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“Oh, my gosh mom! Look at that ship!” Calli said, pointing out the window of the car. “You are going to have so much fun. Seriously, I’m jealous that you’ll be going alone.” Calli continued, gushing. Kelli, her mother, was tempted to think that Calli was just putting on a show or trying to hype her up, but she knew better than that. Calli was an exuberant, caring, young lady who was born without the ability to be insincere If she said something, she meant it. “Like, this cruise is going to be amazing for you. 3 months of relaxing with other ladies. All your food and drink is totally taken care of.” Calli leaned in and hugged her mother. “I know things haven’t been super great since you and Daddy split, but I think this will help a lot.” Calli squeezed her mother, trying to pass her own positive vibes into her mother. It might have worked. . .just a little but Calli couldn’t be sure. She liked to think that her own positivity was helping her mother, it was awful to see her as she had been over the past year. She just didn’t seem like herself. Kelli had always been an outgoing woman, maybe not as silly-hearted as her daughter, but certainly she was a people person. Yet, that had greyed over since the divorce. 

The car reached the parking lot in front of the embarkation point and the two women got out. Standing next to one another the family resemblance was uncanny. Both women were of medium height with light brown hair and olive skin. Kelli had stayed in good shape even into her 40’s and, at 20, Calli was just starting to come into her own. They were slim with the hints of womanly curves around their bosom and hips, with small and well-tended waistlines.  Sidelining age, eye color was their biggest difference: blue for Kelli and green for Calli. Now, standing toe to toe in the parking lot, Kalli realized how much she was going to miss her daughter. She was her last tie to what she knew as her world. No husband, no house, no car, no Callie, Kelli was truly going to be alone for the next 3 months. The thought terrified her.

“Make sure to take lots of pictures!” Callie said, hugging her mom again. “I want to see everything that you are up to!” 

“Yeah. . .I’ll make sure to.” Kelli sighed, putting one arm around her daughter. They broke apart and Kelli put up a weak smile. “That is, if I’m not having too much fun.” She said, though the words rang hollow in her ears. The two women chatted a bit more and then Kelli left to go aboard the ship. She joined the throng of women each with their own baggage both emotional and physical. She casually looked around, trying to distract herself from thoughts of her ex-husband. The women were all a varied sort, each physically different from each other but Kelli noticed a commonality. They all had someone with them. Maybe a sister, friend, or mother. Some of them even seemed to be in groups of four or more. Kelli sighed, realizing again just how alone she was. Her husband and daughter had been most of her company, now she was without either of them. As she boarded the boat, Kelli wished she had a friend of some sort.

. . . . . .

    A week into the cruise Kelli sat at the bar, nursing a beer. She took slow slips and stared off into the distance. It was night and the cruise ship was lit up brightly. Parties seemed to be rocking the ship on all levels. Some women splashed and played in the pool, while others relaxed in the adjacent hot tub, others danced in the floors below on neon-lit tiles. There was no shortage of places to partake in wild, bacchanalian hedonism. Kelli, however, just sought solace. She had roamed the decks, looking for somewhere quiet and out of the way. The little beerstand that she had found was as close as she could manage. Despite its proximity to the pool, she found that the wind from the sea helped drown out some of the noise. So, Kelli sipped her drink and tried to tune out the world around her. She would take a couple sips and sigh. The bartender, a young woman from the Philippines, kept her distance and provided Kelli beers as needed. She took another long sip from the beer, tipped it upside down, and sighed. The usual pattern was about to repeat as the bartender came by, but this time she had something to say.

    “This is for you, compliments of the lady down at the end of the bar.” She set the beer down and Kelli turned her head. Her beer-provider was a young woman, almost too young to be believed, with a long, blonde braid. She was waving like they were old friends, full of warmth and exuberance. Kelli, unable to hide her confusion, grabbed the beer and tilted her head. The girl laughed and motioned for her to come over. Kelli couldn’t help but notice how large the young woman’s breasts were. Full and plump, they actively pulled and bent the one piece swimsuit she had on. For perhaps the first time in her life, Kelli felt a bit self conscious and even jealous. Drawn by her curiosity, she got up and off the bar and walked towards the woman. She took a swig from the bottle, she certainly wasn’t going to waste that, and mentally told herself that she would only talk for a little bit. 

    “Hey there!’ The girl cried before Kelli had even gotten to the seat next to her. “I’m Daisy, Daisy Mae.” She put a hand out, causing her immense breasts to jiggle. Kelli took the hand lightly, still confused as to what was happening. Kelli nodded and gave her name, albeit slowly and uncertainty. “Sorry if that was a bit too forward, I just happened to see you sitting down there and figured you’d need another. Looks like you’re pondering something.” Daisy smiled, Kelli noticed she had a light smattering of freckles across her nose. She spoke in a southern accent, sort of a soft antebellum southern. Every word was overproduced and filled with energy. Daisy turned on her stool to face Kelli fully, she was wearing little besides her swimsuit. The rest of Daisy was skinny, save for a little stomach pudge that she had probably picked up during this first week of the cruise, Kelli had noticed her own figure softening thanks to the food and beer.

“Oh. . .uh. . .thank you.” Kelli said, taken aback by the energy that came from Daisy. “I was just sitting there, thinking about the trip so far.” She started, trying to find a way to politely explain what she was feeling. “I just don’t know if I’m really one for cruising.” Kelli through the thought out, it was only half a lie but it was better than talking about the real truth. If Daisy spotted her deception, Kelli couldn’t tell. She really hoped that Daisy wasn’t one to pry. Kelli had built up a rigid and cold emotional defense, but it barely held back her tears at the best of times.

“Food not right? That was something I had to adjust to, way too used to Mama’s cooking!” Daisy retorted quickly”

“Oh no! The food has probably been the best part. . .at least besides the free drinks.” Kelli tipped the beer back, taking a too-large guzzle.

