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Part 1

Ochaco waddled down the hallway of UA. Her stomach swang back and forth, her bellybutton pointing ahead like a guiding marker. She tried to feel good about the outfit that Izuku had made for her. . .but it was tough. Her once perfect uniform had been tailored in a well but shotgun fashion. New buttons had been added to replace the ones that had burst free, but they hung strangely. Ochaco was only able to button two, the ones right below her voluminous breasts and upper belly plateau. The rest of her shirt was left to flutter open like a cape. Rather than expose her bare belly, she had on a stretchy grey shirt. The shirt was a smidge too small, and showed the point of her navel perfectly. At the top of her shirt, Ochaco’s milky, fat breasts exploded outwards. They bent and warped the small V that had been cut into the shirt, forcing it into a distended U-shape. All in all she felt like a combination of obscenity and silliness, with nothing quite lining up right.

To make matters worse, she was so slow. Each step was half the speed of her normal walk, compensating for her gravid girth. Her hands rested on her battleship belly, as if trying to balance everything out. The poor woman grimaced and groaned as she moved, hoping no one else was around to see her struggle. Her peers had been nice and supportive so far, but that did not remove the worry from her mind. Ochaco was a pregnant teenager, a fact which still carried stigma. . .heroine or not. Biting her lip, she looked down at her enormous belly. . .at least what she could see past her jiggling breasts. She sighed, sliding a hand down her enormous belly in order to fiddle with her buttons. Her big, pregnant body waddled down the hallway slowly. With her eyes so focused on her growing mass, it was no surprise when she felt her bump smack into someone.

Ochaco felt her ballooned baby bump push into something soft and jiggly, obviously a person. "Oh!" She and the other person said, though their tones were vastly different. Ochaco's was one of genuine and innocent surprise, she felt her face grow hot as she tried to figure out if she should look up or not. The stranger's tone was different, almost seductive. Ocacho slowly raised her gaze, assessing how truly awkward of a position she was in. Her large, round, tight bump was s resting on top  of, and slightly between, Midnight’s supple buttcheeks. Ochaco did her best to waddle backwards, maneuvering more like a battleship than a woman. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry Midnight! I was so preoccupied. . .” Ochacho wasn’t sure what to say. What was she occupied with? Her pregnancy, her belly, her expanding size?  It was all too confusing. Luckily. . .or not. . .Midnight had picked up the conversation.

“Oh, that’s no problem, Ochaco.” The R-Rated Hero spun around and looked Ochaco up and down. There was a brief moment of surprise as she saw Ochaco’s gravid belly, but the sexy herione adapted to it quickly. “It must be so hard to get around with that poor belly.” Midnight sauntered over to Ocacho.”I wasn’t aware you also had an expansion quirk.” She mused, ruffling her whip over Ochaco’s large stomach.

“Well . . .I don’t. I’m actually, uugghh, pregnant.” Ochaco sighed, hating and loving that she was forced to say it to someone other than Izuku, her parents, or Izuku’s mother. “Two weeks in.” She grimaced.

“My goodness.” Midnight’s eyes and mouth widened in surprise before returning to her natural sultry expression. “I wouldn’t have thought someone could be so naturally fertile. How are you handling it so far?” She asked, guiding the young woman towards an empty classroom. Her arm hung in Ochacho’s back arch, just feeling the swell on either side. Ochaco took heavy, slow steps and her belly luched and rubbed against Midnight’s curvy body. The older woman couldn’t help but be fascinated. Her young student was so huge. . .so round. Ochaco had to put her hand on the door frame leading into the classroom to steady herself. It was telling that at two weeks in she was already concerned about her gravid tummy and where it was in relation to its surroundings. Ochacho slowly passed through the door, her breasts bobbing and swishing as much as her stomach. Midnight took it all in with a cat’s curiosity and awareness. She almost felt like purring. “Do you mind if I ask about the specifics. . .as well as how you are handling things?”

“Well. . . it’s been different.” Ochaco couldn’t begin to describe everything. “Izuku. . .he’s the father. . .has been handling as much as he possibly can. He’s the best.” She smiled shyly, thinking about the formerly quirkless boy and how caring he was. “But, I don’t know. . .it’s a lot.” She sighed. Ochaco leaned on a desk, it squealed a little as weight was applied to it. It was hardly meant for extremely, uncomfortably gravid women. “I can’t even believe it sometimes.” She sighed, caressing her stomach.

“I’m sure, I’m sure.” Midnight said, nodding, her eyes were glued to Ochaco’s stomach. She had never seen something so large and round. It was fascinating in a way she couldn’t quite describe. She looked at the pale, moonlike belly. “It’s a big adjustment, being pregnant.” She swallowed, her mind racing with certain possibilities. She wanted to ask to hold and rub it, but knew that would be impolite. Midnight found herself trying to speak, but unable to come up with the proper words. She was caught between being a teacher and offer sage advice and comfort or. . .being Midnight. Her tongue fought to control itself, avoiding any lewd comments; despite that benign offbrand for the heroine. Whatever she could have said, the moment quickly passed. Ochaco, receptive to the heavy and awkward silence, started to push herself up.

“Well. . .I should be going.” Ochaco sighed, huffing and puffing as she forced her large body off of the desk. She tugged at her shirt, trying to pull it down over her belly.

“Ok, Uraraka. . .” Midnight said slowly. She wasn’t going to let another chance slip by. “But if you ever need to talk, feel free to come by!” She said to the pregnant girl as she slowly waddled out of the door. She watched Ochaco slowly turn and give her a broad smile and a thumbs up, her belly looking even more massive from the side. For reasons she was only beginning to grasp at, Midnight hoped Ochaco would seek her out again.

Part 2

“Sorry Izuku! I’m just so hungry. . .” Ochaco pulled her boyfriend into the ice cream shop. They had been making their way through downtown when another craving attack had hit Ochaco. The pregnant woman had seen a sign for ice cream and immediately knew that she needed some. It was not long after that she pulled Izuku through the door. It was not a new event. Ochaco had been needing more and more food as the days passed. It seemed like each day her appetite and cravings grew just a little bit more. Bags of chips, candy bars, snack cakes, and bottles of soda were downed regularly between meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were at a little healthier, at least so far as food selection was concerned. However, quantity was a different matter. Ochaco was eating for 10 and it showed. She packed away food for hours. Her stomach protruding out to even further than it already did. When finished, she would groan and waddle to the couch. She moved at a turtle’s pace, stuffed to the point of delirium. Sitting down was even harder, with Ochaco plopping down rather than trying to sit daintly. Once on the couch, she would sweetly ask Izuku to rub her belly. He never refused.

