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- All characters in this story have been aged up to adulthood. -

"Lilo, are you sure about this?" Victoria asked her girlfriend. "I know we joked and all but. . .this is all getting a bit real for me." She said, staring down at the plate of food in front of her. It was a simple plate, just some burgers and fries. However, this food was made by Frenchfry and contained all the unique properties that his food was capable of having: extreme taste, addictiveness, and absurdly high fat content. One meal was enough to gain 30 pounds. People almost never had only one meal.

"Yeah, come on weirdo, don't you have exams to study for or something?" Myrtle, Victoria's roommate, chimed in. The girls were finishing their final semester of their first year of college. Each of the three girls had grown into pretty young women. Victoria was wearing a bright blue sundress, Lilo wore a blue hoodie and jeans, and Myrtle had black athletic shorts and a matching shirt. Each of the women had a plate of food in front of them. However, none of them seemed as excited as Lilo about it.

Lilo had been dreaming of this for days. Her experience with Frenchfry had imprinted deeply on her brain. She relived the strange, fattening experience almost nightly in her dreams. For years she kept it a secret, afraid to tell anyone. It was until she reconnected either her best friend, Victoria, and entered into a romantic relationship that she felt able to talk freely. To her surprise, Victoria had reacted with interest. She was used to the strange, alien adventures that Lilo had when they were growing up. Besides, it seemed like this one would be a low risk one. At least, that's how it had seemed when she first started. Now, faced with the food, she had other thoughts. 

"Trust me! You'll love it!" Lilo said, patting Victoria and Myrtle's backs. She nudged them toward the food just a bit. Victoria and Myrtle sighed, looked at each other, and lifted their forks.

. . . . . . .

"Oh, wow, this is good." Victoria said as she dug into the food that had been offered to her. She grabbed a fistful of delightfully crispy fries and shoved them into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully, enjoying the rich and indescribable flavor. Naturally, her stomach blimped out in front of her. She visibly grew, stomach quickly bulging out to make her look several months pregnant. She took another quick bite, her stomach fat responding in kind. The food was so enchanting that she didn't notice until her stomach was touching the table. "Woah, you were kidding. This little guy's food finds a way onto your hips quickly." Victoria marveled, trying to sort out her feelings on the forming gut that bounced in her lap.

"Yep! Mmmppogghh. . .juft wait. You. . .uuurrpp. . .hafent scheen. . . .mmmpggh. . .anyfing yet!" Lilo said, scarfing down food as quickly as she could manage. Familiar with the taste of Frenchfry's food, she was ready to skip to the after effects. Leave the enjoying of the meal to Victoria and Myrtle, Lilo was in it for the after effects. They were everybody as wonderful as she remembered. Her stomach bulged out even quicker than Victoria's, her body used to processing the strange and delicious meals that the wayward alien made. "Oh!" Lilo exclaimed as she blimey out suddenly after devouring a rolled up pizza. She loved how quickly the effects took hold of her body. Each bite made her fatter, rounder, and bouncier. The fat that Frenchfry's good produced was curious. It definitely was fat, binding Lilo and her three pudgy friends to the ground more and more, but it ballooned them rather than making them flabby. "Well, Myrtle. . .mmmrrgph. . .how do you. . .like it-uuuurrrppp." Lilo asked, filling her mouth with an entire trays worth of muffins. 

"God, this is weird. . .but I like it." Myrtle said before returning to slurping down spaghetti in one long, continuous slurp. Her body rounded out more and more with each length of noodle consumed. Myrtle shivered as her shirt rode up and her butt took up more space on the chair. Though, she trailed behind both of them friends in sheer size. Victoria grew at a reasonable pace, about as quickly as Lilo had her first time all those years ago. Victoria felt her pants unbutton themselves, three brass buttons pinging into the bottom of the table and scattering across the ground. She chomped and slurped her way through her food, unconcerned about table manners. This was food meant to be enjoyed loudly. She heard more ripping as her shirt tore at the sides. Victoria almost didn't even realize how fat she was getting, the taste of the food too hypnotic. Her girlfriend was able to focus and hone her mind towards gorging, forcing herself to grow larger and faster.

