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Another comm finished and ready to go! This one involves a lesbian couple and some of their domestic antics. SSBBW and Pregnancy in this one.

--- Rachel and the Bookstore ---

Rachel waddled up and down the lines of bookshelves. Her belly led the way, poking out under the gray sweater she was wearing. It swung back and forth, like a ship cutting through water. Rachel was exactly 7 months pregnant, but she looked like a particularly overdue 9 months. Twins. Of course it had to have been twins. As the local professional surrogate, Rachel had seen her fair share of pregnancies but this one seemed to be especially troublesome. The babies kicked and shoved constantly, pounding her stomach. Rachel usually enjoyed the motion within her stomach, a glorious reminder of her position as a surrogate, but everyone has their limits. It had gotten particularly bad this past month. A sizeable kick made Rachel stop, grab the book shelf next to her and puff her cheeks out. She doubled over, hand furiously rubbing her tummy. The kicking storm lessened for a moment, allowing Rachel to get up and make her way through the store.

Rachel tried to remind herself that she was lucky. How many people could say that they had not one, but two dream jobs? Rachel, under most circumstances could. Surrogacy and bookshop tending were Rachel's passions. She was a bibliophile through and through. Some of her most precious memories were her cuddling up in an oversized chair with a book perched on her pregnancy belly. Her dark hair, medium length and styled into adorable bangs, and eyes peeking out over top of the book to keep track of her store. It was those moments, with a few others, that Rachel clung tightest to when she was struggling through a difficult pregnancy. Coming to the correct row, Rachel stopped and stood on her tiptoes to reach the proper shelf.

Rachel, for all her love of books, did not have the stature to run a bookshop. Rachel was uniquely diminutive, barely over 5 feet. Were it not for her incredible bust and keenly intelligent eyes, she might have been mistaken for a preteen. Though because of her height, when Rachel was pregnant she looked almost like a round ball. When she moved at all her preggo-belly would bounce, shoving and jostling her massive, milky breasts. The three orbs constantly battled for dominance over Rachel’s physique, with none truly the victor. Rachel, when sitting at the counter of her shop, would often let her ballooned bosoms rest on the counter; letting them heat the counter with their gentle warmth. It was completely normal for customers to enter, focus entirely on her mammaries and never notice that she was pregnant. Otherwise, there were customers that only could fixate on the belly so large and round that a stack of books could rest upon it with no trouble. Rachel’s developing figure was quite the show for anyone who was watching.

However, the drawbacks to such an engaging, interesting form became obvious when watching Rachel stack books. For even the middle shelves cause Rachel to stand on her tiptoes. The book in her hand wobbled as she tried to put it into its proper place. Her sensitive belly and breasts rubbed against the lower shelf of books. A blush crept over her face. She tried not to enjoy the feeling of her nipples rubbing gently over the hardcover spines of the books, it was beneath her as a librarian to be so crass and slutty, but she couldn’t help it. Pregnancy symptoms hit her like a train, turning her body into a sensual playground. The merest wind sent pleasurable tickles down Rachel’s spine. Yet, the constant overload of pleasure did not make stacking books any more easy. Rachel fought with the second book in her hand, forced to go up another shelf to find its home. The nerdy woman had to trust more to instinct than to sight as she forced the book upwards. Her arm shook as the book fumbled into place. Rachel backed away from the bookcase, holding her pregnant belly for comfort. She took slow, heavy breaths, trying to compose herself. Her twins kicked madly, upset by the strain that Rachel had placed herself under. “I need a break.” The mousy woman said, waddling towards the back of the shop, still holding her round, pregnant stomach.