“That I understand! Honestly, I don’t know how I’m going to make it for another three months. They are going to have to roll me off the boat!” Daisy giggled, patting her stomach. She had to lift her enormous breasts out of the way slightly. The movement did not go unnoticed by Kelli. She had never seen breasts as large as Daisy’s. She wagered that they had to be something silly like J cups. Kelli’s own figure was nice, slim, and proportional. She was hardly flat, but she was a far cry from being called busty. Whereas Daisy had probably outgrown the term.  “They are seriously going to have to roll me off the boat.” She laughed, again causing her assets to bounce up and down. Kelli smiled genuinely for the first time since she had gotten on the boat. Possibly it was the beer, but she liked the energy that Daisy gave off.

“I’ll be right there too.” Kelli added, sighing. “At least you’re young. Anything you pick up here will just melt off. I’ll probably be stuck with it.” Characteristically, Kelli put her hands to her belly. She was wearing a navy shirt with a white windbreaker on top to block the wind. She did not like the way in which the shirt rounded nor how the windbreaker was starting to get pushed off to the sides of her belly. She grimaced, knowing that unchecked weight gain was usually the final nail in the coffin for divorced women like her. It wouldn’t take much more for her to truly lose her figure and be one of those women people would gossip about. Friends, family would start to say thing behind her back like: “It’s a shame what the divorce did to her. Never been the same. . .” Kelli shook her head, trying to slam the thoughts out.

“Something wrong?” Daisy asked. 

“Uh, no, sorry. I’m just trying to get my head on straight again.” Kelli said, the mask dropping slightly.

“That I understand.” Daisy spoke calmly. “But you picked a good place for it. I think a lot of us are doing the same thing.” 

“Yeah.” Kelli’s response hung in the air. A gulf reappeared between the two ladies, with Kelli quickly starting to recede into her own mind. Thoughts of what was and what had been sitting painfully next to premonitions of the future. Kelli went back to drinking her beer, rushing through it almost. Daisy sipped hers quietly, taking quiet and shy looks at Kelli. There was something about the older woman that she liked. A gleam of potential that was buried under a mountain of emotional baggage. While a tough nut to crack, Daisy was sure that she could do it. She tapped her fingers on the bar, idly thinking of how to draw her new friend out again. Beer had gotten her only so far, much better than just talking though. It seemed like Kelli needed to keep her hands and mouth and mind busy or else she would drop off into despondency.

“Hey, how about we go get a snack? Have you been to that little faux-diner place down on deck 8?” Daisy asked. Kelli shook her head no, intending to say that she was thinking about going to bed. However, Daisy’s arm shot out and grabbed Kelli’s. Before she could protest, Kelli was being drug away from the bar and out of her comfort zone.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    “How was your therapy session today?” Daisy asked as Kelli walked up to join her in the booth. They had made plans to dine at the Korean barbeque restaurant on level 4 after they had their sessions. Daisy could tell that things had not exactly gone well by how late Kelli was in arriving. She was always late after a bad session. She would go back to her room to sulk and maybe change her outfit. Daisy simply waited, telling the waiters to circle back when Kelli finally arrived. Despite what it may appear, Kelli’s behavior was actually improving. In the early stages of the cruise she would have gone to her room and not come out at all. At least now she would come to talk to Daisy about it. “I’m guess not great.” She voiced again as Kelli huffed and sat down, her significantly more padded ass taking up space on the booth. 

    “Yeah, not great.” Kelli sighed, putting her head on the table. She looked more like a teenager than a grown woman. “I just don’t know how to get her off of this whole body positivity thing. It’s not for me.” Kelli spoke through her arms. Her sessions, along with the rest of the women aboard, had taken slow yet noticeable turns away from strictly divorce counseling. The touched on broader topics more applicable to all women, chief among these had been body positivity. Perhaps as a way to cope with their growing waistlines, a month of cruise food is murder on the figure, or perhaps out of a genuine desire to heal the women, the therapists focused on loving your body. Kelli hated it. She, as one of the few women to make it to middle age without losing their figure, saw little reason for it. Except for, as the cruise continued, Kelli had less and less of her girlish figure. It was a full month in and she was decidedly chubby. 

A belly, fully formed and abundantly noticeable, flopped out and onto her plush thighs. She had gone up a cup size, possibly two, and her breasts shoved and pressed her lacey bras into her shirts. Kelli had been a fan of wearing light windbreakers, but those had to be discarded as she now hated the way in which her gut pushed them open. She could hardly believe it, but Kelli knew that she had put on 30 pounds in her month at sea. She had snuck to the completely underused athletic facility to check her weight on a scale. Ignoring the layer of dust on everything, Kelli had stepped aboard the scale and watched the numbers climb. The worst part had been having to shift her hips to move her belly so she could see the answer properly. In blaring red lettering 160 had flashed at her. It was disgusting and she had mentioned it to her therapist, Dr.Ong, thus inciting the commentary on body positivity.

“She’s just trying to help. I think a lot of women need to hear that sort of rhetoric today.” Daisy said, thinking back to her own meeting with her therapist. Their talks had been similar, though of a more positive tone. “Besides, you are in good company here. I think everyone has gained a little.” Daisy grabbed a roll from her belly. Daisy had always been in a weird place when it came to her figure. She could never have been called fat or even chubby, but it was hard to call her skinny. Her breasts, huge as they were, gave the illusion of her being thicker. Yet, now that the cruise was in full effect, she was now moving in decidedly one direction. Her breasts had always lay perfectly on a washboard stomach, now they were slowly getting pushed to either side as a belly formed. Yet, they were pushed back by her now plusher arms. With hips that now had a new bounce to them, Daisy Mae had hardly felt so. . .symmetrical in her entire life. She didn’t hate it either, there was something nice about looking in the mirror and not worrying about if her boobs overshadowed her body too much.

