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So, this is my labor of love for the year! As per usual, it's an idea that spun out of control in my own mind. This was originally supposed to be done last month for Valentines. However, it spun out of control into a 12k story complete with TWO pictures from CasualMuffin, so I hope you all don't mind. I'd love to do more with these girls in the future. Hope you all enjoy!

Emily sat on her couch, swiping through dating sites. Valentine’s Day had come and she was alone again. She could not tell if the confines of her studio apartment felt too big or too small, only that it was utterly empty. Beyond not having a date, Emily had not even been threatened with one. It was as if she was ignored by the entire male population, a nonentity not even worth a second look. Every so often, she would switch from swiping on matches to auditing her own profile. Her pictures were accurate to who she was: a skinny, mousey woman with brunette hair. She wore glasses with thin and unobtrusive frames, neither stylish nor horrendously out of style. Below her pictures was a profile bio that just said “Looking for adventures.” Emily found it hard to talk about herself, interests, or dislikes. When pushed, it was hard for her to come up with anything specific about herself. 30 years of life had done little to give Emily a sense of being or purpose. She certainly wasn’t going to find one scrolling through Tinder at 8:00 pm on Valentine’s Day, or so she thought. Beyond Emily’s knowledge, the wheel of fate was spinning in her direction. As she scrolled, a vivid pink mist started to wander through her apartment. Emily, absorbed in her own despair, did not notice the twinkle of little stars until a voice called out.

“Heeeey, Goofus!” The voice was mirthful and giggly, though maybe a bit sharp in it’s commentary. “You aren’t going to find anyone that way!” It was almost sickeningly feminine, the kind of voice that actresses put on to be cutesy. Emily, shocked at the intrusion, tossed her phone in fear. It skittered across the ground, stopped only by a high heeled foot. “Pffff. . .dating apps are for losers and attention seekers. NOT for a girlie about to have the BEST evening of their life!” Emily’s eyes followed the foot upward, seeing a pair of long and shapely legs. The woman wore little clothing, instead letting her naked, olive skin shine. The woman was tall, easily over 5 '7 and had the sort of flawless perfection that only social media influencers possessed. Large breasts filled out a lace pink bra whilst wide hips and a pert butt made her matching panties look even tighter. She had almond eyes with epicanthal eye folds. Sparkly silver hair fell in loose curls and twirls past her shoulders. The woman’s beauty was so vivid that it hid the stranger aspects of her physiology. Namely, it made the large pair of butterfly wings sprouting from her back and heart shaped wand in her hand go unquestioned.

“Who are you!” Emily jumped back behind the couch. She reached for a lamp, wrenching it from the wall and brandishing it light a club. Missing light from the now improvised lamp-club, the room was doused in partial darkness. The newcomer shone through it, her body and hair shining with ethereal glitter. “How did you get in here?” Emily demanded, pushing frizzy brown hair out of her face. The lamp shook in her hand, Emily was as nervous as she was weak. Having never been physically inclined, the shaking woman would have struggled to repel a mosquito. 

“Wooooaaah, hostile much?” With a flick of her wand, the taller woman turned the lamp into a cloud of butterflies. She walked forward, putting one long leg in front of the other. She strutted over to the couch, speaking through plump and crimson lips. “I’m Trixalia Lamella Viscacious. Aaaannnndd, I’m your Valentine’s Day Fairy!” The woman crouched down, one hand between her thighs, and blew a kiss. A heart shaped bubble drifted across the room and burst against Emily’s cheek. The smell of flowery perfume filled the air. “You can just call me Trixi though!” The fairy finished, fluttering her shimmering wings.

“So. . .I have a fairy godmother?” Emily was incredulous but, in light of the evidence, she could offer to debate it. 

“Godmother?!” Trixi backed up, offended and clutching one of her heaving breasts. “Do I look old to you?” She shook her hair and jiggled her large breasts. “I’m barely a day over 300. I’m JUST a fairy,” Trixi’s hurt faded as she remembered her purpose. “One who is here to help you have an AMAZING Valentine’s Day!” She threw her arms wide, a shower of sparks and bubbles coming from her wand. The quiet noise of bubbles popping filled the room, with Trixi clearly expecting more of a reaction from Emily. Trixi fought to keep a frown off of her face, waiting for her newest charge to respond. 

“Exactly what help can you provide?” Emily, despite her many years of striking out romantically, was skeptical of the bimbo fairy. “And what makes you think I need it? I could be single by choice.” The unimpressive, mousey woman was obstinate in her refusal to accept reality. 

“Uuuuh-huuuh, sure!” Trixi cocked a hip and waved her wand casually. Puffs of pink clouds surrounded the dropped phone and brought it to eye level. “I bet you’re doing well on Tinder on Valentine’s Day.” Trixi flicked through Emily’s profile with long and manicured nails. It was impressive how she could managed to stick her rump out for every new motion. The position and movement of Trixi’s derriere did as much to show her thoughts as her facial expression. “Oooh, you like adventures! I bet the boys have gone CRAZY for that one!” Trixi blew a raspberry, her lips seeming to grow in size as they buzzed together. “Face it, lady, you need help. A LOTTA help.” Trixi’s thick heels clacked on the wooden floor of the apartment as she walked forward. When the fairy reached the couch, her wings fluttered and took her over it. She lay hovering in the air, kicking her heels into her round butt; suspended by magic as much as her wings.  

Embarrassed and a little angered, Emily’s mouth worked furiously. She was trying to summon any words that would get the fairy to leave her be. She would almost rather wallow in loneliness than take assistance from some jumped up magical bimbo. Yet, Emily could not bring herself to speak them. Misguided desperation mixed with Emily’s innate doormat personality, staying her tongue. Whatever pride she had was long evaporated by denials, ghostings, and other horrors of modern dating. “Fine. What did you have in mind?” Emily sighed. “A makeover?” 

“A maaaaagical makeover!” Trixi wiggled her hands and giggled. She turned, floating on her back rather than stomach. Her head flopped backwards, letting her long and silver hair trail towards the floor. Emily blushed as she was given an even better look at Trixi’s breasts. She almost wasn’t paying attention as the fairy spoke. “We make you the sexiest version of yourself by a mixture of reading your romantic fate, what the current trends are, aaannnd just a little of my own intuition!” Trixi breathed out another perfume scented bubble heart. “I have the power to change you inside and out, just as long as it’s sexy.” She tapped her wand on Emily’s nose. “Then, to make sure the evening goes perfectly, I’ll follow you!” she brought her knees to her stomach, kicking them in excitement. “Aaaaannnndd boom! You have the best Valentine’s you’ve ever had!” 

“Fine. . .is it permanent?” Emily threw the question in as it appeared in her mind. 

“Only as much as you want it to be!” Trixi shifted in the air, returning to her stomach. Her wings fluttered gracefully, stirring her hair up. “Pfff. . .I’m not a genie. No traps here!” She nodded forthrightly. 

Emily ignored the hint at a wider world of magical creatures, instead thinking selfishly about what this had to offer her. If she was low enough to bother with Tinder, why not explore what magic had to offer? “Ok. . .just. . .don’t screw this up for me.”

“What’s to screw up?” Trixi dropped to the ground and grabbed Emily’s hand. She tugged the other woman to the center of the couch. She positioned Emily and then backed to the couch. Trixi sat politely and ladylike, though she frowned as her butt rested on the couch. She was unused to touching things not as cute as herself. Unable to resist, she tapped her wand on the cushion. The couch instantly rearranged itself. It was doused in the same vibrant hue of pink that the fairy favored. It puffed outwards, it’s fabric changing into leather. The wood even twisted, forming heart decorations along it’s new frame. The redone couch was garishly bright and ostentatious, warped into the sort of girlie esthetics that Trixi favored. It did not bear well for what would happen to Emily. The plain looking woman stood, fists tightening as she waited for the process to begin.