These massages gave Izuku a perfect view into what the constant snacking and eating was doing to Ochaco’s waistline. Day by day she softened, fat pouring onto her body. Her stomach, while still taut from the army of babies she was carrying, quickly gained a layer of fat. There were two distinct halves to Ochaco’s belly: a perfectly spehreical upper half (where her pregnancy was centered) and a doughy lower half (the retention pond for her caloric surplus). Of course, it was not only on her belly that fat was collecting. The model student found her booty gaining an extra jiggle, bouncing as she waddled up and down the hallways. It was terrible, but sometimes she felt like she was about to burst whatever pants she was wearing. Her breasts kept pace with her butt, plumping up further. While a lot of her boobs’ expansive size could be explained with milk production, there was no doubt that they were also starting to fatten up. All told, Ocacho had quickly ballooned up into a portly 250 pounds. While it was strange to gain so quickly, Ochaco’s tolerance for weirdness had been expanding as well. Besides, she had such good encouragement.

“I’ll. . .I’ll pay, Ochaco.” Izuku said, fishing out his wallet as he was pulled through the doorstep. Ochaco’s pudgy hand slowly dropped his arm as she began to take in the selection of flavors and toppings that the store had on offer. It was adorable to watch her get sucked into her cravings. Her mind was on fire with all of the possible combinations, no matter how strange. It was the kind of thing that Izuku couldn’t help but love about Ochaco. She was so innocent when it came to her pregnancy. She truly was a mother-to-be now. “You get whatever you want!” Izuku called as she waddled further into the store. Her ass bobbled and jiggled, her buttcheeks bouncing in her leggings. Ochaco dressed as conservatively as possible, but her body seemed to be literally rejecting the concept of clothing. She wore a pink t-shirt and black leggings with a skirt over top. Her preggo stomach was left mostly bare, its chubby expanse forcing the shirt up as she waddled or breathed. Her breasts were contained. . .for the most part. They still shoved her too-small bra into her shirt, making it painfully obvious how huge they had gotten. Her butt acted similarly, pressing her panty lines into her black leggings. Yet, if she were to try and bend over for any reason, the top of her large, round butt would quickly become visible.

“Let’s see. . .how about a scoop of rocky road, two vanilla, and maybe a scoop and a half of cookies and cream.” Ochaco started giving her order as soon as she reached the counter. Despite her standing a foot or two back, her stomach still bumped up against the cool glass of the counter. The attendant nodded and began shoveling out the ice cream. Ochaco watched with anticipation, tugging at her shirt just so that she could channel some of her energy. The overworked pink shirt could, at best, cover the top most portion of Ochaco’s stomach. It almost formed a perfect dividing line: pink fabric to cover anything north of her belly button, pale fat below. Breaking her concentration on the ice cream worker, Ocahco took a second to try and run her leggings up and over the lip of her belly button, hoping to cover herself again . . . if only for a little bit. She had yet to become truly comfortable with her body. It was not exactly comfortable being so big. Besides the impediment to movement, she also couldn’t wear any of her favorite clothes or even sit properly anymore. Her butt was starting to fill any seat it was placed into, gratuitously jiggling and slapping against the wood, metal, or plastic of the seat. Beyond that, it was all happening so fast. It felt like yesterday that she was a skinny and nimble heroine. Now she felt more and more like a milk cow. Ochaco looked down at her breasts, it would not take much more to turn them into lactating udders.

“Okay! Anything else?” The attendant asked, cheery smile on her face.

“No, that will be all!” Ochaco broke away from her daydreams and concerns to give a typically happy response. Whatever her mental worries, they did not need to be broadcast to the rest of the world. Izuku hopped up, reappearing just as he was needed to pay, and presented his credit card to the cashier. Soon, Ochaco was easing her weighty body into a chair. She had to back in slowly, easing her massive ass into the surprisingly sturdy plastic chair. Her butt filled the seat and overflowed it just a little. Ochaco had some pride in knowing that her womanly curves were coming into full bloom thanks to her pregnancy. Having a mommy-butt was even a little fun at times, especially when she rested in on Izuku’s skinny lap. He’d never say it, but he was greatly enjoying watching Ochaco grow. Some sort of strange mixture of love and pride as a man filled him. He especially loved watching Ochaco’s huge, beachball stomach shove the table back as she made herself comfortable. Knowingly, he scooted the table to the side, bringing it around so his chubby (some would say fat), pregnant girlfriend could rest her doughy arm without it bothering her titanic tummy. Ocacho had little need for a table, she basically carried one with her constantly. She could easily rest the ice cream on her belly, just before her breasts.

Izuku and Ochaco talked and laughed as she ate her ice cream. It felt good to relax and enjoy life. While Ochaco had plenty of concerns, few of which had truly been addressed, she had noticed that she was slowly becoming more adjusted to life. The constant flow of snacks and treats certainly helped as well.

Part 3: Bigger Body, Bigger concerns

“I am glad that you came to see me.” Midnight said, sitting her soft butt on one of the desks in the room. She crossed her legs in a scintillating manner. Ochaco marveled how the older woman could make every little movement sexy and intriguing. Ochaco had always assumed that it was an act, just a little razzle-dazzle put on to build her hero profile. Yet, as they met more and more, she realized that it truly was Midnight’s personality. She was a confident, flirty femm-fatale. One who had somewhat ensnared the younger, pregnant student. Ochaco had visited Midnight many times since their first meeting in the hall. Usually on days when she was feeling particularly self-conscious or hormonal. At five weeks in, the pregnancy was truly deepening and she was coming into her symptoms with full force. Her weight gain had increased twice over. What had been a robust and maybe tiny bit of fat at 250 pounds was now a truly obese 400. Her mommy butt required two full chairs, one cheek for each almost. When she waddled between classes she could feel her butt jiggle seconds after she had stopped moving. Her butt cheeks lifted and dropped with heavy bounces, mirroring the movements that happened above her waistline. Ochaco’s breasts were truly enormous now. Constantly heaving and sloshing with fat and milk, they burst every bra that was put on them. And then there was her stomach. Ochaco’s belly had gone from beachball to wrecking ball sized. It swung horizontally as she walked, almost eager to batter and shove people out of its way. It was full and fat enough to warrant having its own stool to rest on during meals. These rapid physiological changes did not go unnoticed by Ochaco though, her mind needing to make sense of them somehow.