“I know. . . I know.” Kelli said, trying to make her brain think reasonably. “This is going to sound really selfish. . .but I think I’m in a different place than most women here though.” Kelli had to wait to continue her thought as the waiter came to take her and Daisy’s order. Despite her weighty worries, Kelli still ordered a double portion of everything. The beef, rice, and soups at the restaurant were far too good to waste. Let her worry about portioning things like the burger shop or the ice cream parlor or the Texan barbeque stand out on deck. This was food that should be savored. Daisy did similarly, though without any mental hesitation. Unlike Kelli, the buxom young 20 year old was mentally free to enjoy the world and its culinary delights. Once the waiter was gone, Kelli resumed her thought. “A lot of ladies here still have plenty of time on the clock. It’s ok to gain 20 pounds when you’re 30. You can lose that sort of stuff easy.” She sighed and grabbed her stomach. “But this is going to be hell for me to lose. I just don’t have the metabolism anymore.” She let her stomach drop, wincing as it bounced twice before settling down again. “Besides, I don’t want people talking about me.”

“Kelli, I really think you are putting too much thought into it.” Daisy said, unconsciously moving her own hands onto her belly and under her breasts. “The only person you should be worried about is you. If you’re happy then that’s all that matters.” She smiled, a hint of a double chin appearing on her face. 

“But what if I’m only going to be happy the way I was before.” Kelli said, unsure if she was talking about her life prior to her divorce or some unspecified and impending weight gain. She looked around her, taking in the other women at the restaurant. Chubby and even fat women all enjoyed themselves just as much as they had done when they were skinnier. Some seemed to be even happier than they had been. They weren’t worried about how their clothes fit (some even wearing things that were skimpy or outright lewd) or what their friends were saying. Kelli looked and she saw women just being themselves. Lucky them. She turned back to Daisy. She was such an attractive girl, Kelli had no problem saying that. A couple years younger than her own daughter, Daisy wasn’t even at the peak of her womanhood. She didn’t seem to mind how much pudge her arms had picked up nor care about how her bellybutton pressed obviously into her shirt. She was only concerned about Kelli and her wellbeing. It was genuinely touching, when Kelli had the presence of mind to notice it.

There was something that Kelli wanted to say, she felt close to materializing the words, but then was distracted by the waiter bringing their food. Plate after plate of steaming meats slathered with sauces. Kelli couldn’t help but lick her lips. It would be nice to take a break from their conversation. Talking with Daisy was always nice, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be painful in equal measure. Kelli was glad for the break, eager to dig into her food. Kelli dug in, her thoughts vanishing. Her revelation, momentarily forgotten under a haze of delicious food. There was something of a cyclical pattern with the food and Kelli’s thoughts. Her worries and stress seemed to make the food taste better, perhaps as a way to distract herself. She slopped a large bite into her mouth, smearing sauce across her mouth. She soon followed that bite with another, her mood brightening as she tasted every morsel. “Oh, this is so good!” She said to Daisy, who was likewise plowing through her meals. Daisy was inclined to agree. Together, the two chubby women stuffed themselves till they were too tired to even think. 

. . . . .


    Daisy Mae, midway through the second month of the cruise, knocked on the door to the other woman’s cabin. Daisy felt her body jiggle as she knocked, and not just her voluminous breasts. Her entire body rippled as her knuckles met the faux-wood door. A soft and obvious coating of fat now covered her body. While Daisy hadn’t been weighing herself, she was sure that she was closing in on 220 or 230. There was little way that she could be slimmer. Most of her clothes barely fit her. Shirts had been repurposed as crop-tops in order to let her belly flop freely. Daisy had an amazing belly, she felt. It was free of any blemishes or stretch marks, a singular and large dollop of fat that flowed over all her belts. Her breasts had to fight it for real estate, oftentimes getting shoved aside, but she didn’t mind that. Her breasts had been the focal point of her body for so long that it was nice for something else to get a little attention. She didn’t mind how her booty and thighs strained her shorts either. They had to be elastic shorts now, any other material was too restrictive. Even so, her elastic shorts were getting to the point of being just panties or thongs. They stretched across half of her ass, burying and wedging them deeply in between her round buttcheeks. Daisy had taken the gain well. She had heeded the words and advice of her therapists, embracing her lager self with a deep sense of positivity. “Kelli, are you coming? I thought we were going to go to that beach?” 

“I’m not coming out.” Kelli, on the other hand, had not taken things as well. Daisy sighed and knocked again, her breasts pushing up against the door. They had grown to the point where they were almost further forward than her arms. Yet, Daisy felt more proportional and normal than she had her entire life. Heavier wasn’t a bad thing when you had spent most of your life looking like a popsicle with two balloons tied to it. “Go without me.”

“At least let me come in then.” Daisy returned. For a moment she wasn’t sure if Kelli would. She had been temperamental lately. Her extremes had grown ever more extreme. She was either eating with Daisy, enjoying the food of the cruise or she was sulking because of her changing body. Kelli said little about her moments in therapy save that she was still stuck on the same points she always was. “I’d rather see you than some beach.” Daisy said, knocking. She could hear Kelli mumbling just as much as felt Kelli standup and walk to the door. Each foot fall of Kelli’s resounded through Daisy’s fat. The reason Daisy could feel Kelli’s approach became obvious as soon as the older woman opened the door.

Clad in an ill fitting towel only, Kelli was far heavier than even Daisy was. Unlike Daisy, who had foregone checking her weight, Kelli had continued to sneak up to the athletic center and use their scale. She knew for a fact that she was 260 pounds of pure cougar lard. Kelli’s weight had exploded thanks in equal part to the cruise food, her deteriorating emotional state, and her need to socialize with Daisy. Pound after pound helped bulk up the divorced mother. Kelli now sported a round face with a double chin, her lips turned into a frown. She had a towel clamped around her body, but it was not going to last very long. The poor, fluffy towel was assaulted on all angles by Kelli’s fat. A gut that was half a time bigger than Daisy’s poked out, showing a deep navel. Her hips shoved outwards, big enough to clip the doorframe if Kelli wasn’t careful. Her booty, deliciously plump, was getting big enough that she could rest it nicely in two chairs if she wanted. While one chair would still make do, two chairs was by far the more comfortable. Practically the only part of her that wasn’t bigger than Daisy was her breasts, but that was not saying as much as it once did. Kelli now had what could be called melons. Her breasts were large and full, perky even despite their size. Scrunched into the towel covering, they were pushed up almost far enough to touch her double chin. “Well. . . come on in.” Kelli said, her words making her stomach bounce.