The back of the shop was Rachel’s home away from home. It was a tiny alcove with only a large beanbag, portable speaker, and a table for a coffee maker. Yet, to Rachel it was a palace. A place of solitude that she could retreat to when the world became too stressful or she needed a break from socializing. Taking short, heaving steps that seemed to rock her side to side as much as they pushed her forward, Rachel made her way towards the little haven. Rachel decidedly pregnant, so much so that she was forced to lean back in order to compensate for her mommy-girth and bundles of joy. She arched her back and cupped her arms around the underside of her swollen midsection. It was, of course, interrupted by how much the babies kicked. The troublesome boys she was carrying seemed to always be fighting or dancing. Rachel winced, rubbing her stomach. It had gotten so bad that she was starting to lose sleep. Constantly, she had to heave herself up from bed and waddle around in order to find some rest. This, of course, meant that she had to get her rest somewhere else during the day. “I’ll just sit until I catch my breath.” Rachel mused to herself as she reached her beanbag. “I won’t even sleep or turn my radio on.” She lowered herself, slowly making her knees, thighs, and calves bend to accept more of her pregnant weight. Her stomach popped outward, forced forward by her squat. It was awkward and unbecoming, but Rachel managed to plop down into the beanbag. She sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Her mind emptied quickly and within minutes she was asleep.

---An Intruder Appears ---

"Rrraaaaccchhheeeelll, like, where's my baby mamaaaa!!!" The thudding stopped for a moment as the door to the shop was pushed in. Sunlight streamed in before being blocked by a large body. Penny, Rachel's longtime girlfriend, was anything but small. Standing at over 6'10 and inching towards 400 pounds, Penny was best described as an anomaly or force of nature than she was a normal woman. She had golden, tanned skin and crisp blue eyes. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, but it could easily be fashioned into a number of attractive styles. "I have GOT to tell you about work today." Penny knew that her loud, clear voice would reach Rachel no matter where she was in the shop. The blonde waddled her way further into the store, her large body naturally shaking the floorboards. Penny was large in just about every way possible. Her shapely thighs ballooned outwards, almost reaching far enough to touch the bookcases. They filled out her white short shorts, pressing her panties into the fabric. Her thighs, thick and dimpled with fat, rubbed against one another as their owner searched for her lover. Her thighs were inviting and pillowy, their size telegraphic just how soft and jiggly they were. Penny’s gut also did a fair amount of pressing on the beleaguered jeans, shoving the button of the pants out as far as it would go. Penny had a sloping belly, instead of bulging outwards it sloped nicely downwards. It rocked back and forth, bouncing with each thumping step she took. The upper portion of Penny’s belly was exposed, twisting her light pink shirt into a crop top of sorts; a comfortable holster for her boulder breasts. Penny’s chest was exquisitely large. Each breasts more than able to fill both of a grown man’s hands. She was quite keen on showing them off, preferring skimpy outfits.

“Were is my little preggo hiiiidddiinng?” Penny called, beaming as she peaked around bookshelves and counters for Rachel. “Rrrraaaccchhhh. . .I have so much gossip to tell you!” Penny continued waddling, the odd book or two falling in her wake. Penny was something of a human incongruity. Massive, freakishly huge, but totally popular. There was something about her constant smiling and air headed manner that just attracted people to her. She had never had any trouble making friends in school, despite what her body type might suggest. It had been Penny that had first forged a connection with Rachel, literally forcing the girl to be her friend in elementary school. They had been together ever since. The friendship deepening and eventually flowering into something romantic.

Penny did eventually find Rachel. The small, pregnant, mousey woman was curled up in the back of the shop, sleeping on a beanbag chair. Penny stopped for a moment, observing her girlfriend. Rachel was curled in as much of a ball as she could possibly manage, her knees tucked just under her voluminous belly. Much like Penny’s own gut, Rachel’s too pushed at the button of her pants. The taut, baby belly rolled up and over her waistband; its advances on the button renewed with every sleepy breath that Rachel took. Lacking a blanket, Rachel had tucked her arms under her immense breasts. They worked as large radiators, heating and comforting everything that was under, over, or between them. Occasionally, Rachel would shift and send the twin zeppelins knocking into one another. Rachel was so deep in dreamland that a little bit of drool was coming out of her mouth.

