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(This was a quick, same day comm. If you are interested in one of your own, send me a note on DA!)

    Patricia stood on the doorstep to the immense house, completely unsure of herself. She rang the doorbell before stepping back and adjusting her glasses. Patricia Lopez was, without a doubt, a nerd. She wore thick, square, blue framed e doorbell, stepping back to adjust her glasses. Patricia was every bit of a nerd. Thick glasses, braces, frizzy hair, and no fashion sense completed her look. She was captain of the speech club, marching band leader, and a scrapbooker. However, despite her accomplishments, Patricia Lopez was still mocked relentlessly.  Her classmates teased her for everything. They especially loved to tease her about how her shirt, a black button up in strict accordance to the school's dress code policy, was often only hallway rocked in. Patricia sighed, feeling like she should tuck her tail and run again. Currently, she was on the doorstep to her greatest bully: Missy Ong.

Missy was everything that Patricia was not. She was athletic (volleyball captain), attractive (she had needed custom bras as a sophomore), and tall. She walked with confidence about the school, swishing her hips and long, raven hair. She had singled poor Patricia out for particular abuse early on in their school career. She would tease Patricia constantly, finding any excuse to bully the shorter, dorky woman. Wherever Patricia went, Missy was quick to follow with her gaggle of friends. It was truly hell. Which was why Patricia had decided she was going to do something about it.

Just prior to Patricia running away out of shame and embarrassment, the massive door to the house opened. In the opening was a woman who looked very much like Missy. Yet, she had a kind and almost soft feel to her. She was obviously close to or at middle age, with the forming of small wrinkles and laugh lines but still retained the beauty that had likely carried her through life. She wore a simple pink and black sweater with a pearl necklace loose about her neck. Her shapely, though thin, waist and thighs were tucked in a slim fitting pair of white jeans. "Oh, hello? How may I help you?" She asked, her voice soft and sweet. Patricia couldn't help but breakdown in tears.

--- Discussion ---

"You poor thing!" Susette Ong, Missy's mother and the woman that greeted Patricia at the door, said. She held Patricia tightly, squeezing the poor nerd. In her arms, Patricia shuddered, wheezing and weeping her feelings out to a woman that she had barely met. She, Patricia, had spilled everything to Susette.  All the mean pranks Missy had pulled, the names she had been called, everything. Stunningly, Susette had been sympathetic. "I'm so sorry. Missy has always been an awful child, but I had no idea she had become this badly behaved." Susette sighed, stroking her hand as best she could through the Latina girl's frizzy hair. "Why don't I get us a snack. We can talk it out more." With that she gently pulled awayfrom  and walked into the kitchen. It gave time for Patricia to collect herself. She wiped her eyes and then her glasses. Patricia then straightened her skirt, pushing it down over her thin thighs. 

    Susette returned, holding a tray of cookies with a large glass of milk. Cautiously at first, Patricia took one, dunking it into the glass and taking large bites. They were delicious. Filled with chocolate chips, the cookies seemed to melt in Patricia’s mouth. With each bite she ate quicker and quicker. Susette watched with glee. “I’m so glad that you enjoy them!” She sighed, a look of sadness crossing her face. “I can never get Missy to enjoy them with me. She’s too concerned about her weight.” Susette pouted girlishly for a second, brooding over the frayed connection with her daughter. It was hard to tell exactly where things had gone wrong with Missy. Susette had tried to raise her to be kind and loving. Maybe it was the wrong friends? Something in her genes? Susette could hardly guess what had happened to turn her daughter into such a spoiled brat. Regardless, there was at least one person in the world who enjoyed her snacks. Susette felt a warmth grow in her as she watched Patricia enjoy the cookies. This poor girl had obviously been mistreated by Missy, another victim of her churlish, spoiled, bratty cruelty. Susette had to make things right. Taking a pen out of her pocket, she grabbed Patricia’s hand and scrawled out a series of numbers. “This is my phone number. You text me any time that Missy is mean to you or acts poorly.” Patricia looked up, curious, and Susette winked. “We’ll set her right.” 

