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Tags: Weight gain, fats, cute girls kissing

--- A secret Discovered ---

“What are these?” Shantae asked as she reached under the bed. She had been working on cleaning the bedroom when her foot had knocked against something. There was a flutter of paper, drawing the half-genie hero down under the mattress. She stretched, hands folding around the edges of what felt to be a stack of papers. The shapely, tan woman slowly brought the stack out from under the bed. Shantae was surprised to find they were magazines. She was even more surprised to see what the contents of the magazines were. “Oh my!” Her eyes widened as she looked at the figures of impossibly large women. Bountiful folds of fat stretched across every page and down centerfold posters. Many pages charted the gains and expansions of the ladies, showing their change from skinny models into gigantic slobs. Shantae blushed as her mind was infiltrated by the sheer lewdness of the magazines. Naturally, as she flipped through them, her mind began to question whose they were. The list of culprits was low, but intimate. One such culprit sauntered her way into the bedroom.

“Ahem! How did I know you were going to start lazing around!” Risky Boots’ haughty, bossy voice filled the room. The former pirate queen sauntered into the room, moving her hips as only she knew how. The purple skinned woman looked down at Shantae, who was moving to cover the magazines. Unfortunately, Shantae’s clumsy attempt only sent the paper stacks of degeneracy across the floor further. The small area around the purple haired genie was covered in pictures of fat and gaining women. “Whaaa. . .” Risky looked down, her eyes moving quick from surprise to gloating. A hand pretended to cover Risky’s mouth, instead just amplifying her laugh. “OHOHOHOHO! Anything you’d like to confess to, dear!” Risky laughed, enjoying the fact that she had just gained a permanent upper hand in their relationship. “Has my darling lover been hiding a secret fantasy?” Risky sashayed over to Shantae, putting a foot on the other woman’s well formed buttcheek. “I had wondered how these things kept getting bigger and juicier.” She kneaded her girlfriend’s buttocks. 

“These are not mine!” Shantae was up in a flash, whirling out from under Risky’s shoe. The pirate was left off balance, trying not to fall as her foot wung in the air. She was only further put off balance as Shantae poked her in the chest. “How do I know they aren’t yours!” Even at the best of times, Shantae and Risky had a tumultuous relationship. The process of going from enemies to rivals to something resembling a functional couple had been long and strange. “And my butt is the same size it has always been. This, however, is looking a little soft!” Shantae poked a finger into Risky’s doughy middle. While subtle, there was an extra jiggle that had not been there months before. “Throwing off suspicion?” Shantae’s forehead locked against Risky’s own as the two lovers ground their teeth and growled. 

“Atrociously rude!” Risky fired the words like one of her canons. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been fattening me up.” She sniffed and crossed her arms. “Obviously, you’re the one with the strange attractions.”

“Hardly! I just found these!” Shantae stood her ground. The two women growled and seethed. The only break in their rivalry came from a noise further back in the house, a reminder that it was not just the three of them. Rather than a couple, the ladies had formed a thruple instead. Shantae shifted, backing off as she considered the past couple months. Extra food lying around, treats handed out after dinner, and suggestions of eating out had become commonplace. They all stemmed from one source. “Rotty!” Shantae exclaimed, naming the glue between her and Risky. There was little chance that Shantae and Risky’s steamy, passionate affair would have lasted without the other, more neutral woman. The green skinned zombie woman had acted as an intermediary for her more hot headed lovers. Though, as the stack of lewd magazines showed, it seemed that the spicy woman had an agenda of her own. “She must have been. . .”

“OHOHOHO! She must want to turn you into her plump piggy.” Risky was never quick to back down from antagonism. “You will be quite the BELLY dancer.” Risky laughed, once again putting her hand over her mouth. 

“You’re not immune to calories either! Rotty could also be going for a pudgy pirate.” Shantae dug a finger into Risky’s purple belly, feeling the slight softness that had taken root.” 