“Oh my gosh!” Penny said, taking a second after to remind herself to whisper. Digging in her back pocket, she worked to draw out her phone. The back pocket was a dangerous, though common place for Penny’s phones to be. The risk of being bent, cracked and otherwise demolished by Penny’s girth was incredibly high. The blubbery blonde had lost many, many phones this way; yet she never learned. “Uuuuggghhh, come one!” Penny whisper-shouted as she drove a plump hand deep into the pocket. She succeeded in making both of her asscheeks quake and jiggle. Just as much as there was a risk of physical damage, there was a risk of not being able to fish the phone out in time to take a picture. With so much pressure, it was easy for a phone to get stuck, pinned between a fleshy wall of booty-blubber and surprisingly strong fabric. “Puuuuh-leeeasssee, I can’t miss this!” She tried to get a chubby around her bouncing buttcheeks. Through sighing, coaxing, and strategic hip thrusts, Penny was finally able to get the phone out of her pocket. Once free, she quickly went to photo mode. “Rach is gonna hate this, but she’s too darn cute!” Penny said, snapping photos from all angles.

One photo quickly became two, each photo increasing the amount of filters, tags, and stickers she placed on the image. Penny got some by laying down on the floor, just under Rachel’s belly. The bouncy preggo ball jutted out over top of her, looking like the moon or some other celestial orb eclipsing the sun. Penny hit the light perfectly, with it tastefully obscuring how Rachel’s belly poked out between her pants and sweater. It was a truly tasteful, almost artistic picture. The other ones that Penny took were less so. Penny quickly drifted upwards, including herself in the photos. Selfie after selfie of her pretending to lick, kiss, or pet Rachel’s belly entered the phone. Penny’s favorite photos came when she got to Rachel’s breasts. Photos of her peeking out overtop of them, only her hair and soft blue eyes showing. Photos of her “struggling” to lift one or both breasts. And finally, a photo of Penny going in open mouthed towards one of them. This was the photo that was ultimately Penny’s undoing.

Penny hovered just a little too close for just a little too long. Her face just a hair’s breadth away from smooshing into the milky, overfilled jugs. Somewhere, deep in Rachel’s subconscious, she could feel the massive woman looming over her. Some sort of primordial maternal instinct rocket her out of her deep slumber. Penny tried to move, but was hit smack in the face by Rachel’s heavy breasts. The phone flew out of her hand, turning end over end. It bounced off of Rachel’s forcehead, making the brunette flail her arms in comical, windmill patterns. Penny tried to catch it, not wanting her secret photo stash to be uncovered and subsequently deleted, but her efforts only sent the phone tumbling back towards Rachel. Thanks to the intricate, unknowable mysteries of gravity the phone landed just under Rachel’s chin and slid down under her shirt; happily lodging itself between Rachel’s bust. Penny would have lunged for it, possibly with her mouth, but she had a stern finger getting pointed just under her nose.

“Penny! What are you doing!” Rachel cried, keeping her finger pointed at Penny. “You should know not to sneak up on sleeping, pregnant women!” As she spoke, the phone between her cleavage plopped back and forth; slapping audibly against her knockers.

“Come one, Rach!” Penny tried to look innocent. She rocked back on her heels, resting her massive ass on them. “You know I can’t resist you. Especially when you look so cute!” Penny tried to look innocent, but her obvious attraction to Rachel got in the way. The massive girl was always hungry for more physical time with her love. Penny’s love languages were solidly rooted in physical touch. Penny leaned forward, her belly pushing over her shorts again as a fatty tidal wave would swarm a beach. It was a wonder that her pants could stay buttoned and not ripped in the back. Likewise, it was a wonder that her breasts didn’t snap her bras or shirts. 400 pounds was a lot of woman, especially spread over 6 feet and 10 inches. The two women were so strangely complimentary in that aspect. Rachel was short, but bloomed outwards in all directions. Whilst Penny was tall, her weight and girth spread over a broad plateau of body.