“Professor, I just feel so big all the time.” Ochaco said, resting her ample form in several chairs. Her legs were thrown wide open, allowing for her belly to shove forward like a particularly soft and flabby torpedo. “I know Izuku doesn’t mind and neither does anyone else. But it just feels like they should.” She sighed, unable to fully articulate her point. Her plump fingers rested under her breasts but ontop of her stomach. Part of her ached to hold her breasts, it had become an unconscious movement of hers somewhat like rubbing her stomach. Her breasts were just so. . .there. It was hard for her mind to ignore them. Especially when talking to midnight. Talking to the R-Rated Hero made Ochaco aware of her body in a way that she had never felt before. It was, despite them being clothed, almost a form of intimacy. “I’d almost like someone to. . .say something. I dunno.” She sighed. There were good days and bad dealing with her body, this one certainly fell to one side of the spectrum.

“Hmmm…” Midnight mused. She leaned forward, almost squeezing her breasts together as she put her hands on her knees. “And what would you want people to say?” She smiled, taking a particularly delicious pause. “Something like, ‘Ochaco, you’ve gotten so big.’ or ‘Ochaco, we can see how tight your pants and shirts are.’” Midnight said, teasing the younger woman. It was cute to see such good natured self-consciousness. Ochaco was blooming and changing in a way that her friends would and could never imagine. Sure, many of the girls would get pregnant and have children, but they would never understand the true magnitude of what was happening with Ochaco. Her body was so big and plump and getting bigger all the time. She filled chairs and desks and benches with her girth. It was incredible. Midnight couldn’t help but find it all deeply intriguing. Size mattered to Midnight, it always had.

“No. . .not exactly that.” Ochaco pushed her fingertips together. “Just something. . .I dunno. . .so I don’t feel like it's just me.” Her doughy biceps shoved her heavy breasts back and forth, trickles of milk forming and sticking to her too-tight shirt. She was so milky, it was easy to get the little white rivers of sweet liquid to flow from her watermelon sized breasts. “I hate people feeling like they have to tread around my size or my pregnancy.” Ochaco sighed, looking down at her voluminous body, its soft peaks and valleys spreading out and before her. “Only Izuku has even rubbed my belly. I know a lot of pregnant woman don’t want to be touched or petted. . .but I kind of do.” She sighed, cradling her expansive stomach. Her arms couldn’t encircle her stomach any more, so she settled for putting her hands to either side of the doughy mass and making soothing circles in the flesh.

“Awww. . .Ochaco. . .” Midnight said, hopping off of the desk and stepping towards her student’s massive stomach. “They probably are just afraid of crossing boundaries. Your friends love you, they just don’t know how to show it.” She patted her student on the shoulder, feeling her hand sink into the soft fat. Ochaco was so. . .so. . .big now. Midnight tried to keep her mind settled on providing comforting wisdom and guidance, but it was hard. “Nothing would be hurt by you just talking to them. Maybe even invite them to feel that big, soft belly of yours.” She winked, her flirty persona overriding her teacherly one. “You know, not many of my friends have gotten pregnant or even want to. I’m a little new to all this as well.” She said, slowly turning the subject. “I don’t even think I’ve ever felt a pregnant belly.” She said, holding Ochaco’s gaze.

“Well. . .if you wanted to. . .” Ochaco started. She pulled down the waistband on her leggings and rolled her shirt up fully. Her stomach was exposed in its entirety. While her clothes did not cover much, they at least worked to make her stomach look a little smaller. Now, uncovered in all of its pale, pregnant glory Ocacho’s stomach was truly something to behold. It rose and fell with each of her deep, nervous breaths. There was a large ring of fat that formed under the true core of her stomach, acting almost as a buoy to keep her baby-belly afloat. Midnight wasn’t even sure where to start or where to put her hands. The moment seemed intimate in a way that Midnight hadn’t ever thought of. It was some strange mix of divinely feminine, sexual, and maternal. She licked her lips and reached out with her hands. Ochaco seemed to tense a little, clearly unsure of what the hands of another would feel like. Both women gasped when Midnight’s hand touched her greatly gravid student’s stomach.

For Midnight, it was like touching a pillow with a large marble inside. She could feel where Ochacho’s many children were gestating, but it was obscured behind layers of warm fat. She moved her hands around, running them slowly down the sides. As she dropped her hands the fat built, getting softer and softer. Midnight smiled, her flirty demeanor being replaced with something else. Ochaco, as this was happening, wanted to squirm or giggle or moan. Her hormones were flaring strongly, built up to a fever pitch by the hand of her teacher. She reached behind her, grabbing the back of the chair so she didn’t fall out. Her other hand went to the top of her stomach. The young woman breathed heavily, though she tried to hide it from Midnight. Ochaco’s mind was on fire with excitement, it felt so nice to finally have someone. . .another woman touching her belly. While she couldn’t articulate it before, she had always wanted another woman to rub her belly. Through five long weeks of pregnancy, she had been secretly aching for another woman to acknowledge what she was going though, and acknowledge it physically. She stifled a gasp as Midnight’s thorough hand reached the lowest point of her underbelly, a secret trove of sensitive fat. Midnight’s hands slowly returned up to the summit of Ochaco’s mountainous belly. To complete her work, Midnight patted Ochaco’s hand. “Thanks, Ochaco. . .that felt nice.” Midnight said, trying, with partial success, to recover her normal attitude and tone.

“Yes. . .yes.” Ochaco said, wishing that midnight had kept her hands on hers just a little longer.

Part 4: Misplaced Romanticism

“Izukuuuuu. . .” Ochaco called, giggling. She waddled through the various rooms of Izuku’s house, looking for her boyfriend. Inko was away for the day, taking care of errands in the city, which left the house completely empty. . .save for the two lovebirds. “I need to talk to you about somethiiinnnggg.” She called again, her heavy steps thumping through the house. Another week had passed, depositing its wealth of fat and baby growth onto her. Bigger than ever, a 608 pound Ochaco now did her best to waddle through the house. Better still, a naked Ochaco waddled through the house. She had come home from a quick run to UA and removed her shirt, pants, and underwear, happy to be unclothed and unconstrained. Clothes were an issue that the pair were still trying to figure out. So, to compensate, Ochaco had been spending some of her freetime naked. The constant hassle of ill fitting clothes had slowly killed the part of Ochaco that cared about modesty. She was 6 weeks pregnant and morbidly obese, comfort had become king to her. Besides, it helped her when she was feeling frisky. Such as the current moment. Her hormonal surges had become more frequent and infinitely more intense. Rather than seeing red, she was seeing pink; lustful rosey hues filling her sight.

