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Hello, everyone!

The end is near! The end of this development cycle, that is, and nothing worse. Last weekend we spent some time finding the source of some crashes and stability issues that were causing us headaches. One more pro tip on how to crash Daz3d learned! One of the sources ended up being a pretty simple "user error" issue. One of those oversights that leaves you feeling pretty dumb after figuring it out... 

Also, this week I'm claiming ownership over the status update and bringing back the bullet point list for a small recap of the week:

  • ~130 new renders
  • SFX for 1 scene
  • 1 1/2 scenes coded in, waiting for SFX
  • Texting content
  • Ambience was balanced in a couple of scenes
  • Further playtesting
  • Rework of a small section of a scene
  • Removed 1 Helen render

So, what's left to do? A little bit here and there. There's been a minor roadblock in the final scene as we're figuring out the flow and delivery. We also set a deadline for ourselves a while back that we could realistically reach, and we're on track to reach it. But we won't commit to a date just yet. As much as we'd love to have a solid release date to look forward to, it's not possible yet. The previous release suffered slightly from a set release date and we've learned from that experience.

Last week's POV topic

There were a lot of comments in response to our question last week, so thank you to everyone who responded! We found out that the topic is quite divisive, which is exactly why we wanted to ask and learn more about it. Regardless, there won't be any reworks or massive changes as a result. We took some liberties with the POV in CH04 already to get some more interesting shots, and that's the type of content you can expect in the future as well. Just a bit more, especially during lewd scenes.

Thank you for reading.

Have a great and comfy weekend!

Npx & Robison




How long playwise is the next Update?


It should be larger than the previous content, i.e. the content has apparently doubled. I got this info from the Disord, I'm not sure if that's official.


As always thanks for the weekly updates, and glad to see the return of the bullet points. It's nice to have some raw numbers mixed in with the overall progress. And a shame about the decrease in Helen content. Although rumor has it the removal of every one of her appearances is made up with two additional Miller renders?!? How lucky are we....