“And why do I have THIS between my boobs?” She said, grabbing her breasts and pushed them together, shoving the phone back out over top of her chest. Her pale white breasts jiggled against the screen of the phone, heating it with their size. Smiling bashfully, Penny leaned in and plucked the phone out. The heavy woman dwarfed her smaller, pregnant girlfriend. Pounds upon pounds of fat fell upon Rachel, smooshing her further into the beanbag. She tried to move around, wanting to free herself from Penny’s fat. While not exactly uncomfortable, the extremely pregnant woman was seeking release from her exuberant and extra-sized lover. She bit her lip as the phone slid out, trying not to find the exercise incredibly sensual. Her breast flesh was rather tender these days, spurred on by the hormone surges that her pregnancy had brought on. She felt her nipples contract, becoming diamond hard under her shirt. She prayed that Penny didn’t see.

“Aww, I’m sorry Rach.” Penny said, running her finger under Rachel’s chin. “You just looked so cute.” She hugged her lover, bringing her in under her enormous body. Penny was so large that Rachel practically disappeared under her. Even despite the fact that Rachel was in the advance stages of pregnancy, with her bump as fully formed as it was ever going to get, Penny’s bulk seemed to dwarf her. Rachel blew blonde hair out of her eyes, groaning slightly. She hated when Penny got like this. She was just too caring and sweet. Having an immense girlfriend whose love language was hugging and physical touch made it hard to be angry and sullen. Often, when Rachel was in the throes of some unbidden bout of pregnancy related brattiness, she would find herself called back to reality by Penny’s plushy body. It was both exactly what she loved and hated. “Tell you what, I’ll find a way to make it up to you tonight.” Penny said, tapping Rachel’s nose.

“Penny. . .I dunno.” Rachel started, burying herself in Penny’s large body. “I just want to sleep tonight. The twins keep me up so much.” she sighed, puffing her cheeks out in a pout. She turned and hid deeper within Penny’s soft body. Her taut, pregnant belly pushed against Penny’s soft, double layered one. The two sat for a moment, their breathing making their bellies dance together. “I dunno. . . I don’t want to whine about it. . .this was my choice and all. . .but it’s been hard.” Rachel said, sniffling a little. She whimpered when Penny’s arms wrapped around her and drug her into a big hug.

“It’s ok, there is always a solution to these things!” Penny said, trying to cuddle her girlfriend as much as possible. The rhythmic breathing of Penny slowly lulled Rachel into the slumber that she had been denied earlier. Penny, in order to further soothe her girlfriend, patted and rubbed her belly. Her smooth hands slid up and under Rachel’s shirt, caressing the hard smoothness that was her baby bump. The large blonde didn’t even mind that Rachel had started to snore.

--- Tucked In ---

“Oh man. . .that supper was delish!” Penny said as she waddled up the stairs, smacking her gut. She had slipped out of her normal clothes and into her pajamas. She wore pajama pants and an ill fitting button up top. Her gut and breasts spilled from between the buttons, threatening to rip them off at any time. Yet, it felt good to be so stuffed. True to form, Rachel was an excellent cook. Despite being so gravid, there seemed to be nothing that she couldn’t do. She’d waddle back and forth between saucepans and the oven to make sure that everything was in its proper place. Penny, meanwhile, amused herself by watching Rachel’s breasts bob up and down as she worked. Her girlfriend was short enough that she had to stand on her tip toes in order to check into the pot of boiling noodles. Of course, when she went to check, her enormous breasts bobbed up so high that they almost touched her chin. Yet, for as big as her breasts were and how frantic Rachel could be at times, she never spilled anything on them. They were spotless and perfect. Penny wasn’t exactly jealous, but she did often wonder what life would be like were she to have a rack that big. Penny’s own chest was slightly underdeveloped given her weight. Not abnormally so, but most of her famous weight rested in her belly, booty, and thighs.