Lilo rocked side to side in her chair, her now massive butt completely overflowing it. She needed a second or possibly third in order to cover her growing bulk. "Wow! Lilo, you're getting huge." Victoria said, breaking her eating for a moment to reflect in her friend's growing size. Each bite rounded out Lilo in real time. She puffed and inflated, her body even making stretching noises as she grew. Her stomach, bursting fully from between her jeans and hoodie, shoved the table. Her arms seemed to recede slightly into her body, able to eat but not without her having to twist and dip her body to reach the food. Lilo had easily reached the size she had been the first time around. A round, puffy ba of fat fit only to bounce and roll. Exactly what she wanted. 

"I know. . .UUURRRPPP. . .check this out!" She said excitedly. She sluggishly forced her body off of the chair it was on. She rocked back and forth in an attempt to unweighted herself. Her huge, brown stomach rocked the table, splattering food off onto the floor. In the end, Lilo's chair broke before she could free herself. The round, food balloon bounced and rolled. The kitchen shuddered under her movements, but she was powerless to stop it. . .not that she wanted to. Lilo loved how Frenchfry's fat made her bounce. The elation that came from being huge yet defying the law of gravity  was second to none. Now, Bigger than she had ever been, it was like she had turned herself into a rubbery wrecking ball. "Woah, woah. . .check. . .ooff. . .this out!" Lilo said in between bounds across the dining room. She bounced without care. Sometimes landing on her butt, sometimes her stomach, and the rest on her massive belly. She landed on a chair, instantly crushing it. From there she fell into a roll and circled the kitchen. It wasn't until she crashed into something equally squishy that she was able to stop.

"Wow! Lilo!" Victoria said, waddling forward to try and hug her spherical girlfriend. "What was that?! Can I do it?!" Her stomach bounded off of Lilo's own, shoving the two back several heavy steps. Victoria was looking big, maybe close to Lilo's original size when she went through Frenchfry's transformation. Current day Lilo, was a different story. She had continued to balloon, the effects of Frenchfry's food working even after she stopped eating. Lilo was twice as wide as Victoria, her body somehow even more speherical than her girlfriend’s.  Lilo was a literal ball of fat and padding. Her arms had been all but devoured by her body, which was continuing to blimp out slowly. Lacking a neck, her rounded face rested ontop of her puffy shoulders. She gently rocked and swayed, bumping against Victoria like a ship would knock a buoy. 

"Of course, though you might need to be just a little rounder. Frenchfry, Victoria needs a little more bounce!" Lilo called, her pet alien coming running. Hopping onto Lilo's flabby body, sinking in up to his hips, he poured a gallon of pancake batter into Victoria's mouth. The red haired girl chugged it down almost as quickly as it was poured into her. Still, rivers of batter ran down either side of her mouth. Lilo, pig that she was, could help but lean in to lick and kiss the remnant batter away. She hated to see good food go to waste. Victoria continued to chug, her body growing in leaps and bounds. There were even cartoonish "bloomph" and stretching sounds. Her dress grew tighter and tighter and tighter around her, though it didn't not rip. Victoria continued noisily slurping, taking in every bit of fattening batter possible. When it was finally finished, she was more comparable to Lilo's size. Victoria's body was now only slightly smaller than Lilo's, who had grown from the trails of batter that she had sucked off. "Now. . .uuurrrppp. . .I think you are ready!" Lilo said, lazily belching. She was beginning to feel full, which was odd for Frenchfry's food.

"Yes!" Victoria cried, shaking her chubby fists despite the lack of arm mobility. "So, maybe I just start like this!" She giggled and shoved her belly into Lilo's. It was like magnets trying to touch. Their springy, balloon-like fat bounced off of each other and sent them flying. Victoria landed heavily against a set of cabinets, crushing it with her bouncy body. She immediately rebounded, throwing her body forward with the force generated from her landing. For a while it was wild, out of control bouncing and rolling. Victoria at once felt the heavy weight of her inflated body and the energy contained within it. It was like wearing one of those inflatable sumo suits. . .except real and far, far heavier. She rolled, unable to see even where she was going. All that she knew was when she collided with a wall or Lilo's own bouncing body. Their warm fat splatter against each other, building even more momentum.