“In here, Ochaco.” Izuku called from the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. “Just tidying up a little before Mom comes home.” He said before returning to his scrubbing. Ochaco giggled, thumping and bumping her way down the hall. She had to place an arm out to balance on the wall. Her buttcheeks clapped as she heaved herself forward, only furthering her carnal desires. Her entire body seemed, at times, to be a palace made to self-stimulate. The way her breasts now slid to either side of her rolling belly, how her gut slapped against her thighs, and the innumerable way her rolls slid against one another all contributed to stoking Ochaco’s passions. Then there were the pregnancy symptoms. She was caught in some sort of feedback loop. She would notice a symptom of her pregnancy, become enamored with it, and then feel it all the more when it happened again. The cycle was as thrilling as it was constant. “How was your day?” He asked with his back turned, still feeling his girlfriend enter the bathroom. The room was almost too small to handle Ochaco’s mass. Her belly and breasts were the only part of her to clear the doorframe and she was almost touching Izuku. When she waddled all the way in she was pushing him against the wall. Izuku, feeling Ochaco’s belly bump him turned and back against the far wall. Smiling at his naked, fertility goddess of a girlfriend.

“Oh. . .I’m doing great!” She smiled, pinning him lightly against the wall with her belly. “Just thinking about how I have the best boyfriend in the world.” She winked. Izuku blushed, realizing just how flustered Ochaco was. She was practically radiating sexual energy, a blush having filled her face. Her chubby hands search her body relentlessly, looking for the best place to rest or, alternatively, expel the lustful energy that was building within her. Izuku felt some of that energy enter his own body, a tingle spreading throughout his skinny, yet muscular body. Force of habit saw him raising his hand to rub Ochaco’s stomach. Her large bulk wiggled and tensed with his touch, primed for some sort of action. Bashfully, Izuku tried to talk his way out of Ochaco’s comment, still unused to taking compliments for people. She was having none of that. “Now, it’s true.” She said, taking the last step possible forward. Her immense, baby filled belly now pinned him to the wall completely. “You do so much for me and your mom and everyone! I think you need a little reward.” She tried to lean forward to kiss him, her massive belly dropping across his lithe body. Izuku, embarrassed by the extreme emotions filling the bathroom, tried to duck away from Ochaco. He halfway slid out from her bulk, inching along the shower. She was still before him a naked whale desperate for a little bit of attention.

“Shucks, Ochaco. . .I’m just doing what any boyfriend would do.” He blushed, his mind begging him to do one thing and his body quite another. “I couldn’t not take care of you or mom.” He smiled, feeling a tug on his loins. It was a delightful, worrying kind of movement. He really, really didn’t want to give in. Inko could be home at any moment and he did not want to explain any of what was going on. His mother was a loving, kind woman. . .but that didn’t make getting caught in the act any less awkward. “Wha. . . what if we went out to eat. To celebrate how well your pregnancy has gone?” He threw the suggestion out, knowing that she rarely passed up on food of any kind. She paused, rubbing her stomach as if to ponder how full she was and if she could do with more food. Izuku made his move. He tried to slip past her, darting as quickly as he could. If he could get to a more open area he could bargain with her a little more. Trapped in here, steamy lust rising from both their bodies, he would surely give in. His back parted from the shower door and he hopped towards the door. It was a good attempt, but not quick enough. Izuku felt his arm lightly grabbed by Ochaco’s chubby hand. He looked to see her half-lidded, sex-hormone possessed eyes. He loved those eyes.

“We have all day for that! Besides, I want to reward you in the most special way I know how.” She licked her lips and jiggled her naked hips.


“Oh! Izukuuuu!” Ochaco moaned as she thrust her large body up and down on her boyfriend’s body. It was sweet, soft, heavy but less than consistent. Ochaco was too big and fat for continuous pumping. While she could mount Izuku and feel the intense pleasure of sex, it was so hard to move her body. Sweat covered the two of them, Ochaco especially, she would gyrate and twist, her knees to either side of his body. She could feel his cock between her legs, a solid rod of strong and hard pleasure. “I’m not. . .whew. . .too heavy for. . .you?” She huffed and puffed, her body bucking once more. She wanted to be on top to please him, to give him the physical sweetness that only she could provide, but her stomach covered most of his skinny body. She dwarfed him now, her fat slapping as far up as his chest. She put her hands on her hips, bracing her body as she continued to wiggle and gyrate.

“It feels great . . .keep going.” Izuku said, kissing her belly. He was trapped beneath her pregnant, obese body; utterly at her mercy. He thrust as much as he was able, working his smaller body against hers. The thought occurred to him to use One for All, but was afraid of the repercussions. The last time he had done that had ended with Ochaco pregnant with ten children. . .God only knew what would happen a second time. So instead he rode the waves that Ochaco created, trying to match her levels of energy. When she tired and slumped back on her heels, he would pick up the slack. Arching his hips and thrusting his cock further and further into her wet pussy. At some point, Izuku took her hands, further directing her energy. Feeling her fat body begin to truly tire, Izuku worked more and more. Slowly rolling her over, he began to thrust her from the side, hiking one meaty leg over his. She moaned and whimpered, joyously enjoying the connection of their bodies and souls. Ochaco was a butterball slowly melting in Izuku’s caring hands. “You’re doing so good. . .” He reached up and latched his mouth onto one of her nipples. The words, even more than the actions, made Ochaco flash back to what had set her off in the first place, what had stoked her passion.


“That feels amazing, Midnight.” Ocacho said, leaning her head back as Midnight rubbed her gigantic belly. “You’re doing so good. . .you’re a natural.” She wanted to moan, but that would be impolite. Her professor slowly rubbed and patted her immense belly, making sure that no corner or curve went without some attention. Ochaco and Midnight had been talking again, just casually running over the pregnancy and the events that had happened so far. Then, rather out of the blue, Midnight had asked if she could feel Ochaco’s stomach. The fatter woman had agreed quickly, eager to have someone feel her precious stomach. Midnight softly pressed her hands into Ochaco’s fat, massaging it tenderly. The rubbing went on for minutes unabated. Ochaco had wished she had oil or something, if only to further soften Midnight’s hands and her own belly. But this was enough. She closed her eyes and rested her hands on her stomach, swaying back and forth on her three chairs. Getting belly rubs made her feel twice as heavy. . .but in a good way. She needed the attention and the soft tenderness that only another woman could provide. Just a she was reaching full relaxation, Ochaco felt a sharp movement from within her stomach.

“Oh, my! Now that was a kick.” Midnight said, continuing her work with slightly more intensity. Soon, she felt another and another after that. A chorus line of kicks thumped and bumped over Ochaco’s belly. The pregnant teen shifted herself up slowly, though her face was bright and invested in what was happening. Midnight continued to stroke the fat, massive gut in front of her. Her grin spread wider and wider as she felt Ochaco’s babies kicking and moving. It was exciting, further proof of the womanhood that Ochaco was coming into. “How does it feel? Do you need me to stop?” Midnight asked, a rare bit of concern touching her voice.