“Well, I’m glad that you enjoyed it.” Rachel reached up and patted Penny’s stuffed gut. The two were standing in their bedroom. It was a small, cozy room; perfect for two lovers. Soft carpet lay under their feet, while a ceiling fan whirled overhead. There was a dreamlike quality to the bedroom. The heat of the day was fading, the air conditioner starting to churn and bring soothing coolness to the room. The strains of cool air pushed the two women together, prodding them into embracing for warmth but the residual heat of the room added a sensual twinge to things. Rachel was the one to encircle Penny’s this time, reaching her arms as far around her girth as she could manage. Though she couldn’t reach very far and Penny’s stomach was balanced on her breasts and shoving into her face, Rachel was glad for the closeness. Her belly was just big enough to reach under Penny’s and graze her large lover’s thighs. “It makes me feel good that my wifey likes my cooking.” she smiled, resting her chin on Penny’s gut.

“I’m just glad I sniffed out a little field mouse who knows how to keep her fat cat fed.” Penny rubbed Rachel’s hair. She twisted a lock of her dark hair around her finger. Rachel pushed herself in further, making penny’s stomach bunch up. Penny had always been a big girl and more than comfortable in her own skin. Not a fetishist, but rather a girl who was simply big and proud of it. Yet, whenever Rachel played with her belly or did some other small act to remind Penny of her size, Penny would wonder. There was something to the fun of being big, something that she just couldn’t quite put her finger on. As Rachel hugged harder, Penny was forced to take a step backwards. She felt her ass jiggle with the surprise step. “Woah girl, how about saving it for the bedroom.” Penny felt the sides of her mouth twitch upwards all the same though.

“Penny, we’re in the bedroom.” Rachel said, walking her fingers up her girlfriends belly. She felt the buttons on Penny’s shirt vibrate with tension, ready to pop off at any moment. “Maybe I did feed you too much, you’ve become delirious.” she laughed, swinging her belly back and forth underneath Penny’s. Acting as a fulcrum, Penny’s large gut turned back and forth ontop of Rachel’s. It was like a submarine was trying to come up under an iceberg made of taffy. Both women enjoyed it. Romance was a sporadic thing these days. Rachel’s mood swings made things difficult, but not impossible. It was easy for her to go from complete sameness into a frothing lust with a simple gesture. Penny played a perpetual guessing game, seeing if her actions spurred her lover towards greater romantic gestures. The two swayed, dancing to music that wasn’t playing aloud.

“Nooo, if anything you haven’t fed me enough and I’m starving still.” Penny reached down and cupped a hand around Rachel’s small but well formed buttocks. She squeezed, just a little, to test the waters more. Rachel seemed in the mood because she gave a small moan and fingered one of Penny’s buttons, right where the fat was oozing out. Rachel too had slipped out of her clothes and was instead wearing a silken nightie, just the right shape and size for a shortstack preggo. It was scintillating in how much skin it almost showed off. The most it showed was a little cleavage window, shaped like a heart. However, with just the right movements here and there, the hem of the nightie would lift up and expose her luscious rear end. Rachel was so good at that, the process of seduction. For a mousy, socially awkward woman, she seemed to know exactly how to drive Penny wild. It was a side of her that most people didn't know existed. To the rest of the world Rachel was a bookish, nerdy, mouse of a woman with a pregnancy fetish. However, to Penny alone, she was much more.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Rachel giggled, drawing Penny towards the bed. The two walked in sync, with Rachel having to take little half steps to keep up with Penny’s longer stride. Penny’s gut wobbled as she walked forward, the buttons getting ever closer to popping off. Thankfully, this was a small walk. Their bellies bumped and rubbed, Penny’s soft yet larger belly folding on top of and around Rachel’s smaller and taut baby bump. The two laughed in bouts of nervous, excited energy. It was like romantic pressure was leaking out of them in gasps of soft noises. This was something that both had been excited for, but the stresses of modern life had prevented them from getting to. Rachel blushed, looking up at her taller, wider girlfriend. Penny was such a dream, the exact kind of person that Rachel needed but couldn’t have ever imagined getting. Outgoing, caring, and utterly unconcerned with the parts of life that Rachel took too seriously and spent her mental pressure worrying about. The two reached the bed, with Rachel sitting down. Her stomach spread out a little, a testament to the small amounts of weight she had picked up as she had progressed in her pregnancy. Her large, heavy, milky breasts bobbed and jiggled.