Daisy walked in, unsure of what to say. Kelli was clearly upset and Daisy didn’t have to speculate why. Hoards of clothes, swimsuits especially, were thrown around the room. Seemingly everything that Kelli had brought with her to wear had been tried on and discarded, unsuitably small for Kelli’s body. Kelli flopped down on the bed, her bigger body bouncing unseemly thanks to gravity. Daisy stood in front of her, Kelli almost completely obscured by her breasts. “Do you need a suit? I have some that could fit.” Daisy offered out of politeness, though she generally wondered if she had anything that would actually work. Kelli was at least 30 pounds heavier. 

“No. Honestly, I think I’m just going to grab some sleep.” Kelli mumbled. “I really don’t feel like going out today.”

“Kelli, I know how you feel. . .but this isn’t going to work.” Daisy said.

“Do you know how I feel? How exactly?” Kelli said, anger touching her voice.

“Kelli, I’ve been outgrowing things since I turned 15. I don’t think I’ve ever had a shirt that fit me.” Daisy ruffled her own breasts. Her hands struggled to lift them. They sloshed back and forth, inches from Kelli’s face. They were so soft looking. Bouncing golden orbs filled with milk and fat.

“I’m sure it was very hard to be a blonde with huge boobs.” Kelli responded flatly. 

“Ok. . .fine. . .but how about now?” Daisy stepped back, spreading her arms. Her body shoved at her swimsuit. What once had been a cute, diamond boob-hole on her suit was no a grossly distorted boob-portal. Daisy had to accommodate her stomach by cutting a little hole in her suit, letting some pressure off. She spun, showing how her thighs had ballooned and her suit was permanently wedged between her asscheeks. “You think it was easy to get used to all of this?” She walked over to Kelli again, grabbing her hands. “Kelli, you aren’t the only one gaining weight.”

“But I am the only one who will have to live with it.” She said, dimly aware of how little sense her statement made.

“We’re all going to have to live with it. I think a lot of the women here know that. They like the weight, they like loving themselves.”

“But I don’t want to love myself.” Kelli said, mentally gasping at her admission. “I want to love someone else!” She added, trying to fix her comment.

“Me too! All of us do. But first we have to love ourselves!” Daisy said, choking up a little. “Everyday I wake up hoping that if I just love myself enough, someone will realize that and love me back.” Daisy fought some tears. Both women were starting to lose rational thoughts. Words were just a means of communicating feelings. Their intentions were carried by their tone and body language, less with what they said to each other openly. “I’m just waiting and waiting. Nothing happens though or if it is, it’s happening very slowly. . . too slowly!” She added, wiping one of her eyes. 

“Daisy, you will find someone easily.” Kelli said. “It’s me who has to worry. Who is going to fall in love with some old, fat woman. My husband is gone, off with some secretary he met on a business trip. Now its just me, fat and useless.”

“But people do love you!” Daisy cried. “Your daughter and. . .me!” She heaved Kelli up, forcing the fatter woman to stand. They stood almost belly to belly, both breathing heavily.

“Thanks. . .but that’s not exactly what I meant. I mean . . .”

“Romantically? Sexually? Kelli, that’s what I’m telling you.” Daisy took the final step forward, her chubby toes almost touched Kelli’s. Her plump fingers caressed the roll of fat that had started to take over Kelli’s elbows. She brought Kelli’s arms forward, putting them to her own heavy hips. The two big women stood looking into each other’s eyes. Kelli was still too surprised to make out what was going on. Daisy’s words ran through her mind, but they seemed foreign and unfamiliar. “I. Want. You.” Daisy said, trying to break through that confusion. Without her hands to hold it up, the towel Kelli was using to clothe herself fell to the ground. Her body, in its fattened and grand nature was now bared to the dark cabin. Daisy wanted to rip her own off so that they could stand on equal ground, but that would take too much time. She instead leaned forward, kissing Kelli on the lips. The world swirled around for both women. Kelli felt Daisy’s pressing against her own, her breasts shoving hers apart, and their stomachs slapping against one another. Both of their fat bodies collided and stayed intermingled. Daisy kissed her passionately, grabbing her hair even. Daisy had never felt such passion. She kissed back.

Fumbling at first, Kelli’s hands searched Daisy’s body for the proper hand holds. Kelli was used to male bodies, knowing them intimately and how to work them. Women, on the other hand, were an ironic mystery. She was used to hard, cut surfaces with muscle and sinew rather than the soft, sloping curves of a fat woman. Kelli did not hate it though. Daisy was doing the same. The two pawed at each other in the dark, gleefully giggling and kissing each other. Daisy would smack a bare patch of assfat on Kelli and Kelli would return by pulling and snapping open of the back straps of Daisy’s swimsuit. It did not take long for the overtaxed swimsuit to finally break. “Shoot. . .guess I’m getting too big for my clothes.” Daisy said with faux-innocence thick on her tongue. “My breasts are so big and full.” She said, a finger held to her lip. She slowly peeled her suit off, finally exposing her own body fully. Noticeably thinner, save for her breasts, Daisy loved the way that Kelli’s wide, fatter body highlighted her own. She pulled herself in tight, kissing Kelli again before talking. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” she said with mock, sexually charged concern. 

“Mmmm. . .how about I hold them a little.” Kelli responded, almost humming as she kissed Daisy again. She squeezed one of Daisy’s breasts. They were every bit as heavenly as she imagined. Daisy Mae was blessed beyond belief and now Kelli was free to partake in that blessing. Soon she had walked them back over to the bed, still in the throes of passion. Soon, Kelli was on the bed, with Daisy straddling on top of her. Their bellies slapped against each other as Daisy, who was on top, started to gyrate. Neither had much idea of what they were doing. Despite appearances, Daisy was as inexperienced as Kelli when it came to having a female partner. Besides, navigating around their heavier, flabbier bodies presented a new dimension to love making. Kelli was used to being sleek, slim, and almost otterlike in flexibility. Now she was more comparable to a pig rolling in mud. She huffed and puffed, forcing her own hips to move in sync with Daisy’s. 

