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This is the SFW version of this story: https://www.patreon.com/posts/zelda-and-links-104490143. Other version has the sex scene between the Zelda and Link.

Link sat in the sauna, breathing the hot air. It had been a long afternoon of sword practice and his muscles already had begun to ache. The only treatments he knew for an aching body were hefty portions of well cooked meat and an extended sauna trip. He relaxed against the wood paneling, his shoulders adjusting to the heated wood. In a corner of the room there was the furnace, which heated rocks and scented oils. The air was dry but filled with the smell of healing herbs. It was a world that Link could understand, a world of quiet contemplation. It befitted his muteness well. Within the confines of the wooden room he could meditate and pray to Hylia. That was, if he did not have a visitor trying to force her way through the small door. Link opened an sly eye as he felt a small gust. Behind the gust he heard the telltale sounds of Zelda, his betrothed, struggling to move.

“Oh, Link, don’t mind me.” Zelda panted, her chubby face already red from the exertion of walking to the sauna. “I, uhm, had no idea you would be in here.” She was obviously lying. Though her words were polite and even slightly ashamed, her eyes held a different look. She searched Link’s nearly naked body with lust. If intent were enough, Zelda could have looked through the white towel Link had tied around his body. She licked her plump lips, eager to force her heavy body through the door. Zelda and Link were nearly physical opposites. Zelda’s once thin body had been claimed by the forces of adipose and gluttony. Heaving rolls pulled apart the towel she had wrapped around her curvaceous form. The towel had little chance of holding in the princess’ melon breasts, double rolled gut, or her couch crushing butt. It was only the intervention of her sausage fingers that kept it around her body at all. Link, meanwhile, rested calmly with the towel about his waist. 

“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Zelda asked, almost afraid of silence coming back into the room. Silence was a chance for Link to deny her attention. Silence was time for her to stew in the raging emotions within her breast. “I could always come. . .oh?” Zelda was cut off by a simple motion from Link. Without opening his eyes, he patted the bench next to him. Zelda was light headed by the mere invitation. She shoved the rest of the way into the sauna, the door smacking her rotund butt several times on the way in. Zelda shuffled onto the bench. A fat, tree trunk like leg thumped onto the foot rest. The obese woman stretched into the motion, letting part of her towel fall open. The lowest, thickest roll of her stomach seeped out. Zelda’s gut apron worked only slightly to keep the treasure between her thighs hidden. Zelda tested her foot for longer than she needed, hoping to entice Link into looking. Instead, he only continued his meditation. With some consternation she took her seat finally.

The boards of the bench creaked as Zelda’s mass made contact. She sucked air in as spoiled, pampered fat made contact with the super heated wood. This was not a place for a woman unused to any physical struggle or endurance. She wiggled on her bottom, trying to get comfortable. Link politely gave her space, edging down the bench a couple inches. The couple sat in the quiet darkness of the sauna with little more than the heated rocks and glass door to provide light. They took the heated air into their lungs and gave it back to the room moments later. The relief that was brought with Zelda opening the door was quickly wiped away. Heat, burning and unrelenting, ruled supreme within the small room. Sweat built rapidly over both of the Hylians. Fat droplets of sweat formed across their pale skin. Zelda especially felt the perspiration. Streams of perspiration ran down her breasts and arms, pulling downward towards the forming lake in her belly button. She licked her lips, edging to say something. The princess had not come expecting such resistance from her knight. 

Heat continued to mount as minutes ticked by. It was nearly suffocating for Zelda. The flush on her face grew brighter. Obesity prevented her from properly regulating her body temperature at the best of times. Now, trapped in the sweltering box, those disadvantages were made even greater. Fat droplets of salty water dribbled from her chins and splashed onto her breasts. It took only minutes worth of time to cover her entire body with sweat. The towel she wore was doused and clung to her body uncomfortably. Zelda peeped at her fiance. As always, he was human perfection. Rather than her ugly, thick sweat, Link had only a fine covering. The sweat around Link made him glow, making him seem even more unearthly beautiful. Zela felt a dizzying wave of pleasure run through her. With her body straining under the heat, any emotion was felt more powerfully. Zelda fidgeted with her towel, tentatively starting to unravel it.

Now afraid to call attention to her body, lest her desires became too obvious, Zelda quietly pulled the towel away. Her fat clung to the white, sodden fabric. There was a wet peeling sound as new inches of her body was exposed to the heat and Link. Heaving breasts with tight, pink nipples were exposed to the dark. They sat upon a massive belly, rolling back and forth. Sweat dribbled between them, racing towards the valley between her stomach folds. Zelda’s had not felt this wet even when swimming. Her hair was starting to wilt, pressed to her forehead. She wiped it back with a free hand, now that the towel was completely removed. The sweat-soaked fabric was tossed aside. It landed with a wet smack in the corner of the room. The smack was loud and sharp enough to draw Link from his meditations. His eyes opened, unable to keep from inspecting the enormous body of his lover. Though Link glanced away immediately, Zelda was quick to notice. He was not so impervious afterall. 

