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Hello there!

This week we've mostly been waiting for scenes and animation frames to render, which is not very exciting. But while that's been running we've also been coding, adding music and SFX, and scripting the next chapter.

We hit our increased render goal! But add animations on top of that and the render time have essentially doubled... which seems like a good time to mention our hardware upgrades: a new GPU (and PSU)! It's not the newest but rather from the previous generation, a 3090. This doubles our VRAM which will be a major time saver as we'll no longer need to rely on tricks to make heavy scenes fit the memory.

It's also becoming increasingly clear that we need a second machine purely for rendering. We try to only render during offline hours normally so we can create more renders, but this has led to a giant queue of renders and animation frames which we're now stuck waiting on. Not terrible, but not ideal for an efficient workflow either. Thankfully, we're fixing it by throwing money at the problem. And it seems to work!

Progress & News

Now, the progress. Where is it at? 99? 100? Well, the way we count the progress is by how ready the entire chapter is, not just the renders. The writing has been done for quite some time now, as have many other parts. We're edging on 99% right now as we're essentially done, and that 1% includes missing renders, fixes, and play testing. But it's safe to say we'll have a release date for you next week!

Among other news would be the monthly special render. Mia is currently right behind Sophie in the Influencer poll. There are still several votes to go, so maybe this month she has a chance to win!

Status update XL, over and out.

Have a superb weekend, everyone!

Robison & Npx




Any plans for a Mac release? Thanks.


Hey! We will have a Mac version of the next chapter. There should already be one for the current release as well.


Looking forward to the next chapter :)