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Vacation Queens


Kelli, Daisy, and Calli stood at the airport. In almost a parody of the scene that had opened Kelli's story, the trio were bidding goodbye to one another. Calli was about to leave for an extended trip at a remote health spa. It was a secluded, elite resort that was nestled in the Swiss Alps. The 25 year old woman would be treated to a host of rejuvenating treatments for body, mind, and soul. It was a 90 day cleanse down to a person's core. Given the length of the trip, and because it bore such a resemblance to Kelli's own trip years ago, Kelli and Daisy had come to bid her goodbye.

"Well. . .have a.  . .good time. . .honey." Kelli, Calli's biological mother, wheezed. Long, blonde hair streamed down her face and back. It flowed in the breeze, free and unrestrained. Golden strands of hair ran down rolls and hills of fat. Kelli was massive, almost completely immobile, and still growing. Once, she hadn't been even remotely fat and had focused her time and attention on her appearance. She had been a skinny, tiny woman approaching middle age. Her hair had been short and well kept. She had worn nice dresses and expensive pants. Now, however, she let her hair grow long and only bothered to worry about it when it interfered with her eating. Her hair was still beautiful, but in a way that suggested freedom and an unrestrained lifestyle. She only bothered with clothes on the rare occasions she went out in public. Even then, she wore little else besides t-shirts that, somewhat, covered her massive stomach and sweapnts. The massive mother used her sausage fingers to draw out a fat cinnamon roll from a large paper bag. She bit into the succulent rolls, icing smearing her lips. "Gonna. . .mmmpoh. . .miiscch you. . .a wot." She said, her mouth full of treats.

"Yeah, we'd love to go, babe, but I'd never get your mother home if we went." Daisy-Mae, Kelli's wife and Calli's Stepmom, said. She pressed her own fat body against Kelli, using a plump hand to liberally grab and jostle her wife's heavy folds. Daisy was perhaps even more changed by the events of the cruise than Kelli. She had grown fat,  600 pounds of far too buxom woman, but there had been deeper changes. Prior to the cruise, she had been a sweet and innocent girl of 19 (younger even than Calli who was 23). Yet, the constant stream of food, booze, and naked women had fueled a deep and profound change within Daisy. Just as Kelli found herself consumed by her appetite, Daisy found herself consumed by carnal lust. She had cut the long, blonde braid which she had sported for most of her life. Instead, she had a sharp bob cut. Instead of dresses and jeans, she now wore black leather and miniscule shorts. Thick, oil black lipstick was permanently plastered to her plump lips. Though she had a chubby, thick neck it was still possible to wear black leather chokers with stylized metal hearts. "I have a hard enough time. . .oooohh. . .trying to please her. I can't imagine what four or five hundred more pounds would do to her." She cooed, planting a kiss on Kelli's puffy cheek. Kelli giggled and tried to kick her pillar legs.

"I'm sure I'll have a good time!" Calli smiled, watching her mom and stepmom's lewd display. Calli was aware that she was perhaps the only semi-normal one left within her family. While she had gained weight, significantly, that was to be expected given her mom and stepmom's new outlook on life.  She loved and support them both, but it didn't make anything less odd. Calli was a normal, though 309 pound, college student. Yet, she lived in a house with a mother who was trying to eat herself to the size of a house and a stepmom who was younger than her and constantly flirting with her. Though Calli would never admit it, part of the reason she was going on this trip at all was so that she could escape the two of them for a while. . .just to get her head back on her shoulders. "Try to have fun without me!" She hugged her mom, sinking deeply into her warm, slightly sweaty mass. Shouldering her bags, she walked toward the airport, turning and waving one last time.

"I think we're going to have lots of fun." Daisy purred in Kelli's ear. She kissed and bit her wife's ears, neck, and chin folds. Daisy's voluminous breasts shoved forward, oozing out from their pitifully small top to flood onto Kelli's immense body. The mobility scooter, pitifully tiny for the nearly 1000 pounds of milf-bulk placed upon it, rocked as Kelli turned to kiss her fattened up sex goddess. Horns honked as upset travelers tried to pass the couple. Unconcerned, the two behemoth women continued their fun. It was until Kelli felt a rumble of hunger that the two broke apart, the fatter of the two returning to her cinnamon rolls.

"Mmm. . .we had better. . .mmhph. . ." Her lips made a chlap, schlak noise as they smacked together. She wheezed and leaned back in her seat, thick arm hefting her belly up as far as it would go; a pitifully small distance. "Let's get. . .UUURRRP. . .home and break out the. . .uuullpp. . .belly lift." She winked. Daisy squealed and hugged her massive wife, planting yet more sloppy kisses. Meanwhile, Calli was boarding a plane to a resort that would change the course of her life forever.

                                                     One week in, at the pool. . .

Calli leaned back in her pool chair, a host of other women at the spa following her with their eyes. Women and men always found their gaze drifting to Calli, their thoughts tied up in how large she was. Calli, however, simply tuned them out. She was used to staring at this point. Even disregarding her own weight gain, being around her mother and stepmother drew unwanted attention constantly. It was easy then to simply lean back and watch the world outside of the enclosed pool. She was currently watching the snow swirl outside. A small winter storm had kicked up. Large white flakes fell on the glass that enclosed the pool area. Calli smiled, sipping her smoothie. It felt comforting to enjoy the steamy, chlorinated air of the pool while the temperature dipped outside. Other women walked around the pool. Calli was by far the biggest of all the women at the spa. Calli weighed, prior to her arrival at the spa, 210 pounds. Calli was able to pick up weight quickly. Something that would cause a person to gain 1 pound amounted to 2 pounds for the young blonde. The only saving grace was that the weight was distributed evenly. While it might have been nice to have been as stacked as Daisy, Calli would at least settle for proportional. Nice, round breasts sat atop a large and round belly which in turn rested on pillowy thighs that easily filled out chairs, pants, and panties. Calli, just like her mother when she started gaining, exuded a sense of “heaviness”. There was something about the way food and fat had sculpted her body that placed the sensation in people’s minds. It was a curious and unshakeable mental suggestion. People, while looking at Calli, would scan the chairs that she sat on to make sure they weren’t about to break. However, Calli was not the only woman who attracted attention with her body alone.