 “Leeeet’s seeee. . .need to read your romantic history and fate!” Trixi spoke, waving her wand. Strange, vaguely astrological symbols appeared. They floated around Emily, weaving through the air in discernable patterns. “I can’t see everything, but more than enough.” She hummed as she read the signs. “Not a lot of self-discovery. Plenty of repression.” Trixi spoke aloud, unconcerned with how brutal her assessment was. “Gosh, it’s a good thing I came here. You really haven’t done much. And, if I don’t help, you aren’t going to do much more in the future.” Trixi moved on the couch, her nearly naked butt squeaking on the leather. Her wand tapped the couch, little bubbles and sparks coming forth from the top. Her mumblings grew quieter as she read the symbols, often breaking to stare intensely at Emily. For the first time, Trixi’s airheaded demeanor left, replaced by something resembling intelligent consideration. “Well, I think I have enough!” Trixi said finally. She stood up from the couch. The fairy crossed her arms, waving her wand lazily. “You are a tough cookie, though. But I got enough to make it work.”

Emily might have responded, but the fairy moved first. She flicked her wand over the top of Emily’s head. Instantly, her hair straightened. Decades of frizz and knots were undone in a second. Straight and luscious hair fell about Emily’s shoulders. She grabbed it in just the right amount of time to see the color begin to change. It grew lighter, rapidly moving from muddy brown to platinum blonde. Emily gasped, feeling energy moving through her hair. It lengthened, shooting through her fingers. The lustrous strands moved like trained snakes, twisting themselves away from Emily’s hands. Her hair wound around her head, forming intricate buns with trailing tails. Trixi smiled at her work, nodding along as Emily’s hair fixed itself. “It’s true what they say, blondes always have more fun. And you need a lot of it!” The airheaded fairy nodded sagely at her own advice. Now, onto your clothes. 

“Baby steps here.” Trixi continued, speaking her thought process. You certainly aren’t ready for extremes.” She put her wand to either side of  Emily’s hips, touching the sweatpants she was wearing. “Oh! Oh! Sexy librarian!” Trixi exclaimed, as if the thought had flown into her mind that very second. Not for the first time, Emily wondered if Trixi was as knowledgeable as she claimed to be. She pondered the question as Trixi rubbed the wand over the t-shirt she was wearing. Emily often wore plain clothes, indiscriminate and unnoticeable when compared to other fashions. That was soon to change, however, as her clothes reordered themselves to the fairy’s wishes. The sweatpants restitched themselves, forming into white hip huggers. Emily gasped first as she felt her new pants cradle her butt in a way no pants had even done before. The gasp was repeated as she felt the magic reach her panties, reforming them into a tight thong. Emily shivered feeling her clothes wrap around her body in new ways, moving like snakes. To finish, her shirt lengthened and thickened into a pink, but muted, sweater with a large heart in the center. 

“Perfect! Guess who looks like a tooootal babe now!” Trixi smiled, proud of herself. She conjured a large mirror for Emily to inspect herself. From boring to eye-catching, Emily had been utterly reborn by Trixi’s magic. She was no longer plain and simple. With her large, platinum blonde buns and tight clothing, Emily looked like a celebrity. She adjusted her glasses, for once finding them as an accessory to her beauty, rather than just a tool. Emily caught sight of Trixi in the mirror’s reflection, studying her work. The fairy strutted around Emily, unable to walk in a normal fashion. She tapped her chin, her asiatic eyes flitting around. “But. . .I think we are missing something.” Trixi hummed, again summoning the astrological symbols of love. Emily ignored the fairy, instead just enjoying what Trixi had done for her. If there were things left to do, she could not think of any. With her new clothes, her body seemed nearly perfect. Trixi, however, disagreed. “I think we need stronger magic.” 

“For what?” Emily asked, confused. “Isn’t this enough?”

“Ooooh it’s wonderful! You’ve come so far. . .thanks to me!” Trixi pushed her hands to either side of Emily’s face and played with her cheeks. “I just can sense something! A truth beyond truths.” The mysticism of Trixi’s words was lost in a petulant pout. “I just can’t draw it out without a better spell!” She stamped her foot, frustrated about being unable to reach or understand what she sensed. “Only, it works off of your subconscious. Even I don’t know what it will do to you.” She sighed. “Just that it’s some long held desire of your heart. 

“Well. . .I’m willing to try.” Emily said, resolute. “Everything has been wonderful so far.” 

“Ok, but no complaints! This is about fate and whatever is in that head of yours. We’re bringing together all of the most powerful forces in the world here.” Trixi crossed her arms and nodded her head. “Not my fault, I just cast the magic.” 

“Deal!” Emily was giddy with the promise of future beauty being unlocked. 

Trixi fluttered around Emily once, summoning the romance magic within her. Runes appeared on the ground and in the air. She sang, working through the incantations. The rosy hue in the room grew ever brighter as the forces of eros were brought into the mortal world. The glow of Trixi’s body grew brighter, banishing all darkness in a dazzling display of pink-gold. Finally, she unleashed the spell. Emily shook as energy overwhelmed her. She glowed brilliantly for a moment, even more bright than Trixi. Then, the shining rays retreated inside of Emily. She felt them resting within her body. Her heart burned with an unnatural heat as the contents of her soul were brought forth. Emily balled her hands into fists, trying to contain the flowing energy. Finally, in a grand shower, sparks burst from her body. The room darkened again. Emily breathed slowly, trying to regain her strength. “Was that. . .it? I don’t feel much different.” She said, moments before the changes began. 

Emily grew fatter. It was not a simple thickening, a trick that Trixi had used to help other women. Rather, tens of pounds began to pile onto her by the second. She lurched backwards, trying to adjust to the weight ballooning her body. Her butt grew, adding both width and depth. Her once small butt quickly became a thick and bouncy badonkadonk. Her cheeks rubbed together, shimmying and shaking as she tried to maintain her balance. Her thighs grew along with her rear, matching her buttcheeks in padded size. They billowed outwards, rubbing and jiggling against one another. Even her calves fattened, subsuming her ankles in a matter of seconds. Likewise, Emily’s stomach began to bloat outwards. It went from stiffened and gravid looking to soft and floppy in the blink of an eye. A tidal wave of gut fat built, only the magic of Trixi’s clothing spell kept it from jutting out and onto her thighs. Emily could only feel what was happening below and at her belt line. Instead, her vision was stolen by her fattening breasts. The twin mammaries wrestled log hogs in a pen, shoving and pushing each other for space. Finally, too scared to look at what was happening directly to her body, she stared into the conjured mirror. 

Emily was heavy and only growing heavier. 250, 280, 300, the assumed numbers of her weight only increased. She was widening by the second as more fat flooded onto her. Trixi was totally hidden behind her mass, thrown to the side as behemoth buttcheeks thrust outwards. Her face redded as she watched the sweater she wore grow ever so slightly threadbare. Even the enhanced clothes that Trixi had conjured could barely compete with the fat produced by the elder spell. Emily put hands on her changing body. Now well past 400, it was a wonder that the cuteness Trixi had created earlier had not faded. Emily now had a second chin, which was well on its way to making constant contact with her chest. She backed away from the mirror, her steps now heavy and slow. She was forced into a waddle, pillar-like legs wrapping around one another. The spell slowly tapered off, leaving Emily well north of 400 pounds. 

“What. . .what is this?” Emily asked, trying to tug at clothes that were now uncomfortably tight.  All around her was fat and flesh, hanging and swaying from her once skinny body. Even her fingers had plumped up, looking like cut sausages. She tugged her sweater up, revealing a solid wall of drooping belly blubber. She continued stumbling backwards, her heavy buttocks lifting and dropping. She felt ripples spread from thousands of places along her body. Every small movement was a nightmare of rubbing and unintended movement. Her hands curled under her gut, shivering as she felt the sensitive underside of her new paunch. Overcome, Emily finally started to tumble towards the ground. She was saved by Trixi, who blew a pink cloud into existence. Emily’s wide rump landed on the cloud. Even the magic platform had to accommodate itself to the woman’s weight, dipping so low that it nearly touched the ground. 