“Better be careful. . .I’m a bit heavy for you right now.” Penny said, leaning in. Her body folded over Rachel’s, putting glorious and loving pressure on the smaller woman. Penny could cover Rachel 2 or 3 times over with her raw size. Perhaps elements of Rachel were bigger, her breasts, but Penny was the true behemoth of the relationship. At 6’10 and close to 400 pounds, Penny was more woman that most people knew what to do with. Yet, Rachel took it in stride. “Especially with the babies, if we are going in hot and heavy tonight.” Penny’s hand slipped under her belly to rub Rachel’s. Rachel moaned slightly in pleasure, coiling her neck back against her shoulders. She took her own hands and placed them on her gut, reveling in the ecstasy of being gravid. Penny leaned further in, kissing Rachel’s exposed neck. Her lips were soft and plump, red even without the use of lipstick. A button popped off of Penny’s shirt as the pressure from her fat belly mounted. Her gut fled outward, flooding over Rachel’s belly in spurts. Yet, just as the pressure came waxed it began to recede. Penny leaned backward, standing up again. Rachel’s hands circled her stomach more, building up her excitement. She rolled her head around her neck once more and then leaned forward. When she leaned forward, she had a hungry look in her eyes.

“Ok, I’ll be on top tonight then.” She said, pulling Penny down next to her. The bed shuddered as Penny’s weight was added to it, even a king sized bed has its limits. Slowly, Penny was lulled onto the bed. She slid slowly on to her side, guided by Rachel’s arms. From there, Penny was rolled onto her back. She lay in the center of the bed, hair streaming out almost artistically in every direction. Rachel made her way over to Penny, walking on her knees. It was even harder being so pregnant. The bed shook almost violently as she mounted her lover, the shorter woman having to throw her arms to generate momentum to help her largely pregnant body along. One leg was thrown over Penny’s wide stomach and Rachel was mounting her lover. She gyrated a little, watching Penny’s overstuffed stomach jiggle. It was like an island of quicksand had a decorative tarp over it. Another button of Penny’s burst over, her stomach flooding out even further. The blonde woman smiled, putting her hands on Rachel’s hips and dragging her closer. Rachel slid closer to Penny, having to angle her belly in order to manage the feat. “Oh, you are so lucky.” she purred, her head dropping between Penny’s breasts. Rachel kissed them, enjoying the special softness that Penny had cultivated over years of over indulgence. “I’ve been so pent up lately, with not being able to sleep.” Rachel continued to purr, kissing Penny’s breasts. They were not so large as her own, but they were still comfortable, like reliably sized pillows. Rachel stifled a yawn, before gyrating a little more. It was comfy, her body laying on Penny’s. She had never really realized just how soft she was. “I’m going to. . .” Rachel drifted off again.

“Rachel? Babe?” Penny asked when her wife stopped moving. She looked up as best she could, finding that Rachel was curled up on her side. The pregnant woman snuggled into Penny’s flab. There came a soft snoring from Rachel, which made Penny smile. Penny wrapped her arms around her pregnant wife, pulling her into a warm embrace. While she had been excited for sex, this was just as good. The two women’s breathing slowly synced up, Penny felt her fat move back and forth like a waves on a beach. She slowly closed her eyes and went off to sleep. The two women embraced throughout the night, each holding tightly onto the other. The pain, stress, and weariness of the weeks slowly dropped off of Rachel. The pregnant woman was able to rest thoroughly for the first time in many days. Her twins kicked less than they had before, perhaps soothed by their mother’s comfort. Penny, meanwhile, was overjoyed that she could contribute comfort to her wife. The big woman did her best not to move, allowing her body to be used as a bed. The night drug on and the two women slumbered in peace.