Chloe entered the pool area with two other women. Specifically, she entered with them holding the wide doors open for her. The two women, chubby and in their mid 40’s, smiled warmly and were more than pleased to be at Chloe’s service. Chloe, on the other hand, was embarrassed and gave a flimsy wave. She didn’t know the women and had most certainly not asked for their help, but that was nothing new; people had been giving Chloe unasked for help for about 7 months now. Chloe was pregnant. A billowing, round pregnancy belly obviously bobbled from Chloe’s once flat midsection. It was her most dominating feature. Inasmuch as Calli gave off the feeling of heaviness, Chloe exuded a soft, maternal energy that demanded protection and help. Prior to her pregnancy she hadn’t had this problem. While she had always been cute, flowing brown hair and large eyes will do that, she had never attracted any undo attention. However, with her pregnancy, she had become the focal point of everyone around her. Doors were opened, chairs were brought to her, and she could neither stand up nor sit down without someone offering an arm in help. Chloe had little idea of how to process the constant streams of attention that converged on her. She seemed to move from one awkward interaction to the next. Even as she stepped into the pool room she saw a crowd of eyes turn and watch her, eager to help the mother-to-be with whatever she needed. It was for this reason, perhaps, that she ended up sitting next to the one person who didn’t immediately start fawning over her.

“Hello, I’m Chloe!” She said, reaching a hand down to Calli. “Do you mind if I sit here?” She smiled, her dainty, pale hand hovering near Calli’s face. Chloe’s own mind was free of the usual impression that Calli’s body left on people. Instead, she saw a beautiful woman a couple years younger than herself. While she couldn’t help but notice the blue bikini that Calli filled out, which stood in contrast to her own black, one-piece suit, she was not pulled into her body like so many others were. There were no questions of her weight, her measurements, or the sturdiness of the chair. Likewise, when Calli looked up at Chloe, she didn’t see a pregnant angel who needed safeguarding. Instead, she saw a woman with long, brown hair and deep brown eyes. It was no surprise then, when Chloe ended up taking Calli’s hand and smiling.

“Sure, I’m Calli.” She said, lightly shaking Chloe’s hand.

“Nice to meet you!” Chloe said in return. They held each other’s hands for just a second too long, neither knowing how to pull away. It finally happened when Chloe felt a kick from deep in her enormous stomach. “Tssccchh, she’s such a handful.” She smiled through a grimace of pain. Her hand reflexively went to her stomach, rubbing it gently. Having her small hand on the equator of her stomach made Chloe look all the more pregnant. Her completely round stomach bloomed out in all directions. Calli didn’t know what to say, so she pushed the chair closer. The fatter woman hadn’t much experience with pregnant women. It did, however, give her a strange and unexplainable feeling to watch Chloe sit herself in the chair whilst tenderly cradling her stomach. Chloe finished easing herself into the open pool chair. She lay with her legs spread apart, belly pushing between them.

“I. . .uuhh. . .was just about to try one of the health shakes.” Calli said, reaching for anything that could give her some conversational stability. It was telling that she first reached for food. “I don’t know what they put in these things, but they sure are good.” She took a swig of the thick, chocolatey mixture. Calli shivered as she felt the taste hit her tongue. It was a blitz of flavor: strong dark chocolate followed up with a fruity aftertaste.

“It’s not alcoholic, is it?” Chloe asked, her face switching from simple curiosity to playful smile as she watched Calli’s sheepish headshake to signal that it wasn’t. “Good, so it might just be bad for my waistline?” She giggled, her laugh light and bouncy. She took the large cup and took a swig. It was delicious, hardly the kind of thing that anyone in their right mind could call a health drink. The taste was far too good for something with actual nutritional benefits. Chloe was about to hand it back but a hunger pang forced another sip out of her. Her cravings, while small compared to most other pregnant women, hit at the oddest times.

“It’s probably a bit bad for you. . .” Calli said, responding to Chloe’s playful banter. “I think I was 105 when I got here, but all I’ve had were these shakes.” She patted her own large gut as she told her tall tale. Her body jiggled from tip to tail. Calli could even feel her face jiggle a little. She probably had gained some in the couple weeks that she had attended the resort spa. She supposed that was normal. Besides, nothing could really compare to what her own mother had done on vacation. Certainly, Calli wasn’t going to come home 250 pounds heavier. She took the cup back from Chloe and drained the rest of it, sucking down the sweet liquid. “

                                           The Trip Continues, a month and a half in. . .

“May I help either of you two ladies?” the attendant said as Calli and Chloe waddled their way towards the massage parlor. His eyes especially seemed to watch Chloe. Understandably so, because the pregnant woman seemed fit to burst. While in the latter stages of her pregnancy, she was still some months away from her expected due date. Yet, she look as if she had gone over that due date by a factor of several months. Her belly jutted out heavily in front of her, fully exposed despite her wearing a long skirt and shirt. A hill of fat was laid bare to the world as neither the skirt nor the shirt were able to cover her stomach. Chloe listed back and forth as she picked up her rounder, heavier legs. Her footfalls were heavy enough to almost sound like stomps. She looked like a woman that was about to collapse. Her face was red and she puffed with every heavy step. The spa food had been good, too good for the pregnant woman. Just as the incidental shake had triggered her cravings, the rest of the spa food did the same. One bite of food had to be followed by two more, no treat was ever eaten by itself, and a meal had been added between lunch and dinner. Chloe had entered the spa at an acceptable pregnancy weight, but she had blown that easily.

“No. . .that’s. . .wheeww. . .ok.” she puffed, waving a chubbier hand to ward off the assistant. She trundled forward, one hand rubbing her soft belly. There was such a noticeable amount of fat on her now. Chloe had gotten used to getting bigger because of her pregnancy, but this felt different. Instead of being localized to primarily one part of her body, she now noticed the changes all over. Her butt bounced more, buttcheeks knocking heavily into one another. Her breasts, already filled with milk, now had gained even more size. The voluminous orbs of milk rested on her stomach, looking and feeling like heavy water balloons. Chloe was approaching 250 pounds. Yet, for all the fattening up she was doing, she didn’t exactly hate it. She was used to her body undergoing fairly extreme growth. Besides, it was hard to hate your body on vacation. . .and around someone noticeably fatter than yourself.

