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Hello, everyone!

This week most of our effort was spent on editing, coding and creating new renders. We also tackled a small scene that's been sitting on the shelf until it was ready to be worked on. It's a small flashback/memory scene. We've been unsure how to approach it until now, but everything's finally coming together smoothly now that all the pieces are in place.

We have several flashbacks planned to show the girls' background stories, the first one being the one in CH04 dedicated to Mia and Player's bracelets. Which makes us wonder, what's your opinion on flashbacks and memories? Do you like getting a glimpse into the characters' pasts, or do you prefer to stay in the present moment?

And moving into next week, we will continue to work on some of the lewd content planned for CH05!


We published Eve's special render this week, and Sophie's Sith render for May 4th. In case you missed them, you can find them below:

April Special Render - Eve 

May the 4th be with you! 

Thanks for reading!

Cheers and have a great weekend,

Robison & Npx 



Samantha Roseheart

I love having the opportunities the learn more about the characters in any story honestly


As long as they’re not overused, flashbacks are great for showing us more about a character rather than just telling us (show not tell writing 101) without being constricted to the current stories setting. Love the story set up so far!