“Woooooow!” Trixi marveled, eyes opening wide. She sauntered around Emily’s front, poking the portly woman with her wand. “You really were bottling things up. I think we discovered a fetish.” She pushed the wand under one of Emily’s now immense breasts, feeling the pure and virgin heft of it. “Doesn’t look bad, though. Some girls are just made to be fat.” 

“What! Me!” Emily struggled in the embrace of the cloud, throwing her arms in order to gain enough momentum to sit up. She gave up seconds later, her stamina drained by her billowing new curves. She leaned on the cloud, trying to make sense of her body. Her thickened hands ran over new curves and plunged into newly formed crevices. Her body was now a landscape of different features. From her swelling hills of her breasts to the cavernous depths of her belly button. The magically enhanced woman pinched her cheeks. Accepting new clothes and hair that styled itself had been far easier than this new spell. Yet, as with the changes before, Emily couldn’t bring herself to hate it. She felt warm, comforted, at peace with her body. She had been a twig for years. Now, however, she was something more. “Did you. . .know this would happen?” She asked, almost afraid that someone knew more about her desires than she did. 

“Nooooope!” Trixi blew a kiss and the cloud grew larger. The panty clad fairy sat her curvy but slim figure next to her elephantine client. Trixi snaked an arm around the back of Emily’s neck and put a gentle hand on her gut. She slowly wobbled the fat back and forth, testing its softness. “That spell reads romantic fate and your own subconscious. It’s like merging your potential future with whatever you locked away. Which, I’m guessing was a Loooooot!” Trixi squeezed closer, embracing Emily’s new bulk. “But it looks good. Trust me.” She smiled, kicking her feet. “How about we take you out, let the world see the new you?” 

Emily was still, thinking about all that had transpired. She was surprised by the absence of emotion when it came to her new body. She had neve considered being so. . .big. Her hands clasped her belly, again squeezing inches of creamy flab. Her mind turned, thinking over the events. It was not just her body that had been reborn. Her hair and clothes were far from their original state. Even before the fat, she was unrecognizable. “Let’s go!” Emily said instantly, a thought clicking in her brain. She struggled out of the poofy cloud seat. Her butt clapped together, wobbling as only a woman nearing 500 pounds could. 

“Yaaaaaay!” Trixi cheered, fluttering up from her seat with ease. “To the clubs we gooooo!” She clapped her hands. The fairy rushed to the door, her manicured toes never touching the ground. She opened the door, expecting Emily to be following suit. However, when she looked back, she could only see Emily's mound of belly blubber waving back and forth. The obese woman had gotten stuck in the cloud shaped seat. Shaking her head, Trixi fluttered back to the couch. She grabbed Emily’s arm, her fingers sinking into a forearm that was now bigger than her calves. Trixi used every ounce of muscle she had, which was not much, as well as her wings. The bright, chipper fairy tugged the obese woman up. Slowly, Emily came unstuck from her resting place on the small cloud. Her gut sloshed back and forth, the lowest portion of her gut hanging out of her tight sweater. Chunky thighs pumped and strained, almost doing more harm than good. Trixi had never heard one of her cloud seats groan before, but she now certainly heard the conjured seat asking for a lighter burden. Emily, meanwhile, felt beads of sweat dotting her forehead and her rolls. 

When they were finished, both women were doubled over. The panted and heaved, trying to regain any stamina. Trixi’s usual perfection was broken for the sake of her constitution. It had been nearly 150 years since she had done any hard labor. Magical or otherwise, her body was unused to any toil. Emily, likewise, had been reduced to a mobile boulder. Hunched over, she looked more fit to be rolled to the clubs than walk. In time, they would recover and find themselves ready. The real evening was about to begin. Trixi had promised a Valentine’s experience that Emily would never forget, and she was going to follow through on that promise.

--- At the Bars ---

Music thrummed and pumped. Amps with boosted bass and treble boomed out the latest hits. Emily felt the bass within her newly acquired fat. The little period of adjustment she had on the way to the bars had done little to get her used to the jiggling mass. Now, with even more activity present around her, she was exposed to more of nuances of heavy adipose. Her butt and belly rumbled with the shaking of the amps. Emily read the movements of songs within her blubber, reading them like tea leaves. Further, each conscious movement made her seem like she was threatening to dance. A turn to find Trixi would send her breasts quivering, whilst a small step would make her butt bounce obscenely. Obscenity, however, was not out of place.

  The club was a mass of bodies. Women of all shapes and sizes were pressed into each other, shaking whatever had been bestowed on them. Women drank or spilled drinks, intoxicated beyond measure. It was the twilight of Valentine’s day, with despondency, desperation, and lust all bubbling over at once. Those out for a particularly erotic night mixed and mingled with the terminally single. They were a congregation united by lust, a horde of women all seeking the same thing. The only differentiating factor was success in reliving their pent up emotions. Emily, having never been out before, was stunned by what she saw. She turned her fat face towards Trixi, who was leaning on the railing and sipping a drink. 

“What now?” Emily’s question was almost accusatory. Her hands fondled her large gut, needing a protective barrier between her and the club. They stood at a railing on the second floor, observing the club. Emily’s question was followed with another, equally accusatory one. “And why a lesbian bar?” 

Trixi turned and slurped her bright drink, putting her lips together in a kiss. She finished, putting it aside and shaking her rump. “As if men have done so much for you!” Emily pouted at the response, though she struggled to debate it. The fairy’s ability to read her was insightful and insufferable. “Baaabe, experimentation is in order!” Trixi did a small bunny hop and faced Emily. She danced in a manner that was supposed to be jokey, but her unnatural beauty made it sexy anyway. Trixi was in as much of a disguise as her unearthly beauty allowed. She had turned down her sparkling aura and made her wings melt into her shoulders like a tattoo. Though human enough looking, there was only so much a being of pure romantic magic could do. Further, Trixi had not bothered to change. She wore her Victoria's Secret inspired uniform and carried her wand. “Tell me you don’t want a little cutie. . .or three. . .to be up on that butt!” Trixi jumped again, swiftly moving behind Emily. 

The big woman felt her double wide hips grabbed by small and inquisitive hands. Trixi’s fingers quickly scaled Emily’s wealth of booty blubber, finding their way to her love handles. Emily’s rolls were penetrated by long and manicured nails whilst her rear was massaged by Trixi’s hip. Nearly 500 pounds of fat was maneuvered and shaken vigorously. Trixi laughed maniacally, her taller form bending over Emily’s wider one. Soft caresses of large breasts landed upon back rolls and Trixi’s crimson lips hummed against Emily’s ears. “Cooooome on, let’s find you a little cutie so she can do this to you!” Trixi shimmied, sending Emily’s obesity into a flurry of motion. Her breasts, now so big that they had merged with her under armpit roll, slapped on the sides of her gut. Trixi gyrated more, pushing Emily against the railing in a parody of sex. “Oooowwww! Awwwwwwwoooo! My big girl needs loving!” Trixi yelled, her clear and bubbly voice easily heard over the music. Heads turned. 

“Stop that! Sttoooop!” Emily tried to shove away. She was a mess of jiggling fat and swishing blonde hair. Her sweater was riding up, exposing more succulent fat. She gripped the railing and shoved her ass back. Rather than getting the amorous fairy off of her, Emily looked like she was joining the fun. Her twin tails of blonde hair whirled, catching the technicolor lighting. Emily was bathed in light and just a hint of sweat, sparkling as she tried to throw Trixi off. “I. . .absolutely. . .will. . .sit on. . .you!” Emily threatened. Trixi only danced more fervently, spinning around so their two rears could meet. Though bigger and heavier, Emily’s mighty buttcheeks were overwhelmed by Trixi’s confident posterior. The skinny fairy worked to guide Emily’s butt into the proper course of motion, stirring the dimpled cheeks. Emily was left with little option. She chose to make good on her threat. 

