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Hello, everyone!

Wet stuff. This week, one of the things we focused on was wetness and figuring out what looks and feels right when combined with lighting. We ended up changing some previous assets and replacing them with another, which turned out to be heavier and more time consuming to use. Simulating wet hair definitely isn't one of the fastest things in the world. However, the results are so much better!

We had some flushing and sweat effects in CH04 already, and CH05 will have its fair share coming as well.

A couple of scenes also received some reworking this week, mostly the art. There is one scene in CH05 that needs some retouching still, but that can wait for now. It's quite annoying to look back at a set of renders and realize there's something completely broken in the background in all of them... especially when the time spent fixing them could be much better spent elsewhere. Unfortunate, but shit happens.

Earlier this week we also published February's special render, featuring Eve. You can find it here in case you missed it.


We did some number crunching regarding CH05 and what's left. It's hard to say exactly how big the chapter will be before it's done, but we estimate that the render count for CH05 will be almost double that of CH04. The animation count is also pretty high up there, which is a little bit intimidating... but we will push on. Plenty of work to do still!

Cheers and enjoy your weekend!

Robison & Npx



Twisty Ninja

Oh the joys of getting wetness and lighting to work well together haha. Sorry to hear about things being broken in the background of certain render sets! Hope it isn't TOO much of a pain in the ass for y'all to fix. That's a lot of content coming in CH05! Just getting more and more excited for the eventual release! Hope y'all enjoy your weekend too!

Samantha Roseheart

Keep up the great work! Love what y'all have done so far!