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Hello, everyone!

CH04 has come and gone and we're now deep in the planning stage of CH05. Rendering has also begun! CH04 ended up being roughly twice the size of previous chapters and CH05 will be in the same territory. Progress reports for CH05 will begin properly next week.

We also hit our Patreon goal of 400 patrons this month! This is of course temporary as the number will drop at the start of next month, but it still feels amazing to have such a huge amount of support. Big thanks to all our supporters, old and new!

We hope you're enjoying the game so far!

CH04 Feedback survey

We received a ton of responses in the feedback survey this release. A lot more than previous surveys, which is very inspiring! We read all your responses and take your feedback to heart so we can improve and make a better game. And in case you missed the survey and you want to take it, you can find it here. 

November special render

This month's special render goes to Bree. So far we've only had main girls in the special renders, but next month we'll include side girls as well, as a test. If you missed the previous two special renders, you can find them here:

October Special Render: Sophie 

September Special Render: Caitlynn (Ms. Hill) 

Have a great weekend, and see you next week!

Robison & Npx