“Ugh, I might need a little help.” Calli raised a heavy arm, indicating the need for support. “Just a little too much for lunch. . .and a few too many beers.” She stifled a belch with her chubby fist. Calli was downright fat at this point. Her 250 pounds had exploded due to the rampant accessibility of food, drink, and comfy places to sit around the spa. She could match Chloe bite for bit at a meal even without the help of pregnancy cravings. The eating and alcohol had predictable effects on the young woman’s already burgeoning waistline. She had somehow managed to pick up 50 pounds, ballooning up to an even 300. While not as pronounced as Chloe, Calli had picked up a waddle and slight wheeze when she walked. Currently, she was taking advantage of the spa’s lax policies around dress standards and wore little other than booty shorts and a sports bra. Calli, well versed in body positivity from her mothers, had little trouble showing her body off. Large breasts jiggled and threatened to burst her top, a subdivided stomach slapped against her upper thighs, and her ass did it’s best to devour her booty shorts. Inasmuch as Calli had been outgrowing her clothes, she had been finding some solace in how freeing it was not to worry about them. “I’d never say no to a handsome man helping me out a little. Especially if my lovely companion isn’t going to take advantage.” She winked and stuck her tongue out at Chloe as the smaller man took her heavy arm and started to lead her into the massage parlor.

“Pfff. . .I might be pregnant, but I’m not lazy!” Chloe retorted, smacking Calli’s ass firmly. The two had grown close quickly. y, bonding over meals, swims, and massages.

Calli, and her helper, waddled through the door. Her fat hips bumping his comparatively small body. Calli couldn’t help it, alcohol made her flirty. It was her one true weakness. . .behind food and a nice smile. “Oooo, I’ve been looking forward to this all day!” She exclaimed, eager to lay herself down on one of the surprisingly sturdy massage tables. She looked at the attendant, giving a serious but drunken look. “Now,” she paused. “Now, listen. Me and my cutie companion,” she looked back at Chloe and winked. Chloe rolled her eyes and smiled good naturedly. “. . .are in need of attention. We want your best, sexiest masseuses!” She tapped a finger on his shoulder. She would have tapped his chest, but she didn’t have the dexterity for that at the moment. Were she to go past her limits, she and the attendant would likely end up in a tangled mess on the floor. The attendant nodded attentively. Calli couldn’t tell if he was serious about fulfilling her request or if he was only humoring a drunk woman. Either way, he slowly led them down the hallways of the parlor until bringing them to a secluded, double bedded room. He bade them wait there for a moment and the masseuses would join them.

Calli and Chloe slowly began to strip off their clothes. Calli had little trouble whipping her sports bra off. Childishly, she spun the pink piece of fabric around one finger until it finally flew off across the room. Chloe, meanwhile, had started to struggle out of her clothes. Or, at least, she was attempting to. She struggled to reach past her stomach to grab her skirt. Some part of her large body seemed to be in the way no matter what she did. Her breasts would flop and bounce in her face if she looked down too far. Her arms would bunch up against her doughy stomach when she tried to reach down, audible slapping sounds coming from the meaty intersection of adipose. Even squatting down was too much to ask, her legs threatening to give out. It had been a long waddle over and Chloe’s quads and calves were beginning to give out. She bit her lip and grunted, trying again to reach. Awkwardly, she took a wide stance and felt her butt jiggle. Huffing and puffing, she put her thumbs in her skirt and tried to pull it off. Once again, she felt her fat and roly-poly body jiggle. As someone who had tried to handle her pregnancy as independently as possible, Chloe found it extremely frustrating to not be able to complete a simple task like disrobing.

"Hey, Miss Independent, you're holding things up here." Chloe heard Calli's voice before she felt her touch. A pair of chubby arms encircled Chloe’s waist, slowly running down her soft stomach. The pregnant, fat woman then felt the squish of her larger friend against her back. Without asking, Calli slowly started to peel off Chloe’s skirt. Chloe was torn. She wanted to tell her friend to stop and reinforce her independence, but she also wanted Calli to keep going. Calli was maybe the only person that Chloe would allow to help her, mostly because Calli helped her to further her own hedonism. When Calli opened a door for Chloe it was so the two could get to the buffet faster. Their chubby bodies could then waddle towards the endless piles of food together, hips big enough that they were almost able to bounce off of one another. Regardless, it was obvious that Calli wasn’t trying to help Chloe just because she was a pregnant balloon that grew in size every day, there was a reason for her intervention. Yet, this time, things felt a little different.Chole could tell she was letting Calli roll her skirt off simply because it felt nice. “I am not letting you hold up my massage time because you can’t get the clothes off of your big butt.” Calli said, Chloe could tell she was smiling despite her tone.

“Ok, ok!” Chloe giggled, crossing her legs from nervous, excited energy. It felt so strange to have another woman touching her. She felt silly, bubbly, overly hormonal as Calli worked the long piece of cloth off of her body. Like little pinpricks of energy were leaping from her skin to crossover onto Calli. “You just hhhaavvvee to get me naked, don’t you.” Chloe made the joke as her skirt crossed her knees. Her large, yet tight panties were exposed to the room. They clung tightly to Chloe’s butt, the black fabric doing absolutely nothing to slim her widened waist down. Chloe knew that Calli had abandoned her own underwear a while ago. The spa boasted a relaxed, free atmosphere when it came to clothing. Barring certain areas, women were free to go with as much or as little clothing as they pleased; Calli preferred the “lesser” option. While not completely naked, she did enjoy finding ways to make her outfits skimpier and skimpier. Chloe wished she could have that level of confidence. It made her smile to watch Calli order drink after drink, braless breasts bobbing in a grey t-shirt.

“You wish, sister.” Calli said, smacking Chloe’s juicy ass. The pregnant woman jumped, grasping her large bottom in surprise. Calli laughed, her double rolled stomach bouncing. “I’m just here for a massage. She laughed even harder when Chloe wobbled around, one hand clutching her stomach and the other over the spot where Calli’s hand had made contact. Chloe’s face was flushed, embarrassed and more than a little angry. The pregnant woman waddled forward with her large stomach quickly pressing against Calli’s own gut. The two soft women pressed against each other. Chloe’s stomach had the upper hand. Her pregnant stomach shoved against Calli’s soft, fat tummy. Fat on both of their stomachs bunched up, flowing to the sides to fall into open space. Calli had to catch her breath in a sharp intake. There was an energy in the room that hadn’t been present before. Something about feeling Chloe’s big, fat, pregnant stomach made Calli seize up.

