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Hello, everyone!

It was a great week. We went over several quality of life changes for the game, such as adding auto-play and the option for players to customize their replay experience. Some renders where the textures were bothersome were fixed, and there are many, many more in the queue still waiting to be fixed. We also addressed some issues reported in Discord. We'd like to thank everyone who has reported bugs, typos and render mistakes to us so far! It really helps us.

We worked on the outfits that the girls will wear in the upcoming day, especially Mia. Her outfit is designed but you will get to vote on the final look. The same goes for Sophie's outfit. These will mainly be shirt color options as the rest of the outfit is already decided. For example, Sophie will be sporting a navy blue pleated skirt.

Scripting has been coming along nicely and we're ready to start posing and making more renders for the next update. In the next few weeks we'll be deciding on the best way to show our progress visually. We'll try to keep it relatively simple to follow. And no, it won't be a fade-in progress bar this time!


  • Togglable color-coded choice buttons
  • Customizable replay starts
  • Fixed a bug in replay
  • Outfits for the girls
  • Added auto-play
  • Menu changes
  • Render fixes
  • Scripting


The feedback survey for CH05 has surpassed the amount of responses for the previous survey, in just two weeks! Amazing. Thanks everyone for contributing your thoughts and answers. And in case you have no idea what the feedback survey even is, you can find it here.

Cheers and have a great weekend,

Robison & Npx




Seriously though i think this is the best dating sim I've ever played. Naughty Fox Games, you are the heroes this world deserves.


Just found this yesterday and yes, the graphics are great. But the story - well I think I decide later. For me it looks like a typical teenager game so far.