“But you’d make such a better candidate!” Risky rolled around her ever so slightly plump girlfriend. Her hips pressed against Shantae’s bouncy butt. Shantae’s cheeks were supple gifts to the world, bouncy but not yet marred by dimples or cellulite. Risky swayed back and forth, feeling the rhythm of fat upon her own things. “So much more to jiggle. Ah! I’m not even into big girls, but I could see myself loving a super-sized Shantae.” Risky snorted, imagining her girlfriend bigger, so large that she had to struggle to get off the couch. The genie’s gigantic ass would spread out, its canvas of flesh populated by deep dimples. Graciously, Risky imagined herself a little plumper, with breasts that overshadowed her other bits of pudge. She already had such a lovely chest, hard to imagine it not getting bigger.

 “But you’re such a rebel already. What does a pirate care about society’s beauty standards for?” Shantae spun, locking her arms around Risky’s chubby stomach. Her mind was inflamed with scenes of Risky trying to hike her pants over a never ending gut. The purple waterfall would slosh over the couch, draining onto the floor as she chowed down on bags of sweets. Her pirate’s pride would do little good once she became too fat to stand under her own power.

“Well, you know I would do anything for Rotty. I just want to make sure that she is happiest in all of this.” Risky squeezed Shantae, trying to summon fat onto her.

“Absolutely. Let’s clean these magazines up. I wouldn’t want to embarrass her. We should probably keep this quiet.” Shantae squeezed back, flipping her long ponytail. “At least until we decide who should get fat.”

Hatred, passion, love, and lust all swirled together as the two held each other. Sounds of RottyTops moving in the other rooms, working on her chores, only sparked their desires more. A weighty war was brewing. It would be a contest to the end of mobility. Shantae and Risky would heap food at each other, trying to ruin whatever figure the other had left. Even if they gained a little weight themselves, it would only earn more of Rotty’s attention. There was little downside and lots to be gained. Shantae and Risky broke apart, each vowing to try and fatten the other. Rotty would have a fat girlfriend, each just hoped it was the other one that would put on the most weight. 

--- Who's feeding Who? ---

Rottytops, zombie scientist and exuberant lovergirl, sat on the couch and tried to maintain her cool. She watched Shantae move about the little living room, fat that had not existed months before shaking and quivering. Rotty tugged on her green hair and adjusted her yellow headband, trying to keep from staring. However, her red eyes were buried far into the curves the half-genie was sporting. Shantae was no less than 300 lbs, Rotty was sure of her ability to size up a woman. The genie waddled around the living room, seemingly inventing little tasks to do yet never completing them. She would walk to a chair and fluff pillows, pressing them into her breasts as if to compare the sizes. Rotty licked her lips and finished by biting them. Shantae was growing, softening in ways both gradual and undeniable. The large genie turned, exposing her back side to her girlfriend. She bent down, her butt expanding outwards as fat pressed against fat. Rotty wasn’t even sure what Shantae was reaching for, and she didn’t particularly care. 

“Uhm. . .aah. . .Shantae!” Rotty’s voice cracked as she spoke, lust straining her vocal chords. “Do you need anything? I could help!” Rotty ached to spring off of the couch. She straightened her short shorts, preparing to bounce up. 

“Actually. . .uuugggh. . .I was just about to come over there.” Shantae said as she hauled her fat upwards. Her gut and breasts dangled in empty air, swinging and clashing together. The  little black fold on her harem pants was obscured by tanned fat. She walked, swinging her hips in an even more exaggerated gait than normal. Rotty saw the deep and unexplored navel of her girlfriend. She looked perfectly smooth and supple. Shantae had taken a large amount of time to massage lotion onto her skin, wanting to gleam for her love. “I should probably dust that shelf.” Shantae pointed, her bicep fat swinging with the motion. Rotty glanced above, forgetting she even had a shelf. Shantae moved forward, her thickened legs making little thumps on the floor. Rotty felt the hefty tremors in her breasts first and then in her heart. It was wonderful, a blessing that she couldn’t begin to imagine. Somehow, some way, her subversive little moves to make her girlfriend gain weight were working. Better still, they were working on both women. 