Daisy struggled to manage her breasts, the bounced with wild fury as she pumped against Kelli’s sex, already damp and growing wetter by the second. Any more intensity and her breasts would be smacking her in the chin. She was torn between letting them continue to jiggle and bounce against her tummy, or settle down and let Kelli suck at them. She really, really wanted to feel Kelli’s soft lips and wet tongue against them. She imagined what pleasure she could extract as Kelli wormed her way between the fat southern girls' mountainous breasts. The possibilities were endless. Daisy brought herself low, smooshing her breasts against Kelli’s smaller ones, the puffy and sensuous orbs colliding like planets. “You’re sooo hot.” Daisy said, her fingers reaching down to tickle Kelli in her most private and sensitive area.  “Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t.” Her fingers worked quickly, exploring and soon finding exactly the spot to stimulate the older woman. Kelli squealed in pleasure and bit down on her lip as waves continued to wash over her. “I’d fuck you all night long. Like your husband should have.” She said.

The process continued, each flick of Daisy’s fingers through the slippery wetness of Kelli’s womanhood drawing more and more out of her. Kelli felt her fear vanish, her stress, her loneliness, and any thought of her husband. There was only Daisy, her amazing body, and her nimble fingers. “I. . .aaaahhh. . .Daisy. . .haaa. . .” Kelli practically screamed the words out. “I. . .oooohhh. . .LOve. . .LOVE. . . AAAHHH. . .YOU!” She screamed, her arms reaching up to pull at Daisy’s braided, blonde hair. Soon both women climaxed, falling into each other in a mess of blubber, sweat, and teary eyed pleasure.

. . . . . . . .

    That day and subsequent night marked a change for Kelli. A change that seemed to resound through the whole ship. If the lonely, semi-bitchy cougar could get with the program then they could too. Kelli still ate and drank with increasing, raw, unchecked fervor but the underlying hostility was gone. She would show up to meetings, hand in hand with Daisy, and openly contribute. She volunteered both her past insecurities as well as how they were changing. She even began to talk with women aboard the ship more, first with Daisy there as a guiding figure and then by herself. She’d waddle along the decks, snack in hand, chowing down and connecting with someone she met in the buffett line. While this social attitude pervaded the entire ship, it was especially strong in the multiple hot tubs spread around the ship. They were places of steamy seclusion, tucked away from the main party areas. Places where the ladies could go to get more intimate. Kelli and Daisy frequented these, trying to pinpoint their favorite one. 

    It was the end of the second month, with Kelli having now spent two weeks fully immersed in her new ways and attitude. She and Daisy had just thrown themselves into the hot tub, with all the grace of two hippos who had been grazing all day. Kelli was massive, packing on another 40 pounds. She was close to 300 pounds, bursting and bulging out of most of her clothes. She had to borrow things from Daisy, altering the material as much as possible to accommodate for her larger size. The most unfortunate part was that, despite all the pounds she packed on, her breasts could not attain the fullness of Daisy’s. Thus, she was constantly adjusting and pawing at her breasts. Daisy did likewise, though for completely different reasons. She blew up further, gaining a modest 25 in relation to Kelli. Her figure continued to balance somewhat, with each pound making her seem more and more deserving of the zeppelin sized breasts that genetics had given her. Both sought to ease their clothing troubles by purchasing new outfits in the shopping area, but the shelves were running dry in most of the larger sizes.

    The whole herd of women aboard the ship were settled into fatter lifestyles and reaped the rewards that came with it. Asses hung from pants, shorts, and panties alike. Breasts burst bras and ripped tube tops. Stomachs made tank tops, shirts, and sweaters roll up while also pushing belts and buttons aside with ease. The decks were constantly filled with women in a half gorged, half drunken stupor. They shuffled around, lazily looking for their next meal or source of pleasure. Regularly, staff were called to lift women out of seats or roll them over in their deck chairs. Kelli had become rather fond of this. She loved feeling some young Thai girl’s manicured hands trying to flip her, moreso if they struggled. She often called for the staff for her and Daisy, making sure they burnt as little calories as possible. Though there were som nights when Kelli and her young partner just wanted to be away from the staff, somewhere secluded. Somewhere like deck 9’s starboard hot tub. 

    Couple had settled in the spa. Daisy had one and a half pizzas in hand, while Kelli had three. The plan was to settle in the tub, slip out of their suits, and feed each other pizza until the sun came up. It was a good start. Kelli took the pizza seductively, dragging as much sauce and cheese into her mouth as possible. Flecks would land on the island of belly fat that divided her breasts, but she would invite Daisy to lick it off and it would be gone instantly. Kelli would chew thoughtfully, her hands working to get her suit off at the same time. Then, naked as the day she was born, she handed a piece over to Daisy. Daisy would take a small bite, not yet possessing the stomach capacity that Kelli had. She would take a bite and then sit back politely. But that was hardly enough for Kelli. She had been needing more lately. More of everything. She wanted food and sex in greater and greater quantities. She wanted them spilling out of every facet of her life. “You know, those pretty hands are looking a bit idle.” She said, leaning over brushing Daisy’s hand. She slowly brought it over to rest on her lap, under the steaming water.

    “Oh my gosh! Kelli!” Daisy exclaimed, blushing but not pulling her hand away. “You are going to get us in trouble.” She scooted closer to her massive lover, their love handles mingling together. Despite her nudity, Kelli’s gut had grown large enough to cover her nether regions. They were not totally inaccessible though. Kelli swished her belly and breasts around, causing the water in the hot tub to churn and froth. Her stomach was large enough to flood over Daisy’s hand and onto her lap. Soon, the big, older woman was leaning over and tugging on Daisy’s ear with her teeth. Daisy knew what was expected of her. Kelli made that abundantly clear. She had been making it abundantly clear ever since the night in her cabin. Kelli was an animal unchained now. It was all sex and gluttony. Daisy had felt passion in her life, but hardly anything like this. 