“No. . .no. . .keep going.” Ochaco said, blush filling her face. The familiar feeling of intimacy returning, stronger now than ever before. She really was sharing her body with Midnight in a way that only compared to when she and Izuku had. . . the thought dawned on her. Ochaco took a deep breath, feeling her stomach with her own hands. She winced here and there from the kicks, but found the pain stimulating. At some point, her hands met with Midnight’s. It was bound to happen, even with a belly as large and full as Ochaco’s. The two touched finger tips and looked at each other. Ochaco was panting openly, the tightness and kicking her in her stomach reaching a blissful fever pitch. She wanted to say something very specific, a request to ask Midnight. The words were on her plump lips. . .but she let it pass. “Actually. . .I should be going. I need to see Izuku about some things.” She looked away. “But thank you, Professor Midnight, I really enjoy our meetings.” She slowly began to haul her mass out of the three chairs.

“No problem. . .I’ll see you soon.” Midnight said, Ochaco nodding her head in strong agreement.


“Hu. .. harder Izuku! Harder!” Ochaco panted and screamed, gripping the blankets that swirled around her. She was laying on her back, a cow pushed over on its back. Her hair was a mess and her body was slick with sweat and pleasure juices. She was happy though, thinking equally about Izuku and Midnight. She felt Izuku enter her again and again, making her feel like a woman. It was all so grand and magical. The kind of thing that she wanted to have happen every day for the rest of her life. The world faded away, save for the pleasure that was flooding in between her legs. She moaned loudly, reaching a heavy hand up to caress Izuku’s face. Soon he would finish and the two would get to lay in bed together. They’d whisper, talking about nothing. Ochaco wanted her life to be like these moments, rapid and strong passion that flowed easily into simmering romance. Further, it was not just Izuku she wanted to spend those moments with.

Part 5: Clothing Catastrophe

“It’s. . .hooo. . .gotta fit.” Ochaco said, her arms planted firmly on the countertop in front of her. She winced a little as she felt Izuku try to pull up the rear end of her sweatpants. This was it. She had finally hit the last piece of clothing she could feasibly wear. 700 pounds of pregnant Ochaco was desperately trying to be shoved into a pair of vibrant, pink sweatpants. They looked big, huge even when Izuku had taken them out of the box. The flashy ensemble had been sent to her courtesy of Midnight, who had bought them after a particularly long conversation about Ochaco’s struggles to stay clothed. They were direct from one of the custom stores, ones that dealt with quirks that made people oddly sized. Yet, somehow, they were providing a challenge for the young couple. “Are we getting. . . ah. . .close yet?” Ochaco had to grit her teeth and clench her meaty hands on the counter as Izuku gave another huge shove on the pants. Ochaco felt the fabric tightly closing in on her ass, squeezing her mega-booty into smaller and smaller confines. At the same time, she felt her babies kick and dance in her stomach. It was a perfect storm of discomfort.

"Hang in there!" Izuku said, patting and rubbing his wife's side like she was a prized cow or livestock. "Almost there, Ochaco." He smiled despite her inability to see it. She was so tough and willing to put up with discomfort. He went back to tugging, pulling, and shoving the sweatpants up and over her massive, jiggling ass. The trouble was that every time he pulled, her ass rose along with the sweatpants. The twin, pale beanbags of booty-fat jumped and jiggled with each tug. They slapped together, threatening to bounce back and smack or close around Izuku. Even with the help of his quirk, Izuku found his arms getting tired. Only his love for his girlfriend kept him trying to raise the thin, pink line over the morass of booty fat. He tugged and leaned his shoulder into the mountain of quivering ass fat, feeling Ochaco’s immense behind curling overtop of him.

"Oh!" Ochaco gasped as she was bumped into.the counter top. Her legs were spread as wide as possible to accommodate her massive belly which swang line a crazed pendulum, switching between lateral and vertical wildly. She gasped againstas she felt her ass get lifted and dropped. Izu. . .Ku! Are. . .WE. . .close?!" Ochaco’s speech was halted and interrupted by Izuku's pushing and shoving. She gripped the counter, pressing her face into the cool marble and raising her ass a little to help Izuku get more leverage. She hated to admit it, but it almost felt good. Her ass would rise and drop heavily, the tremors spreading through the rest of her body. Her stomach bumped and crashed into the cabinet below her, denting in with its heavy girth. Not for the first time, Ochaco felt like a breeding cow, it was a pleasant though strangely sexual feeling. Her breasts were big enough to rest and flop onto the counter, pushing her arms aside. Trails of thick milk streamed out, wetting the grey shirt and pink zipup hoodie she had on. Not minding the risk of falling over, Ochaco put a hand back and searched for Izuku’s arm. She felt it, dutifully tugging and pulling at the overtaxed, fuzzy sweatpants. She held his fist tenderly, feeling as the sweatpants rose the last little bit of the way up her body. Izuku finished by tugging once more and then giving Ochaco’s now clothed ass a light slap. The resulting ripple moved slowly across her booty.

“All done. . .” Izuku started to say, but was caught off guard when he noticed the back of Ochaco’s pants. Emblazoned on the pink material was a silver, shiny, gaudy cursive print that read out “juicy” in all capital letters. It was as ghetto fabulous a pair of pants as one could ask for, completely the opposite of anything that Ochaco would ever actually wear. Izuku had to stifle a laugh as he continued talking to his girlfriend. “. . .Ochaco. So, where did you get these from, exactly?” He asked, leaning on the counter next to Ochaco, his hand patting her massive, seat swallowing ass. Fully sure that Ochaco had not seen the full print of the sweatpants, he decided to have a little fun with her. Izuku ran his hand along the letters, slowly spelling out “juicy” with his finger. It was certainly accurate. Ochaco’s butt was an over ripened peach, grown far beyond natural limits through constant snacking and hormones. Her feminine drives were working overtime, changing and morphing her body into something that resembled a fertility idol.

Ochaco blushed, a little hesitant to say where. Izuku knew that Ochaco was spending time with Midnight, talking through the pregnancy on a woman to woman level, but he did not know the extent to which that ran. He wasn’t aware of the afternoons spent rubbing, caressing, and exploring Ochaco’s fattened, pregnant body. “Midnight sent them to me. . .she felt bad that I was running out of clothes.” In reality, Midnight had felt bad that she had popped all the buttons on Ochaco’s last school shirt by playing with her belly too forcefully. She had been lifting and dropping what she could reach, primarily the fat around Ochaco’s immense preggo-belly, when the buttons had finally given up springing off and leaving Ochaco shirtless. It was telling of her comfort around Midnight that she did not automatically try to run or even cover herself. Instead, she let her torpedo tits hang freely, her sausage fingers clasped slightly around the upper portion of her stomach. Her shirt now flapped freely at her sides, more a vest than anything else. “Why is that?”