Like a hippopotamus fighting with a smaller river beast, Emily reared up. She pushed from the railing. Her body quickly was controlled by gravity and physics and she unable to change course. She flooded backward, her hair whipping past her cheeks. Trixi, meanwhile, simply spun around Emily. The two women passed each other, exchanging looks. Trixi winked and giggled at Emily’s look of horror. The fairy then vanished in a shimmer of sparkles, listening to the threads of ever present fate. Emily, meanwhile, was subject to gravity’s whims. She continued on her slow plummet, feeling wind whip by her large rear. Emily landed with a TWHUMP! She slammed onto the floor, the balcony around her shaking. Glasses and beer cans fell, pushed from their safe resting places by the meteoric landing. Air whooshed out of Emily in one grand gasp of pure surprise and embarrassment. Her face grew red, heated from the shock. Her stomach oozed out from under her cute, pink sweater. Her asscheeks bubbled out of her tight pants. The only part of her that stayed truly hidden were her breasts, though they pushed the outline of her bra into the sweater. Emily’s eyes grew wet. She might have cried, had she not felt a little tap on her shoulder. 

“Wooooaaah, you ok, softie?” The voice was sharp but caring. Emily looked over a shoulder to find a woman standing over her, drink in hand. She was tall and red headed, her hair tied in a bun. She wore a black leather jacket pulled over a red shirt. The woman was the essence of a tomboy, though without being too manish. Certainly, as Emily noted, her hips and breasts were more than feminine enough. “Had a bit too much to drink?” The new woman walked confidently around Emily’s spreading mass. Her walk was an enticing mixture of a confident stride and model strut. This was a woman who understood both her own strength and femininity. Once around Emily's bulk, she smiled and offered a hand. “I’m Carla.” She said, her voice strong but warbling a bit thanks to light tipsiness. 

“I’m. . .Emily.” The fat woman put her hand out, too surprised to do anything but acquiesce. “Sorry, had an. . .episode with someone.”  Emily puffed her cheeks, summoning what strength she could in order to move her bulk. She expected a repeat of what happened with Trixi: two women struggling to move several hundred pounds of unyielding blubber. Instead, she was lifted up quickly and easily by Carla. Almost afraid of the other woman’s strength, Emily smashed her titanic thighs together, making them rub even more than they did already. The seams of her pants creaked as they were tested. “We don’t have to worry about her though. She dipped.” Embarrassment faded, leaving only tinges of resentment for the missing fairy. 

Carla, having not seen another woman around Emily, just assumed it was drunkenness. She had only seen a fat woman get so into her dancing that she toppled over. Clumsy, fat, and sexy were all top of Carla’s list of traits. She could handle a little drunkenness as well, especially given that she soon planned on reaching that state herself. She just needed one more component for her evening. “You know, some friends and I have a private booth. If you don’t want to be bothered.” Carla smiled, standing just an inch or two closer than necessary. “We just need a little split on drink money.” Emily, wanting a buffer from her troublesome fairy, quickly agreed. Putting a strong arm around the fat woman, Carla quickly guided her back to the booth. “Just don’t fall on the way.” She laughed, giving Emily a playful squeeze. “Don’t know if I’m sober enough to handle you. . .again.” 

Emily laughed, tugging on one of the tails of her hair buns. The motion felt natural, like slipping into a pair of pants. She knocked a hip against Carla, battering the skinnier woman with several hundred pounds of aimed fat. “You better, if you’re going to buy me more drinks.” She said, her voice a little weak. Though quiet, the line was enough to earn another squeeze from Carla. The two walked down the bannister, looking for the tucked away booth. From behind, a hazy pink cloud followed. 

--- After Introductions ---

“A drink! A drink!” Emily cheered, opening her mouth. It was filled with the sharp burn of alcohol followed by a fruity aftertaste. Carla stood above Emily, one foot planted on the table, pouring champagne directly into the obese woman’s mouth. Emily guzzled and sucked on the bottle, hearing the cheers and hoots of Carla’s friends. Even through her buzz, Emily could pick out each individually. Roe-Roe was a small vietnamese woman that cheered in sharp, staccato bursts. Though tiny, she was fierce in business and secretly owned most of the nail spas in town. From Emily’s other side came the long and drawn out wooo’s of Leslie. Leslie was a tall, wisp of a girl. Her almost painful thinness was hidden in an oversized hoodie. She cheered, seemingly removed from the events unfolding. Lastly, there was Carla herself. She chanted like it was a college frat party. Emily continued to let the champagne drain into her mouth, flapping her sweater with excitement. Her stomach had started to bulge from the influx of drinks. The champagne ran out long before her tolerance. “Is that. . .BBBLOOORRRUUP. . .all?” 

“I don’t know, you paying for the next drink?” Roe-Roe poked a finger into Emily’s gut. Emily giggled, feeling the bubbles from the champagne stirring within her alcohol-logged paunch. “It’s your turn.” Roe-Roe insisted, her accountant mind was unable to let the scales be unbalanced. 

“Ooooh. . .I think. . .I could. . .goOOOOORRRRUUUP for something.” Emily belched, patting her stomach. The other women laughed, enjoying their boisterous new companion. 

“I’m glad it’s not just Carla anymore.” Leslie said, leaning against Emily’s inviting bulk. She leaned into the big woman’s mass, nuzzling in. “She’s so loud sometimes.” Leslie snuggled into Emily, treating her like a teddy bear.

“That’s not true at all!” Carla stomped a foot. Her large breasts shook and wobbled, managing to look as annoyed as their owner. “Besides, it’s normal after a lot of drinking.” 

“Ooooooh, she’s reeeeed!” Roe-Roe teased, standing on her tiptoes to pinch Carla’s cheek. She then hugged the tall, athletic amazon. “Also, you owe us for losing your temper.” Roe-Roe swayed, her eyes sharp and hungry. She presented her cheek for kissing. “Kisses first, then beer.” 

“What horseshit.” Carla mumbled, though enjoying her dues. She smooched Roe-Roe, eagerly fondling her small buttocks. Carla then moved on to Leslie. It was a quick peck, almost like she was afraid of hurting the wispy woman. Finally, it came to Emily. Carla sighed, nearly blowing steam out of her nose. “They made me swear I wouldn’t get out of control.” Carla explained, getting on her knees. Her hands grasped Emily’s thick legs. The fat woman blushed, her breath caught under her hefty breasts. “Hope you don’t mind being part of our little game.” Carla swooped in, not waiting for Emily to respond. Instead of finding Emily’s cheek, Carla’s peck landed on the magically enhanced woman’s lips. She pulled away in surprise. 

“Maybe. . .you could get a bit. . .out of control.” Emily said, proud of her spontaneity. She forced her bulk back into motion, heaving her flab to the edge of the couch. Her butt drove deep wedges into the booth’s cushion. When she reached the edge, her belly cascaded down between her thighs; again slipping from under her sweater. From under years of buried fantasies and romantic dreams, a desire to be held was springing. Better still if Carla found her way under Emily’s gut. “. . .and get another bottle for us. Maybe something strong.” Emily pushed further, finding acceptance within Carla’s broad smile. 

The private booth laughed, the other two crowding in closer. Emily was soon bathed in smooches and fondles. Her vision was obscured, so she did not see the hovering form of Trixi. The fairy watched, lolling invisibly in the air. She kicked her legs into her bouncy butt, excited for where the night was going for her pupil. 

--- Seal the Deal ---

“Sscchtttoooop hiding it!” Carla whined, making a play at Emily’s chest. In a haze of drinking, chatting, and fondling the obese woman’s sweater had been pulled off. Emily sat in a pink bra, too drunk to care about exposing herself. Rather she used the situation to her advantage and stuck the latest bottle of wine between them. Her breasts clasped the cool class, folding around the slim neck of the bottle. Emily twisted and turned to get away from Carla. Her breasts flopped onto her rounded gut. “You’re. . .sscchhoo. . .baaad!” Carla was slow to speak and make grabbing attempts at the bottle. Wine spilled onto Emily. Droplets rolling down her gut to get lodged within her deep navel. Carla tried to make another grab at the wine bottle, her friends pushing her. 