    “What are they going to do. . .kick us off the ship?” Kelli teased, leaning in to kiss Daisy’s nose. “Let’s have a little fun. Everyone here is an adult, after all.” She slowly brought Daisy’s hand further under her heaving bulk. Kelli groaned as she felt Daisy’s hands searching through her pillar-like thighs for the sweetness buried within. Daisy was great, perfect even. She had slowly been inching along the same path as Kelli, each woman taking strides towards further fattening, desire, and passion. Daisy stoked her hand lovingly between Kelli’s thighs, each movement easing her worries and fears of getting caught. Kelli was right, who really cared? It was a ship full of wine aunts, eventually there was going to be a little risque action. Kelli threw her head back and moaned loudly, as if she was trying to attract other women to the pool. Her plump hands closed around Daisy’s suit, pulling tugging it off even as the other women continued to pleasure her. Daisy’s breasts fell into the water with a wet smack, comparable to torpedoes given their size and proximity to water. The blonde giggled girlishly, working her hand faster. 

“You’re so bad!” Daisy said, squishing in close to Kelli. Their bodies bounced off of each other, slowed by their weight and the water. Both Kelli and Daisy couldn’t help but mentally compare themselves to hippos again. “You know, I was a nice girl before I got on this ship and found you. A preacher’s daughter.” She slowed her hand down a bit, letting Kelli catch her breath. She could stimulate her in other ways. “I had only ever been with boys, never even thought of doing anything else. . .until I saw you. I didn’t even know it at the time.” She leaned in, whisper-purring in Kelli’s ear. “Until you started getting fat.” Kelli tapped Daisy’s hand, getting her to start again, faster than before. “You just kept getting bigger and bigger. And the way you stared at my breasts. I could see this mounting greed. You didn’t just need me, you need more and more of me!” Suddenly, Daisy was throwing herself on Kelli’s lap. She tugged the string off of her bikini bottom, throwing the large yet skimpy piece of wet fabric away. She shoved her butt onto Kelli, working the woman’s belly and thighs. Kelli’s stomach was so large that it overlapped Daisy’s ass. 

Kelli dug her sausage fingers under her stomach, raising her stomach up even further. The fatter, more mature woman reached up and tugged Daisy’s braid. She wrapped the strand partially around her finger and tugged on it from time to time, like a rider whipping her horse. Daisy respondent obediently. Her ass dipped and rose out of the hot tub, water and steam rushing around her soaking curves. Kelli fought the impulse to bury her face in between Daisy’s bubbling cheeks. Instead, she pulled her closer, tugging just slightly on her braid. “I knew that there was an exhobisionist buried in you.” She said to Daisy. “God doesn’t give a girl tits that big and expects her to become a nun.” She wrapped her pudgy hands around Daisy’s breasts. They were so huge and heavy, they overflowed Kelli’s thick fingers. Kelli’s hands were nestled nicely underneath Daisy’s breasts and her thickening stomach. Daisy continued to squirm and gyrate, her fat ripples mimicking the water below. It did not take much longer for both women to collapse. Daisy sat in Kelli’s arms, planting kisses on her lover. At some point, neither could remember, Kelli leaned in and whispered, “We’re just getting started. Trust me.” 


    “Ma. . .mom?!” Callie said, slacked jawed as the pile of blubber waddled towards her. There was no way that the woman who was currently huffing and puffing her way across the parking lot was her mother. She was still wearing her bikini, with a light blue, very sheer sarong wrapped around her hips. Her thighs smashed together, while her breasts bounced and strained at her bikini straps. Kelli took a long slurp from a can of beer which she had secreted off the ship. She slipped a bit, her massive thighs and hips smacking into a car. Callie was surprised that she didn’t feel the ground moving under her. Callie shuddered as she realized just how skimpy the bikini her mom was wearing actually was. The poor thing had buried itself in her fat rolls, which had no intention of letting go. Still, Callie saw, her mother was smiling. Whatever else Callie could say, her mother was at least smiling. It was a far cry from how she began the cruise. 

“It’s so good to see you, Baby!!!” Kelli squealed, wrapping her daughter up into a big, squishy, and slightly sweaty hug. “Oh it’s so good to see you! You look great!” She pressed herself tighter around her daughter, burying her skinny body underneath 450 pounds of pure fat and lard. “The cruise was wonderful!” Kelli couldn’t help but put extra, almost sinful emphasis on “wonderful”. She hadn’t exactly intended it, but Kelli was finding it hard to turn off the hedonism. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to. She let Callie go, dropping her back down to the ground and backing up slightly, her stomach big enough to still be touching Callie’s even still. “I have so much to tell you! Especially. . .about. . .well. . .I met someone!” Kelli excitedly turned and waved a pillowy arm. Callie turned and saw the woman approaching.

She was almost as big as her mother and dressed even more skimpily. She had a long, blonde braid that wound its way around her massive body. She had a relatively small stomach that paled in comparison with her hips and breasts. Her hips were big enough to fill two chairs, easily. Her breasts were what really stole the show. They were huge, hefty wrecking balls of fat. She had them barely contained in a thong bikini. She had ditched the sarong, instead just wanting to revel in her own fat. Kelli had only kept it one because she was meeting her daughter. Daisy reached the mother, daughter duo and stuck out a pudgy hand. “Well, Kelli told me that you were cute. . .but I had no idea you were this hot!” Daisy chanced a hug, bringing her body close to Callie’s. Callie was a little older, a fact which made Daisy especially gleeful. She loved being the youngest woman in Kelli’s life. She was going to be an honest to God trophy wife. She hugged Callie, feeling her immense breasts push the smaller, thinner woman away.  Shocked and stunned, Callie merely gaped. Kelli broke the silence by swinging around and smacking a hand to Daisy’s bare ass.

    “Hey now! Let’s at least wait. . .until later.” Daisy blushed and tried to shy away, though she was clearly into Kelli’s advances. Were they not in front of Kelli’s daughter, Daisy would have done something much, much different. Something she would be doing to her lover later in the day when they get some free time. 