"Woooooaahhh, wooooaaahhh." Lilo called, sent spinning by a particularly large hit from Victoria. "Tryy to controoolll it!" She said, her voice warped and muffled from both her spinning and how much her chest blocked her chubby face. Lilo transferred her rolling into a series of bounces, forcing her body to hop. Her weight, surely over 600 pounds now, shook the kitchen. Despite the energy in her rubbery fat, Lilo's hops and bounces slowed. Her big body was slowly brought to a stop. She looked around, waddling and wobbling her body side to side in order to spin herself. The kitchen was largely destroyed,  ruined by the force of two grown adults throwing their greatly exaggerated weight around. Practically the only thing still intact was the table, which Myrtle was hunkered down at. 

Ballooned to almost the size of Victoria, Myrtle continued to dedicatedly stuff herself. She leaned her body on the table, taking food into her mouth without the use of her hands (which had been practically sucked into her body). "Hey, Myrtle, having fun?" Lilo asked, rolling her bulging body over to the table. Lilo skillfully put her fat on the very edge of the table and shoved her face into the mass of food that Frnechy fry had continued to heap up. It was time to grow again. Lilo was here to ouch the boundaries. Victoria and Myrtle could stay in the shallow end, Lilo Pelekai planned on going to the very depths. Her heavy body shifted the table towards her, letting plated and bowls full of food slide into her gullet unopposed.

"Hey. Hey, fatso! That's mine!" Myrtle called angrily. She watched as her precious plates of fattening food slid down towards Lilo and her bottomless stomach. Myrtle had been enjoying her food and the feelings of growth it brought with it. She loved feeling the trickle of fat onto her body. Rolling, hopping, and bouncing seemed a waste to Myrtle. Especially since she could spend the time accumulating more fat. "You get your own!" Myrtle shoved at the table with her puffy stomach, bouncing some food back over to her side. Gleefully, she began to pig out once more. Her body surged under the weight of renewed caloric indulgence. Myrtle felt her shoulders and then her neck started to get further sucked in by her fat. She was becoming a literal ball, rounder and fatter than anything that had come before.

"Uh-uh! You've had more than enough!" Lilo said, forcing her own bulk onto the table harder. The legs buckled underneath the two, cracking under the immense weight shared between the two college students. Lilo slurped down a pot of wayward soup, her body exploding accordingly. She had always been competitive with Myrtle, a fact that had not changed despite the two being in college. Especially in this, Lilo was not going to let Myrtle be the top dog. She had to be the biggest, fattest, and rounded of the trio. She smiled as her body grew in huge spurts, crushing chairs and budding up against Frenchfry's workstation. The good natured alien gave her massive ass a pat before returning to his work.

Lilo and Myrtle continued their weighty war, shoving and pushing at the table with their growing bulk. The free space on the table started to shrink as the two women continued to grow. Like Hogs at a trough, Myrtle and Lilo ate wildly. Their bodies fully rounding out with only the hints of their arms and legs remaining. The two didn't even take a break until Victoria, now the runt of the group, muscled her way in. "Ah, ah, ah. . .you two aren't going to get bigger without me!" She said, gleefully launching into the food. The kitchen was filled with the noises of sloppy, determined, eating. Frenchfry hoppen and jumped on the girls, dumping more and more delicious food into the center of the trio. Their bodies swelled and grew, ballooning to ridiculous, unheard of heights. They were well and truly food balloons now. Their clothes held on only by the slimmest of margins, their bodies shoving buttons off and ripping seams.

"I could eat this stuff forever!" Lilo cheered, happy to finally indulge in the manner she had always dreamed. Victoria and Myrtle grunted their agreement, not wanting to break from eating even for a moment. Lilo soon plunged back in. The girls continued to eat, grow, and fatten. None of them thinking about what might happen next.

Nani's Just Desserts

"Lilo! Open this door!" Nani yelled. "Lilo! Why is Frenchfry missing?" She continued to pound her fist on the door, fuming. She had thought Lilo was over this sort of thing. The years that Lilo had spent growing up, maturing had put Nani at ease. Her little sister was a college age women now, removed from the weird behaviors that she had displayed as a child. It was one thing to be taking pictures of fat people when you were 10, quite another when you were 20. The time without incident had lulled Nani Pelekai into a false sense of security, that much was obvious. However, the moment Frenchfry disappeared from his usual post, Nani guessed who the culprit was. "I'm not going away, missy, you had better open the door before I kick it down!" She slammed a boot into the partment door.door. She took a second to catch her breath, listening to the muffled whispers coming from within the apartment. As she waited, Nani studied the door. It was warped, curved outwards. It was like something was pushing it from the other side. Not a great sign.