“Now listen here, missy!” Chloe tapped a finger between Calli’s large breasts, making them jiggle nakedly. “You had better not be starting something you aren’t willing to finish.” She tapped Calli’s shirt after every word. Her firm belly swiveled, dragging lightly against Calli’s soft, fat expanse. “I don’t want you drunkenly tapping my butt. . .” Calli 's eyes drifted away from Chloe’s eyes and down towards her breasts. Calli had seen them getting bigger throughout the trip, filling with milk and ballooning with fat. Yet, now, she saw them in a different light. They bounced and swang under her shirt, sharp nipples poking into the shirt. “. . .unless you are going to finish what you started.” The pregnant woman finished, pushing air out of her nose in a show of finality. Calli wasn’t sure if her friend was joking around, if she herself was supposed to be intimidated, or even how best to respond. However, she had an idea of what she was going to do.

“I think I could finish every bit of you and come back for more.” Calli said. Before Chloe could respond, Calli had leaned down and pressed her lips against Chloe’s. Her arms immediately wrapped around Chloe’s back. It was like a dam of reserved emotions had come flowing forward. Calli, as time had built, had felt herself being driven closer and closer to the other woman. Her laugh, smile, deep brown eyes, and especially her roundness had all started to drive Calli wild. She hadn’t been sure how to tell Chloe, maybe hoping that the spa trip would end without her having to. Yet, here she was, forced by a deeper impulse into kissing her pregnant friend. Much to her surprise, she found the pregnant, chubby woman kissing back. It felt amazing, their round and soft bodies pressing up against one another. Their breasts bobbled against one another, two sets of overfilled water balloons rubbing pleasurably. Once or twice, they had to adjust their stances to accommodate their stomachs; Chloe’s especially. Conscious thought was born away for a time, allowing Calli and Chloe to express themselves physically. The pair kissed, somewhat sloppily, until Chloe finally had to sit on a massage table in order to rest her feet.

Yet, they weren’t done. Calli waddled forward, her pudgy fingers lifting and tugging off Chloe’s shirt. “What. . .ooohhh. . .are you doing?” Chloe panted, mind too filled with hormones to think clearly. She had only just started to register that Calli had kissed her. It was maybe unexpected, but not unwelcome. Her shirt slowly up and away, her milky breasts flopping onto her large stomach. They were fat and perky with inviting, pink nipples.

“You said I had to finish every bit of what I started.” Calli whispered in Chloe’s ear before dropping her mouth towards Chloe’s breasts. She couldn’t tell if it was lust or gluttony that spurred her on, but she didn’t care. Instead, she took Chloe’s left breast in her mouth and worked at it with her tongue. Kissing, sucking, and filling her mouth with the sweet milk that came rushing out. Calli was a woman possessed and she was out to get her fill. Chloe’s boobs opened up like a fire hydrant, practically spraying milk into Calli’s mouth. The greedy blonde happily lapped it up, letting it fill her stomach. Meanwhile, Chloe moaned and gushed, her hands draped over Calli’s soft back. She felt good, like a queen. Calli continued to suck and kiss, drawing away all of the tasty liquid from the once filled reservoir. As Chloe’s breasts emptied, Calli’s stomach filled, rounding out with the very amount of milk pumped into her. She didn’t stop until both breasts were emptied.

Once her task was completed, Calli waddled backwardly and drunkenly stumbled onto her own massage table. She sat looking at Chloe. The two women panted, each rubbing their belly. Blushes filled their faces, their breaths came with great difficulty. The two naked women faced each other smiling though. Neither was sure exactly what had just happened, but they were sure that they wanted it to happen again.

                            The trip comes to an end, another happy month later. . .

“You are kidding me?!” Chloe asked as she waddled down the hall. One hand against the wall to steady herself. She had only grown bigger thanks to both her pregnancy and the amount of food on offer at the spa. She had reach 330 pounds even, her previously skinny body a distant memory. As she waddled the hallways, her inflated hips swang back and forth in wide archs; compensating for the extra weight that was piled on top. Her stomach was further expanded, with a fully fledged “fat roll” now hanging below her preggo-tummy. To further throw her off balance, her breasts slid back and forth across her stomach. She might have been able to control them with a bra. . .were she still in possession of one that fit. Chloe’s breasts, thanks to Calli’s contant milk binges, had nearly tripled in size. Prior, she had been a busty woman but now she was reaching into custom bra sizes. Not that she bothered with bras or even the thought of them at this point. She merely put a loose shirt on and hoped that would provide enough help. If nothing else, it gave Calli easy access. “That’s your mom?” She looked at the photo incredulously. Chloe felt she was staring at the fattest woman of all time.

“Yep! So trust me when I say we aren’t even close to being “fat” in my family.” She laughed. Thanks to Chloe’s milk binges, Calli had exploded in size. 370 pounds of Calli waddled her way down the halls. Calli had her appetites, in more ways than one, completely freed. She at when she wanted (constantly), drank from Chloe’s breasts when she wanted (constantly), and fucked Chloe whenever there was time in between the two previous activities. She felt a freedom that she had never felt before. In an odd twist, she felt a kinship with her mother that she hadn’t before. She had always chocked her mom’s weight gain up to dire circumstances. She had gone on her trip a miserable, depressed woman on the brink of total mental collapse. Calli had always cited the extreme changes that had come as a result of that trip as a release of that energy. It was the only explanation that could reasonably see a 110 pound woman growing and gorging herself into a 650 pound, nearly immobile behemoth. Now, approaching that same fate, Calli was visited by an epiphany: her mother had done it because it simply felt good. Calli knew because she felt the same desire coming to light within herself. She wanted to eat and she wanted to fondle Chloe, with little else taking hold in her mind. “We got a ways to go before we even get as big as my stepmom.” Calli flipped through the photos on her phone until she found a picture of Daisy.