“Toooo sscchloooowww!” Emily was proud of her ability to keep Carla at bay. She took a quick drink to celebrate. She glugged the wine down without issue, her chubby face bouncing up and down. Emily was discovering new things with each swig of alcohol or fondle from one of the girls. She was finding that she loved intoxicants in all their forms and the silliness that girls could get up to when left to their own devices. She inserted the bottle between her breasts again. “Thisscch. . .thissccch. . .HOOOOO. . .give it. . .a scchoot.” Emily trailed off, enticing Carla or the other two to attempt another pass at her bottle. “Scchweear I won’t.” She offered, summoning more affection. 

“You bisssch. . .better not!” Carla’s temper flared. In lieu of the current predicament, she was excused from exchanging kisses. Those would come after the bottle had been freed. “You keep. . .hiding it!” Carla surged forward. Emily laughed and thumped her chunky legs as the redhead landed between her breasts. Emily leaned forward, letting red wine pour freely. Her breasts massaged Carla’s face. Emily tilted further and further forward, spilling the drink out. Carla slurped and wiggled her tongue, sampling as much wine and breast fat as she could. Emily looked up with a dazed and satisfied look, finding the other women. “You know. . .BBBLOOORRUP. . .I’m hiding. . .scchhooomething elsceee.” She wiggled her protruding buttcheeks, which had again slipped from her pants. Creamy fat fought with the lip of her white pants, almost spilling onto the couch. “Scchomeewhere. . .a tight. . .little. . .thong.” 

“I can. . .find it. . .easy!” Roe-Roe shoved forward, pushing into Emily’s love handles. Without further invitation, she began to fish and fondle the naked asscheeks. At the center of the vortex of sexuality, Emily laughed uncontrollably. Carla pushed her hands into Emily’s gut, trying to get better leverage. Her hands sank into a soft, warm mass of fat. Emily’s stomach warped and bent around Carla’s touch, folding upwards. From the back, Roe-Roe was playing with the bubbling buttcheeks. She pretended to search by lifting and jiggling the dimpled orbs. Emily’s eyes widened as she finally felt a small hand slip between her asscrack. Emily began to gyrate on the couch, wanting to heighten the erotic display. Emily cared little that other women were staring at her and the friends she had made. She met their gazes with eyes half-lidded with pleasure. She swept her head around, proudly showing off what she had become. It wasn’t until she met Trixi’s eyes that she stopped.

The fairy was beaming. She floated in the air, her wings fluttering lightly. She held a glass of celebratory wine up. For a moment Trixi looked like a queen or priestess passing judgment over a ceremony. The nobility quickly faded when she tossed her drink, pushed her breasts together, and blew a kiss. The kiss came out as a bubble. It floated towards Emily, twirling and spiraling drunkenly. Emily accepted it, letting it burst against her cheek. The familiar smell of perfume came back, bringing with it words. “Seal the deal, goofus! Bring them home!” Trixi’s thrown voice continued. “We can talk about it after. I’ll be waiting!” She started to fade, her shimmering body dissipating again. Emily tried to turn her attention back to her new lovers. Carla had found a naked breast and Roe-Roe was tugging on the found thong. From a hundred different angles Emily felt her body jiggle and bounce. Her throat choked with carnal desire such as she had never known. In 30 years of life she had never felt so turned on. Yet, the final part of Trixi’s message lingered, reverberating through her mind. Through her drunken, sloppy haze a new desire began to form.


“I cannot believe you!” Trixi ranted, stomping around the apartment. Fairy and womanly grace was gone in a torrent of anger. “After all my help. . .aaaagggghh. . .you blow it!” visible steam rose from her head, colored a predictable pink. Trixi was unable to stand still, too angry even to think. She had been excited when the door opened and Emily’s intoxicated mass stumbled through. Yet, no women followed after. Emily was once again alone. “They were in the palm of your hand. . .boobs. . .butt!” Trixi stopped to point at each individual element of Emily as she ranted. The infuriated elf stomped her foot three times in quick succession. Emily wobbled back and forth on the couch, smiling as she felt the tremors worm through her fat. She had become quite used to her weight, enjoying the feeling of jiggling and wobbling. Even as Trixi ranted, her pleased expression never changed. She was a woman fulfilled at last, changed by her experiences. “What were you thinking?” Trixi asked, stepping dangerously close to Emily. The fairy towered over the other woman, her aura emanating rage. 

“You!” Emily giggled after saying the words. The admission tickled her tongue and lips. “I. . .aaaah. . .wasscch thinking. . .about you!” Emily nodded her head, eyes half closed from the copious amounts of booze she had drank. 

“You, like, cannot be serious.” Trixi cocked a hip and folded her arms. “You really blew up a sex party with three other women. . .for me?”

“Uuuuhhhhhm, duuuuuh!” Emily said, alcohol making her bold. She was already working off her sweater for the second time that night. Her breasts flopped out, thudding against her voluminous gut. She sat on the couch expectantly. “Wanna. . .make you. . .proud!” 

“I was proud, when you were doing what you were supposed to!” Trixi tugged at her silver hair. “Babe, I CANNOT sleep with you!” Trixi groaned, wiping her forehead. “Rules forbid that sort of thing!” 

“Pffffffft, rules?” Emily blew a raspberry, kicking off her pants. She shimmied her thick legs, trying to make them work despite the alcohol induced heaviness. Emily was clumsy and slow and her pants came off mostly because of the grinding of her thighs. Stitches popped and snapped and the tight pants were reduced to mostly tatters by the time they were extricated off of Emily. She sat on the couch, completely naked, looking up at Trixi with the utmost joy and inebriated delirium. “Tisscch issn’t about rules!” She said, toying with one of her long hair tails. “Thisscch iscch about myyyyy valentines!” Emily started to stand. Drooping rolls between either thigh clashed and slapped as her bulk was brought up from the couch. Her thong had snapped at the club, so fat was her only protection against bearing her lady parts. Emily cared little, sloshing her belly back and forth as she started to stand. Fat drooped low from her stomach. Her breasts, meanwhile, poked forward. They were as eager to hug and fondle Trixi as Emily was. She left the couch, two perfect indentations of her butt left behind. 

“You WERE going to have the best Valentines, if you had stayed behind and fucked those girls! They were so into you!” Trixi stood her ground even as Emily advanced. Her breasts bounced as her protege in romance lumbered forward. Trixi’s hands found her hips, the pose of every pissed off bimbo that had ever lived. “Maybe not even all of them, just fuuuuucccking one of them!” She ranted even as she felt the shorter woman’s gut on her own half naked body. “But not me. . .never me.” Trixi huffed, crossing her arms.

“Why nooot?” Emily said, thrusting her gut forward. It slapped home, jiggling the rest of Emily’s bulk as well as Trixi’s tits. The fairy’s breasts were big enough that they hung down to meet Emily’s gut. Emily smacked her belly against Trixi again, rubbing it a little afterwards. “‘Fraid you aren’t. . .woman enough for me?” She purred. Her gut hit home a third time. Little beads of sweat were forming on both women as heat built where their bellies connected. Emily shifted back and forth on her thick legs, waiting for her challenge to be taken up. She could feel her buttcheeks squishing into each other, almost as if one was trying to ride over top of the other. 

“Woman enough?” Trixi frowned. “Listen, Tubby, I’m more than enough for you. I could have every bit of you for breakfast and still be ready.” Her hand found Emily’s gut and squeezed. She sloshed the mounds of fat back and forth, her own svelte curves mirroring them. “You should ask if you are ready for me!” 

