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Thank you for your warm support, likes and comments.

I am sorry to inform you that I will stop updating this site from March this year.

The reasons are due to the busy schedule of my day job and the lack of time caused by the difficulties in testing the new model.

Please cancel your subscription before the February payment as the stop will start from March.


*** Notes ***

I would like to take this opportunity to review my operational methods.

1. Sorry for the short notice, but after February 10, I will be deleting past works that have been posted for more than a month. If you have a favorite past work, please download it before then.

2. The works for February will be uploaded twice a month (1st and 16th in Japan time), and I will send you an update notice with the download URL of cloud storage via message. I will make effort to keep the total number of images as before.

For now, I hope to resume when the situation is right. (Timing is undecided.) I may post a small amount of free posts on a whim, so I hope you will continue your free membership.

I also plan to post non-R-18 images on Twitter about once every two days for a while, so please take a look there as well. https://twitter.com/yamadax3_

I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I look forward to the day when I can post better works here again.

* Unrelated to this matter, my account for pixiv has just recently been discontinued by the site administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience.






*** Notes *** 


1. 急で申し訳ありませんが2月10日以降は投稿から1か月以上経過した過去作品は削除予定です。もしお気に入りの過去作品がある場合はお手数ですがそれまでにダウンロードをお願いします。

2. 2月の作品のアップロードは月2回(日本時間 1日・16日)、メッセージにて更新のお知らせとクラウドのダウンロードURLをお送りします。合計枚数は従来通りとなるよう努力します。


また、しばらくは2日に1度程度Twitterで 非R-18画像を投稿予定ですのでよろしければそちらもご覧ください。https://twitter.com/yamadax3_ 





Sad to see you go but thanks for the heads up. Always loved your work and appreciate you doing my request! Hope things ease up for you and that you can return soon!