--- Rachel and Penny’s Morning After ---

“Wow. . .I think that was the best night of sleep I’ve had in a long time.” Rachel said, waddling into the dining room. Her gray shirt clung to her belly, slightly lifted up by its size. She yawned, putting both arms up in the air. The dark circles under her eyes were gone. There was a spring in her step that hadn’t been there in days. All in all, Rachel felt like a new woman. She had been, at least partially, freed from the shackles of weariness. She approached Penny, who was sitting at the table and eating up a storm. “I hope you didn’t mind me making use of you like a pillow.” She smiled, hugging her wife. In truth, she was somewhat worried. Firstly, because she had gone another night without performing her wifely obligations to Penny and, secondly, she was worried that Penny had hated the experience. She was sure it wasn’t comfy to have her laying on top of her the entire night. While Rachel was very small and very petite, even that had to bother Penny at least a little. Yet, some deep part of Rachel was excited to try it again. She wanted to lay on Penny, she wanted the comfort of such closeness with another human being. It soothed her in ways she couldn’t begin to imagine.

“Oh. . .mmph. . .no problem!” Penny said, stuffing food into her mouth. She ate like a woman possessed. “I was happy. . .mmphh. . .uuf. . .to help!” she leaned over and kissed her wife, first on the belly and secondly on the lips. Rachel could taste the syrup that coated Penny’s lips. She was packing away a stack of pancakes, enjoying every bite. Her stomach bulged out, pushing the table away slightly. She rocked back and forth, heaping more and more food onto her plate before wolfing it down again. Penny was, amongst her many other talents, known for her appetite. Yet, this was something else. Penny stuffed and forced the food down with intensity and vigor; almost eating the pancakes whole. Syrup and butter ran down her chins, dripping onto the plate seconds before she could wipe her face again. She smiled at Rachel, cheeks puffed out full. “I wasch. . .mmph. . . thinking!” She started before getting caught off by food.

“Oh, actually, honey.” Rachel said, cutting in. “There was something I wanted to ask you.” She said timidly. She stepped forward, and sat down at one of the chairs. Her legs widened out, making room for her large pregnant belly to rest easily. “Between you, the food, and sleeping last night, that was one of the best nights that I’ve ever had. I haven’t slept so good in a long time.” She smiled, putting a hand on Penny’s arm. “I know we are a long way off still, but, could we do that again tonight?” She asked, smiling tentatively.

Penny blinked for a second before laughing. “Oh, is that all?! Of course, I would be more than happy to.” She smiled before wolfing more food down. “In. . .uurrp. . .fact. . .I wasch thinking,” She paused to eat uninterrupted for a couple minutes. More and more food fell into her gut, making it fill out further and further. “That I would maybe gain a little weight, give you a comfier seat and all that!” She said, slapping her gut. It all made sense to Rachel now. Penny was stuffing herself silly not out of her usual desires, but instead to help her wife out. It was more than enough to bring Rachel to tears.

“Ohhhh, Penny!” She hugged her stuffed lover. She held her tightly, rocking back and forth. She could not help but squeeze just a little, seeing where the excess fluffing might go. . .and if she was going to love it or not. Penny was already so big, it was hard to imagine her heavier. Were she to graduate up to full time Rachel-pillow, that would be a dream come true. Rachel could relax, enjoying her pregnancies the way she was meant to. “I seriously do not deserve you.” She whispered tearfully.

“Oh stop!” Penny said, patting Rachel’s head. “You deserve every bit of me. . .and more!” She replied, jiggling her gut up and down. It flopped and folded, running out from under her shirt. The fat woman was eager to make herself bigger, wanting to become comfier for Rachel. Time would only tell how much bigger she could possibly get. 10, 20, 50, 100 pounds? It would depend on so many factors, first and foremost what Rachel thought. Penny was excited to find a way to help her lover through a hard time. Further, she was excited to help in such a visceral way. It would be nice to be the reason that her girlfriend slept better. The two women laughed and ate breakfast together, both dreaming of what the night would bring.


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