“Let’s do it then. Come on. . .gimmie the best Valentines ever!” Emily put the challenge out again. Whatever “rules” Trixi had were getting washed away in a flood of egoism and lust. “Gimmie exactly what I want. Use that dinky little wand of yours and let’s get to it. Gimme the night of my life!” 

“You won’t even know what hit you.” Trixi scoffed. She pulled out her wand, waiving it such that the sigils and inherent magic came racing back into the room. Emily’s apartment pulsed with carnal energy. The big woman swooned as humid heat swamped the room and the scent of cinnamon came in after. Candles floated about the room, pink and white flames dancing upon them. The door to the bedroom fluttered and then opened. Invisible string instruments plucked out notes meant to stir the heart. Trixi spread her magic out both far and wide, blindly casting every spell she knew to enhance an evening’s pleasure. She would not have it said that she left a patron in need. Her spells slung around the room, changing the apartment into a den of love. The wild magic would change every bit of the apartment, searching and finding everything that was out of place and rewriting it. Yet, it was not only the inanimate that was subject to change. The spells could only find so much furniture to perfect to Emily’s wishes. Their magic did not dissipate, rather, it found a new target. As Trixi grabbed Emily and kissed her, she began to change. 

“Better be ready.” Trixi was playful even through her wrath. She kissed Emily hard, seeking out her lips. At the same time, Trixi’s belly began to search out Emily’s. Trixi’s belly had been washboard flat, with only a hint of softness for cuddling. Now, as her spells took root, it quickly grew. It formed outward, turning into a paunch. Her belly button became a deep cave, surrounded by saggings hills of fat. Her gut pooled outwards, widening at the same rate her hips did. Her panties dug into the wealth of hip fat at the same time they were buried under her gut. Trixi had possessed just a bit of hip chub at the beginning, a little treat for a lover to grab onto as they fucked her raw. Now, however, her hips shot outward. They became heavy and obscenely curvaceous. Artistic bends exploded into pornographic expanses. The fairy had to hike her belly up on top of Emily’s to even stay in contact. The two continued kissing even as the rising dough of Trixi’s bulk pushed each other away. The two stopped kissing only for brief moments as Trixi realized what was happening. “Oh. . .you bitch!” She pouted. “You BETTER make this worth it.” She huffed. It was only the feeling of Emily’s mouth around one of her breasts that drew her back into the fun.

Emily sucked on a breast that was quickly becoming too big for her. The natural bodaciousness of Trixi’s breasts grew exponentially. Her bra snapped, even without the help of the fatter woman. Emily treaded a line of sexual satisfaction and suffocation as the pillow tit grew outwards. She teased the nipple in her mouth, feeling it become puffy and inverted with subsequent licks. Emily’s hands were laden with soft breast fat, too heavy to be held by a single arm. The 600 lb woman struggled under the load of even one of Trixi’s engorged breasts. The thought that there was a second, identical breast next to it was a mental burden as well. She heard the fairy grunt as the weight of her breasts finally became too much. The spells of growth and change were proving stronger than Trixi’s spells of minor weightlessness, something she had used to stave off back pain for years. Emily probed the breasts, sliding up and around one to find the place where they met. Trixi’s new double chin dangled just above it. The reborn fairy now possessed curves all over her body, ones that warped into hidden valleys and nooks. Emily rested her face on the fattened fairy’s growing chest. The fattening was beginning to taper off, but she felt tremors spreading still. “Looking good. . .baaabbbe.” Emily said, grinning up at her lover for the night. 

“Ugh. You’re really discovering yourself tonight, aren’t you?” Trixi rolled her eyes, having lost none of her sass. “Couldn’t you be the only fat one?” Trixi reached a hand under her new gut, testing the jiggliness and heft. She felt her panties holding on for dear life. The pink fabric had been pulled tighter than a drawn bowstring. She was still smaller than Emily, not that it mattered much. Over 300 lbs of fairy wobbled in the center of the apartment. 

“Nooope!” Emily kissed Trixi’s double chin, her weight pushing the other woman back. Their naked bodies slapped audibly together. “I have been wanting to feel my fat bounce off of someone else’s all night!” She jiggled her gut, making it tickle Trixi’s. The absurdity of the situation caused both women to break into a fit of giggles. Trixi’s anger melted in the face of the sheer insanity and lovestruck nature of Emily. 

“Well, you’re going to feel it now. Come on. . .” She grabbed Emily’s hand and led her towards the bedroom. Even without knowing the precise layout of the apartment, Trixi could find the bedroom. An underrated talent of a love fairy was knowing where the closest mattress was at all times. Trixi tried to maintain her model strut, but felt the desire to waddle welling up within her. Her thighs rubbed and chafed around each other. Her butt bumped and lifted the edges of Emily’ cascading gut. “You have to be sure about this though! I’m not lying when I say there are rules.” Trixi looked back, silver hair falling over her now round and padded shoulder. Any trace of her neck bones had long hidden. Her eyes caught the feverish twinkle of Emilys and she knew that there wasn’t going to be any reasoning with her. “Have it your way.” Trixi shrugged, leading Emily to the bed. She lay the fatter woman down on it. Even Trixi couldn’t deny that the squeal which came from the bed as 600 lbs of Emily landed on it was exciting. As the obese fairy made her way on top of Emily she realized the bed wouldn’t last the night. 

Emily giggled as her stomach was mashed and smooshed by Trixi’s. There was little she could do besides wait for the pleasuring to begin. Trixi lumbered up onto the bed, her womanly gracefulnes stolen away. Emily’s gut was the earth and Trixi’s moon shaped belly broke over the horizon. The two heavenly bodies clashed and collided against, fatty jiggles and ripples spreading outwards. Emily felt her sex pulse as Trixi wedged her own hips towards it. Quickly thereafter, the smaller woman began to gyrate. Trixi rode Emily like a bull, leaving no room for rest. Her knees fanned out for support, digging into the creaking mattress. The two fat women made love, each trying to increase and match the other intensity. Emily moaned heartily, her noises deep and almost bovine like. She was the queen sow and reveled in the pleasure of talking an ethereally beautiful creature into bed with her. Further, she loved the feeling of Trixi’s flab slapping her own. The two were clumsy, each trying to work past their own deposits of fat, but that only made the games more fun. Trixi would break only to catch her breath, but even that time was spent kissing Emily or sucking on her breasts. 

“As if! I could. . .oooohh. . .do this. . .even if. . .I was twice as. . .big!” Trixi immediately returned to her duties, gyrating wildly. She shifted, sitting her gigantic ass on Emily’s lap. She danced and slammed her butt atop the fatter woman’s thigh-throne. It was crazed and erratic, but Emily could feel the skill underneath. The trio at the club had only been playing at sexuality, whilst Trixi knew it well. The fairy might have been fighting her bulk, but she worked that into her joyous play. The tempo of love making changed, speeding up or slowing down as Trixi lost or gained endurance. Sweat gleamed on both of their bodies, heat filling the room. Partly due to the magic and partly to such large women moving, sweaty mists filled the room. The bedroom became a sauna, charged with the ever present smell of cinnamon and incense. Emily propped a pillow under her flabby back so she could better study Trixi’s body, far too fat to hold her own mass up. She arranged herself in time to watch beads of sweat trickle down Trixi’s back rolls and flow between her dimpled buttcheeks. “Aaaah. . .aaaah. . .aaahhh!” Trixi moaned, summoning similar passionate noises from Emily.

“Moooore! Ooooh. . .fuck me. . .moooore!” Emily called like an empress commanding a servant. Emily could see Trixi’s large breasts flopping back and forth even past the fairy’s wide back. Yet, as her eyes traveled down Trixi’s body, Emily saw more and more of her own fat. Her stomach was a writhing mound of blubber, shaking back and forth. Her belly button shifted and slid, pushed into odd shapes as Trixi’s gigantic ass collided with the lowest folds of it. Emily licked her lips, wishing that she could reach the other woman. She wanted to hold and caress the fairy’s supple fat. She wanted her thick fingers to snap the thong that was deeply lodged within Trixi’s rear. Emily relaxed into the lap dance, wondering how the night could get any better. Her pussy practically hummed as her thighs and drooping gut folds rubbed against it. Radiating waves of pleasure seethed out through her body, only intensifying as time went on. To Emily, the entire world was wrapped up in the movement of Trixi’s fat against her own. She was blind to anything else, even the specific moves the fairy made. She almost did not notice when Trixi switched positions.