“Oh my gosh, that’s your STEPMOM!” Chloe exploded when she saw the photo. It was one that Daisy had sent to Calli. She was in front of a mirror, her body exploding to either side of it. Her massive, watermelon sized breasts barely contained in the world’s strongest custom bra. She was blowing a kiss to the camera, a sensuous pose intended for Calli. Chloe was almost knocked down by the wave of feminine sensuality that came from the picture. This was not a woman that stared at her, eyes half-lidded with barely contained lust, but rather a goddess. Daisy oozed fat and sexuality without even trying, the benefit of spending years working on nothing but being attractive to her gluttonous wife. “She’s so young! Quite the catch.” Chloe whistled, her chins jiggling with the motion. She risked getting thrown off balance and bumped a hip into Calli.

“She’s a handful is what she is.” Calli bumped her pregnant lover back. “She’s a total animal. Like, cannot keep her hands off of me.” Calli rolled her eyes, thinking of the many invitations to cuddle that she had been given by Daisy. The busty woman was relentless in her pursuit. Calli often felt Daisy’s soft, sausage fingers and long, elaborately painted fingernails trailing down her love handles. “Total sex freak.”

“Woah, doesn’t your mom, like, care?” Chloe asked. The two women waddled along, bellies rolling back and forth, breasts resting on top like fluffy clouds above rounded mountain peaks. They carried their suitcases with them. It was time to leave the spa, the vacation now reaching its end. But it would not be the end for Chloe and Calli, they were going to return to the world as an official couple. The spark between the two fatties had only grown, blooming into a raging fire.

“Nah, she’s gotten pretty liberal about these things. As long as Daisy is coming back to her bed at night and at meals, she’s ok with her wild side. Besides, I think she likes it. Freaky shit just get the two of them off now.” Calli remarked. She paused for a moment, taking a second to collect her breath. It was noticeably harder to move with the increase in weight. She had done little other than eat, lay around, and pleasure Chloe. The last vestiges of her endurance and athleticism had long since dried up. She was a fat girl through and through now. She wiped a flabby arm across her forehead, mopping up sweat that gathered below her blonde hair. “I’ve never taken her up on the offer though.”

“What? Why not?” Chloe said, visions of the behemoth, busty woman floating through her head. She wondered what it was like to be in bed with a woman so much bigger than her.

“I dunno, she’s my mom’s wife. It’d be too weird I think.” Calli responded, opening a door for and letting her pregnant girlfriend waddle through. She took a moment to slap Chloe’s ass. Her girlfriend giggled, dancing away from the hit. A thick spread of ripples flowed out from the point where Calli’s hand had made contact, flowing under the black leggings. Calli purred a little as she watched her lover’s body bounce and jiggle. It was a constant battle between the two to see who would end up the fattest. One week it would seem like Calli would take the lead, only for it to be stolen immediately next week by Chloe. While Chloe had her pregnancy cravings to spur her on, constantly provoking her hunger, Calli was fed a steady diet of Chloe’s milk. The pregnant woman had an endless stream of delicious milk for Calli to gorge on, filling her up and fattening her like nothing else. It was an unspoken competition, one that neither woman wanted to end. They were happy to watch themselves and their partner balloon in size. “Besides, shouldn’t I be focused on you now?”

“Duh.” Chloe flicked her brown hair with her free hand. “But the idea is almost too kinky to pass up.” She took heavy footsteps to the waiting cab in front of the spa area, her butt devouring more and more of her panties and leggings with each step. She waited at the door for Calli to catch up, intent to see her lover open the door for her. She had come to enjoy Calli’s doting. While she hated other people trying to help her, she would eagerly submit to Calli. “But maybe it would be fun to work her into a little something with the three of us? I’m just saying, I’ve got two breasts, one for you and another available woman.” She winked and presented her douhgy hand to Calli. Calli took it and slowly lowered Chloe into the cab. The vehicle’s suspension rocked and squeaked as the large woman took her spot. Her stomach, poking out from between her shirt and pants, was big enough to touch the seat in front of her. Realizing this, she brought her hands to her upper belly and began rubbing, enjoying the light pressure of being so enclosed; another reminder of how huge she had been getting.

“Well. . .” Calli started before waddling around to the other side of the cab. She sat down more quickly than she intended, throwing the car back and forth. Her and Chloe’s fat bounced as the car settled back down. “. . .the hard part will be getting her to stop taking you up on the offer.”

“Hard to imagine getting sick of that.” Chloe leaned over, puckering up to kiss her lover. She was excited to meet Calli’s family. Further, she was excited for the life that she and Calli would start to build together. As the cab pulled away from the spa the two women found themselves once again entangled in each other’s arms.

                                                                   An 18 Year Interlude. . .

The decisions made on that vacation stayed with both Chloe and Calli. They found themselves growing closer, body and soul. It was not, as either of them feared, just a vacation fling but rather something loving and long lasting. The two continued to date and become further romantically intertwined. Calli loved Chloe, Chloe loved Calli, and Calli’s mother and stepmother loved the two of them together. Yet, that was not the only part of the spa vacation that had further consequences. Much like Kelli and Daisy, Calli and Chloe found it hard to stop their gluttonous ways. What had been spa-snacking became their day to day lives. While not the source of their love, food was certainly mixed in heavily. Calli would spoil her pregnant girlfriend, whose cravings had been further inflamed by being around Kelli and Daisy. Chloe would dutifully eat the snacks, meals, and feasts provided by her lover. Of course, there was always plenty for Calli to indulge in as well. Their love and bodies grew as the time passed, filling up and out.

Eventually, Chloe would give birth to an adorable young daughter, whom she named Baylee. Baylee’s childhood was different, filled with images of heavy women and messages that went beyond simple body positivity. She was raised by a herd of hogs, gluttons whose thoughts were on food and sex as often as anything else. While loving, her mother and Calli had values that differed from every other parent around. Yet, Baylee didn’t mind. She was happy with her life and enjoyed the feeling of being different. So the happy family continued forward for 18 years, eating, growing, and changing. They were dynamic women, ones who found their personalities fluid and evolving. In the same way that Kelli and Daisy had found themselves becoming different people, so too did Calli and Chloe. Even still, Kelli and Daisy changed as well. The days, weeks, months, and years ticked by.