“She decidesssch. . .mmmgghp. . .to be. . .uscheful. . .today!” Never far away, Risky entered the room. She ate from a bag which she used to store plunder in. One set of treasures had been exchanged for another. Rather than doubloons and gems, she feasted upon chocolate coins and doughy snack cakes. The bag had initially been prepared for Shantae, but Risky had not been able to keep her hands out of the treasure trove. She wrote the failure of willpower off as a way to lull Shantae into a false security. “Mmmgghp. . .probably needsch. . .schome. . .help.” Risky said, a chocolate covered hand reaching into the bag and smashing another handful of food into her mouth. She was as big, if not slightly bigger, than Shantae. The obese purple pirate waddled over, stomach hanging far over her belt line. Risky moved with even more flare than her girlfriend, making her buttcheeks clap. Whatever amounts of fat she had put on in the quest to make Shantae huge would be used to her benefit. Though this fat would come at the cost of the integrity of the couch. The piece of furniture screamed as both women mounted it at the same time. 

“I wouldn’t worry too much!” Rotty looked to her left and right. Her vision was filled with walls of tan or purple. Bellybuttons upon heavy mounds of fat were at eye level. They shook and danced as the women moved. Rotty further felt the grinding of the couch underneath her. Thick thighs, with rolls forming just under either pelvis rubbed. Rotty’s own skinny thighs squeezed together as her carnal emotions swelled. She was inches away from either of her goals. To squeeze, kiss, and lick were the only thoughts that came to mind. A blush spread across her face. She knew this fat was for her, even if she did not know about the campaigns of sabotage behind it. Yet, she felt guilty about enjoying it. The spell had to be broken for her, that way she could enjoy to her heart’s content. By the way the twin guts were looming towards her, Rotty did not have long to wait. Eventually, one would collide with her face, spreading soft love. 

“Faker.” Risky said, glaring at Shantae. “You just wanted to have Rotty all to yourself.” She ate angrily, thrusting a hand into the lowest confines of her sweets sack. A voice in the back of her mind reminded her that the food was meant for Shantae, but it was hard to remember through her anger. 

“You were busy eating.” Shantae stuck her tongue out. “I didn’t want to interrupt time between you and your true love.” The wobbly genie looked first at Risky’s chocolate covered hands and then at the sack. The snack cakes within had started to break down, their cream and fluffy mixing with the chocolate coins. It was a five pound bag of sweet mess. Shantae hated how much she wanted to know what it tasted like. Strange pangs of jealousy ran through her mind as she thought about Risky eating all of the food, leaving only the empty husk of a ruined bag behind. Shantae adjusted her top out of frustration, reminding herself of how much her breasts had grown. It was nice to find her tops increasingly tight. Nicer still that Risky had obviously gained more weight. 

“Pffft, don’t talk to me about eating.” Risky leaned in, her pendulous gut swinging below. A little “eep” came from Rotty as the soft wall came within inches of her nose. “You think I didn’t see all those wrappers from your binge last night.” Risky scoffed, filling her hand once more with the sugary, creamy mess. “I was warming Rotty’s bed while your butt was warming the kitchen chairs!” The handful of food came close to Shantae. “You can’t even resist this, can you?” Her voice was an edged whisper. More than anything, Risky wanted to have the satisfaction of Shantae breaking down and indulging. To have her rival and lover eating out of her hand would be sweeter than any food. 

“Uhm. . .girls. . . how is the shelf coming?” Rotty asked as the heaving sacks of blubber came closer to her. She gulped, an ache spreading through her body. Her eyes darted back and forth, taking mental notes and measurements. Shantae’s belly was wider but Risky’s stuck out more. Risky’s seemed to be forming a second roll whilst Shantae’s was a single unit. Rotty thought about all the items she could tuck under those guts, one day hoping she might disappear under them. Beads of sweat formed on her face, trickling down. They matched the sweat that was already upon her girlfriends. Rotty spoke again, inviting the pair to sit and chat with her. There was no response. Instead, the bellies only jiggled. Rotty thought she could hear whispering, but it was strained and cut off at weird times. To the green tinted zombie, the only noises that mattered were the slaps and jiggles of her girlfriends. The bellies drifted closer, finally brushing against Rotty’s face. She broke soon after. 