    As if on cue, the door opened. “Mom, I’m home. Did you make those kale smoothies yet?” Missy asked, her tone bratty. Both Patricia and Susette panicked, unsure of what to do. “Like, where the fuck are you?” Missy asked, walking through the house. Patricia jumped up, her movements spilling milk all over the sofa and carpet. The spilled glass tumbled across the floor loudly. Patricia ran to pick it up. The glass rolled across the floor, Patricia hot on its heels. Patricia was so intent on catching it that, when it stopped rolling, it took her a second that it had been caught by Missy’s foot. “What the fuck are you doing here, glasses-freak?” Missy’s voice was purest venom. It was like she had caught a rat or scorpion in her house. Missy was plenty of things, but dumb was not among them. She looked from the glass to Patricia to her mother, instantly working things out. “Awwww, baby came to tattle.” She shifted one shapely hip up. It was awful for Patricia to think, but she couldn’t deny how attractive Missy was. Jet black hair fell gracefully down to her neck, ending in a short bob. Her eyes were icy and sharp, like they were carved out of icy diamonds. Her body was shapely, but athletic; perfect and pure. Unlike many popular women, there were no rumors of Missy sleeping around. She knew her worth and value and kept it on lock. The woman was a hawk formed into a person, deadly and beautiful.

    Both Patricia and Susette wilted under Missy’s gaze. Susette crammed cookies into her mouth so she had little to say. Patricia, meanwhile, began to scurry out of the house. Missy hurled a few more insults Patricia’s way. When she heard the door close, the bratty woman gave her mother an icy stare and continued past to her room. Susette continued to eat cookies, nervously eating her anxiety away. Yet, she knew in her heart that something had to be done. She would find a way to get her and her new friend strong enough to stand up to Missy.

--- Working up the Gumption ---

    “Are. . .are you sure?” Patricia asked. She sat opposite Susette. The two had elected to meet, days later, to talk about how to handle Missy.

    “As much as I hate to admit it, I think so. We’ll just be too afraid otherwise.” Susette sighed. “I know its kind of a big price to pay, but I think it’s worth it.” The plan was simple. It was almost animalistic. Missy was terrifying and the quickest way to not be terrified of something was to be bigger than it. So, Susette and Patricia were going to eat. They would fatten themselves to the point where they outsized the bratty villain. Once they had enough mass they would be able to stand up to Missy. While not the world’s greatest plan, it was the only one they could come up with. Courage was in short supply between the two women. 

    “I’m. . .I’m willing to try.” Patricia said. She nodded vigorously at Susette, who flagged down the waiter. The diet started now. They’d treat themselves in order to take down Missy.

--- A Weighty Standoff. . .Some Months Later ---

    “She. . .urrrppp. . .should be home any minute.” Susette said as she waddled into the room. “Practice was. . .whew. . .canceled early today.” Susette breathed heavily from the trip from the kitchen to the sofa. Heavier and fatter, walking was hardly as easy as it had once been. Susette was nearing 280 pounds of pure, mature mom-fat. Weight had built up easily on her slim frame. As a woman nearing her early forties, weight piled quickly. Though she had been quite skinny before, her metabolism has slowed down quite a bit. A large stomach fold now was tucked into her white pants. Her butt jiggled behind her, big enough to easily take up one chair and bleed into another. Her breasts were fuller, though they had grown the least. Susette Ong was a chubby, warm looking woman. The kind where hugs and cuddles came easy. Constant eating and snacking had been easy for her. It had given her a chance to dust off old cookbooks and put them to good use. 