    “Ok, ok!” Kelli teased, bringing her nose close to Daisy’s. The two women’s fat collided in a panoply of jiggles and slaps. Daisy’s breasts were the ultimate buffer, pushing and shoving at anyone who tried to get close. They needed to be managed delicately, intimately or they would push away anyone making attempts at intimacy. Kelli’s stomach was similar. A tanker of fat shaped into inviting rolls, it was almost daunting in its size and girth. After the quick, cute display Kelli turned back to her stunned daughter. “Callie, this is Daisy. She was my cruising buddy and it sort of, well, turned into something more.” She sighed and smiled. She held Daisy’s hand in her own. The two fat women’s hips bounced off of each other. Callie gulped, swallowing a growing sense of weirdness and trying her best to replace it with happiness for her mother’s own happiness. Experimenting with her appearance and sexuality in nothing but extremes, Callie could only call what her mother was doing odd and a little off putting. But it seemed at least an improvement over the woman who couldn’t get off the couch and wouldn’t stop crying.

“Ni. . .nice to meet you.” Callie said politely and a little over formally. She put her hand out, only to find Daisy using it to pull her into a huge hug. Kelli soon joined in, burying Callie in hundreds of pounds of blubber. Callie had never felt such plush and warmth. It was strange, but not unwelcome. There was comfort in the womanly folds surrounding her, something that reminded her of teddy bears and other overfilled stuffed animals. Then she was released, able to drop back down the ground again. She looked into Daisy’s eyes, trying to avoid her nearly naked breasts. “Thank you for taking care of Mom.” She smiled, half bowing. 

“It was my pleasure.” Daisy couldn’t help but purr a little, earning another smack on the ass from Kelli. “The job isn’t quite done yet, though. Your mom is going to need quite a bit more assistance.” Callie assumed Daisy meant emotional or romantic, she was half right. Daisy, however, was envisioning something a bit more physical. Neither her nor Kelli had quite gotten enough of their size yet. It was exhilarating to wake up each day and find themselves bigger, moreso to see their bodies slowly inflating over weeks and months. The cruise had been the catalyst, but the experiment was still going on. Daisy planned on making sure it lasted as long as possible. “Which is why I’ll be joining you at your house!” She clapped with excitement, her breasts sloshing back and forth enticingly. She leaned in, kissing Kelli on her puffy cheek. “We’ll be one, big, happy family!” She smiled, more than a little mischievously. Kelli winked at her daughter, already starting to explain the living arrangements.  

. . .Epilogue: Three Months Later. . .

    Daisy rolled a sucker around her lips. She leaned against the fridge, quietly watching Callie eat. She was just finishing a cake. One full, frosted birthday cake all for her. She was sitting at the kitchen table, bright red sweatpants trying desperately to cover her ass. Her panties were showing, something that must have sat uncomfortably with Callie sinc ese kept reaching around to hike her pants up. Not that it was going to work, her wall of ass fat simply pushed the sweatpants back down. Callie had slipped into the gluttonous household with ease. While at first it was strange to see her mother and her girlfriend polish off buckets of chicken all on their own, it wasn’t long before she was joining them. It was long after that when Callie’s figure began to truly blossom. She wasn’t like Kellie and Daisy, gluttony hadn’t quite taken over her life but she was still learning. Callie leaned back and belched, putting her hands on her stuffed belly. It was protruding far enough forward that it forced her pink shirt to roll up under her breasts. Callie was the spitting image of her mother, just a couple hundred pounds lighter and years younger. A fact that drove Daisy wild.

    For as much as Callie had changed, Daisy had changed more. The braid was gone, replaced with a sharp bob. The freckles had disappeared, with expensive makeup taking its place. Three earrings bounced on each ear, each golden ring flashier than the last. She sauntered into the kitchen, at least as much as any 600 pound woman can saunter. Her breasts, nakedly exposed, lay to either side of her immense belly. She wore only a kimono top, one that she had outgrown several months ago. She had meant to go shopping for larger intimates a while ago, but was stopped by how much she enjoyed the feeling of outgrowing them. “Need a little help?” She reached down and helped pull up Callie’s sweatpants, lovingly caressing her ass beforehand. Callie, surprised, jumped a little. Daisy laughed and patted the smaller woman’s lovehandle. “Sorry, just thought you needed a little help tackling those curves.” She continued waddling around, plopping her immense ass into a chair on the other side of the table.

Daisy had gone on the cruise a girl, silly and romantic, but Kelli’s rapacious sexual appetites had made her a woman. The blonde oozed sexual confidence, now no longer able to turn off her lust and desire. She took a long lick from the sucker before putting it between two sausage fingers. Despite it being 8 in the morning, Daisy’s lips were crimson red with lipstick. She was ready for a long day of lovemaking. It seemed like she had Kelli hardly made it out of the bedroom, still trapped by newlywed enchantment. When she did make it out, Daisy’s unbound lust usually found a new target. “Morning, Daisy.” Callie said shyly. She quickly buried her face in more food, needing to make herself busy.

“Feel free to call me “mom” now.” Daisy winked. It was hard to believe that she was two years Callie’s junior. She seemed so mature. . .so womanly. The way she was so able to play with her posture and tone of voice to draw out sexual stimulation flustered Callie. She, now obese and getting even fatter, had even less emotional balance. Life was changing so quickly. At first she had been able to resist the food and sexual advances that Daisy brought up cosntantly. But, as time and good smells filled the house, Callie found herself caving and giving in to Daisy’s fattening cooking. Everything was made with twice as much butter and sugar. It was disgustingly coated with grease, but impossible to resist. Callie had gotten hooked, blimping up just as quickly as her mother had on the cruise. Worse, Callie was finding herself falling more and more for Daisy’s other advances. “I’ll make sure to come running, then.” Daisy hefted her breasts, considering her words and how they matched with her body. Callie blushed, trying to look anywhere other than her step-mother’s chest. A lurid, intoxicating heat simmered between the two.