    “Oh! Hey Nani, good to hear from you.” Victoria’s muffled voice came through the door. It sounded deeper somehow. “Uh. . .Lilo and I are just tidying everything up. It’s an embarrassing mess in here.” There was a nervous laugh, followed by what almost sounded like eating and a groan.

    “Yeah, Sis, just trying to keep everything looking nice. We can hang tomorrow though!” Lilo’s voice sounded next, followed by a loud belch. There was more hushed whispering and what sounded like slapping. 

    “Not going to work, Lilo.” Nani said, putting a shoulder to the door. “I’m coming in whether you like it or not.” She grunted, forcing her body against the bent door. The older woman was focused too hard on shoving at the door to hear the nervous whispering and eating coming from within. Nani hoped that whatever the door was barricaded by was not what she was suspecting it was. It was bad enough that even one of the experiments had gone missing, doubly so that it was Frenchfry. Each of the little, alien weirdos had a purpose and Nani had memorized them all. She knew firsthand what happened when Frenchfry got loose. People, usually including her sister, got big and fat. Nani had spent much of her life trying to take care of and manage her willful, weird sister. She was not going to let that work go to waste. She had always stressed healthy eating, a sore point of contention between the two siblings. Nani continued to shove at the door, feeling whatever was behind it start to be shoved back. She could never bypass it, it was far too heavy, but she could let the weight drop and bust the door open from the inside. Nani gave another big shove before leaping out of the way, letting gravity be the key to the door.

    It worked, the door slammed open and freed the occupants. Foot after foot of brown blubber poured out. It was obviously fat. Jiggly, warm, slightly sweaty fat. It cracked and finally burst the door frame, allowing Nani to see the full expanse of what had been blocking the door. It was Lilo. All two tons of the Hawaiian girl had been stacked in front of the door. Frenchfry’s food had finally settled, forcing the bouncy food balloons into a more natural, blob state. Bit by bit, their taut bodies had softened, turning Lilo and her two companions into utter piles of fat. Her buttcheek had been blocking the door, but now it was free to undulate far out into the hall; resting at Nani’s foot. Lilo, turned around, a nearly naked blob. “Oh. . .hey, Nani. Good to see you. There’s been a little thing with Frenchfry.” She blushed, her beachball sized cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. “But it will go away soon, I promise!” She clasped her hands together, sending slow jiggles through her and her friends' bodies. Nani, mouth agape, looked past Lilo to see both Myrtle and Victoria. They were blobs the same as Lilo, though a bit smaller. All three women had food covering their faces and bodies. “Good news. . .we found out there is a limit to Frenchfry’s foooooouuuUURRRRRPPP.” She finished with a blech that shook the entire floor.

    “Lilo Pelekai! I cannot believe that you would do this!” Nani began scaling her sister’s massive bulk. She was so overcome with anger that she didn’t think twice about having to scale her sister’s tonnage in order to reach her multi-chinned face. Lilo, knowing she was now in for it, grimaced. It felt so wonderful being huge. Her massive belly slapping and pushing against Victoria’s and Myrtle’s as they gorged and fattened up. While they had reached a point of fullness, the trio had fully planned on going right back into the festivities once their stomachs emptied. They didn’t know how big they could get, but they intended to find out. Yet, all that seemed to be at an end. Nani was close to reaching Lilo’s fat-broadened shoulders. Once there, she would lecture her blobby sister into submission, making her regret her actions and indulgence. Lilo tried to clasp her hands, but found it nearly impossible to move them past her breasts which were approaching car sized. The blobby Hawiian woman had to stifle giggles as she felt Nani climbing her back rolls. It was strange, feeling her sister almost like a cow might feel an ant climbing it. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Nani asked as she reached the summit of Lilo’s immense body. Her sister, worried and unsure of what to say, turned her head and started to speak. Only, instead of words, an immense belch came out by accident. It landed with such force that Nani lost her foot.