“I. . .I don’t know if I’m up to this.” Patricia said, looking down at her expansive body. She was just as large, if not larger than Susette. She sat heavily on the couch, her large breasts obscuring her vision of all that was below her. She had exploded in weight, taking in calories to match and even outdo Susette. Of course, that had led to the establishment of some new nicknames for her at school. She had been a nerd before, but a thin one at least. Now she was both, and worse for it. People other than Missy now laughed and teased her. Patricia would waddle between classes, holding her books to her chubby stomach. Her buttons threatened to pop off of her shirt, and tanned fat seeped out from between the buttons whenever she sat. This was all in spite of the fact that she had upsized her wardrobe twice already. While she should have been happy about how huge her breasts had been getting, several classmates had jeeringly told her that “fat boobs don’t count.” It had been, perhaps, the most demeaning months of Patricia’s life. “Has this all been a mistake. Now I’m a blob and I don’t know if I’ll even be able to accomplish anything.” Patricia sighed, sadly taking a piece of cake. 

“Now, don’t talk like that!” Susette grabbed Patricia’s hands. The two both had chubby, borderline sausage fingers, but they felt nice when they interlocked. “We made a plan and we have to stick with it. You can do this! I’ll be right by your side.” Susette smiled. She fed a piece of cake to Patricia, lovingly putting it between her young friend’s lips. She had come to deeply care for the young woman. It wasn’t just out of concern or guilt. Patricia was a kind, gentle soul. Despite her strange interests (Susette couldn’t understand the fascination with Sci-Fi movies or even how to play D&D), Patricia was nice young woman who had only ever tried to be kind to those around her. It was sad that she had to endure so much adversity. However, that all might be melting away after today. All she had to do was stand up for herself. Certainly, Patricia was big enough to handle Missy. While athletic, Missy was thin and svelte. Patricia, now, was wide and heavy. Simply sitting on Missy might crush her. 

“You’re, you’re right.” Patricia sighed after finishing the cake that Susette fed her. “I’ll do it! I swear!” She thrust a fat arm up in the air, her body heaving upwards and flopping back down with the force. Susette clapped and cheered, Patricia couldn’t help but smile.  Patricia had little luck with friends and even less luck with romance. She was unskilled in most social disciplines. It wasn’t until Susette came along that she could even say that she truly had a friend. Mostly, she had just known people wildly indifferent to her. Now, thanks to her strange but special connection, she felt the beginnings of pride within her. Perhaps even, there was something deeper at play. Of course, everything hinged on a conflict that was quickly approaching; once again walking through the door. 

    When Missy walked into the house she found her mother and Patricia standing in the entryway. Unsurprisingly, they were fat and bloated. Nothing new there. Missy had glaoted inwardly as she watched her mother and her mothers nerdy charity case fatten up. She had taken it as a sign of her winning, the two having been so utterly demeaned that they could only eat their pain away. So it was with some surprise that she noted the determined look on their faces. “What do you two want? Not enough mud in the stye?” She laughed, sad only that no one was around to appreciate her wit. “Does Seaworld need you back anytime soon?” She followed up quickly, easing into insults and jibes as easily as one would slip into a pair of worn shoes.Yet, neither woman flinched. Instead, Patricia began waddling up to her.

    “That’s enough of that!” Patricia said, emotions taking over. She waddled up to Missy and thrust her stomach and breasts forward. Her fat bounded the smaller woman back. Patricia shoved her again and again until Missy’s slim form was back up against the wall. Patricia pressed her bulk into Missy, covering the slim woman and the surrounding wall. “I’m sick of you bullying me. You are a mean, hateful woman. I thought eventually that life would straighten you out.” Patricia slid her stomach to the side, throwing Missy to the ground. “But I guess I have to do something about it myself.” Before Missy could react, she had Patricia’s twin, jiggling asscheeks bearing down on her. They filled her vision, two tanned moons thinly covered by leggings. There was a WHUMPH and then only the muffled sounds of Missy sobbing. Patricia looked up proudly at Susette, who waddled over. 

“Nicely done.” She bent down and kissed Patricia’s cheek. “She ought to be plenty mad when you finally get up.”