A wet belch sounded from further back in the house, breaking the tension. “Oh, well, guess that’s my cue.” Daisy winked. “Gotta get back to work.” She heaved herself up from the seat, lacking in dignity despite her best efforts. She thrust her hips out as she waddled past Callie. She stopped in front of her, leaning down. Her breasts were heavy, pushing Callie forward as they came to lay on her back. Soon Callie felt a heavy arm reaching around. “I should be free again around noon. . .if you want to do a little step-mother, step-daughter bonding session.” Daisy lightly placed the sucker between Callie’s lips before waddling out of the room. Callie had to fan herself, trying to quell her rising body heat and sift through her emotions. Daisy continued on through the house and back into her and Kelli’s love nest. The door, forcibly expanded to accommodate all three women in the house, stood slightly ajar. Daisy could see the two king size beds shoved together, and something large resting on top. “Goooodddmorning my love.” She whispered quietly in the door.

“ Heeeeyyy. . .could use a little sugar.” Kelli’s voice came through softly, laced with suggestive undertones. She belched again, stomach heaving with the force. Kelli was massive. Daisy couldn’t say how big, their scale refused to register her current weight. Kelli took up the bulk of the mattress, leaving only a sliver for Daisy to claim as her own. Daisy would have to cuddle and pull herself into Kelli tightly every night, neither minded. She was naked, her enormous body displayed for all the world. Her stomach fled down to her thighs, a singular hillock of fat and greed. Her breasts fell to the sides of her stomach, each a spiritual copy of Kelli: heavy and lazy. Her ass spread below her, big enough to fill a couch with ease. Kelli’s gain had only sped up since reaching land. She was fed and sexed around the clock by Daisy, who catered to her now-wife with unrelenting energy. Kelli had indulged deeply, each meal allowing her to drop more and more of her former life and personality. She cared little for social convention now. She waddled around the house naked and free, allowing her massive body to slap and jiggle as it wanted. All of her time not spent eating went into romancing Daisy. “It’s been too long!” She heaved her arms up, arm fat big enough to flop down onto her body. She waved Daisy into the room, drawing her forward. Daisy was happy to comply.

“I’d hate for my big, fat wife to be denied for too long.” Daisy smiled, catlike, as she waddled into the room. Her body shook as she put herself up and onto the bed, trying her best to straddle her immense wife. Daisy leaned in, kissing Kelli on her chins. The two fat women were soon panting and gyrating, their various rolls heaving with force. Kelli had energy only for sex. She had let all other activities go to the wayside. Walking and getting up were things that happened for a special reason, food or maybe a shower at most. Moving her body too so much effort, she had to wait for the times when it mattered. Kelli watched as her body rippled thanks to Daisy’s thrusts. It was getting to the point where she could hardly see over her breasts and stomach. Daisy even had to wedge herself slightly under the advancing tide of blubber. Kelli longed for the day when her wife would have to be fully submerged under her fat in order to make love to her. “Whew. . .it’s getting. . .so hard to. . .move your. . .fat.” Daisy wiped her forehead, sweat beading her supple body. 

“Well. . .aaahhh. . .we could always. . .hooo. . .use the. . .crane.” Kelli huffed and moaned her way through the sentence. Knowing how heavy she was and how hard it was to work with her body sexually was as hot as sex itself. She threw an arm over and pointed at the mobility crane in the corner of the room. It was a huge, metallic monstrosity with chains and straps and all manner of attachments. It was built expressly for women like Kelli, who had glutted themselves to the point where they were trapped under their own fat. She loved it almost as much as she loved Daisy and Calli. It was her new favorite toy. She loved watching Daisy tie the straps and attach the chains. All to get her fat ass out of bed once or twice a day. “Ju. . .oo that feels good. . .put me in it. . .we can. . .whooo. . .fuck all day!” The pleasure made her delirious. She wasn’t sure if Daisy was listening, at least until the big woman slowed her gyrations. It wasn’t an easy thing to stop 600 pounds of keyed up blubber. 

“I like the way you think!” Daisy winked as the jiggles grew less and less. Once sufficiently calmed down, Daisy rolled off of Kelli and went over to the crane. She heaved and pushed it over to the bed, chains and straps swinging, all while Kelli clapped with excitement. Then it was a matter of getting everything hooked up correctly. Daisy dragged her body across Kelli’s, working her fat as she slowly put the crane’s attachments on her nearly immobile lover. Kelli didn’t help much, instead preferring to paw and kiss at Daisy’s breasts as they bounced and flopped across her body. The process took at least 30 minutes. Finally, Kelli was set up and Daisy started to crank the crane up. Kelli felt the chains lose slack and finally grow taught. The strap she sat on smacked against her ass and she was slowly raised into the air. Kelli felt gravity struggling to pull her back down, her body sloshing outwards. Daisy raised the crane as high as it would go, letting Kelli’s nearly useless legs dangle and kick in the air. The crane swung out and away from the bed, finally suspending Kelli well and truly in the air. Daisy secured the crane and then made her way back around. “Now. . .where were we?” She kissed Daisy’s belly, which dangled inches from her face.

“I believe you were about to make me feel like a woman again.” Kelli giggled, kicking her pudgy feet. 

“Hmmmm. . . .I think I was actually make you feel like a queen.” Daisy retorted. She lifted up Kelli’s immense belly fold, ducking her head under. Soon, Kelli was moaning loudly. Her hands gripped the chains of the crane tightly. She threw her head back, panting heavily. Below her, Daisy pleasured her whilst fighting against the weight of her stomach. Kelli could just see Daisy’s ass, wiggling back and forth as she kissed and licked at Kelli’s crotch. It was a pleasure that Kelli could never get tired of. Her entire life was now bathed in moments like these. The 40 year old woman had once thought her life was over. She had been skinny, divorced, and miserable. Now, however, she was fat, oversexed, and married again. Between screams of pleasure, Kelli thought about the cruise and all the joy it had brought her. She wondered if it was an annual cruise.


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