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Hello, everyone!

This week we'll focus on the content we have so far, and what still remains to be created. We have passed the point of doubling the content of CH04. In quick numbers, CH05 currently looks like this:

  • 2400+ renders (rendered and unrendered).
  • 8 lewd animations (unrendered).

The last stretch of work consists of several hundred renders still, mainly remaining scenes of Eve, Bree and Mia.

For a good while now we're been running a big render queue, which has been in the hundreds at times. The animation frames are also all unrendered because we're rendering out the story renders first. There's still a couple of possible animations and some extra angles we'd like to do, but they're in "maybe" territory. We're opting out of cinematic and extra animations until we're able to render 24/7 in the background.

We haven't been fond of making estimations because the render times are a huge impacting factor and there are only so many hours in the day to create new content. Our current render queue for example is "only" about 90 hours if left to render continuously, plus loading times. The animations are far, far in the 100+ hours territory... but we'll look into optimizing that when we reach that point.

At this point it might be obvious what the problem is, and the good news is that we've worked towards fixing it. We are slowly building a 24/7 rendering rig. We've already done a lot of the back-end work to have it functioning with ease when it comes to file sharing, assets and that sort of thing. Our plan has been to get this rig fully functional with the release of CH05.

Choices, choices...

We also had a really long talk about the development time of CH05 and how it took over the content of CH06. We're not really happy about it, and at this point we're not as confident that we made the right call. The longer wait times are coming back around to bite us in the ass... but there's always options to consider. 

After thinking it over, we boiled it down to two possible options:

A) Continue creating CH05 as we currently are.

B) Make changes to CH05, moving some scenes to CH06 to release faster.

Option A means the train keeps on chugging, no stops. We finish the evening and night content fully before releasing CH05 exactly as we envisioned it, with no scenes left out. It would still take some time to create, and especially to render. We prefer this option because it's the whole package as we planned it.

Option B means the train switches tracks. We cut the chapter right before the night content starts with the main girls and save those scenes for the next chapter. This obviously means CH05 wouldn't contain all the content we envisioned for it and might end abruptly, but it would enable us to release the chapter much faster.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Regardless, the render queue is popping off and the work continues. On the coding and SFX side of things, work has been a breeze since it's much easier when it doesn't require hundreds of hours of waiting (unless something is seriously wrong). We also edited the script and created more custom morphs for our clothing so the fabric moves more naturally.

Next week we're looking forward to focus on some intimate scenes, and more scripting.

Other news

We published June's special render of Mia earlier today. It's a little camping trip with some strip poker. In case you didn't have a chance to see it yet, you can find it here!


Robison & Npx




Too many A ! Vote b - at this post if you have gone so long you do not have player feedback - I agree you do not want to rush but if you go off the deep end without feedback it lets you development the next idea rather than shoving everything you got in - bag -/ vote b


go with option A im okay with waiting for a better more finished product