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Hello, everyone!

This week we'll start visually showing our progress, and the style we chose can be found in the image header above. We added multiple bars for the categories that are most relevant to show our progress. This style may change still, but we'll roll with it for a few weeks at least to get a feel for it.

The bars represent finished work, such as scenes written, sets designed and renders completed. And as always, these are rough estimations based on our current knowledge and estimations. The total numbers may increase or decrease as we progress deeper into the development cycle and things evolve.

The progress bar isn't everything we did this week. We also worked on a couple of sets, texture fixing, outfits for several characters, and bacon. We also found some great new shirt assets for Kate to... show off her assets. For some reason, casual shirts with a modest cleavage are hard to come by.

We also finished everything required for a memory flashback scene, this time for Player. The flashback for Sophie in CH05 was one of our favorites from a development perspective. We have many more flashbacks planned for the future for most of the characters in order to tell their stories.

Other news

Several polls ended today, including Sophie's outfit poll. The winning option is the Blue shirt! It was the clear favorite from the very beginning so this may not come as much of a surprise.

The monthly special poll has also ended, and the winner for November is Eve.

Last but not least, we posted Mia's outfit poll earlier this week. Unlike Sophie's poll, this will be a close one! There is currently a different option leading for every tier and the votes are very close. The Pink option does however seem to be leading, followed by Floral in second place, and Black in third. It could swing any way still.

Cheers and have a great weekend!

Robison & Npx



Lefty B

I agree that resting is good. Also. I, too, have heard about the shortage of "non-cleavaged" casual shirts. It's a national crisis that, inexplicably, no one seems able to fix. :-) Great work as always. Thanks for the I updates.


Progress bars are awesome, thanks for that