“She just got a little. . .creative with the style.” Izuku smiled, taking a rare moment to be coy. “There’s a little lettering on the back.” Ochaco clearly wanted him to tell her, but Izuku smiled and kept his mouth shut. Ochaco, with a small stomp of her foot that made her massive body flow and jiggle, started to lean back and twist her trunk in order to see. She had little luck. Her torso was hardly as flexible as it used to be, filled to the brim with fat and babies. As she turned herself, her ass would slowly wobble out of view. She spun several times, her booty knocking plates, mail, and other things resting on the counter off onto the floor. She had to lift her legs in weird ways, negotiating them around each other as well as her massive, drooping stomach. Izuku smiled as he watched his juicy wife try to see what was plastered on her billboard booty. She struggled, one flabby arm resting on her booty-shelf as she turned. Ochaco spun twice before finally falling over, landing with a resounding thud that shook the apartment. She moaned and cradled her stomach, rocking back and forth lightly. It was unlikely anything on Ochaco was damaged, though the foundations of the building might not be so lucky, the massive high schooler was just protective of her pregnant body.

“Izukuuuu! This is not fair.” She huffed, recovering from her small tumble. “You have to tell me.” Her milky breasts lifted and lurched as she crossed her arms under them. She almost had to throw her body side to side in order to compensate for the inhuman amount of weight she was carrying. Ochaco’s weight was better measured by comparison to baby whales at this point. Izuku laughed, enjoying how warped and stretched the letters on Ochaco’s ass were. He could still read them, but they were hardly the nice, cursive print they started as. He knelt down, kissing her on the cheek.

"Ok, let's see if you can guess." He ran his hand lightly across the J. His hand slid down and curved, tracing the sparkling letter.

"Uhhh.  . .L. . .no, J!" Ochaco exclaimed, raising a hefty finger and arm into the air. She was rewarded with a kiss.

"Ok, now, let's do the second letter." Izuku slowly trailed his hand up and down the U pattern, rubbing sensually.

"Ooohh. . .my. . .uhh. . .that is. . ." Ochaco blushed, other thoughts intruding on her concentration. "I think. . .oh! It's a U." She squealed, happily receiving another kiss. Her hands rubbed and squeezed her belly, drifting between the taut preggo potions and the soft, padded undersides. The whole excercise was starting to make her feel warm and deeply pleased.

The "I" was pretty easy for her to guess, so Izuku took a moment to slow things down just a bit. "Any guesses on what it might spell?" He asked. "It's maybe a bit more relevant to you than you would think."

Ochaco hummed, rubbing her second and third chins. She was a smart girl, but it was so hard to concentrate anymore. Constant feeding, romance, and pumping hormones had dulled her thoughts. She had discovered that mommy-brain was indeed real and she suffered hard from it. "Well. . .I don't know. . .how about. . ." She stalled for time, her brain not clicking. "I don’t knooowwww, give me another hint!" She stretched forward in mock frustration, reaching her arms as far forward as they could go. Her breasts splashed against her belly, squeezing milk out. Her ass seemed to widen, forcing the letters out further.

"Well, it could be applied to fruit. . .especially these watermelons." Izuku used his comparatively small hands to squeeze and jiggle one of Ochaco’s boobs. He had to use two hands and half his normal strength to lift one of them. Izuku hated to be lewd. . .but it seemed appropriate given the circumstances. And Ochaco was enjoying it. His nearly immobile, 800 pound girlfriend was developing quite the libido.

"Izuku, your hands are so soft. . ." She petted his arm as he massaged her breast. She was drawn away from the little game by pleasure spreading from her tender breasts into the rest of her body. She got that "delighted, fattened milk cow" feeling again, reveling in it. "The word describes my. . .big. . .fat. . .milky. . .brea. . .JUICY!" She snapped our of the sexual, hormone doused haze clouding her brain to give the correct answer. "Hah! It's juicy." She paused. "That's a little gaudy. . ." She wrinkled her nose, worried about her image.

"It's not exactly incorrect though." Izuku playfully slapped her ass. It flopped and bounced on the floor, smacking audibly even through the sweatpants. "Someone's mommy-butt can't stop growing." He laughed, sitting down and leaning against Ochaco. Her large, fattened, pregnant body was becoming quite the comfy place to rest. His head lay just under one of her looming breasts.

"Ugh! You better be careful, or else you're going to be trapped under my mommy-butt." Ochaco taunted, a little ruffled by Izuku's comments. It would take a lot of doing, but she could find a way to crush him. He'd never use his quirk in fear of hurting her somehow, so the small boy would be trapped beneath her flab; forced to feel her jiggles and bounces. Maybe she'd eat at the same time, forcing her body to get even bigger and fatter. She smiled, enjoying the little revenge fantasy. Oddly enough, Izuku was having a similar one.

Part 7: Third Trimester Growth Spurt

"Quick! They'll be here any moment." The attendant said, silencing her two companions. They were workers for Heroic Candy, the best sweet shop in town. Boasting a large selection of common and exotic candies, they were the first place one would seek out for chocolates or other treats. So, it was no surprise when the hero Midnight called and asked for a private showing. She was explicit in her demands for privacy, making the worker swear that the store would only be open to her and another guest. The attendant, Lia, was promised that she would be richly rewarded for helping out. So she agreed and made sure to put her workers on notice. They waited at the door, looking for the Adult Hero.

Midnight finally arrived, but it was her guest that truly stole the show. The Adult Hero walked arm in arm with the other woman, helping her slowly waddle and lumber to the door. The other woman was a massive brunette, clearly as fat and pregnant as could possibly be. Her stomach bulged out from between a matching sweatshirt and jacket, bouncing and jiggling. Rolls of fat swang from an obvious pregnant belly. Her breasts exploded the zipper on the jacket open, revealing a grey shirt with two milk stains. Tue big girl looked distrsught and crazed even. Her pusgy hands wrung what she cpuld reach of her grey shirt and she constantly swiviled her head. She was hungry, the attendant realized, caught in a feeding frenzy that brought her closento the point of openly drooling. Yet, she fought to maintain what composure she could. Midnight smiled, catlike and self-satisfied, as she entered with her charge.

"Thank you, ladies, my. . .student . . .and I were feeling a little peckish." She tickled Ochaco's chin. "Isn't that right, Ochaco-dear?"