“Mmmgghpp.  .aaah. . .mmmoogghp. . .I jusscht. . .don’t want. . .you to. . .feel fat.” Shantae said in between bites. Her mouth licked and splattered its way across Risky’s palm. Her tongue brought heaps of the mashed up snack cakes, finding the chocolate coin treasure between. She assessed the thickness of Risky’s fingers as she ate, tickling them with her tongue. The other woman laughed and cooed, but it was not her normal haughty noises. Instead, they were the sounds of erotic enjoyment. The mounting frustration broke in a tidal wave of carnal deviancy. Shantae grabbed Risky’s arm and pulled her close. She suckled on the fingers, lovingly showing her rival what her mouth could do. She looked at Risky with dazed and pleased eyes. “More?” She asked. Risky was quick to respond. She thrust her arm deeper into the sack and brought out a mountain of fattening food. Shantae ate messily, raining bits of fluff down on her and Risky’s breasts and guts. The feeding continued until she felt a tickle at her stomach. Shantae gasped as Risky made her move. 

Kissing, licking, sucking. That was what Rotty did to Shantae’s navel. She probed the expanse of fat like it was a pair of lips wanting to kiss. Her hands squished into the sagging belly, making the cavernous navel even more of a pit. The thin zombie placed her chin on a tummy crease and plunged ever further into Shantae’s gut. Fat wobbled around her face, jiggling as Shantae switched between eating and moaning. The bellybutton began to squelch as Rotty wetted it with her mouth. Her hands were unable to stay still, working around to caress and pinch at the half-genie’s rotund rear. Rotty was quick to switch though, making sure that Risky received plenty of attention. Both women had been growing and needed to be rewarded. 

“Aaaah. . .she’s so. . .OHHHHHOHOO. . .thorough!” Risky’s indigo colored faced was streaked with red as she felt her zombie partner tongue. Lapping in and out of her bellybutton, Rotty was quick to visit the same behavior upon Risky. The pirate queen shoved her stomach forward, presenting as the altar upon which Rotty could sacrifice her innocence. Meanwhile, she put her face close to Shantae’s. Caked in food, Shantae looked like a pig with a purple ponytail. “I might. . .aaah. . .show you. . .how thorough I can be.” Risky said, her mouth staying open after she finished speaking. Shantae accepted, presenting her lips and cheeks for Risky to kiss clean. The two women met in a wet explosion of food residue. Risky was aggressive and commanding, choosing where her lips went without argument. Her tongue sweeped out, drawing cream and chocolate back. She then switched to kissing, folding her plump lips between Shantae’s. Their kissing lasted only long enough for Risky to scoop more food and smear it across Shantae’s face. The two women locked lips and tongues, fighting over who got the lion’s share of the sugar. Below the two, Rotty moved between stomachs, making sure the girls felt loved. 

Less and less of Shantae and Risky’s weight was supported by their bodies. They offloaded all responsibility to the shelf that they had pretended to clean. The thin board wobbled whilst the nails creaked. As the feeding between Shantae and Risky intensified, the board was shoved and rocked vigorously. It was thumped up against the wall then dragged down. Flabby arms and heavy breasts added painful force atop the board. The shelf screamed for release, trying to warn the women that it was on its last legs. Eventually, the pressure became too great and the board was ripped out. Shantae and Risky fell, tumbling down in a mess of sugar frosted fat. Their bellies crashed upon Rotty, who had little hope of getting out of the way. The zombie woman was buried under a veritable mountain of fat, pressed into a couch that was moments away from cracking the middle. The pile of fat and female curves wobbled, directionless under the gravitational assault that had just taken place. There was silence, save for a loving sigh that came from beneath the two obese women.



Cute to see characters hanging o it like this