“Time for this hog to find her favorite trough.” Trixi’s voice purred, floating over the bouncing landscape of fat to tickle Emily’s ears. She looked up to see the fairy prowling like an obese lioness. Iridescent dragonfly wings fluttered in the candlelight before merging with Trixi’s back. The big woman rested her face on Emily’s stomach, planting kisses on it. She licked and suckled, traveling down the curved rim of fat. Neither woman had been fat for very long. Even with Emily’s hours’ worth of experience, she had never thought about how good the feeling of a mouth on the underside of her gut felt. Sensitive and tucked away from the world, her underbelly was a rich and erogenous area. It was only the pathway to greater pleasures though. Emily gripped the bed. Trixi planted kiss after kiss, leading towards her pussy. The obese woman could only stare at the fairy’s gyrating ass in anticipation. Trixi’s naked butt bounced as she lowered her mouth and tongue further between Emily’s thighs. Emily’s eyes widened as she felt the first lick. The real feast and fun were about to begin. 


Hours later, Tixie lay on the bed snuggling Emily. Her flabby arms sunk deep into her protege turned lover. The Valentine’s Fairy nuzzled the other woman, as good at cuddling as she was at the more active parts of romance. The two lay in the remnants of the crater that had once been the mattress. Vigorous and unending love had split the wooden frame and brushed the bedding. The floor underneath the women might have been caved in as well, with nearly a half ton of fat forced upon it over and over. No part of Emily had been left unexplored or unpleasured. The corpulent human had indeed found her match in Trixi and could now rest. Emily murmured in her sleep, dreaming still of love between the two. Trixi stroked her the other woman’s hair, feeling the softness in both her locks and the fat beneath. The fairy was proud of what she had accomplished, turning a mousey woman into a certified sex bomb. She sighed, snuggling all the closer. Their sweaty, naked bodies coalesced into a singular mass of jiggling flab. 

“That was pretty worth it.” Trixi whispered, knowing that Emily was too tired to wake. “You better not change your mind when you wake up!” She gave a deep chortle, feeling her gut bounce against Emily’s back and booty. “Deal’s a deal after all. Not my fault if you don’t check how fairies work.” Trixi was caught between enjoying the moment and arguing with a fictional Emily. Trixi planted kisses on Emily’s neck, finding the softest portions of the fat woman’s neck. Once again magic was working, spinning and whirling about the room. This was deeper, however, than any of the spells that Trixi had cast. The primal forces which governed the Fae World had come out to play. Even if Trixi had wanted to stop the processes, she could not. All she could do was sigh and hug her lover. Magic flowed into the room, a roaring torrent of carnal energy from the depths of the universe. Trixi felt it tickling her feet. Things would begin in earnest pretty soon. “Wonder what you are dreaming of?” She mused, tapping Emily’s head. Visions of the fat woman’s dreams came to Trixi. She saw herself. “Oh my gawd.” Trixi rolled her eyes. “You REALLY have the weirdest kinks.” She blew a lock of silver hair out of her face, feeling the primal magic entering her. There was no going back now. 

--- Morning After ---

Emily awoke in the shattered remains of her bed. Shreds of mattress stuffing and woodchips lay around her. She stretched, trying to make sense of what happened the previous night. Visions and blurs came back to her. The silver haired fairy, the instant weight gain, the bar, and everything that came after was a wild jumble. It was almost hard to believe that any of it had happened. If not for the shattered bed frame, she would have written it all off as the dreaming of a lonely woman. The bed was a testament to what reality was, with everything stripped away. Trixi was gone, the floating candles had disappeared, and even Emily’s fat had been sucked away. She had returned to her skinny self. She patted her naked body, feeling for any residual fat. She touched only smooth skin, muscle, and bone. Emily’s wild and weighty ride had come to a swift and decisive end. She rolled out of the broken bed, leaving its smashed confines. Emily stood and stretched. She was pleased to find that her body was sore from her adventures in lust. She started to walk slowly towards the bathroom that was built into her room. 

“Pfff. . .so much for ‘the rules’.” Emily was only a little sour at waking up alone. She hadn’t known what to expect, but the abrupt disappearance had not been high on her list. The now skinny woman walked into the bathroom, inspecting her body. She found it slim, but still possessing the extra curves it had been blessed with. Her breasts over flowed her hands whilst her butt could be seen even if she was turned around. The long and platinum blonde hair had remained as well. While no longer 600 lbs, Emily was at least more than what she had been before Trixi’s magic. “At least she let me keep the hair and the booty.” Emily smiled and slapped her rump. She walked to the shower, an extra step in her walk to keep her jiggly bits bouncing. Emily’s shower was long and thorough, with her taking many extra minutes to inspect her body. Though bereft of the fat she had come to enjoy, Emily found that she could well enjoy what she had been left with. When she finally left the shower, steam had curled through even the bedroom.

Emily then tugged on a shirt. Her new breasts made it more of a crop top than a shirt. Similarly, she found that her voluminous butt would poke out of her pajama pants. There was a lot of posing and posturing in front of the mirror to decide the best angles to show off her new attributes. As she posed and inspected her body, Emily always caught sight of the ruined bed behind her. She slowly stopped and walked away from the mirror. “Man, she really could have at least stayed for breakfast.” Emily walked away dejected. She stood at one of the still standing pieces of the bed frame, hand rubbing its polished wood. “What a night.” Emily said, before falling silent. 

“Eeeeeeemmmmmmmm! Need yoooooouuu!” An unmistakable voice called from outside of the bedroom. Emily’s head jerked around, her large breasts following behind. Without wait she ran towards the other room. It felt surprisingly good to run again, unburneded by the weight she had adopted for part of the previous night. The heavy jumps of her breasts and butt were more than enough for her. She reached the door and skidded out into the living room. Seconds later, a confused Emily landed on her large rump. 

BBBBLOOOOORRRUUUUPPP. . .heeeeey baaabe. . .BBBLLUURRRUUUP. . .wanna top me. . .uuuurrp. . .off?” After another room shaking belch came the sloshing of a partially emptied beer can and then the clattering of it on the ground. Emily gaped, looking at the woman that filled the couch with her sweaty, unwashed, beer drenched mass. Something that might once have resembled a fairy of love rested on a dilapidated sofa. Both the couch and Trixi had undergone a tremendous metamorphosis. The formerly plush and elegant heart shaped seat was now a broken down and ratty couch. Likewise, Trixi was an icon of slobby debauchery rather than one of erotic love. She had indeed stayed through the night, absorbing magic and the deranged thoughts of Emily’s subconscious dreaming. “Weh-heh-heh-heh. . .thisssccch stuff. . .BBLOOOORRUP. . .goesscch away so quick!” Trixi laughed hard enough to make her monstrous tits shake. That shaking was rewarded with foaming beer being dumped on them from the can in her other hand. 

“Trixi! Good god! What happened to you?” Emily asked, light headed. 

“Ruuuuuuuulllleeeescccch. . .duuuuuuuUUUUURRRROOOP!” Trixi belched through the final part of her sentence. “I waaaarned you.” She said, as if that explained what she had become. She was fatter than even Emily had been at her biggest. The fairy was a rolling mass of sweaty, greasy blubber. She was lightly dressed, with a stained gray shirt as a top. Her hips stretched from end to end of the ruined couch. Her stomach sagged between her open thighs, dripping beer and sweat onto the floor. Above it all rained the largest, swampiest pair of breasts the world had ever seen. Fueled by the insanity bubbling under Emily’s sex conscious mind, Trixi’s breasts had reached ludicrous proportions. The fluffy pancakes could strain most chairs with their weight. They were twin oceans of flab, so fat that they had merged with her under arm fat. Trixi was even confused with what to do with their sodden, bloated mass. She shifted constantly, unsure of whether to use them as arm pillows or keep them as bibs for her sloppy drinking. Trixi tipped back her final beer can and started to gulp it down. A face thick with fat wobbled with each glug of beer. She finished, tossing the can aside so that it could rest with it’s crushed fellows. 