“She can be as mad as she wants, I’m only just getting started.” Patricia grinned. Sustte patted her obese friend’s head.

--- A New Order Established ---

"Hey. . .BUUUURRRPP. . .Missy." Patricia called. "I'm not going to. . .uuuurrrpp. . .finish this. All yours." She tossed a half eaten pizza onto the table in front of her couch. It was unlike Patricia to turn away food, she had only given away this pizza because Susette had waddled in with a fresh one. The massive mother was currently resting partially on the couch and partially on Patricia's fat, feeding slices to her lover. Patricia greedily accepted them, sucking down the gooey cheese and thick sauce. In between bites she would kiss Susette, thanking her for the pizza. Every once and a while, Patricia would turn back to the TV so that she could continue watching her favorite anime and cartoons. "Eat it before it gets cold." She said, giving a commandment. 

"Young lady! I had better see you in here quickly! Susette backed Patricia up, hugging her immense lover tightly in order to further show her support. Their fat collided, shaking the couch and room. Susette had made good on her promise to share Patricia's food and lifestyle. She had ballooned from a surprisingly tiny 110 pounds, up to a massive 550. Her dimply, massive ass filled out her white pants; stretching them to the point where her pink panties were visible. The Asian mother was more than pleased with her gain, happy that she got to be the round trophy wife to Patricia. Her days were spent making, buying, and enjoying food with her adorkable lover. Her stomach flooded out from between her pants and her pink top, more fat for Patricia to grab and kiss. Yet, despite her growth spurt, Susette Ong was skinny compared to Patricia.

Patricia Lopez was a behemoth. She filled the sofa with her 749 pounds of fat. Her belly slapped heavily against her thighs, reaching almost to her knees when she stood. Her breasts were large, yet still perky. They dominated her upper stomach-shelf, as imposing as they were attractive. Of course, all paled in comparison to Patricia's ass. Two immense, heavy, dimpled cheeks bounced and rocked whenever she moved. One step visited a chorus of jiggles that went on for minutes unabated. Patricia was able to fill a couch with her ass alone, the rest of her serving to further stress the support beams. "Come on, Missy!" Patricia called again before belching.

"I'm. . .coming. . ." A petulant wheeze sounded from the kitchen. Missy made her entrance slowly, her stomach filling the door frame before even a hint of the rest of her body showed. Missy came in a distant second to Patricia's weight. Smaller for sure, but only barely. Her weight could only be guessed at because she refused to step on the scale. Patricia and her mother could force her to fatten up, but they could make her acknowledge it. Missy, Massive Missy as Patricia had begun to call her, lumbered into the room slowly. Her footsteps thudded against the floor, shaking everything in the room. She wore what might once have been a cute, little outfit. A pink shirt with "Cuddle Bunny" written on it was distorted beyond recognition, forced to stretch over yards of fat. White short shorts dug into her thighs and were buried under her acreage of stomach. A thick, singular neck roll pushed up Missy's chin and lay upon her shirt. The former queen of volleyball was now a pitiable sight. 

"Pizza's over there." Patricia smiled and inclined her head. Both she and Susette laughed as Missy waddled towards the pizza. The once thin, athletic girl was out of breath by the time she even reached the box. With a WHUMPH that shook the house, she landed on her massive ass. Two hammy, bingo-wing arms shook as the young, Asian woman started to scoop up pizza slices and plop them into her waiting mouth. All of Missy quivered as she ate. It was inevitable, Missy had naturally picked up "fat girl" habits as she gained. Her flowing movements replaced by awkward wobbles, waddles, and stumbles. Sauce smeared across her face as the greasy pizza started to fill her massive, double rolled gut. 

"Make sure you it all, Dear!" Susette called, daintily waving a hand. "We don't want any leftovers. That way we can really celebrate this evening!" Both she and Patricia laughed and giggled, with Patricia laughing so hard that she snorted. 


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