                                             A Breakfast 18 Years In The Making. . .

“Aww, did my little girl get enough to eat?” Chloe asked, watching as Baylee finished her food. Chloe sat spread across 4 different chairs, her stomach folding out between her pillar legs to rest on a stool in front of her. She was monumentally huge. Breasts that were easier compared to melons, a stomach that blimped out several feet in front of her yet sagged down to her thighs, and an ass that could crush stone benches at the park. 650 pounds of Chloe now rested at the kitchen table, turned semi-sideways so her stomach didn’t shove the table away when she reached for food or stretched her ponderous form. Chloe wore very little. She had a pink t-shirt on which read “World's Best Breeding Sow” and the biggest possible maternity pants. Chloe was indeed pregnant, as she had been practically every day since the spa vacation. Unwilling to let the feelings of hugeness go, she instead had turned to constant and continuous surrogacies in order to maintain her gravid form. She had come to love pregnancy and all it brought with it. Great genetics combined with fertility treatments had kept her body pregnancy ready even into her late 30’s. She spent most of her time consciously rubbing and massaging her stomach, reveling in the feeling of just how pregnant and fat she was. “Do you need anything else, dear?”

“No. . .mmgph. . .well. . .mmmgpgh. . .maybe.” Baylee said, powering through another fully loaded breakfast plate. Baylee was 18 years old and already a glutton that could rival anyone in the family. She ate like a woman possessed. She was 350 pounds of pure, preppy glutton. Baylee had been given the best of everything. Chloe had made sure that she was the happiest girl in the entire world. Of course, this had made Baylee just a little spoiled. But neither Calli nor Chloe minded. They felt it was their job to make sure that Baylee enjoyed life to its fullest extent. Baylee was dressed in bright pink, evoking her mother’s shirt, only her entire outfit was the gaudy, bright color. She had on a tight, sorely outgrown tracksuit. The zipper had been partially undone to let her full breasts through while her stomach peaked out from under. Her pants were just as small as her top, showing off the stringy thong that she wore underneath. More than ever, Baylee had started to prioritize comfort over style, loving that she was covered in softy, velvety material constantly. Her hair, light brown with attractive streaks of blonde, waved back and forth as she ate. She did not even bother to address her mother until she was halfway through her plate. “UUUURRRPPP, like, maybe some more syrup for the pancakes.” She said, diving back into her food. It was highly likely that the plate would be finished before more syrup could arrive.

“Sure thing, dear.” Chloe leaned forward to pat her lovely daughter’s cheek. She then turned and cupped a hand to her chubby cheek. “Hoooonnneeeeyyy, Baylee needs some more syrup.” Chloe called to Calli. She paused before calling again. “Oh, go ahead and bring me another plate or two, since you are up!” Chloe settled down into her many chairs and belly-stool. As pregnancies had mounted, the once starkly independent Chloe had found herself relying on Calli more and more. She loved the way her lover would dote on her: feeding her chocolates, rubbing her feet and belly at any time, and helping move her bulk from chair to chair. Granted, such loving service had its own rewards, Chloe felt the usual trickle of milk forming at her breasts. Calli’s services required a toll, one that Chloe was happy to pay over and over again.

“Ok, ok. . .you two are lucky that you’re both cute.” Calli said, emerging from the kitchen; a chorus of slapping fat rolls following her. Calli was dressed in nothing other than a floral apron, her massive body shoving out to either side. While not entirely too fat for clothing (she was a measly 50 pounds lighter than Chloe) Calli liked to pretend that she was. She was a little less belly heavy than Chloe, and had a wonderfully even distribution of fat similar to her mother. Unlike her mother, who simply let every aspect of her appearance go as she gained weight, Calli still preferred to keep her appearance tidy and neat. She wore her long blonde hair in a tight bun, did her make up, and wore light jewelry. She gave the appearance of a woman who knew where her beauty lay but wanted to enhance it just a little with some accessories. She waddled in, hauling two plates of food in either hand and a bottle of syrup under her naked arm. She set the plates down before Chloe and Baylee, giving the latter the bottle of syrup. “I’m surprised you don’t want me to just pour it in your mouth.” She said as Baylee started to dump the sugary, sticky liquid onto her plate. Baylee simply rolled her eyes. With her task completed, Calli was free to enjoy herself a little. She pulled over her set of chairs to Chloe who had slipped her shirt off. Calli took Chloe’s large, milk-full breast in her mouth and drank deep of the sweet milk inside.

“Ugh! You two are so gross sometimes!” Baylee said, voice full of petulant late-teenage rebellion. “Like, get a room!”

“Hey, the faster you finish your food and get ready, the sooner you won’t have to see it!” Chloe remarked before moaning a little. Baylee made a disgusted snort, grabbed her meal, and thumped off to her room. “We’re leaving in 30 minutes! Better be ready!” Chloe called after her daughter. She returned to enjoying the feel of Calli’s mouth on her immense breast. She wrapped her arms around Calli’s head and pulled her in closer, loving the feeling of their two fat bodies meshing together. She felt the babies within her stomach kick a little, further adding to the intensity of the moment. It had been 18 years of experiences like this. Just her and Calli excitedly exploring whatever amorous thoughts came into their heads.Yet, this was only a taste of what was to come. They were going to see Kelli and Daisy.

                                                         Once at the house. . .

“Mooommm!” Calli called, opening the massive double doors to the house. They swung wide, allowing the two massive women and their fat daughter to waddle forward. Bellies slapped against thighs, breasts jiggled under too-small shirts, and thighs knocked into anything that came too close. While the doors were big enough to accommodate both Calli and Chloe at the same time, it was not as comfortable an experience as it once had been. The two huge women moved as best they could, but found their bodies impeding each other. Calli felt her stomach get shoved and shunted by Chloe’s bigger, pregnant belly. The soft expanse of Calli’s gut was no match for Chloe’s firm, dominant preggo belly. However, Calli’s hips managed to wedge themselves in a bit before Chloe’s. It was a confusing, fluffy mess of flab and womanhood. “Uh, dear, could you back up a bit? I’m kinda getting crushed here.” Calli said, trying to lightly push her wife back. Her slightly free arm patting Chloe’s belly.