Ochaco nodded, wincing a little bit. Hunger pangs wracked her body. She had woken up hungry, her babies kicking wildly, and had not been able to abate her hunger. She had eaten from the time that she had woken up, wildly stuffing herself with food and drink. Yet, she only seemed to get hungrier. She had called Midnight in a panic, not sure who to talk to. The older hero, thankfully, said that she had some strings she could pull. Buying an entire candy store for an afternoon wasn't an issue for a professional hero. Especially for one as popular as Midnight was. She tried to bow to the staff, but was caught with another hunger pang. "Thank you. . .hooo-hooo. . .I'm struggling with. . .aaahh. . .cravings." She smiled weakly.

"Well. . .get to it then!" Midnight laughed, patting Ochaco's lower back, just above where her meaty butt began to form. "This whole place is yours!" Ochaco nodded gravely and waddled forward. She wasn't sure where to begin, it was so awkward. There were candies and sweets everywhere, all organized neatly in little containers. The looser candy all shook and bounced as she took lumber steps forward, her weight having grown enough to shake the foundations of most buildings. Ochaco’s hungry eyes landed on an innocent package of chocolate covered milk-balls. She leaned down, bingo-wing arms struggling past her enormous breasts. She had to lean sideways, her belly being far too fat to reach past, guiding her body was like guiding a cruiseship. Ochacho grasped the box and tipped it back to her mouth. Chocolate rained down on her, some bouncing between her breasts. She chewed, slowly working through the chocolate.

"Oh this is. . .mmph. . .quite good. . .gosh, I.  . .ooohhh." Ochaco finished the box off, a strange looking coming into her eyes. It was like all her thoughts were condensed down to a single point: eating. "I definitely need more!" She cried, trying to set the other box down before moving on. Next, she grabbed a long, gummy rope and sucked it down like pasta. She did the same with strands of licorice, each one getting sucked down a little faster than its brethren. Ochaco had eaten through the day, but that had been nibbling compared to what she was warming up to. Here, in this candy store, she was free to truly unleash her hunger. "That's. . .mmmpggh. . .schweet!" She exclaimed as she opened some candy sugar sticks and dumped the blonder on her tongue.

As the candy cleanout continued, Ochaco found her way deeper and deeper into rampant gluttony. Her hunger and baby kicks overruled good sense and table manners. She shoved and smashed candy into her face, her plump lips soon covered with brightly colored candy shells and smears. Her chins were also dabbed and dotted with the leaving of the sweet treats. Yet, Ochaco ate on, piling more and more sweets into her body. She almost didn't feel Misnight come to her side. "Good girl, I hope this is helping your cravings." She rubbed Ochaco's side, feeling the thumping kicks even through the layers of fat. Midnight had fully accepted her desire for Ochaco, knowing that it was in part fueled by her lust for size and weight. Her pregnant, morbidly obese student ate and ate and ate; growing bigger and fatter by the day. It was magical to see her truly cut loose and stuff her body.

"A. . .uuummgph. . .mmmppgh. . .little." She huffed, unending a jar of sugar coated gummed into her mouth. "Scchhooo hungry though." Ochaco whined, tossing the jar aside. She lumbered forward, her hands planted firmly on her person-sized stomach. She swayed drunkenly, her juicy booty swinging and knocking into emptied displays as she forced her way deeper into the store. Ochaco, though her hunger wasn't sated, felt at least some level of release. The constant milk spots on her shirt grew larger and larger as she ate. Her breasts poured forth with milk, which was gathered by her shirt. They would gush forth even more when she reached for something, her arms crashing against the soft reservoirs that were her boobs.

The attendants gaped as they watched Ochaco’s rampage through the store. They had never seen someone so big nor who could eat so much. Ochaco’s stomach grew even rounder, filling to the brim. A little red hue formed on top, matching the flush in Ochaco’s cheeks. The beluga whale of a woman waddled through the store, taking what she wanted without a second thought. Through it all, Midnight was at her side to rub and coax her. "Oh, Ochaco, try some of these." She would say, dangling a box of lollipops in front of her student’s face. "Here you go, Ochaco, how about this?" She'd say sometime later, putting an extra large, chocolate covered pretzel between her breasts. When Ochaco was busy eating, the teacher would massage her stomach or her butt. Anything to soothe her student.

Gradually, the fat girl ran out of steam. Her muscles couldn't hold her weight and she needed to rest. Yet, she was no closer to curing her cravings. Ochaco slowed, stopped, and then flopped her butt onto the ground. "Ms.Midnight. . .I'm still so. . .uuummph. . .hungry." Ochaco whined, hands massaging her taxed stomach in desperation. She had unleashed total gluttony on the candy store, yet, she felt no better. Her body demanded something, anything to fill it. But what else was there? She had eaten everything. Wrappers were strewn around the store, upturned bottles once filled with colorful candy assortments were now drained and spread around haphazardly. Her body still clamored for more.

"Poor thing. . ." Midnight sighed and patted Ochaco’s hair. "We'll find some way to cure those cravings. Just wait." She smiled, despite running short of ideas. Ochaco panted and groaned, rubbing her belly. Her babies were kicking so much, no doubt upset from the constant hunger pangs and their mother's own stress. Midnight hugged Ochaco, squeezing her round face into her breasts. The behemoth pregnant woman sighed, she patted Midnight and then tried to distract herself by smoothing her shirt. Despite her delicate touch, her breasts further gushed milk. It coated her hands and fingers, even with the protection of her shirt. Without thinking, she brought her sausage fingers to her mouth and licked the milk off. A jolt ran through her as she tasted it. She had found it. What she had been craving. Without a word, the 800 pound woman furiously rolled her shirt up. Milk was flowing in a strong stream, urged on by her excitement. She hefted one breast. With difficulty, she stuffed it into her mouth and began to suckle at it.

Sweet, sugary, fattening milk gushed into her mouth. She chugged it down, slurping and sucking noisily. Her heart beat quickly, overjoyed that she had found what she was looking for. She stopped only to say something to a bewildered, but turned on, Midnight. "Thisch. . .scho. . .oooohhh. . ." Ochaco mumbled through a mouth full of her own breast. She sucked and slurped, draining the massive teat of any liquid. She chugged the sugary liquid down quickly, body rocking back and forth. It felt so good, so filling. It was perfect. She even felt her kicks slow and stop, her babies as soothed as she was.

Midnight grinned, watching Ochaco finally reach the pinnacle of gluttony that she knew she was capable of. Midnight slowly brought her hands up, ready to help her pregnant student. She lightly squeezed and massaged the immense, heavy breast. Milk spewed out, filling Ochaco’s mouth with a firehose's intensity. Ochaco continued to suckle at her own breast, feeling Midnight lovingly caress and massage more milk out. A curious feeling came over her as she feasted. A tingle or tremor spread through her body. It was like energy that had been stored up was finally releasing. Ochaco was aware slightly of something changing, but she was too distracted by her self-serve milk feeding. The other women were not. Ochaco was growing.