“That doesn’t. . .what did you. . .oooh lord. . .” Emily couldn’t formulate proper questions. She stared into the sweaty, beefy expanse of fairy fat. Trixi listed back and forth, enjoying her drunkenness and slobbery. With one hand she attempted to lift a breast, licking what she could reach. Salty sweat, beer, and whatever else had been in Emily’s fridge came rushing into her mouth. She might have cleaned the entirety of her tit, had her arms not given out. She dropped it into a spray of greasy residue. 

“Noooot me. . .you!” Trixi pointed an accusatory finger at Emily. “Turns out. . . HEEELLLEEEERRRRP. . .you’re a bigger freak than I thought.” She spread her hands wide over her ruined body. “Fat, drunk, slobby, and with no fashion sense.” Her hands caressed the expanses of fat. “Turns out. . .BBBBEEERRRRUUUUUP. . .thatssch what you want. . .in a spouse.” Trixe grew coy as she finished. She lifted her wall of gut, revealing gleaming thighs. Emily watched as the remnants of Trixi’s pink thong morphed into more fitting undergarments. The thong stretched wide over her stomach, moving upwards like a timelapse of growing vegetation. The color changed as the thong stretched once more into panites, going from a vivid pink to a neon green. While the thong had originally highlighted Trixi’s curves, fitting seamlessly, these new panties served to accentuate her corrupted fatness. Now stretched over the lowest folds of her gut, Trixi toyed with the magical fabric. She hoisted them, dragging her belly along with it. Fat bounced in the neon colored swing, already marking it with grease and sweat. “How do you. . .BBBLLLURRRUUUP. . .like it?” The drunken fairy winked at Emily.

“S-spouse?” Emily shot the word back, unsure if she had heard correctly. 

“Yeeuuup!” Trixi snapped her pudgy digits, summoning another beer from some magical dimension. She cracked and began to chug it. Again her double and triple chin were forced into laborious action, flopping up and down as she drank. She stopped halfway through the drink, setting the can between her massive breasts. The can shook in time with the constant undulations of Trixi’s breasts, spilling foam out of the top. “Fairies mate for life.” Trixi leaned her bulk over, scratching at the panties buried deep within her asscrack. The broken down couch whined as all of her weight bore down on the left side. Deep scratches were dug into the floor as the couch legs ground down. Trixi then finished, slamming her other sagging cheek back into place. “I’m aaaaaaallllllll yours, honey!” The corrupted fairy spread her arms wide. Her bicep fat dangled down, swinging almost low enough to meet with her breasts. “Come give your new wifey a. . . BEEEELLLLRRRUUUUP. . .hug!” Trixi’s arm hovered in the air, lacking the muscle to hold their weight. Dark sweat stains under each armpit were revealed. 

Emily stood and walked as if in a dream. She now had the body of a goddess, pillaged from another divine being in a bizarre turn of events. She drew close to her lover. The smell of cinnamon remained, but was tainted with spilled beer and body odor. The sounds of Trixi’s labored breathing became more noticeable. Her naked stomach heaved with each breath, shoving her breasts further apart and rolling her green panties down again. Beaded sweat was around every inch of Trixi’s body, rolling in streams in and out of thick rolls. This was what she wanted? Emily was again confronted with her buried desires. She recalled Trixi’s initial fattening, the two of them slamming their obesity together until climax came, but this was further even than that. Yet, her feet carried her forward still and her heart thumped in her chest. Emily could not explain her attraction to the creature which took up the now dilapidated couch. However, she had been unable to explain her desire to be fat. Rather, it had been something to experience and enjoy. Emily roosted her thin, busty body within Trixi’s mountainous form. 

It was a deep and sensual hug. Every second bringing new understanding to Emily. Locked away behind dreams and subconscious thoughts, she now was confronted by her own desires made manifest. She was awash in an ocean of stained fat, the uncleanliness washing off onto her own body. Huge and puffy breasts were her cushions whilst a sagging cut was her mattress. Log like arms folded around her back, enclosing her in humid and warm blubber. Trixi belched before kissing Emily. All of her skill in love making had apparently been whisked away or was suppressed to heighten the moment. Trixi kissed forcefully and clumsily, almost licking Emily’s neck. She was gluttony and eros combined, lacking any subtly. Emily felt her butt being groped by thick hands, where yesterday it might have been cupped gently. Trixi moaned and belched loudly through the kiss, like she was trying to announce to the entire apartment building she was entangled with Emily. A thousand different deviant and boorish behaviors presented themselves. Each time Emily asked herself if she really wanted these. Trixi seemed built to disgust now, with her natural beauty buried under so much grease and blubber. Emily wondered if she was getting drunk off of the residual beer that had been spilled on her lovers body.

The two stopped only when Trixi ran out of breath. She flopped backwards on the couch, belching again. Emily rolled off to one side, wedging between the couch and Trixi’s flabby buttock. “Scchoo. . .happy with. . .HHURRRULUUUUP. . .the new me?” Trixi panted the question out. Her fat fell like a landslide, slipping roll by roll onto the tiny woman at her side. “Ready for a. . .big. . .slobby. . .wife?” She grinned, chins squashing down to press out sweat. Emily could detect just a hint of nervousness in the question. 

“I. . .well. . .” She thought back to the myriad of annoyances, indignities, and humiliations that had happened in only the past couple minutes. She then thought to the future, where there would only be more. Emily looked up at her taller, fatter lover. “We’re really bonded?” 

“Fuck yeah, I’m. . .BLLLURRUUP. . .yoursscch. . .bitsscch!” Trixi said, drunkenness again taking a stronger hold. She grinned, proud of how far she had fallen in such a short time. 

A lifetime of serving a hog. There was no helping or redeeming Trixi now. Worse, Emily’s deviant mind might only make the fairy worse. In the space of a day she had uncovered much about her kinks. There was little doubt as to what the future would hold. She was to be the trophy wife to a belligerent, demanding, boorish beast with dragonfly wings. She could think of few futures more appealing. “Yeah, I think I can manage that.” She hugged her new wife, pushing her face into the deepest, floppiest underarm roll. The pile of fat shifted, dropping a breast bigger than Emily’s entire torso down. Trixi hugged back, little tears coming from her eyes. The hug lasted golden minutes. It was only after that Emily voiced another question. “So. . .why am I skinny now?” 

Trixi gave a resounding chortle. She leaned back, hiking up her neon green panties again. She slapped her thick stomach, the fat moving like pudding. “Well. . .I got some wishes too.” the behemoth fairy winked. “You being tiny makes certain things a lot easier.” Emily’s face scrunched up into a goofy, lustful smile as Trixi patted her gut again. She had heard few sounds as corrupt and indolent as that. It was the heartbeat to their love. “Plus, I wanted a little cutie to keep my beer and libido topped off.” Trixi’s hand scooted around to Emily’s rear. “Speaking of which. . .” Emily needed no further instructions.



This turned out to be a lot more fun than even I initially expected! Not to hive too much but it’s a spectacular way to show a fun twist on making deals with fae, especially with that ending! Grand kudos for your passionate and fun word choices, too! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


This was honestly a really cute story of self discovery. It was fun to see our lead slowly come to understand her desires throughout the night. And in the end, come to meet in the middle with someone *elses* desires as well. Very fun!

James Duke

Thanks!! Haha if you can believe it, I had the ending in mind first and worked backwards from there.