    Quite by accident, Nani found herself rolling down Lilo’s immense body. She bounced over soft, undulating rolls. Further and further down her stomach Nani rolled before reaching the bottom, where Lilo’s stomach met Myrtle and Victoria’s. Further insult to injury happened when Nani’s face landed in a wayward piece of cake, covering her tan skin in white frosting and crumbs. She was livid. She opened her mouth to yell, but found herself tasting cake instead. It was good, insanely good. Nani had never tasted anything as good as the cake that was currently resting on her face. Greedily, she licked and scooped the icing off.  She needed more and she needed it quickly. Her thoughts of Lilo, Victoria, and Myrtle drifted away. For all Nani knew, she was resting on several fluffy mattresses rather than their bulk. She finished the cake on her face, hands drifting to her stomach which had bulged outwards to make her look pregnant. Three large, fat faces grinned down at her. “That was. . .good.” Nani said, blinded still by the taste. “Is there. . .any more?” she asked sheepishly, embarrassed by how angry she had been moments ago. All that mattered was that she got more food.

    “Oui! Oui!” Frenchfry popped out from between Victoria and Myrtle’s wall of fat. He ran forward, presenting a dish of burgers to Nani. She gulped, knowing she was reaching the point of no return. She couldn’t help it. Within seconds she was diving into the food. She ate without concern or care, her only thoughts for filling her mouth and stomach with the amazing assortment of food. Naturally, her body responded in kind. Nani billowed and grew with exceptional speed. Her body rounded out fully by the time she was halfway through the plate of burgers. It might have been because she was unused to such fat, greasy food. Or, perhaps, because she was older and her metabolism was slowing down. Whatever the reason, Nani grew quickly. Her belly puffed out in quick bursts, shaking and bouncing the fat that surrounded her. Lilo, Myrtle, and Victoria all giggled and moaned as the felt their fat jiggle. The feeling of someone growing between their bodies was beyond pleasurable. Their fat hugged and shoved against Nani’s ballooning body. However, Nani’s spherical form pushed back just as much. A tightness grew between the four women. Nani’s body needed space to grow and the other three women’s bodies needed space to relax into. It was like a balloon being inflated while being underwater, constant pressure being applied. 

When the pressure finally gave, Nani was rocketed high into the air. Finally, between her growing body and the unyielding walls of fat it was up against, the pressure built to the point where something had to give. Nani’s round body bounced against the ceiling and dropped back down. “Lilo! What is going on?!” Nani called as she bounced and hopped against Lilo’s gigantic mass. Unable to control herself, Nani was forced to roll across Victoria, Myrtle and Lilo. The three blobs made half hearted attempts to grab and catch Nani, but they moved too slow. So Nani was forced to bounce uncontrollably. She knocked into their large breasts, bounced from one buttcheek to another, and never lost any speed. “Nani! You have to control it!” Lilo yelled, making another failed attempt to grab her sister. Her arms were too heavy though, curtains of puffy fat that fell down to rest on her breasts or her stomach. She watched as Victoria tried again, but her breasts prevented her from moving. The three girls were good only for eating, resting, and growing fatter. They were helpless to stop the Volkswagen sized woman rolling and bouncing around them.

Nani came to a halt only after one of her wayward bounces threw her between two of Lilo’s largest stomach folds. “Let’s fix this. Frenchfry! Make sure Nani’s gets too big to bounce anymore!” She called, hearing a very excited “Oui, Oui!” from somewhere deep in her fat folds. Soon, Nani was eating like a pig again, her stomach filling with every bit of delicious food she could imagine. She ate with renewed greed, stopping only to belch her satisfaction out to the word. Lilo watched with pride as her older sister spiraled further into gluttony. It was proof that no one was immune to the kind of fun and pleasure that Frenchfry provided. She watched as Nani grew bigger and bigger. The girls laughed and giggled as they slapped Nani’s bouncy, rubbery body. Each bite seemed to make her fatter and more corpulent. Her arms slowly retracted into her body, buried by advancing flab. She was quickly reduced to being a large ball with only her hands visible. Her face was round and smiling, happy to be eating away with. 