Her fat spread across the floor, slowly yet visibly taking up more room. Displays were knocked over as her thighs, butt, and belly widened. Midnight soon was able to kneel on Ochaco’s widening hip, riding a wave of fat as Ochaco gorged and grew.  Her clothes began to rip, finally giving up completely. Pale fat formed and spread further and further. Ochaco paid little attention, instead continuing to suck milk from her engorged breasts. “Yesch. . .mmmphh. . .mooorrreee!” She moaned, milk flowing down the side of her face. Midnight, swept up in the experience, kissed and fondled the pregnant woman. Ochaco’s belly reached further out than her feet, flooding overtop of her pillar legs. More and more she fed, her stomach becoming a tanker full of sweet milk and candy. Slowly, she began to run short of milk. The naked, pregnant, blob of a fertility goddess became aware of her surroundings again. “Midnight, that was amazing. I’ve never tasted anything so. . .” She quivered with pleasure, her now immobile body shuddering. Feeling her body shift and jiggle with a new heft that it hadn’t possessed before, Ochacho looked herself over. “Did the milk, my milk do this?” She asked, lifting and dropping an arm that was as big around as a normal person’s thigh.

"Oh, looks like my little pupil can't stop growing." Midnight laughed and kissed whatever she could of Ochaco’s fattening body. Ochaco moaned, eagerly receiving Midnight’s physical attention. She felt massive, she felt good. She was reaching a potential she did not think she was capable of. Midnight, sauntered around, and let herself fall into Ochaco’s fat. Ochaco felt her entire body wobble, like a waterbed. No part of her was left untouched, even her lips had gotten plumper and filled out. Ochaco was a strange combination of maternity and lewd obscenity. Midnight, snuggled between her student’s breasts and sinking into her belly fat, looked at Ochaco with dazed, sensual, bedroom eyes. Her hand trailed over Ochaco’s body, lightly patting her fat. Finally, after a minute of quiet stroking, Midnight spoke. “This third trimester is going to be a lot of fun.” Midnight said, winking and taking one of Ochaco’s breasts in her mouth.

Part 8: A Fun Request

“He. . .hello Professor Midnight.” Izuku said as he opened the door. There was something about seeing a professor outside of UA that made him nervous. Midnight especially. Despite her having started to come over to the house often he was still uneasy about seeing her. There was something intimidating and unnerving about such a sexually forward woman. Especially one that was incharge of grading his papers and assessing his performance. But, such things had to be set aside. She and Ochaco had gotten so close and now, with Ochaco unable to move out of the house, some changes had to be made. Midnight came on a regular, unobtrusive daily schedule and then during times when Izuku had to be away. She was the perfect replacement for him. The dark haired heroine knew exactly how to care for the massive pregnant woman resting upstairs. Ochaco never had any complaints, so neither did Izuku. Especially given how “charged up” Ochaco would get after a visit. The sultry older woman’s attitude, in Izuku’s mind, would rub off on his wife, making her almost desperate for sexual congress. The pair of women had rubbed off on each other in numerous ways, some a little more obvious than others.

“Hello, Midoryia, excited to see the sexiest, biggest teacher at UA?” Midnight said, winking and slapping her belly as she waddled into the house. Midnight had not only been indulging sexually with Ochaco, instead picking up the younger woman’s eating habits as well. It was impossible not to, especially when Ochaco was constantly leaking sweet, fattening milk. Midnight had always had a way with her mouth, and she felt it was especially true when it came to Ochaco’s breasts. “Ooff. . .doorway it getting a little small.” She stopped short as the sides of her belly caught the doorframe. The professor was 320 pounds of growing fun, though not yet used to her weight. Ochaco’s milk brought it on so fast, Midnight felt like she was blimping up overnight. She had been bursting out of her clothes, usually in public places and with much to loud of moans. The obese teacher forced herself through the door, taking the offered hand from Izuku. He had a lot of practice with Ochacho, so he knew exactly how to guide a larger woman through a tight space. As he did, he studied Midnight. Part of him wanted to say something about her weight, to apologize for the sympathy pound she was picking up from being around Ochaco so much. He had little idea of where the weight was truly coming from. “Oh. . .thaaannkkk you, Midoryia.” Midnight patted him on the head as her large, rotund body was brought through into the house. “You have fun now. I’ll make sure that Ochaco is well taken care of.” She smiled, pushing the boy out of the door. The flabby professor then started to waddle up the stairs.

She loved feeling fat and out of shape. Waddling up the stairs towards Ochaco’s room was a pleasure that was beyond compare, save for what she did with Ochaco. Her belly slapped the railing and the wall interchangeably. Midnight hadn’t expected to be so belly heavy, but there was plenty of fat still to come. She continued up the stairs. Her butt clapped and shook with each heavy step, pulling her panties further into her massive crack. When she reached the top, she was puffing and redfaced. . .the perfect condition to meet her secret lover. She waddled down the hall, slowly turning the doorhandle that led to her princess’ room. “Ochacoooo. . .hope you have some milk for me today! Mama’s got quite the hunger built up.” She gushed as the door swang open. “Let’s fatten me up a little more.” Her hands rubbed and slapped her gut, eager to explore her curves further.

“Hi Professor Midnight!” Ochaco called, still formal despite the constant intimacy the two were engaged with. She blushed as Midnight waddle up and began kissing her belly. Ochaco was spread far over her twin mattresses, the sides of her hips and the edge of her enormous belly threatening to overflow it. She had grown fatter since that day in the candy store. She had grown and gained quicker than she had previously. Despite being the size of african land mammals, weight piled onto Ochaco quicker than when she was half the size. She had quickly outgrown the couch and then the mattress she was now threatening to outgrow the second one now. Her fat was piled high, leaning against a mountain of fluffy pillows. She was naked, clothing being unnecessary. Her breasts were now as big as her stomach had been previously, as big around as a 9 month pregnant woman’s belly would be. Her stomach could fill most of an SUV and her butt would easily crush the hood. She was big and quickly approaching room filling size. Midnight waddled up to her massive pregnant  girlfriend and started kissing her belly. Ochaco moaned, briefly losing herself to the intense waves of pleasure. However, she held her composure. “Actually, professor,  I had something else in mind.”

Midnight pulled her chubby face away, looking at Ochaco eagerly. “I was thinking that you might start. . .below the beltline.” Ochaco said, blushing and looking away shyly. Midnight smiled, happy to please her massive lover. With one quick smooch and a loving pat on the belly, she disappeared below the heavy, jiggling gut. Ochaco was soon moaning loudly.


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