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Immense preg-fat elf
Nerdy and goth gals
A wee bit of physical closeness
Best read in a tongue in cheek manner.

Layla DesThrone waited at her table patiently. The restaurant was slow, though waiters and waitresses came and went to their various tables. She tapped her fingers nervously on the table, waiting for her date to arrive. Layla did not get out very much. She wasn’t quite a shut-in. . .but it was close. She was a tan, silver haired dark elf. She was skinny, but largely without curves. Her hair was frizzy and long to the point that it ran down her back. Layla had always had uncontrollable hair and tonight it had been especially bad. It was hardly able to be contained by the scrunchies she put around it. She had bound her hair with three scrunchies, each spaced equally down her waterfall of hair. Red glasses sat on Layla’s small nose, the rims a little thicker than they needed to be. To complete the picture, Layla had braces. One might have gathered that, in fact, Layla was a nerd or a geek. Layla wasn’t sure which, she had never understood the distinction between the two. All she knew was that she enjoyed writing fanfiction online, complex board games, and shows where the characters made speeches about friendship and power levels. This made it all the more confusing when she had matched with her date for the evening. Mimosa Everleaf. Or, as she said in her bio, Mimi.

She was everything that Layla wanted to be. Mimosa was a curvy, young elf woman. She had long, black hair that was left to flow freely in the wind. A bright smile and shining eyes had greeted Layla on every swipe of her photos. It was easy to see how she was a model. A comfy looking pair of breasts and full hips filled out dresses, skirts, and all manner of revealing outfits. Picture after picture on her dating profile show Mimosa in lavish outfits. She was also with equally beautiful people in each one. Her friends seemed just as amazing as she was. Each was a tall model, like Mimosa. They laughed and carried on in the photos, holding glasses of champagne that were as shapely as they were. It was like peering into another world for Layla. The dark elf was a dorky loser, Mimosa was the kind of woman who would have bullied her in high school. . .or taken a hurtful amount of pity on her. She wasn’t even planning on swiping on Mimosa, but her finger had slipped. She wanted to undo the mistake, nervous that she had signaled her interest to the other woman. But, before Layla could undo the mistake, she had gotten a message. A very simple: Hey, want to grab dinner tonight? Layla hadn’t known what to do with herself. She agonized over the response message, not even remotely sure how to talk to such a beautiful creature. Finally, she had sent a “yes” with several exclamation points. A response had came: Good, get a table for two at Schnarks. I’ll be there around 6:00. Layla had jumped at the opportunity. Now, hours later, Layla sat at her table and waited for her guest to arrive. It was 6:45 and Layla beginning to feel like a fool.

She should have known better. What would a girl like Mimi see in a girl like her. They were complete opposites. Mimi was a beautiful socialite, a flower that never stopped blooming. Whereas Layla was a weed with a set of adult braces. It wasn’t anything new. Dating for Layla was one series of miseries after the other. Getting stood up was normal. Girls and guys would see her profile, talk to her for a bit and then ghost out. She wanted to ask or demand why. But she was pretty sure that she knew the answer. No one wanted to be with a girl whose profile picture was her with a lifesize replica of a starship at a convention. Layla looked at her watch and then her phone , no messages and it was now 6:50. Time to call it quits. She got to chalk another failure up on the board. She had known better than to hope, but she couldn’t stop herself. Mimi was perhaps the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She would do anything for her, not that it mattered now. She sighed, about to leave when she heard the door jingle. Layla snapped her neck up, her hopes rising instantly. Someone was entering from out of the gloom. Her heart pounded, waiting to see her enchanting date.

It was undoubtedly Mimi. . .but she was different, changed. She was enormous. Her body filled the door in both height and width. She lumbered in, hands on her swollen stomach which protruded several feet in front of her. Layla fought a gasp as she saw Mimi in her full profile. Besides her gratuitous weight, she was evidently pregnant. Her stomach was a mixture of soft fat and taut preggo belly filled with babies and hung almost to the floor. While her stomach dominated her body, the rest of her wasn't small either. Mimi's elegant hips had exploded into car crushing monsters, their plump softness and hypnotic jiggles only a trap to lure unsuspecting people to getting trapped under their weight. Mimi's already prodigious breasts were further engorged by milk and fat, ballooning up to such a size where they needed two hands and strong arms in order to even hold one. These were just her physical, bodily changes. There were many others.

Her lustrous black hair was still tied in a bun, though it had gotten tighter and she had sharp bangs framing her round face. Her lips, plumper and fuller, were thickly coated in lavender lipstick. Skeleton earrings hung from her ears, both gruesome and cute. She wore little, exceeding little. Only a purple and white sumo mawashi and matching mesh top which clearly showed her large nipples. The mawashi, though clearly tailored for the model-turned-goth, was too small and dug into her doughy stomach and canyon-ass. She waddled into the restaurant slowly, her eyes scanning the room. Mimi's face was turned in a look of ambient disgust, as if everything was beneath her. The host tried to stop the massive elf, but she paid no attention to him and his small body.