“I have never felt such. . .heat.” Zelda said, stretching. She lifted her flabby arms. Sacks worth of bicep fat thumped down to either side of her face. Zelda was well proportioned in her obesity. No part of her had been spare from ludicrous expansion. She stretched her arms farther, exposing even her armpits. Sweaty mists trailed into the room from her. Those places most secret and most heated on Zelda’s body turned the seat into steam. She looked down past her arms, hoping to catch another glance from Link. He had steeled himself once more, pretending at being a monk. Zelda lowered her arms slowly. They moved even more ponderously in the warmth. Micro-rolls once again formed between her upper arm and the beginning of her breasts. Droplets poured from then, running like ripened fruit that had been sliced open. Zelda might as well have been melting for the mount she glistened. The suffocating heat was a landscape of pain, but pleasure was starting to blossom. With each attempt at coaxing Link, Zelda was learning about this place. 

“I’ve been trying my hand at poetry.” Zelda said, scooting closer to Link. Her butt slid along, lubricated by perspiration. She left behind a perfect outline of her massive cheeks. Squashed out along the bench, they seemed even larger. Link slid away from Zelda, but he had run out of room. He was caught between a wall and a soft place. Zelda stopped painful inches away from her flaxen haired love. She breathed heavily, drained of stamina from the wicked sorcery of the furnace. Her hands fidgeted with her sagging stomach, airing out the buried places between rolls. The temperature of the room soared, bolstered by the growing humidity. Zelda alone was enough to alter the perfect chemistry of the room. She aimed to alter it even more. “I’ve found it quite relaxing.” Zelda put a plump hand down, her thick arm standing like a pillar. A boob and several lovehandles curled around her bicep and forearm. She leaned ever so slightly. Possessed by lust and weakened further by extreme temperature, Zelda could not hold her own body up. “None of the lines seem quite right though. Maybe you could help?” Zelda ventured, anything but innocent. 

“I’ll start.” Zelda whispered, though pausing right after. The sauna grew ever darker, the mood simmering as much as the rocks. Link grasped his towel with both hands, lines of concentration appearing on his face. Zelda smiled like a fox circling a cucco nest. She took a deep breath, pulling in as much burning air as she could into her lungs. The sweltering warmth of the sauna was transforming her. She was no Hylian. Rather, a succubus that had crawled out of the abyss. Zelda shifted, letting her belly fat drain away over one thigh. She rested more of her weight on her planted arm, shifting her chest towards Link. “Curving mountain’s great bounty.” Zelda cooed the words out. Each sentence was punctuated by the pitter pat of sweat droplets hitting the wooden bench. “Grove of natural treasure.” Zelda toyed with her thighs. “Loving valley, blessed by the divine.” Her thighs clapped together, spraying sweat into the air. Link shook. 

“Ancient dam, begging release.” The bench creaked louder as Zelda moved again. One hand scooped up belly fat, making sure it came along for the trip. Link, through his closed eyes, felt the looming presence of Zelda. Her chins wobbled, breasts jumped at the slightest movement, and her stomach moved in agonizingly slow gyrations. Even with her chin turned up and pointed towards Link’s sharp ear, fat chins still remained underneath. Her butt billowed against the back wall, pressing it’s doughy and dimpled form outward. Prints of Zelda’s passing were left on the bench and the wall. To Link, his eyes still shut, Zelda seemed to occupy the entire room save for the narrow sliver of space he had. He breathed in her words and sweat, making them one with his body. One slip and his slim musculature would be immersed in her cuddling bulk. “Waves’ roll in, pulling those helpless out. Follow.” Zelda was drunk on lust and exhaustion. She had never been stronger or weaker. 

The minutes that had passed in the sauna had stripped away anything save for her lust and fat. She knew a similar process was happening with Link. Nothing but a towel and rippling manhood underneath. She would drive it out of him. There were nought but precious centimeters between their glistening skin. Their heated, glistening bodies were starting to redden. The glass door was fogged, covered by the steamy mist coming off of the big woman. Her eyes were sharp and her mouth hung open, ready to speak more loving obscenities. All her education and reading was now bent towards coming up with the perfect combination of words. Whatever would finally pop the growing bubbles of carnal desire within the two. She would not make the first move. Her job was to stoke the fire and it was his duty to act. Zelda almost laughed when she thought of her next line of poetry. She shifted, one fat swaddled knee on the bench and the other leg stretched out. It was as close to a starters position as she could get into. She pursed her lips once, searching her mind for something else to say. Nothing arrived, so she trusted her instincts. Zelda over annunciated both words, pumping them as full of meaning as she could. “Pig. Fuck.”

Link met Zelda in a clap of muscles upon fat. Her fat was scooped up in strong arms. The toll of Link’s training and heat exposure was written upon his shaking limbs. Zelda had never felt heavier nor her fat more hard to control. She was a rolling wave of sexual energy and heft, composed of smaller jiggles. Link would have been drowned in her sweat alone, but instead was consumed by her blubber. Sore and tired legs pushed against the bench, laying the big woman down on the wood. More than half of her body was splayed out into open air. Thick arms and a dangling breast fell over stained wood. The pair fumbled for any holds that would give them stability. Hand and footprints were left on the bench and paneling. The smeared crease of Zelda’s butt was printed upon the wood below her, made messy by Link sliding her up and down the bench as he began to pump his cock.


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