a long time to come before she would be landing. The immense goliath of a woman soared into the air. She flew above the highest skyscrapers, able to see for miles in any direction. It was up here that she finally realized what she was hearing. She had been confused earlier. For many, many years now Rumi had been a pro hero. She had fought everyday of her life and had come out the victor almost every time. Yet, she had never met anyone quite like her. She was the fattest, strongest pro hero. When she fought, her muscles bulged and her fat clapped and slapped like thunder. She had always been in battles so her hearing of her own body had been distorted. She had always been amongst the trees, so she had not been able to see the forest. She realized, rocketing above the city skyline, she was now hearing people her own size fight. Two of them from the sounds of it. A wicked, almost predatory grin spread across her face. It was time to seek these people out. Rumi Usagiyama was going to meet people her own size. Adjusting her body, she began to aim herself towards the sound. She began to fall like a cannonball hurled by the very gods.

--- The U.A Meal Plan ---

Rumi landed with a fearsome crash, tearing her way down through the air. The building that she landed on shuddered, seeming on the verge of collapsing  by her landing alone. She waddled to the edge, surveying the battle below her. Her thoughts were confirmed, at least partially. There were two immense women fighting below, though their target was not each other. Some monster, a horrific combination of metal and flesh, had been on a tear through this section of the city. However, for all the ferocity the beast could manage, it was being handily bested by the two women. Bafflingly, they seemed to be around Rumi’s own size and weight. Their bodies huge combinations of height, fat, and raw muscle. One girl was dressed like a rocker, black pants and leather jacket. She was built like Rumi, all hips and butt and belly with not much left over for her for her chest. She had ripped the sleeves off of her jacket, clearly to make room for her muscular arms. Her gut was tucked into her pants, though plenty of it still lay exposed above her belt line. Rumi studied the girl, tracking her movements with interest.The young hero leaped and jumped around as she was able, but she clearly did not have the agile gifts that Rumi had. Rumi was about to find out that she had another trick though. Dodging a claw from the monster, the unknown hero put some distance between herself and her opponent. Two long strands flowed from the girl’s head, Rumi was surprised to realize they were her earlobes, and poked into her gut. Visibly, her gut inflated, bouncing upwards and outwards in size rapidly. Her belt shot off, sharpened belt buckle flying forward, and her belly flopped out for all the world to see. The girl leaned back and let loose a massive “BBBLLUUUURRRRRUPPPP!!!” The manipulation of both sound and the force of her belch punctured the monster’s armor and threw it into a building. Though, it was her partner who finished the job.

Dive Bombing from high in the air, the second super-sized girl made an appearance. She was dressed in a black and green skinsuit, evoking an amphibian with her costume and form. She was obviously larger than her friend, but the speed at which they both moved made it hard for Rumi to compare. What she could easily tell, however, was the destructive force of her body. The girl landed ass first, atop the monster’s head. It was slammed down onto the street, a sickening crunch following. With the danger clearly dealt with, the frog-like girl rolled off the monster and hopped over to her friend. The world shook underneath the innocent movements. Rumi smiled as she watched the girl hop, enjoying the sight of a new animal themed hero. The frog girl was much, much bigger than her friend. One leg was big enough to dwarf the rocker girl completely. She stood, proudly assessing the foe they had conquered. Her stomach was a soft, double-rolled slab, pressing against her suit. Her arms were noticeably softer than the other women, flabby instead of muscular. Rumi smiled, eager to talk to the young heroines. They were obviously rookies, but promising ones nonetheless. She threw herself into a small bounce, caving in part of the roof.