"My date is over there." She pointed with one hand while her other stroked her stomach; her nails were painted the deepest black coloring. "Tell the server to start working on my usual. Say exactly, 'Mimosa's usual' and they will understand." She started waddling again, her hands trying to calm her kicking babies. "My little bundles of darkness and I hunger." She sniffed arrogantly and made her way past the host. Layla watched in awe as her date approached. Layla understood angles and photography magic. . .she often used them to hide her braces, but Mimi was a completely different person. The nerdy dark elf felt the floor thud and vibrate, practically collapsing under Mimi's movements. Layla shivered, almost afraid of the massive woman. She stood, unsure how even to approach her.

"Uh. . .he. . .hello. I'm Layla." The dark elf said, reaching her hand out. "Ni. . .nice to meet you." Layla would have been nervous no matter what, but this was a different kind of nervous. A strange and terrifying combination of sexual attraction, social anxiety, and worry over bodily harm. Mimi, in her current form, could break Layla in half by just bumping her with one of her meaty, cellulite riddled buttcheeks. There was just such a pressure to the goth sumo. As a dark elf, Layla was used to black magic and horrifying family stories, but Mimosa Everleaf was different. Being around her was like slowly being pulled into a dark cathedral hall, scary yet grand.

Mimi took Layla’s hand, she did her best to bow and kiss it. As she dipped, Mimi’s stomach brushed against the ground and the restaurant goers behind her were given an immaculate view of Mimi’s wobbling, dimpled, clapping asscheeks. Layla herself felt her hand be swamped by her date's ocean of milky cleavage as well as her full lips. Rather than just being in the dark cathedral, the nerdy felt she was approaching the priestess for absolution. Her sin being failure to be the best she could have been. When the goth elf gave Layla her hand back it bore a thick, lavender lipstick imprint of Mimi's lips. Layla shivered again, imagining bearing the marks all over her skinny body.

"Charmed. I'm Mimosa Everleaf." Mimi said, her body bouncing into Layla’s as she spoke. "I ordered on the way in." Mimi licked her lip and patted her pregnant, fattned stomach. "These little demons require such sustenance." She smiled, Layla couldn't tell if it was goth humor or Mimosa was actually carrying some sort of demon brood. Nothing would surprise her. "I apologize for being late. My practice went over. Darkness travels fast, but city traffic is a deeper, stronger evil." She tugged her Mawashi, making it nestle deeper into her voluminous asscheeks and her stomach. "Shall we sit?" She asked, fluffing her ass a little. Layla nodded a bit too aggressively, rushing back to her seat. However, she was stopped by Mimi's voice. "I'll need a second chair. . .and a little help."

"Oh! Of course." Layla sprung back to Mimi's sizeable side, her frizzy hair standing on end. She stole a chair from another table, apologizing and holding her hand up deferentially. She returned, finding that Mimi had lined her massive ass up with the first chair. Layla truly was in awe of Mimi’s ass. Mountainous and protruding outward as much as it did laterally, Mimi's lower half was the perfect counterweight to her inflated stomach. Her mawashi was wedged in deeply, squeezed tightly between her doughy asscheeks. Her mawashi was tied in the back with a surprisingly girly and delicate bow. Charms and bells in the shapes of skulls, pentagrams, and horned creatures hung from the bow. Layla nudged the chair into Mimi’s tree trunk thigh. "Ok, Mimi, it's ready."

The world seemed to spin as Mimi’s gigantic lower half eased into the chair. Her ass swallowed the chairs whole, backs and all. She eased her way in, wiggling her bulbous butt in order to get comfy. Her mawashi seemed to disappear, save for the bow. Though she had never known Mimi as a bright, cheery, thin model, Layla sensed something of the old Mimi when she sat and how she wiggled her ass. It was the kind of cute, girlish movement that was disgusied by how utterly massive she was. "Ooohh it feels good to get off my feet. Time to rest the brood." She slapped her stomach, her breasts pressing in noticeably to her fishnet top. As Layla came around the side of her enormous date, Mimi drew her in close with a black painted nail. "Thank you. Very chivalrous." She kissed Layla’s cheek, leaving another thick imprint of her lips.

"Oh. . .uh. . .haha. . .no problem. . .hee-hee." Layla’s dorky side came out in full force, completely unprepared to deal with the amorous advances of her large date. Layla tripped her way back to her seat, laughing goofily the entire way. She smiled, showing her entire braceface. Mimi looked intrigued, like a cat playing with a mouse. Layla took a deep breath and worked to get herself under control. "So. . .uh. . .what do you do for work?" She asked, stumbling for something.

"I use my oppressive, unstoppable fat and size to crush, shove, and hurl other sweaty, fat women across a circle." Mimi spoke. Despite the sarcastic, goth monotone, Layla thought she could hear a flicker of enjoyment buried underneath. "I'm, like, currently the biggest in my stable. Still growing, quickly too." She leaned forward, the perpetual look of disgust replaced with a prideful sneer, her breasts swamping the table. Layla couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. "I've stolen women's souls in the ring." She winked, her face returning to a scowl quickly thereafter. "What do you do for work?"