“Oh. . .buuurrrpp. . .Lilo! This isch. . .amazing! I’ve never had anything so. . .UUURRRPPP. I just want to. . .UURRP.” Nani was delirious with hunger and pleasure. She rolled her body forward, trying to scoop up as much food as she could into her mouth. Frenchfry piled it before her, letting it rest on Myrtle’s fat. Nani sucked it all down, her hands and feet flapping with joy. She was a gigantic food balloon, so stuffed that she was actually growing taller. Her body rose and shoved its way from between Lilo’s fat folds, rolling down to fall between the girls. Except, this time, their fat didn’t cover her. Instead, she floated and rolled on top. Her butt was starting to fill Lilo’s vision while her inflated chest and stomach brought her up to eye level with Victoria. Yet, still, she continued eating. She was unstoppable. A one woman engine of culinary destruction, Nani happily glutted herself to completion. Victoria and Myrtle happily scooped up food and fed it to Nani, while Lilo cheered her sister on. The whole time, none of the women thought about what might come next.

Future Concerns

    “UUUUGGGHH, Nani! Get your butt off of me!” Lilo whined as she tried to shove the mass of brown fat pouring down ontop of her. Nani’s gigantic, almost stadium filling ass filled Lilo’s entire world. All she could see was quaking, quivering walls of tan flesh. It had been fun at first, to fatten her sister up, but now the smaller blob was paying the price. Lilo was trapped under a pile of fat so dense that she couldn’t even see the sky. She heaved her useless, fattened arms but only succeeded in making her sister laugh. Nani, upon finishing her meal, had started to lose her balloon shape. She had eaten and fattened up more than even Lilo and that fat had come roaring outwards. Lilo’s older sister quickly found her body pressing against the ceiling. Moments later, she burst out of the apartment. Rubble streamed down her fatty folds as she grew further. Her soft bulk pressing outwards like a glacier. Chins streamed down her face, flabby and full of food. Her arms and legs returned as fat pillars, bigger than the biggest trees in circumference. She truly had become queen of the island.

    “Sorry, sis, not going to happen.” Nani laughed, her voice a deep rumble now. “This is your punishment for bringing Frenchfry out of retirement. She felt her breasts being coddled by Myrtle and Victoria’s own bodies. It was good to be huge. Nani, building sized now, reveled in how heavy and fat she was. She couldn’t even lift her arms, instead allowing them to rest at her sides. “I am enjoying this though.” she laughed again, feeling Lilo and her friends quiriming underneath her bulk. “So I might let you out early . . .for good behavior.” Her rolls shook and jiggled as the smaller women tried their best to free themselves. 

    “Liiilllooooo! How did I know you were going to find a way to mess this up.” Myrtle yelled. Nani’s stomach and left breast heaved against her pale fat. “Everything was fine until your big. . .ugh. . .fat. . .sister had to ruin everything. Myrtle managed to roll Nani’s huge breast off to one side, but that only earned her more stomach fat being pressed into her face. Myrtle desperately wanted to go back to when she was only feeling her own fat, with Victoria and Lilo’s as a distant thought. Now, she was trapped beneath a big, sweaty, blob of Pelekai fat. It was so unfair that she wanted to scream. The blobbish redhead leaned back, falling onto her butt and back fully in order to try and free her face. The city rumbled as Myrtle and Nani’s weight shifted. Thankfully, their apartment had been on the outskirts of town. It allowed them at least a little more freedom without the worry of destroying things. Myrtle, however, might have wanted that for as frustrated as she was.

    “I don’t know. .. this isn’t so bad.” Victoria said, hugging against Nani’s breast. It was so soft and massive. She didn’t know how to resist. “We just need to grow a little more to balance things out!” She suggested, feeling her appetite return. Feeling someone so much bigger was awakening her competitive side. She wanted to grow more, fatten further. Maybe, if they all kept eating, they could somehow push Nani off. Maybe they could even get to the point of being as big as Nani was. It made Victoria shudder in pleasure to think about it. She imagined herself building sized, forced to lay on her stomach and wait for food to come. Better still, she imagined herself facing Lilo. The two eating and forcing their bodies to grow further. They’d take time only to kiss and smooch each other. It was a brilliant dream. One that might become reality. She was pretty sure she could feel Frenchfry moving below her.


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