“Baaabbe! I thought you knew I was supposed to go in first!” Chloe whined, trying to shimmy her hips. She succeeded in knocking her gut against Calli’s, the two of their bellies rippling out to slap at the doorframes on their respective sides. “Pregnant woman’s right!” She exclaimed, eliciting an eye roll from Calli. It was hardly the first time that Chloe had made up a right for a pregnant woman. From behind, they heard the telltale snicker of Baylee who had been very much enjoying the comedy of her fattened parents stuck tight. Chloe had more than enough spunk to deal with her daughter though. “I had better not hear any giggling, Missy!” She stamped her foot. “Unless someone is very desperate to try a low-carb diet!” The giggles ceased, replaced with petulant mumbles and grumbles. Chloe was about to say more, but then heard a mechanical groaning and whining. It was a familiar noise. The sound of some poor scooter carrying more than it could possibly bear. Kelli had come to save the day.

Her massive stomach came into view almost before event the front of her scooter did. Her belly flowed over top of the handlebars even, wedged between her meaty hands. Kelli was massive. Time had done little to slow her weight gain. Practically every part of her was as big as it could possibly be, burying the memories of the thin woman she had once been. She was loosely wrapped in a tent-sized bathrobe, fluffy and white. Her ass hung mostly into empty air with only a small portion of it resting on the seat proper. Her legs, bigger than most tree trunks, fought for space on the scooter; her thighs and cankles shoving at one another. Kelli still had long, blonde hair though now with slight streaks of grey. She had managed to stay young looking despite the passage of time. Something about her immobile body had kept her young and vivacious, holding her between youthful energy and graceful age. Her hair streamed down her nearly-naked body, unkempt and free flowing as always. There was something primal about her lack of care in her image. Like she was a goddess of the field, fattened to ridiculous proportions by over zealous worshippers. “Hang. . .UUURRRRRPPP. . .on girls.” she called lazily. She smiled faintly, memories of half-mobility coming back to her. She fished on her fat body, tugging impotently at the chord that, somewhat, kept her robe cinched up. “Just. . .uugh. . .a minute. . .girls.” The scooter shook violently as she worked the soft, white belt off.

Quickly, Kelli grew tired from trying to tug and pull the belt off. “Whew. . .sorry, girls. . .ooooff.” Her face reddened, puffy cheeks and chins slick with sweat that trailed down between her massive breasts. The scooter swung back and forth violently as Kelli tried to finagle the belt from between her fat rolls. Slowly, inch by inch, the white, fluffy belt was pulled and dragged from Kelli’s great bulk. It was warm to the touch and slightly damp, after being so-coddled by Kelli’s sweaty, unyielding fat. By the time the belt had been fully removed Kelli was red faced and gasping for air. Her stomach, subdivided now into three rolls, heaved and rolled with her shuddering breaths. Impotently, she fanned her face and neck, trying to muster up enough wind with her thick fingers to cool her chin folds. “Oh. . .ok. . .whew. . .here we. . . go. . .” She tossed the white belt over to Chloe and Calli, both catching it easily. It was then a matter of tugging, with Calli and Chloe pulling from their end and Kelli throwing her scooter into reverse. The work was strenuous for the obese women, each of them ending with sore muslces and red faces.

“Yeesh, thanks for that, Mom.” Calli said, once freed. She waddled up to her mother, hugging her immense bulk. She sank deeply into Kelli’s fat, swamped by the huge piles of fat. Kelli said little, trying desperately to catch her breath. Calli broke apart first, letting her mother’s immense arms flop back onto her cushiony, pillowy folds. “You deserve a treat!” Calli smiled wide. “While Chloe and I say hello to Daisy, why doesn’t Baylee fix you a snack.” Calli put a large arm around Baylee and gently pushed her girlfriend’s daughter forward.

“Oh, yeah! Like, I’d be happy to!” Baylee said, taking Kelli’s large arm in her own. “Whatever you want, name it!” Kelli quickly began listing items that she was interested in. The wheels of the overtaxed scooter grinding into motion. The bratty teen, for once, offered little in the way of resistance to the quickly building list of food. Baylee had always been in awe of Kelli. As a spoiled, bratty, princess, Baylee could only respect the woman who seemed to truly be the biggest cow around. So the smallest woman in the room and the largest left together, Baylee hanging off of Kelli’s immense bulk. Leaving both Chloe and Calli to head towards the basement, Daisy’s domain.

                                                                Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. . .

“Oooohh. . .hey. . .huff. . .ladies.” Daisy smiled wolfishly as Chloe and Calli entered her bedroom. Daisy was immense. 18 years of constantly eating, stuffing, and fattening herself landed on her frame. 600 pounds had exploded and further magnified into weights that were unable to be measured with conventional scales. Mobility was a long distant dream to Daisy. She didn’t even possess Kelli’s barely-not-really mobility. If nothing else, Kelli could move with the help of various instruments and a little physical assistance from a nurse. Daisy, on the other hand, was completely immobile. But that was ok with her. She had little need for mobility, she only needed more fat to be played with. Daisy might have started off as the feeder between her and Kelli, but the scales had tipped somewhere in the 18 years since Calli met Chloe. Now she wanted to be huge just as much as she wanted to be fucked. Days spent eating and being eaten out by Kelli had turned into weeks which had turned into months. Kelli, excited to watch her lover balloon and morbidly curious to see the end result had been happy to comply. At the start, Kelli had never thought that she would be bested by Daisy. Now, scarily, Daisy dwarfed Kelli. She was hoisted in a series of swings and slings. She had three swings to hold her ass, which was big enough to still flood onto the bed a foot below her. There was one swing situated below her massive stomach fold, which could be raised to help whichever lover had come to visit her for easy access to her secret sweetness. Twin swings to hold up her zeppelin breasts. Daisy’s breasts were immense. Fat and heavy, Daisy’s breasts were a size that made miniscule most things around them. She could fill chairs with them. “Took you long enough getting here. I hope you are ready to make up for that!” Daisy said sharply, her attitude resurging.