Her eagerness mixed with the unsteadiness of the roof cause a rare aiming issue for Rumi. She clearly overshot her target, being carried towards the girls with rapid pace. Rumi wished she could slow down or stop somehow, but she was subject to landing wherever her legs carried her; which looked to be the bigger girl’s rump. Rumi landed with an “oomph”, her belly smacking the gigantic asscheek of the other woman. A loud “bwomb” followed by the audible clapping of asscheeks. In complete surprise, Rumi found herself being thrown backwards. A feat that had never once happened to her. She bounced backwards, ground shaking under her ass as she landed. Still dazed, she rubbed her butt and looked up at the two women. The frog woman was rubbing her butt as well and had begun to turn slowly. Obviously, all three women present could no longer turn on a dime, save for when they lept or jumped. What truly astonished Rumi was just how huge these two were. From a distance, she had thought them to be her size. With astonishment, Rumi realized that they were in fact bigger than her. . .far bigger. Rumi was the runt, closest in size to the rocker. Yet, even the rocker still towered over Rumi at an easy 15 feet. One of her meaty asscheeks was the same size as Rumi’s gut. This was to say nothing of the other woman.

Lumbering, waddling, and shaking the entire block with simple steps, the other woman topped out at over 18 feet tall. Her body was immense in every way possible. One buttcheek alone was as big as most of Rumi, able to crush most of a car with its sheer weight. Rumi had to wonder if she could even lift one of the girls breasts. They were twice the size of the largest pumpkins ever grown, still ripe and perky with youth. Her belly, double rolled and huge, pressed into the confines of her suit. A shadow passed over Rumi as the girl waddled up to her. She had to lift and move her breasts and belly to even reach the older woman. A plump, hammy arm reached down and offered itself to Rumi. She accepted it and found herself being hauled to her feet. She stood in awe of the two giantesses, who had so beaten her in size without trying. The frog girl spoke first.

“Oh, crrrrooooaaaarrrkkk. . . I’m Tsuyu, or, Froppy the Bullfrog Hero.” She had quick, inquisitive eyes which studied Rumi. Her sentences were punctuated with the low croaks, as if her fat had deepened what might have been normal ribbits. “It’s nice to meet. . .CRRRROOOAAARRKK. . .you.” She held out a beefy arm, reaching down past literal acres of fat to make contact with Rumi. Dazed, Rumi shook the girl’s hand.

“I’m. . .ugh. . .Kyoka. . .or. . .ooff. . .Earphone Jack.” Kyoka struggled to get her gut back into her pants, forcing her pants to rebutton over it. She offered a hand to Rumi, but her pants split open again, sending her stomach crashing into Rumi’s. This time, Rumi was ready and braced. She moved back a bit under the weight, but did not buckle. “Sorry, my Gutbuster Belch attack is new. Uniform isn’t quite ready to handle it.” Kyoka waddled backwards, her stomach bobbing up and down as it left Rumi’s own belly-shelf.

Rumi, taking in everything that she had learned, smiled and put her hands on her hips. “Damn, they really grow you girls big over at U.A these days, don’t they?” She spoke, excited to have two other women to measure herself against. The two smiled bashfully, clearly enjoying the attention and compliments paid to them by the 5th most prominent pro hero. “You know, after every crime stopped, I stop by this burger joint. Maybe we should take a minute to swing by? I’d love to hear about how the school handles the next generation of super massive heroes.” She approached the girls, trying to wrap her arms around them as much as possible. She flexed her arms just enough to get them to start turning their immense forms around.

“Well. . .Rooooaaaakkkk. . . .aren’t even the biggest. Close though. . .crrroooaaakkk.” Tsuyu said, patting her stomach.

“Yeah, you should meet our friend Momo. She can't even fit in the school anymore. They have to feed her through a grain silo. Mina is getting pretty big too though.” Kyoka throughout causally. The trio waddled down the street, their immense asses bouncing off of one another. Tsuyu had to waddle in the street, far too big to fit on the sidewalk. Every once and a while, Tsuyu and Kyoka’s booty swings would line up, squashing Rumi at the same time. The Rabbit Hero laughed, enjoying the feeling of such womanly massiveness. The three waddled down the road, the city shaking underneath them. Rumi smiled, her competitive side striking up. She wanted to know how much these and the other U.A girls could shovel down. Maybe it was time for her to become a teacher there. Clearly the food was working wonders for up and coming heroes. Rumi felt she was due for a mid-career growth spurt.


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