"Well. . .I uuh. . .I'm kind of between jobs." Layla said. Scratching her arm and fiddling with her bulky glasses. "My parents give . . .me a little. . . to help with rent." She said sheepishly, watching as Mimi's nearly naked breasts sloshed and bounced on the table. The huge woman was constantly massaging and stroking her stomach, "oooing" and "aaaing" quietly from her many childrens' many kicks. "They are well off and, well, help out a little till I get back on my feet." Mimi rolled her eyes, sighing a little.

"Trust fund baby, typical, at least you're cute." Mimi blew a puff of air. "What do you like to do for fun?" She said, changing the topic. Rather than wait for her mousy date to speak, Mimi answered her own question. "I like reading, mostly grimoires and old accounts of witches. I can't do any magic, but it's so scintillating to read about. I love being close to so much darkness." Mimi squeezed herself, reveling in dark. . .forbidden thoughts.

"Oh, that's cool." Layla said, her glasses fogging up slightly as she watched Mimi tug her mawashi, hiking it up a little between her huge asscheeks. "I love stuff like that. Lately I've been getting into true crime stuff. I was listening to one on this really gruesome murder." Layla saw Mimi perk up. The nerdy dark elf continued, telling all of the horrific, gory details. The story was about a woman who had been possessed, so she said, and had butchered her way across her hometown. The acts became increasingly depraved and sadistic. Mimi’s interest changed into something sexual as she watched her date talk. Such a nerdy, slim, wispy woman retelling grisly murders was incredibly hot. Mimi felt a heated wave of pleasure crash into her body, warming her icy and dark heart. "Oh, wow, she really used an axe?" Mimi interjected her questions at key points, getting Layla to repeat herself.

The stories, it was quite a detailed podcast with a long running history, continued even through their meal. Mimi ate a lot but, perhaps contrary to her appearance, she ate politely. Sure, when bulking up in her stable, things were different. The life of sumo was the constant flow of mass gain and then using that acquired mass to devastating effect. Mimi, when focusing on mass gain, had to slop down as much calorie rich food as possible; exploding her body to further ridiculous portions. In those instances, messy eating was encouraged. It was quicker and helped to break up the monotony of constant tube feeding. However, on a date, one must comport themselves differently. Mimi sat, eagerly listening to tales of murder while she calmly lapped up the immense order set before her. By the time she had finished, hours had passed.

"I think that was my favorite episode." Layla finished another gruesome tale. She watched Mimi polish off a well fattened dragon wing that had been marinating in barbeque sauce. Mimi's round and almost necklace face was still as pale white and clean as when she sat down. Her make-up remained unsmeared and just as grim as when she had waddled in. Mimi was a picture of darkness, despair, and restrained power. The meal had, however, made her look even more bloated. Her stomach had shoved the table further forward, expanding into one large, tight boulder. Her breasts had surged forward, ripping the fishnets; engorged with milk brought on the excitement of eating. Even her ass had seemed to swell and fatten, filling up as she shoved food into her endless abyss of a stomach. Layla wondered if Mimi had some sort of fat digestion charm placed on her, it seemed natural for a sumo to delve into that sort of magic. Whatever it was, Mimi was bigger, fatter, and larger than before. Sexier by fat . . .though Layla tried not to show her attraction. "Tha. . .thanks for listening. I shouldn't have gone on so long." Layla wanted to reach across the table and take Mimi's plump hand, but instead she kept stammering. "I don. . .don't get out much or get to talk to beau. . .women much." She blushed, hard. It took a lot of her strength not to excuse herself to the restroom.

"It was very fun. I've never heard such. . .rich tales of depravity." Mimi squashed her breasts together as she spoke. Layla looked away, but not before seeing twin trails of milk forming. Goaded by her nerdy, self-conscious nature, Layla was nervous about showing any affection. It seemed wrong, like the entire world was focusing on her with judgemental eyes. Yet, she wanted desperately to say something or make some move to show Mimi how she felt. Friends could gab about a podcast for hours, lovers had to do something different. "If I'm being completely honest, there is just something about hearing stories like that which makes me want to cuddle." Mimi leaned forward and back slowly, her breasts dragging the tablecloth and their food along. "Just makes you want to get close to someone and huddle under blankets. . .for protection. Maybe the whole abyss surrounds us, but it can't penetrate a couple thick blankets." She smiled, loving how Layla couldn't decide where her eyes should go; her thick glasses affording no help. In truth, Mimi found the nerdy little dark elf cute. She wanted nothing more than to kiss the skinny braceface and stroke her frizzy, unkempt hair. "Makes me want to have some waddle me home. It's not so safe for a chubby, pregnant woman put there." Mimi was willing to lie a little for her goals.

"I would. . .be. . .be happy to!" Layla smiled, nervously showing her braces off again. To Mimi's ears and revving sex drive, a starters pistol had just gone off.


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