Calli and Chloe, as always, were taken aback by Daisy’s size. Despite their regular trips, it seemed like she was always bigger than the last time. She might have actually been. Her life was one series of buffets and orgies, one piled after the other. Once, Kelli had been enough to satiate her incredible lusts, but she had grown beyond that. The playful requests and teases towards Calli and Chloe had become ever more insistent. Finally, one year around Valentine’s day, Calli and Chloe had given in and enjoyed some seductive, sensuous time with Daisy. They had done everything in their power to please the sex-fied to the point where she wouldn’t need to ask again. It had been a quaint idea. Instead, Calli and Chloe found that their night of passion was to be expected regularly from Daisy. The young lady would glut herself on sexual pleasure with Calli and Chloe while her wife would glut herself in the kitchen above.  Finally, their lust starting to catch back up, they started to waddle forward. Chloe immediately headed for the bed. She needed to sit and rest her bulk. The heavier between herself and Calli, her nearly 800 pounds of mass shook the floor. Her stomach bounced in her custom made maternity leggings. Her stomach was the perfect combination of fat and pregnant. Filled with both babies and fat, it forced her to lean back and take a slow waddle. As she waddled she began to throw off her shirt, further exposing her massive stomach and breasts.

“Like. . .UUURRRPPPP. . .let’s go girls. The fattest, most fuckable woman around shouldn’t have to wait this long.” Daisy tried to snap her fingers, but the sound was canceled by the press of her wrist-fat onto her fingers. She swung lightly in the intricate series of slings and swings that kept her immense body suspended. Daisy’s thick set of neck rolls wobbled even as they rested on her couch-cushion breasts; jiggling ever more violently as she bossed the two smaller women around. Daisy’s black hair, dyed and as sharply cut as ever, fell to her round cheeks and stopped. Her bangs touched her doughy shoulders, pressing in ever so slightly. The rest of her spread over the mattress, sagging it down with only her weight. From time to time, impatiently waiting for sex, she would buck or gyrate. Her blobby body would move slowly, shifting back and forth like it was on a set track. Daisy preferred her immobile lifestyle. It made her favorite activities all the more enjoyable the less she could move. She was the queen and she deserved to be treated as such. It was her partners’ job to stimulate her sexually, not her own.

“Ok, ok. Someone’s feeling big and bossy today.” Calli rubbed her stepmother’s side. Calli was no small woman, but she was beyond outclassed by Daisy’s weight and girth. Many years younger than the rest of the family, yet hundreds of pounds heavier, Daisy was the eventual end of a trophy wife that had been given everything she had ever wanted. She was fed and sexed around the clock by Kelli, Calli, Chloe, or the many nurses that came in and out of the house. Her needs were met almost without thinking most of the time. Daisy, since the cruise, had been allowed to grow ever more spoiled and demanding. Kelli loved it and encouraged it at every heavy step. She loved watching her massive sex goddess berate resturant staff or bully women who had taken an interest in her or her wife. Calli and Chloe, however, had begun to mind a little. While the sex and passion was nice, both women reminding themselves of that as they began to rub Daisy’s bulk from their respective positions, her attitude had started to become a problem. “Uuuuggghhh. . .enough with the foreplay.” Daisy said, as Chloe played with the immense ass swinging before her and Calli stroked her belly. “We all know what we came here for!” Daisy said, shaking her ponderous body to loosen up. Calli and Chloe rolled their eyes, wondering how much this was really worth to them.

Daisy’s complaints were replaced with loud moans as both women got to work. They planted large and sloppy kisses on Daisy, leaving bright lipstick marks. Chloe edged herself up as far on the bed as she could go. Her stomach was pressed by Daisy’s tanker-ass. It billowed out backwards on the swing, flooding empty air with pale and unrelenting blubber. The monolithic ass bounced and thudded heavily on Chloe’s stomach, breasts and even her chins as Daisy began to gryrate. Partially because the gravity of the swings and partially because of Calli’s own work upfront. Calli had planted her lips on Daisy’s breast, the centerpiece to her monumental body. It was bigger even that Calli’s head, far larger. Stuffed with fat and oversensitive, even a slight touch would elicit a chorus of loud moans from Daisy. The immobile woman kicked and bucked as best as she was able, throwing her massive fat around. Daisy could only receive pleasure, greedily taking it from the two smaller women. She demanded perfection when it came to lovemaking, unwilling to tolerate anything less than pure, physical adoration. However, once satisfied, she was cognisant of little else. She focused entirely on the feeling of Calli’s tongue wrapping around a fat nipple and Chloe’s mouth reaching her buttocks.

The hooks in the ceiling and walls that the swing was attached to creaked eerily, as if they could fall at any moment. Daisy gasped, a blush flowing across her face as both women furthered Daisy’s pleasure. Calli dipped below Daisy’s lowest stomach fold, reaching the aching, wet sweetness between her puffy legs at the same time that Chloe pressed her face between the large boulders that Daisy called her ass. The two women worked dutifully, pleasing their immobile mistress. Daisy, meanwhile, moaned and screamed and kicked to the extent that she was able. It was incredible, the feeling of two 600 pound hogs pleasuring her. She felt alive in a way that she only did when having sex. Sweat built on all three women’s bodies, filing the room with a sweltering, misty, muggy heat. In the exchange, One of Daisy’s slings broke loose, letting her massive arm flop down. She used it to grope and squeeze her own breasts, feeling their delicious softness. Soon, Daisy wouldn’t even remember who she was fucking or even her own name. The only thoughts in her mind would be pleasure and the force of two fat women shoving their bodies against her larger, dominating, blobbish one.

For Calli and Chloe, however, they thought something different. While each drew what pleasure they could out of the situation, they had other thoughts. While fun initially, their games with Daisy were reaching a point where they weren’t fun anymore. The huge woman was bossy and demanding, using her immensity to bully the smaller women around. The thoughts swirled around in the two women’s minds, mixing with pleasure in a strange delirium. They considered, dimly, how to change and improve their position. Their thoughts slowly turned to Daisy’s most defining feature: her size. As the biggest, fattest woman of the group she commanded the most out of the others. Daisy’s size induced a natural compulsion for submission and subservience. There was a desire to pleasure and be pleasured by the largest woman in the room. Yet, what happens when that woman starts to abuse her power? It was a question that the two women wrestled with as they made Daisy groan and moan. There had to be some way to tilt the scales back in their favor. Chloe and Calli both slowly came to the same thought: “Maybe I need to be the biggest?”


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