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Sup! Opening this up right away for you all. Can't wait to see ideas. In other news, I will be traveling this next week, so I will be slow to respond to messages. I'm going to be working on putting Min-Ji's experiment 2 up on a sharing site for you all as well. I have been caught up in trying to finish comms, so it's been slow going. 

General Guidelines:

2 ideas per person, but submission does not guarantee being chosen. I usually do around 2 - 3 prompts per month.

You can repeat a prompt that hasn't been chosen before.

Prompts are generally 1.5 - 2k in length.

If you are unsure, please DM me! Happy to clarify questions.

No Men, femboys, futa. Love having guys as characters in a story, but they won't be gaining.



Prompt 1: A story where Yasne uses her rapid weight gain powers for more horny chaos Prompt 2: A story where Zala comes to terms with life after sudden gigantic expansion when up till then she'd been a fierce soldier. Both from your drow oc story


Repost from a few months back: Black Lagoon, Light slob. Balalaika, head of the local Russian mafia, has been resistant to her rising weight until hitting a revelation, shifting towards utilizing her size and weight as a means to accentuate her presence. Could certainly be accompanied by a growing sadistic or domineering nature. Likely to end up wider than she is tall while allowing hygiene to slip